Fitness Tips For Women – Finding Time For P90X

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Chan

How Can Strength Training Help You Improve your Marathon Time

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by jordan Glenn

How Can Strength Training Help You Improve your Marathon Time

If you are interested in running a marathon, or already run regularly, then you should be aware of the number one mistake that many marathon runners make. Most runners never consider strength training to boost their times, and instead focus on cardiovascular training. While running consistently can help, your muscles need additional strength in order to go faster and improve times for the New York City marathon and half marathons.

The New York City marathon is a grueling race as many marathons go. The path includes streets that go up hills, over bridges around turns, and through generally tough city road conditions. In order for your body to get faster over these obstacles, your core and legs need strength training to increase your speed. A personal trainer NYC can help you understand the routes included in the NYC marathon and all half-marathons, as well as boost your speed through strength training.

But why is strength so important? Most personal trainers NYC emphasize the endurance portion of training, which is entirely off track for what runners need. In the past muscular strength wasn’t considered important. In fact, trainers focused only on endurance and speed. Rarely focusing on strength exercises to improve muscular endurance. The truth of the matter is that your muscles power your entire body. Your muscles can heave you over hills at top speeds. Without muscular endurance all over your body, you will never reach the speeds you want for marathon running.

In addition, a personal trainer NYC coach can help you prevent injury through strength training. Learning the right moves for your body type will increase muscle all over, and prevent knee injuries and hamstring problems. These are the two most common problems that runners face, which are mostly caused by lack of proper training and muscular development around the entire body.

Getting in the right strength moves at least 3 times a week can shave minutes off of your final marathon time. Over time you will quickly see that your marathon times are dramatically reduced and that you are stronger and faster than before! Always practice proper form and keep a balanced and challenging schedule in order to condition your body all over.

About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

The sequel to our strength training video. Featuring a variety of exercises which utilise the available environment. Consider this video not as an absolute definitive guide, but as a collection of ideas which conveys an overall ideology of being creative in your training. Take from it what you find useful, and disregard what doesn’t work for you. Feel free to modify any of the exercises shown in this video to better suit your own requirements. Featuring: Paul Maunder Dave Sedgley Dean Cheetham Plus guest appearances by: Adam Marr Claire Cheetham Music courtesy of Afferent, and The Dark Matter Thanks to Sam Highfield for use of the green screen Copyright Northern Parkour 2010 For those of you who send me messages asking about such things, here’s a list of the equipment and software used in the production of this video: Sony Z5 camera Final Cut Pro (Editing) Motion (Graphics) Shake (Digital compositing and rotoscoping) Pro Tools (Audio Mix) Color (Colour correction and grading) Quicktime Pro (H.264 conversion from Apple Pro Res master)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to Get More Fit One Step at a Time

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Bernard J. Elliot

Exercising is certainly an important part of getting fit and healthy but it isn’t all there is. Real fitness is more than just going for a run or lifting weights once in a while. You need to make smart choices in all areas of your life if you truly want to get fit. As you get older, leading a healthy lifestyle and being in good shape becomes more important. Think about it: how often do you tell yourself “I need to get healthy” over the course of a day, a week, a month or even a year?

Thankfully you can do a few things today to start to increase your health and fitness. Here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to be healthier and more physically fit.

Find a program to join. There are lots of programs that you can join with to give you support for increased fitness. It’s likely that there are a lot of different fitness programs to take part in at your community center or local gym. If those aren’t what you are looking for, you can find a variety of programs online. The Couch to 5K program is great training for people who want to increase their fitness levels and their endurance. The 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels is also very popular. These are just a couple of the programs you can do on your own that people have used and found success with. Give yourself some time to find a program that works great for you.

Ask a personal trainer for help. You are probably flirting with the idea of joining a gym (or quite possibly have already paid to join one). Lots of gyms have personal trainers on hand who can help you learn about fitness and help you put together a workout that you can use to get healthy. Personal trainers will be well versed in the gym’s equipment and can help you figure out which machines to use, which classes to take and how much time you should spend on your fitness. Your personal trainer will also act as your own personal cheerleader. Lots of people are scared to put together their own fitness routines. Working side by side with someone who is experienced in fitness and who wants you to succeed can help with that.

Start slowly and work your way up to a more involved routine. Beginners are generally unable to run ten miles when they start exercising. A person is almost never able to lift one hundred pounds when they begin lifting weights. Begin with simple and slow exercises and gradually build the intensity of your workout. When you try to do too much too fast you will most likely end up injured. If you try to push too much too quickly you could do a lot of damage. When you are planning your workout and fitness regimes, talk to doctors, trainers and physical therapists to get advice. Fitness is a total mind and body state of being. Even if you work out every single day you won’t get any healthier if you aren’t also nuturing your brain and soul. To really be fit you need to eat good food and make good lifestyle decisions. Of course, regular exercise is still very important to your overall fitness. Work with someone who knows what they are doing, be practical and use your common sense and eventually you will achieve a wonderful level of fitness.

For more information, please visit Bernard’s sites: Signs of Colon Cancer in Women, Symptoms of Colon Cancer in Women

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AIR STEPPER : the best non-impact exerciser you can count on for burning calories and toning legs and core. Swing your arms while you are air-stepping, and you will get a full-body work out and control weight at the same time. 1 year warranty with North American Support and Services.

January 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Step Machines

  • Using air resistance to cushion your every step, and much more superior than spring or piston types.
  • The Air Stepper’s advanced, air-powered design eliminates pounding and jarring impact on your body.
  • Train shoulder, triceps, abs, oblique muscles, and muscles in your whole leg.
  • Use your Air Stepper for a longer period without feeling pain because of the minimal impact on your body.
  • Durable plastic and strong design for long lasting usage. 1 year parts and labor warranty.

Product Description
Air Stepper uses patented air power technology to create resistance with every step that you take. It pumps the bellows of the Air Stepper that are located underneath each of the foot pedals. When you exercise on the Air Stepper, air moves between the two bellows and creates resistance that your whole body will benefit from. The Air Stepper uses the power of air, and minimizes the impact and jarring most conventional workout machines would create on your joints and … More >>

AIR STEPPER : the best non-impact exerciser you can count on for burning calories and toning legs and core. Swing your arms while you are air-stepping, and you will get a full-body work out and control weight at the same time. 1 year warranty with North American Support and Services.

Dumbbell Workouts: Stop Wasting Your Time And Start Getting Results!

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Eddie Lomax

Every time I see a man or women pick up a light dumbbell and perform “isolation” or “sculpting” exercises I want to pull my hair out. It’s not that there is anything wrong with these dumbbell exercises. It’s just they aren’t designed to get the results the exerciser wants or needs.

And that is a waste of valuable training time.

Let’s face it, most people have trouble setting aside time to work out as it is. When they do get themselves to the gym, or set aside part of their busy day to work out at home, the last thing they want to do is waste their time. Every minute spent training needs to count! So, stop wasting your time with those dinky weight dumbbell workouts, and start using dumbbells to their full potential.

At this point, some of you might be offended. You may believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that “isolation” dumbbell exercises and “feeling the burn” is the way to get the most out of your dumbbell workout. (Even though you’ve failed to make major changes to your body). Please, keep reading and give me a chance to change your mind.

Honestly, most people start dumbbell workouts, or any workout for that matter, because they want to change the way they look. Yes, there are health and performance benefits to a properly performed dumbbell workout. But, who are we kidding, appearance is the top motivating factor!

And, since we are being honest, most people only start to work out when their appearance gets so bad they just can’t stand it anymore. They’ve ignored the lack of muscle tone and the accumulating fat for so long they are not just out of shape, they are REALLY out of shape! They just don’t need to lose a pound or two of fat and tone up their arms. They need to lose a LOT of fat and build a LOT of muscle to make a major impact on the way they look!

So, the dumbbell workouts they perform should be designed to build muscle and burn fat, preferably in the shortest time possible. So, they pick up a 2 pound dumbbell and perform triceps kickbacks. Wrong, wrong, WRONG!

Let’s look at it this way:

A sculptor is given a 2 ton block of granite to sculpt a figure that ultimately weighs 1/2 ton. Should they:

a) Use a small pick and start to lightly tap on the block? orb) Pick up a sledgehammer and whack away most of the unneeded material?

I hoped you picked option b!

You see, when you have a lot of work to do, use the right tool for the job!

So, if your goal is to significantly change the way you look by putting on muscle and burning fat, make sure your dumbbell workouts are designed to do both. Don’t waste your time with small weights and small exercises. Dumbbells are an excellent choice for full body transformation, but only if you use them correctly!

Here are three tips for changing the way you look with dumbbell workouts:

1) Perform dumbbell exercises that recruit as many big muscle groups as possible.Dumbbell lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, presses and cleans, snatches and jerks require a lot of big muscle groups to complete the movement. Plus, using big muscle groups allows you to use heavier weights. Using more muscle with heavier weights means more muscle!

2) Perform dumbbell exercises that require a great deal of energy.Heavy grinding exercises, explosive exercises and combo matrixes require a lot of energy for completion. Expending more energy means less fat!

3) Perform dumbbell workouts in such a manner as to simultaneously build muscle, improve cardiorespiratory endurance and burn fat.Doing workouts like super sets, timed circuits and peripheral heart action training, you can make your dumbbell workouts SUPER efficient. You’ll get the most out of your training time by attacking your body on many fronts!

I hope this short article has opened your eyes to the true value of dumbbells in your quest to change the way you look. If you want to see the greatest change in appearance in the shortest period of time, leave the light weight dumbbell workouts alone, and start using dumbbell to their full potential. Following the above tips makes your dumbbell workout more effective than ever before!

Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Superior Dumbbell Workout, invites you to explore the body transforming power of proper dumbbell exercise and learn the 5 hidden secrets of dumbbell workouts.

More Dumbbell Workouts Articles

The Time To Get In Shape For Skiing Is Pre Ski Season

January 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Aaron Jochum

The ski season finally arrives and you just can[t wait to get out on the mountains. And, hopefully, you have been conditioning your body for the slopes. Because the right time to start your conditioning program is long before the ski season starts.

Professional athletes expend a lot of time and effort in pre season getting their bodies in shape for the upcoming season. And, while you may not be a professional athlete, you also want to get yourself into good enough shape so that you don’t incur any injuries once you are actually on the ski slopes. A large number municipal parks in all regions of the country have winter conditioning programs. You can can sign up at these and get conditioning tips and techniques to allow you enjoy the ski season with minimal injuries.

A great way to both have fun and keep in shape over the winter months is to participate in winter sports. But, to do so, you have to get into shape. If you don’t, you will be more susceptible to all kinds of sprains and injuries that can ruin your enjoyment.

A great number of the injuries and accidents that happen on the ski slopes is due to skiers hot-dogging and doing dangerous stunts. But, If you take these away, it turns out that the majority of injuries occur to people who are simply not in shape to go barrelling out of control down the mountain. This is why you see so many weekend skiers coming down with knee sprains, stomach pulls, hamstring injuries, muscle cramps, and so on.

Once you start your off season training, you should mainly focus on two types. One is general fitness training. The second is training specifically geared towards your skiing muscles. In skiing, the leg muscles are the ones that you use the most. So your off season training should include plenty of fitness routines to both strengthen and give flexibility to the muscles of your legs and thighs.

If you don’t have an exercise machine, a really fantastic exercise to improve the flexibility of your legs is the calf stretch. Otherwise, there are quite a number of exercise machines on the market that can be configured to both strengthen your calves as well as stretch them. These exercises will get you in shape for the twists and turns that you will be making on the ski runs.

One of the main parts of your general fitness routines should be to encompass at least one activity that will really get your heart rate going. As an example, an exercise such as jogging or skipping rope can quickly get you into skiing shape. The functionality of general exercises is to simply condition the body so it doesn’t easily get winded. These exercises also serve to build up your heart and lung capacities so that, once you get onto the slopes, you aren’t constantly getting out of breath.

Even though no one really disputes the intelligence of working to get yourself into skiing shape before the ski season, you shouldn’t try to jump into your new exercise program too rapidly. This is especially true if you have been a couch potato for most of the preceding months. And, before you implement any new and strenuous training program, as always, check with your physician.

For more info on skiing topics like Breckenridge skiing, Lake Tahoe skiing, and more, please visit our website.

Find More Getting In Shape For Skiing Articles

Ways to Boost Metabolism to Lose Weight – Doing Two Things at the Same Time

December 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Sally H

Let me show you how I lost 45 Pounds with a easy Weight Loss system in as little as 2 months. Click here now!

If you have experienced trying to lose weight previously then you have already familiarized your self with the various barrier that prevents you from achieving your goal of losing weight. Your plans may be blocked by temptation of eating junk foods; inability to resolve emotional issues, the program became routine, inability to be consistent and probably even genetics. But, you have to remember one basic thing in losing weight and it is metabolism. Metabolism has a lot to do with losing weight.

So, how do you boost your metabolism in order for you to lose weight?

Eating Breakfast

Skipping breakfast just because you want to lose weight is a big no-no. This is because eating breakfast is one of the ways that you can actually boost your metabolism. If you skip breakfast while you are trying to lose weight will not help since your body’s reaction would be to save up fat for future use and not burn them.

Increase in Protein

Your diet must be rich in protein because this will help you so much in building muscles and will heighten the speed of your metabolism, which in turn will make you burn more fats in the process. Since, protein is the hardest element to burn, your bodies will double the effort in order to burn it and in turn this response will make your body burn more calories during the process.

There are still other ways that you can boost your metabolism in order to lose weight. But, these two major things mentioned are a good way to start.

Also Pay Close Attention To This:

What I am about to share with you is a secret fat loss secret that no one will ever share with you. This secret will make you lose belly fat, and trim your whole body like crazy. If you truly desire to have an amazing body that you will be proud to walk on the beach with and have others stare with amazement then I Strongly Urge You To Read The Next Page. It may well be The Most Important Message You Ever See. Follow This Link And Read Everything On The Next Page Carefully- Click Here!

Let me show you how I lost 45 Pounds with a easy Weight Loss system in as little as 2 months. Click here now!

Starting Strength Workout Program – Do These Function Strength Training Workouts at Any Time of Day

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Starting Strength Workout Program

There are a great many variables that determine what type of workout is best for you and most feasible to work into your set of circumstances. Things like weight, experience, the equipment they have, and their body type can determine their workouts. Unfortunately, far too many people start a workout routine only to get bored a few weeks in due to the repetitive movements and actions they have to make. Over time, people start making up reasons to not exercise. You might find all manner of excuses – a malfunctioning treadmill, or lack of open stationary bikes. Starting Strength Workout Program

Here are some suggestions as to how you can go further with your basic workouts to make them more interesting and convenient in order to help you perform functional strength exercises.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that weight training or cardiovascular exercise are restricted to activities performed in a gym since the definition of “weight training” is lifting ANY weight and “cardiovascular exercise” is movement of ANY sort.

Your functional strength training program should never be determined by the availability of a gym or any piece of exercise equipment. A lot of people spend quite a bit of time thinking about which exercise machine they should buy to use in their houses. Truth be told, no special equipment is required for an effective workout. You have all the equipment you need with just your body weight, which is a superior machine to help you perform functional strength workouts that will increase your strength and durability.

When you do functional strength training, you are just participating in exercises that can be done by anyone without the need of a gym.

It is generally accepted that, worldwide, many people find it a struggle to touch their toes 10 times, or perform 5 regular push-ups. Unfortunately, these days, convenience and technology has caused us to be sedentary and we cannot even lift our own body weight when doing some basic exercises. As a result, you should start with functional strength training in your workouts, as you learn to move your body in a full range of motion effectively and effortlessly. In a nutshell, you need to be able to do squats and pushups effectively before you can even think about starting to weight train and pump up your arms at the gym.

Another fact is that a lot of people who cannot perform basic functional strength movements with just their body weight have probably suffered an injury of some kind, or have not exercised regularly for a particular reason. People who are involved regularly in sports of any kind will tell you that functional strength exercises are extremely vital to keep the body fit enough to reduce the chances of getting hurt. Surprising as it may seem, athletes unable to balance themselves during a single body weight step-up are still able to perform squats with wights of 100 kilograms. This is due to the fact that balancing on a single leg is required to perform a step-up.

People who are more active will vastly increase the chances that they will injure themselves if they cannot maintain proper balance and bodily control, which these stepups can help hone. It is for this reason that you should heavily consider functional strength training; your balance at least will improve, which is incredibly important. If you want to learn more about great functional strength training exercise programs, keep reading to find a sample program that will help you lose weight and get better balance. As you do functional strength training exercises, you have to keep in mind that you have to focus on form more than anything, and improperly done exercises will do you no good.

Depending on your endurance and strength levels, you can do between three to five sets of thirty to sixty seconds worth of each functional strength training exercise. Starting Strength Workout Program

1. Burpee Chin-Ups
2. Step Push-Ups
3. Towel Charges
4. Get-Ups
5. Push-Up Holds
6. Wall Holds

The Exercises Explained

Burpee Chin-Ups – Start this functional strength training exercise standing upright, with your hands relaxed and by your sides. Squat until you feel your hands touch the floor, then thrust your legs out behind you, keeping your arms straight to support your body. Then pull your legs forwards until you are in a squatting position again, and jump up to grip the chin-up bar. Using the momentum from your jump, do a single close-grip underhand chin-up then release the bar and repeat everything. If a chin-up bar is not available, you can also perform this functional strength training exercise as a simple burpee exercise without the added chin-ups.

Step Push-Ups – Begin with your body in the plank position with your arms straight, just in front of a step. Making sure your hips stay flat, move your one hand onto the step, followed by the other hand. Then move one hand back down followed by the other. That completes a single repetition of this functional strength training exercise.

Towel Charges – For this functional strength training exercise you will need two towels that you don’t mind dirtying. Get into the plank position with your arms straight, and put each of your feet on top of a towel. Keeping your lower back as straight as possible, slowly slide one knee up to touch your chest, then slide it back behind you. Do the same with your other leg.

Get-Ups – Hold a single dumbbell above your head and lie down flat on the floor. Keeping the dumbbell above your head at all times, bend your knees and get them under your body so you can bring yourself up into a squatting position. From your squatting position push yourself up until you are standing straight, then sink back down into a squat and back to you beginning position. That completes a single repetition of this functional strength training exercise.

Push-Up Holds – Begin in the plank position with your arms straight, then lower your body in a regular push-up. Hold your body in this position for whatever amount of time you stipulate for yourself, then push yourself back up to your starting position. If you find that you are unable to hold the push-up for the set amount of time, push yourself back up and recover instead of letting yourself fall to the ground.

Wall Holds – The starting position for this functional strength training exercise is essentially the plank position with your arms straight, only your feet are placed flat against a wall. This means that your arms will be supporting most of your weight. Hold your body in this position for the set amount of time or as long as you can, before returning back to the regular plank position. Starting Strength Workout Program

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Absonutrix Extreme No2 – 3000mg of No2 Power – 120 Tablets! Xtreme Strength -Xtreme Endurance – Xtreme Recovery Time – 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!

December 13, 2011 by  
Filed under Nitric Oxide

  • One of the Most powerful Nitric Oxide Cell Volumizers on the market, contains more active ingredients, uses less fillers.
  • One of the Strongest Nitric Oxide (NO2) supplement blend available on the market today!
  • Superior, More complete, More powerful – 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!
  • More nutrients and oxygen to flow through the circulatory system to the muscles
  • Muscles being “fed” better and more efficiently you obtaining the desired “Pumped” look

Product Description
120 Capsules!

Absonutrix Nitric Oxide NO2 Xtreme –

? Xtreme Strength
? Xtreme Endurance
? Xtreme Recovery Time

If you are a serious bodybuilder, you know about Nitric Oxide. It is naturally-produced in the body and occurs when L-arginine, an amino acid, is converted into L-citruline. In brief, NO2 has shown to increase blood flow, resulting in:

? more nutrients and oxygen to flow through the circulatory system to the muscles
? muscles being “fed” better and … More >>

Absonutrix Extreme No2 – 3000mg of No2 Power – 120 Tablets! Xtreme Strength -Xtreme Endurance – Xtreme Recovery Time – 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!

Big Time Muscle Building and Bodybuilding Supplement Review

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

If you are a man you must have a muscular physique. If you have the perfect structure, men will like you because of your self confidence and women will feel attracted because of your sexy looks. Though many men dream to have such a physique most of them are not ready to do those stressful workouts needed to increase their muscle mass. Such men will be immensely happy to know that now they can have muscles by consuming a fantastic product named Big Time Muscle.

The ingredients used in the product are so scientifically blended that it will increase the level of Nitric Oxide in human body. As a result, the muscles in our body will grow in size and strength. The product Big Time Muscle is basically a strong growth enhancing Hemodilator. It also helps to increase our immunity and thus we can stay fit and healthy from inside other than being muscular.

With the increase in Nitric Oxide content of your body, we can do have longer and stressful workouts sessions than before.

Because of these reasons, Big Time Muscle is a preferred by many sportsmen, especially those who are associated with tough games and adventure sports.

You can try the product only by ordering it from the website as it is not available in any local stores or retailers. Place your order and a pack will reach you within a few days. Now, the manufacturers are also offering a trial pack. Use it, and start feeling the difference in your body, both externally and internally.

Read more about Big Time Muscle in the review that is posted here:

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