5 Simple Toning Exercises you’ll be able to Do Anywhere

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Push Ups

Article by Moises Ruby

5 Simple Toning Exercises you’ll be able to Do Anywhere – Health

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Physical exercise is an important portion of our lives. Staying in shape is 1 way to improve your life expectancy. Excess weight bearing workout routines are essential also for escalating muscle mass and bone density as you age.

Almost all of us have discovered what to do when it comes to exercising. The issue is in which and when to get the occupation done. Using a busy lifestyle, generating time for exercising is a challenge.

Weight bearing workout routines aren’t just for bodybuilders. As you age, specifically when you hit the age of forty, you start to drop muscle mass. For ladies particularly, bone loss becomes a problem. When the body is in require of calcium it may rob it out of your bones. Developing muscle not merely increases their mass but your strength.

Here are five easy toning workout routines that may be completed anyplace and anytime you’ve got time. At property, at the office, or on holiday, you are able to do these easy however extremely effective workout routines.

1. The Bridge Butt Lift – Sounds like a plastic surgery approach however it is an effortless method to tone your buttocks. Lay down with feet flat around the floor, legs shoulder width apart. Location your hands, palm side down, on either side of the physique. Pushing with your feet, squeeze your gluteal muscles and lift your butt off the floor. Hold the position for any count of five to ten and release down to the floor.

2. Squats – Squats operate the butt, the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps. Should you are not sure of suitable form, you’ll be able to use a chair. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and feet firmly planted. Push your butt back as should you were preparing to sit in a chair. Preserve your abs tight and your upper body straight. As soon as you reach chair level cease and hold the position for any count of two to 5 and release. With the lowest point, place all of your excess weight in your heels for balance and maximum toning.

3. Reverse Lunges – Lunges perform the quadriceps muscles. They’re able to be challenging for men and women with knee problems. A reverse lunge nevertheless tones the proper muscle groups but with much less pressure on the knee. Stand with feet together and arms at your sides. Take a single leg and move it backwards right up until you’re in lunge position: front leg bent at a 90 degree angle and back leg extended right up until you will be on the ball of your foot. From this position reduce yourself down until finally the back knee practically touches the floor. Hold for a count of two and return to starting position.

4. Pushups – This is a traditional toning physical exercise that performs all locations in the arms plus the chest muscles. In the event you are not cozy or sturdy enough to execute a pushup on your toes, lower your body to your knees. Make sure your arms are tucked in to the physique and your back straight as you lower and lift your body.

5. Crunches – Abdominal muscles could be worked every single day to construct strength and muscle tone. Lying on the floor in sit up position, lace your fingers behind your head. Squeezing your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body until your lower back is about to come off the floor. Hold for two to 5 counts and return to commencing position.

These 5 exercise moves can be done when you have time. The top point about exercise is that its effects are cumulative. Even 5 or ten minutes at a time will operate to your advantage.

About the Author

Antonio Ibaniaz is a professional product reviewer and blogger. He has written hundreds of reviews and operates hundreds of websites. Learn more about his latest informational sites, symptoms of bipolar disorder in adults and stuffy nose remedy.

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Antonio Ibaniaz is a professional product reviewer and blogger. He has written hundreds of reviews and operates hundreds of websites. Learn more about his latest informational sites, symptoms of bipolar disorder in adults and stuffy nose remedy.

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Best Arm Toning Exercises for Women

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Chloe Ashworth

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Toned arms are one of the most sought after results of women working out up and down the country. With party dresses showing off the arms this Christmas, most women want to ensure that their upper bodies look toned and presentable in time for the party season and so are heading to gyms in Manchester and gyms in Leeds and elsewhere throughout the country! Here are a few of the best arm toning exercises to try out at your local gym:

Bicep CurlsIf you want to tone up your biceps, or the muscles at the front of your upper arm, then bicep curls are the perfect exercise. Find the right weight for you (start with the lowest weight and you can always work your way up to a weight you find comfortable for you) and then stand with your feet shoulder-width apart for support.

Curl the dumbbell towards your pectoral muscles, being careful not to move your elbows which should be kept against the side of your body.

Alternating Bicep CurlsThis take on the traditional bicep curl allows you to concentrate on one arm at a time, giving one arm time to rest while you work out the other arm. Simply raise the dumbbell up to just past your shoulder and lower it back down again slowly while your other arm gradually begins to rise up to your other shoulder.

Triceps ExtensionTo tone the triceps (the muscles at the back of your arms responsible for dastardly bingo wings), stand with one leg in front of the other, knees bent; far enough for you to lean comfortably with your hand on your thigh for support with a dumbbell in the opposite hand. Starting with the weight resting in your hand with your arm resting at your side, slowly raise the dumbbell up so that your upper arm forms a straight horizontal line parallel to the ground with your lower arm hanging down forming a 90 degree angle at the elbow.

You will begin to feel the burn in your triceps and should gradually extend the weight so that your lower arm is right out behind you, forming a completely straight line with your entire arm. Then slowly return the weight to the resting position at your side.

Overhead PressStanding upright with feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand facing forwards at shoulder height. Slowly start to lift the weights up in the air until your arms are completely vertical and then bring the weights back down to the starting position.

These exercises should help to work your biceps, triceps and shoulders for completely toned arms and if you consult with a fitness instructor at your regular gym, they should be able to show you how best to hold yourself to protect yourself from injury and also how many reps they think you can carry out to have a comfortable, yet challenging enough routine.

About the Author

Chloe Ashworth is Fitness professional who has worked in the industry for several years. She now writes and shares her wealth of knowledge about health and fitness. She also writes about her experience with gyms in Manchester and gyms in Leeds

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Chloe Ashworth is Fitness professional who has worked in the industry for several years. She now writes and shares her wealth of knowledge about health and fitness. She also writes about her experience with gyms in Manchester and gyms in Leeds

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Toning Abdominal Muscles With A Lower Abdominal Exercise

August 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

The abdomen exercises are just one important piece of the torso that is made up of a lot of muscles. The muscles are divided into groups; they has its own role to arrange. Of the muscle groups available, the ONLY ONES are at the lower abdomen are considered by a lot fitness
health knowledgeable people as the most to trim and make great. It is for this reason that lower and upper abdominal exercises are created to help people obtain the most active and sexiest abs possible.

The lower abdominal exercise is made and introduced by fitness expertsyhose in the know themselves to help many develop a six-packabs. However, that helpful in developing stomachs, the technique itself won’t be a large difference when us
made use ofed alone. Yes, it is not so helpful when not used with the right eating and a healthy lifestyle. IT is the why that thiose in the know highly recommend people to perform the exercises while maintaining a the best diet. If possible, one should perform the lower abdominal exercise techniques along with many healthy cardiovascular exercises like jogging, climbing, jumping, and jogging.

The following are mentioned to be the most helpful and powerful lower abdominal exercises that a lot of fitness teachers have been using. Take note of the following:
Side Crunches – You achieve do this lower abdominal routine by first lying on your back. curve your knees together and twist your waist, allowing your legs to lie on top of each other. Your legs must be looking to one side of your body in this time. Go ahead by making sure that the blades of your back are lying flat on the floor at an even manner. When the right position is obtained, exhale out while lifting the upper part of your body off the floor. Doing this will help you to feel a contraction on the oblique group of your stomach muscles. To have the exellent results, repeat the steps from top to bottom by concentrating on the definate part of your body this time.

Other Crunches – As well as familier lower abdominal exercise to do, reverse crunches could be achieved by doing nothing but the initial step – lying down on your back. When done, place your hands at your sides and lift your legs straight upwards. While doing the knee bend, let out your breathe. Then, curl the lower part of your body near your chest. This time, inhale and let your legs return to the starting place. This lower abdominal exercise needs you to add pressure to your abdomen, and to have the best effects, repeat the steps.

Lying Scissors – Start this exercise by again lying on your floor. When lying, see to it that your palms are facing down the floor just under your lower back. Outstretch your legs, and begin to letting out your breathe while lifting your legs alternately. Observe a slight bend on them. As you lower your legs, inhale in. Do the steps for a number of times, as needed.

The main thing to know about the above detailed lower abdominal exercises is that you can do them even at the comfort of your own home. They are not oo difficult to do and need no specialized tools just to have the exercise great.

Ralph Morton is author of many articles about health, and he invites you to visit
http://bit.ly/9Q1Xh5 to have three 75 page ebooks, one on abdomen exercises
2. Home utilities, 3. Herb Gardening.

Best Exercises for Toning Your Arms

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

For the many people who are unhappy with the appearance of their arms, getting toned and firm arms is a priority. Most people want to burn fat and build muscle, improving not only the appearance of their arms, but also their strength and flexibility. And while toning up arms takes some work, there are easy exercises that can get anyone started.

Bar bicep curls are a classic exercise to help get arms toned up quickly. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and lift the barbell, making sure to keep the back straight and the elbows still. Lift the barbell to just over the pectoral muscles and lower back down.

Close grip bench presses are a triceps exercise that also incorporate a barbell and heavier weights. Lying back on the bench, take the barbell in a narrow grip and bring it down to the lower ribs. Using the triceps, lift the barbell and lower it back down to the same position. The barbell should not touch the chest, and the reps should be completed quickly to make the exercise easier.  Kickbacks are also exercises that involve the triceps muscles, but which require the use of lighter individual hand weights instead of a barbell. Bending the body at the waist and pulling the elbows up to torso level, straighten the arms back, using the triceps to pull them up. This exercise can be done one arm at a time, or both at the same time.

Triceps extensions offer another opportunity to use lighter hand weights, as well as the option of using an exercise ball. Not only does this exercise engage the triceps, it also gets the abs involved, making it a more beneficial workout. While sitting, either on the exercise ball or bench, hold one medium weight in both hands. Take the weight straight overhead, then lower behind the head with the arms at a forty-five degree angle. Keep the back straight, and do not lock the elbow joints.

The last workout is probably the most recognizable, and the one that can be most easily customized. Push ups engage not only the triceps, but also the biceps, and require no equipment. Knees can be bent or kept straight, one or both arms can be used, and reps can be easily altered.

Most of the most beneficial exercises require equipment, which are readily available at all health clubs. Even sports involving racquetscan be incorporated to tone arms, including racquetball and tennis. The most important thing is to get moving to get toned.


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Arm Toning Exercises for Women

July 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Mohamad Al

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Because of the limited arms movement in our sedentary life styles, and just like the other areas on our bodies we have gained weight around our arms.

Also the muscles in our arms are shrinking less than their normal size which gives an unattractive look for many women so it is no wonder there are many women’s arm exercises which are used trying to reverse these undesirable outcomes.

Before I provide you with some women’s arm exercises that I really think should be part of any women’s arm workout, I must say that you also need to include some calorie burning aerobic and anaerobic training if you have an excess of fat around your arms.

But if you are fairly lean and think you don’t need to lose any more weight then the below arm exercises for women should do the trick for you.

The Women arm exercises below will target the:


-Triceps and the


Two Effective Arm Exercises for Women

The Narrow Hand Stand Push-up

-Assume the hand push up position except your hand placement will be slightly narrower than a shoulder width apart; that way the focus will shift more on the triceps muscles.

-Lower your body just before the chest touches the floor and then push up until you lockout the elbows.

A few words about the narrow push-up exercise is that you can modify the exercise if it’s too challenging for you to perform by using knees as a support rather than your feet.

Also, the narrower the grip or hands’ placement the more focus you place on your triceps, but start with a shoulder-width apart and gradually go narrower.

Chin-ups and Pull-ups

This is a tough exercise for many women and even men for that matter; however, it is worth the practice to become good at it and eventually be performing 8-12 or even more repetitions.

The chin-up exercise is where you hold the bar with your palms facing you and pull-ups is the opposite; the palms facing away.

Varying between the two arms’ exercises for women is beneficial to the forearms too, and not only the biceps.


-Hold the bar firmly with both hands and keep the whole body steady during the lift to prevent it from swinging

-Lift up as high as you can bringing the chin just higher than the bar

-And then slowly bring the body all the way down like dead-hangingThen lift up again.

About the Author

Mohamad’s expertise is in fitness for women. Do you want to learn how to quickly and easily create an online business? If so, check this out: internet marketing training

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Mohamad’s expertise is in fitness for women. Do you want to learn how to quickly and easily create an online business? If so, check this out: internet marketing training

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Great Arm Toning Exercises For Women

June 19, 2012 by  
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Article by Nick Jervis

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Do you long for those toned arms, the type that gives you confidence when wearing that slinky dress or close fitting t-shirt? Are you trying to lose bingo wings, surplus arm fat, or just want to improve your arm tone slightly?

You do? Then your prayers have been answered! And what is most important is that these exercises will not give you bulging biceps!

The ‘bicep curl’ exercise is a simple yet effective way of targeting the front area of the upper arms. Performing this exercise regularly along with the Triceps exercises (see my previous ‘Flabby Arms’ article) will result in great looking arms, ones that you can’t wait to show to potential admirers and will get people asking you what your secret is! As you know from previous articles there is no magic solution, just a little hard work on your part that has a great pay off!

As always if you haven’t got any dumbbells then a pair of water bottles or cans of food would be a great alternative. Anything in fact that is evenly weighted and comfortable to hold on to.

The Method

* Stand upright, looking ahead with shoulders pulled back.

* You can also perform this exercise sitting on a sturdy chair or Stability Ball.

* Have a dumbbell in each hand and elbows tucked in.

* Slowly curl the dumbbells up towards the shoulders area by bending your elbows.

* Do this in a smooth, controlled movement, keeping your elbows tucked in and breathing freely at all times.

* Stop the curl movement when the dumbbells get close to your shoulder area.

* Pause at the top of the movement and then slowly return the dumbbells to the start position.

You’ve just completed 1 repetition or rep. Repeat the above steps until you have completed a set of 12-15 repetitions. Aim to perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Ladies if you’re reading this and worrying that you’re going to get bulky biceps like Arnie then read on! Put simply, you won’t, you’d have to be lifting some really heavy weights to bulk up. The weights that you are lifting should be light enough to perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps, with the final rep being a bit of struggle. So you wont putting on muscle bulk, what it WILL do however is to help produce lean muscle, which is what you’re aiming for.

Additionally males have a higher level or testosterone which is another reason why females will find it very difficult to add muscle bulk and size.

So ladies get on the weights and starting curling!

About the Author

Want to know the secrets for how to Lose Tummy Fat?Read more Flatter Tummy Exercises?Nick Jervis is a website marketing consultant to Flatten That Tummy.

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Want to know the secrets for how to Lose Tummy Fat?Read more Flatter Tummy Exercises?Nick Jervis is a website marketing consultant to Flatten That Tummy.

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Toning Workouts for Women that Will Make You Look Drop Dead Gorgeous

June 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Luis Eduardo

Toning Workouts for Women that Will Make You Look Drop Dead Gorgeous – Health – Fitness

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Are you looking for the best toning workouts for women? Did you know that you can exercise from the privacy of your own house doing simple body weight exercises that will speed up your metabolism? Weight exercises for women are very easy to do. They are the best way for a busy mom or business woman to get in a quick workout in her busy schedule. Although there are many exercises that can be done I will only show you 2 so that you can get started right away. Body Weight Squat and its BenefitsOne of the most hated exercises is the squat and the reason for this is because it often leaves you sore. The truth of the matter is that this hated exercise actually burns more belly fat than a 20 minute cardio session and this is why so many people consider it one of the best toning workouts for women. An easier way to do this exercise without using weights is to use your own body weight as resistance. Simply place your hands behind your head and keep your posture straight. Try not to slouch because this will prevent you from getting the best benefit out of the exercise. Squat down 15 times then rest 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds do another body weight exercise so that you can incorporate this exercise in a circuit. The bodyweight squat is one of the best toning workouts for women that gives fast results in minimum time. The Best Arm Toning Workouts for Women The push-up is one of the best weight exercises for women to tone their arms and condition their core. Simply lay on your stomach on the floor then with your arms try to push your whole body up. Keep your body in a straight line as you come up. Although this is a very effective exercise, it can also be one of the hardest weight exercises for women to perform. If you find that it is very hard for you then keep your knees on the floor for added support. As you get stronger eventually you will be able to lift your whole body.

About the Author

Did you know that you can get in shape with just 3 workouts a week? Read our Turbulence Training

Review at our Womens Fitness Blog to find out how. For more information visit, href=”http://www.fitnessworkoutsforwomen.com/”>http://www.fitnessworkoutsforwomen.com/.

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Did you know that you can get in shape with just 3 workouts a week? Read our Turbulence Training

Review at our Womens Fitness Blog to find out how. For more information visit, href=”http://www.fitnessworkoutsforwomen.com/”>http://www.fitnessworkoutsforwomen.com/.

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3 Best Arm Toning Exercises

June 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you want to have lean, muscular arms, then, apart from a balanced diet, you need to do arm toning exercises.

It is very easy to injure yourself when lifting weights. It is advisable not to use weights when you are alone and don’t think of doing so if you have an existing injury Only use weights that are well within your ability to lift and if in any doubt seek the advise of a qualified professional.

Firstly The Bar Bell Bicep Curl

The classic arm toning exercise is the bar bell bicep curl. This is essentially a simple exercise but must be done correctly to get the maximum benefit. Make sure that your feet are shoulder width apart, your back is straight and your elbows are firmly at your side before curling the bar upwards and into your chest. You should raise the bar to a point just below your neck. Be careful when you lower the bar, slowly and smoothly without moving your elbows.

Secondly The Alternate Dumb Bell Curl

The second arm toning exercise we are looking at is the alternate dumb bell curl.

With this technique you can focus on just one arm. This is an exercise where heavier weights are often used but you must realise that the heavier the weight the greater the risk of injury. Before lifting the weight, just as previously, your back must be straight and your feet shoulder width apart. To ensure a tight contraction you need to curl the weight firmly into your shoulder. You can do this one arm at a time or, with two weights, do alternative lifts. When lowering the weights do it slowly and smoothly so that they finish up by your sides.

And Thirdly Skull Crushers !

Finally we have the colorfully named skull crusher. This exercise is used to tone up the triceps and will produce noticeable results quickly but should never be attempted alone as there is a fairly high risk of injury.

Lying on a bench, on your back holding the bar bell, you extend your arms upwards then slowly back until the bar has passed your head. When the bar is a few inches above the floor behind your head bring it back to the upright position and do as many repetitions as you can comfortably manage.

Your arms can be toned, your whole physique leaner, your outlook more positive with a expertly designed diet and training program.

Author Liz has more information concerning arm toning execises here http://www.fastdiets4u.com/arm-toning-exercises.php She has, after a great deal of research, narrowed down to only four, the diets that she considers to be the best available online, check them out here: http://www.fastdiets4u.com

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Arm Toning Exercises

April 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Having fat and flabby arms can be a very big barrier if you want to wear sleeveless shirts. No amount of accessory can make up for the sexy sight of a well toned arm. However, what you must know is that there is no such thing as spot reduction or reducing fat at one part of the body.

Losing weight is an all-body process, so if you want to learn how to lose arm fat, you have to engage not just your arms in the exercise. There are actually two steps to get a slim and sexy arm to show off.

Losing the Fat

People get arm fat via two methods. First is because they are generally overweight wherein the body stores the extra fat all over the physique. The second is when the genes come into play and deposit more fatty substances in just one body part – the arms.

If you belong to the first group, then your resort would be to lose the arm fat first before starting arm toning exercises. The reason for this is that you don’t want the muscles to hide beneath a layer of fat.

The best course of action for those who have flabby arms because of their total weight is a regimen that includes the whole body.

There are no shortcuts here, ladies and gentlemen. Exercise and diet are the top two things you need to be most concerned about.

Toning the Arm

You don’t have to wait for the arm to lose the fat before developing the muscles. The usual routine would involve cardio exercises, workouts for the arms and a proper diet.

Here are a few arm toning exercises that are guaranteed to bring out the muscle in you.

Push Ups

The most used and most effective arm exercise, although it may look easy, pushups don’t really work as well when done improperly. Initially, you should start on your hands and knees. Arms should form a straight line with the wrists directly under your shoulders and the knees directly under the hips. Now, extend your legs back until it’s balanced on your toes, one leg at time so you won’t tip over. Don’t hunch and make sure that your body is creating a straight line from shoulder to toes. Stomach and muscles tight, bend your elbows and rise up slowly while maintaining proper form all the way. Try to go for 15 repetitions. This exercise will target your chest, triceps and shoulders.

Dumb Bell Curl

This exercise will focus mostly on your bicep. To start, hold a dumb bell in each hand and stand straight. Now, curl just one dumb bell in a move that looks as if you are attempting to move the equipment beyond your shoulder. Lower the dumbbell slowly and repeat the exercise with your other arm. Keep in mind that what you are after here is the contraction of the muscles, not the speed. Hence, letting the muscle feel the intensity of the exercise is better than doing as much exercise as you can.

Last tip for the ladies on how to lose arm fat: don’t be afraid if you start developing bulky muscles. That naturally occurs at the beginning of the exercise and will start to look slim and toned after some time.

Bob Brendon
How to Lose Arm Fat
How to Get Rid of Cellulite

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Toning Your Arms With Hand Weights For Women

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you are tired of that flabby extra skin and fat which hangs from underneath your arms, now is the time to take care of it. One of the most simple ways to do this is through the use of simple hand weight exercises.

First, you need to understand that in order to tone your muscles, you need to first lose fat. This is the big essential tip that you need to learn.

Arm toning is not possible without losing fat. Sadly, it is not possible to lose fat off of only your arms.

This means that if you want to tone your arms, you need to start a weight loss program that will help you lose weight off of your whole body. Only when your body has a low fat percentage that your muscles will start to shine through as defined and firm.

So, weight loss is just as important as muscle gain when it comes to arm toning. Next, you need to work with actual weights in order to make an impact.

On the other side of the equation is it the muscle that you build, shows through whatever fat you have on your arm. The bigger they are, the better they will show through.

Many women worry about getting bulky but this isn’t really a concern, as women do not have the necessary testosterone to get big. However, if you do want to get big, there are many ways to do it.

You cannot achieve these results with two pound lifts at a time-you need some real pounds to work with. If anyone at your gym tells you to use light weights with high reps to tone your arms, you can recognize they are wrong!

Working out with lighter ones, and higher reps is a bad rumor that we should all ignore. The reason is simple.

When you train, you break your muscles slightly-when they rebuilt, this is where growth occurs. Heavy pounds obviously stresses them more, and will amount to more muscles being torn and rebuilt.

Heavier will also speed up your metabolism, which in turn will burn more fat, helping you to tone your arms. To start with your biceps, go with a bar bell curl.

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, grab a bar bell about shoulder width apart. With your elbows locked firmly to a position by your side, lift the pounds up using your biceps, to the top of your chest.

Lower it slowly down without moving your elbows and repeat. Next, try to alternate dumb bell curl.

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, and grab two dumb bells and let them rest at your side. Tensing your bicep, curl one up and twist it so that when the dumb bell reaches its top position near your shoulder, your palm is facing your shoulder.

As you lower this dumb bell down to its starting position, repeat with the opposite arm. Laying on a bench, take a medium heavy bar bell, a bit narrower than shoulder width grip, and bring it down to your lower ribs.

Push it up using your triceps, and lower it to the same position. Just before it reaches your chest, fire it up in the pushing direction again before it gets a chance to rest on your body.

This prevents your chest from taking over with the lifting. Take a light dumb bell in your right hand.

Place your left hand and left knee on a low flat bench. Keeping your back straight, lift your elbow so that your upper arm is in line with your torso.

Slowly tense your tricep, and lift the dumb bell to a position where you arm is almost locked out straight. Lower and repeat.

These are the basic four exercises that you will use to build your foundation of strength and technique. Remember, without perfect technique, you will not make any progress, so exert yourself in making sure that your posture and lifting method is perfect.

Warm up with some cardio, stretching, and light weights. Then do your bar bell curls, your narrow grip bench press, your alternate dumb bell curls, and tricep kickbacks.

Remember, when a rep number says 8-10 it means that you should pick a weight that causes you to ‘fail’ in that rep range. It does not mean that you pick a light weight and only do 8 reps.

It means you should be struggling to get to 8. Perform each exercise with care and slowly.

You will love your arms! Today is the day to start.

Jack R. Landry has been writing about the exercise and health industry for years. He recommends using fitness equipment to stay healthy and fit.

Contact Info:

Jack R. Landry

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