Metabolic Resistance Training Overview

July 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jeff Knox

Metabolic Resistance Training Overview – Health – Weight Loss

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Two individuals can go to the gym, devote a similar amount of their time there, yet still get completely different outcomes with regards to effort.

In other words, metabolic resistance training is one of the most efficient and effective workout methods for people who want to tone muscles and burn away surplus fat.

This article will guide you through various MRT exercise techniques. It’s going to let you know what you should expect to achieve by integrating them into your fitness routine. If you follow these recommendations, I forecast you will experience stunning results and achieve your fitness objectives faster.

Defining Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT):

An MRT routine combines cardio stimulation and strength training in a vigorous exercise routine. This approach has two effects on excess body fat. The intense activity causes two results.

A – You burn a higher number of calories in a shorter period of time.

B – This activity forces a longer-term boost in metabolic rate.

It is undoubtedly the 2nd point which warrants more attention. You want your exercises to get an impact (become more toned or firmed up) much after they have finished. To achieve this, they have to propel your metabolic rate higher and ensure that it stays raised for some time after you complete them. This might appear strange, but your body is created to function that way if you only learn how to do it.

MRT workouts specifically act to increase the metabolic rate. Any type of exercise that results in a higher rate of metabolism for an extended period after activity ceases qualifies as an official MRT workout.

Why don’t we see a few samples of how you can perform MRT workouts?


One thing you need to undertake to have the ability to perform an MRT exercise is participate in circuits. Circuit exercising has become popular for a while now, but is yet to break in the mainstream. Whenever I go to the gym, I hardly find people training this way.

Some individuals break down their exercise session into separate sets and finish each set separately. They do one set of weight training and rest before moving to the next set. Depending on your workout goals, this method can be effective but performing circuits will produce better results in much less time.

A circuit is basically a mixture of workouts which one does without relaxing. For example, you can perform chest flies, pull-ups, squats, and a plank. When one does them without resting, you’ve a 4 workouts circuit.

A circuit can have more workouts than four, of course. It depends on on your present physical capabilities and the workouts which you select to carry out. Carrying out circuits is one of the best ways to have an improved metabolism. This is why why it is at the center of MRT workouts.


On tri-set, you work the entire body with only three exercises. You have to alternate from one exercise to the next as swiftly as achievable. Relax for 1 minute in between each tri-set and do it again 4 times.

1. 30 seconds of squat-jumps. If it becomes too simple you may utilize ankle -weights or an variable weighted-vest for added resistance.

2. Perform eight to twelve repetitions of chest presses using dumbbells. If you are exercising at a gym or fitness center, you can use a barbell instead.

3. One handed rows – Works the back muscles. Apply it for each arm equally.

I think that you ought to do things slowly, but you should start to do them without delay. So, for the next training start performing MRT Exercises. Start with a small number of exercises, find out how you feel, attempt different combinations and weights and gradually build from there.

I’m sure you will find MRT exercises beneficial. Just go out and try.

You will find complete details about the benefits of choosing a metabolic resistance training program and an honest turbulence training review on our website, today.

About the Author

Discovered the benefits of interval and resistance training after trying to improve my fitness and strength for downhill mountain biking. Nothing came close to the effectiveness of this type of training!

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Jeff Knox

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Discovered the benefits of interval and resistance training after trying to improve my fitness and strength for downhill mountain biking. Nothing came close to the effectiveness of this type of training!

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Top 5 Questions Asked From Gym Trainers When They Suggest Weight Training For Women

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Rakesh Vasoya

Top 5 Questions Asked From Gym Trainers When They Suggest Weight Training For Women – Health – Weight Loss

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Most woman feel that only cardio and other exercises should be a part of their daily schedule and weight training for woman is a sin. They fail to realize the importance of weights training for woman, no fitness regime is complete without weight trainings for both men and women. Frequently asked questions to trainers about Weights loss training for women are:

1. Will I get muscular body Will my body look muscular?: This question is the most common one asked to the trainers. One thing which keeps woman away from weight loss trainings is the fear of growing muscles like a man. This is practically impossible as muscles are triggered by testosterones, a hormone absent in women. So, there is no reason why woman should not be doing the weight loss training. Instead, the exercises in weight lossing training will tone the muscles and make the body look toned and fit, instead of muscular.

2. Is there any risk and danger involved?: Most women ask about the potential risks and dangers associated with weight losses training for women. This is because most women believe that their body is not equipped to carry weights. But this is not true! Actually, a female’s body is more compatible with load bearing exercises naturally. So, if a woman does weights losses training exercise with proper machines and instructions, there is no chance that she can injure herself.

3. Will the chest size increase due to weight losses trainings: This is another very big reason why women shy away from weights losses trainings exercises. No matter how hard you try it is not possible to increase the chest size! Fatty tissues make the breast and weights loss trainings has no effect on the size of the breast. Increase in chest size due to it for women is just a farce.

4. Is this important for women: Most women believe that doing cardio is enough and thus there is no need of its. But what they don’t know is that is the best out of the lot. Weight trains helps in increasing the density of the bone which is beneficial I times to come. This is useful as training reduces the chances of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and make the bones stronger. This also means that weight train improves metabolism which burn the calories faster.

5. After leaving this schedule will the muscles turn into fats: Many women who think about going for weights train drop their plan because it is an another myth that the muscles you have developed by weights trains will all turn into fat once you stop the exercise. But, this of course is again not possible. Muscles and fat are two different things and most of the times are confused together. What actually might happen is that once the weighttraining is stopped, the muscles can get loose and flabby again. This is a general phenomenon and nothing to do with the women alone. Men can undergo the same effects.

So, next time when your gym trainer suggests you weightstraining, don’t look him with a raised eyebrow. All he wants is you to be happy and safe so, if your gym trainer adds the weighting training schedule in your training program, don’t doubt his caliber or intentions.

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Visit to lose body fat faster. This Is TheSite That Includes The Most Powerful & Effective Fat Loss Training Workouts. You Are Guaranteed To Lose Up to 3.8 Pounds Of Body Fat Each & Every Week Until You Have Six Pack Abs. To Get A Selection Of Weight Training Workouts, Meal Plans & Cardio Plans, Visit Our Site http
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Bodyweight Circuit Training For Lean Muscle And Fat Loss

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Joe

Bodyweight Circuit Training For Lean Muscle And Fat Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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Bodyweight Exercises Don’t Work For Gaining Lean Muscle Do they?

What About Fat Loss How Do They Help You Lose Fat?

How is it possible that doing a bodyweight circuit training workout can get you results in lean muscle gains, muscle density and fat burning?

“This isn’t for me. I’m an old school guy. Barbells, Dumbbells and Kettlebells are the way to go,” right?

Now I’ve been a weight training guy for almost 40 years now. I grew up on the lift big and get big philosophy. I was 13 saw a bodybuilding magazine while I was at the Jersey shore and was hooked. I lifted with the idea of gaining as much muscle as possible.

A few years back my ideas about training and how I wanted to look changed. I decided I was getting a little older so I wanted a more lean muscled athletic look. Increase my muscle density and burn more fat. I started reading about bodyweight circuit training and interval training.

But You Don’t Lift Anything With Bodyweight Circuit Training?

I figured if I wasn’t lifting anything how could I keep lean muscle while dropping body fat and increasing muscle density?

Could A Bodyweight Workout Like This Add Lean Muscle And Burn Fat?

** Jumping Jacks

** Push – Ups

** Squats

** Burpees

** Mountain Climbers

** Lunges

Now typically with a bodyweight circuit training workout what you do is one exercise after another, rest about 1 minute and continue for 3-6 circuits. Do this 3-4 times a week. The workouts should take no more than 30 minutes.

So as I said this is a few years ago before interval training and these circuit training workouts started showing up online. Now many years ago bodyweight exercises were very popular in the fitness and bodybuilding circles. But with the advent of aerobics and all the shiny machines they were forgotten. So here was my problem the years of heavy weight training added muscle but also some fat.

What Should I do?

At the time the consensus was running. Jump on a treadmill run for an hour or so 5-6 day’s a week. I hate to run. So this idea didn’t sit well with me. So anyway as I said I started reading about interval training and bodyweight circuit training routines like the one above.

Let me tell you I thought this won’t work it’s too easy. Boy was I wrong. I barely got through the circuit twice. So right from that first workout the way I was huffing and puffing trying to get through that circuit twice I knew okay there is something to these bodyweight circuit training workouts. And I could do them at home was another added bonus. And they take half the time of those marathon cardio workouts that were all the rage.

Okay flash forward a few years. My bodyweight went from a high of 240 lbs to between 185 – 190 today. Bodyweight circuit training really made a difference.

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Now doing these type of circuits along with my weight training and kettlebell workouts gives me great variety in my workouts. The result? I got the desired lean muscle, lower body fat and greater muscle density and my workouts are never boring.

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Now doing these type of circuits along with my weight training and kettlebell workouts gives me great variety in my workouts. The result? I got the desired lean muscle, lower body fat and greater muscle density and my workouts are never boring.

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High Intensity Interval Training Revealed

July 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

What if I were to tell you that there is a way to burn the same amount of calories in half the time? No, I’m not talking about a magic pill or crazy diet. High Intensity Interval Training, aka HIIT, is a training method that burns calories at twice the rate of traditional aerobic exercise. The method requires hard work, but for those willing to take the challenge it can pay off greatly.

It is very important to point out that HIIT is not easy. It is very efficient, but that is because it accomplishes so much in such a short period of time. The HIIT technique is very physically demanding and isn’t for everyone. You should hold off on HIIT if you have any heart problems or other health concerns that limit your ability to exercise at very intense levels, or if you are relatively new to cardio exercise or not already in good shape.

If you have any doubts or questions about whether it might be safe for you, check in with your doctor before trying high intensity training.

HIIT is a unique form of interval training that contains short intervals of high intensity exercise separated by longer intervals of lower intensity exercise. Because it involves pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, it offers you several advantages that traditional exercise where you keep your heart rate steady do not. HIIT works both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems. You train your anaerobic system with short, intense efforts, like doing plyometric jumps; you train your aerobic system with lower intensity exercises like crunches. HIIT increases the amount of calories you burn because of the increased energy needed during recovery. HIIT will enable metabolic adaptations that allow you to use more stored fat as fuel. This effect improves your athletic performance as well as your ability to burn fat. HIIT also helps avoid muscle loss that can accompany losing weight.

You need to push yourself past your comfort zone if you are to be successful with the HIIT system. HIIT differs from other forms of interval training in that the high intensity intervals involve maximum effort, not just raising your heart rate. There are countless variations of the high intensity interval training style. The varying techniques use different numbers of high and low intensity intervals, different levels of intensity, different exercises, different lengths of time, and different training sessions per week. In order to use HIIT to improve sports performance, you’ll need to specialize the exercises used for your specific sport. HIIT provides endless variations to confuse your muscles and fit your needs while burning the most amount of calories in the shortest time.

Joshua “Coach” Kozak has been a fixture in the world of health and fitness for over 10 years. Best Advanced Exercises and high intensity training and Coach Kozak’s strength exercises.

Plyometric Training Exercises

July 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

If your actively involved in any type of activity that requires speed and strength, then you should be involved in plyometric training exercises. These types of exercises are designed to increase the functions of the nervous system, making you faster and more powerful.

With plyometric movements, a muscle is loaded and then contracted, in a very fast sequence, using the muscle elasticity, tendons, strength, and all the tissues that are around the muscle. The end results are higher jumping ability, faster and stronger running, and hitting more powerful..

The speed of your muscle contractions are increased to produce an explosion of power, that will put you in the top of your game. You will without question be able to reach your true potential. Your start will be quicker, your jump will be higher, and your overall performance will be more than you thought possible.

Plyometric training exercises are used to strengthen the tissues to train the nerve cells to contract in such a way which creates an explosive movement in as little time as possible.

Plyometric movements consist of a very fast lengthening movement of the muscle, then a brief rest, and then a very fast and powerful shortening of the the muscle.

With everything working together in such a way, the force is automatic. But to achieve your goals, you need to understand what is needed by you. Training for any activity takes proper nutrition, mental awareness, desire, dedication, commitment, focus, and hard work. To bring your game to the next level and to play like you only dreamed of, then you have to train using plyometrics.

No special equipment is needed to train with plyometric exercises.

You don’t need a weight room or muscle strengthening machine. Your training must include the proper diet. Some athletes don’t include the correct nutrition as part of their training. Without the proper nutrition, your chance of injury increases and your muscles wont become stronger.

Remember, its not your physical training that increases your muscle strength, its your nutritional intake. Nutrition is the most important ingredient involved in any training program. Don’t try to take any short cuts with your diet. Its the correct diet that will bring you to the top of your potential and ability. And it also is what will keep you performing at the top. Train smart, train hard, and use plyometric training exercises as a regular part of your training program, and you will achieve your full potential.

If what you read in my article is something that interests you, please continue to read on. Being online for over 10 years, I have come across many interesting things. Some good, and some not so good. When I find something that is far above the crowd, and delivers on what it says, I like to share it. If your interested in a complete and really proven training program, you may want to take a look at one of the few that delivers. Click the following:

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Solar Power Training – What You Need to Know About Solar Power

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by James Copper

Solar Power Training – What You Need to Know About Solar Power – Computers

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We’ve all been hearing about solar power and solar energy for the past few years. In an effort to help our environment, many are trying to use solar power in simple small ways they can afford. However, to really make a difference in our lives solar power should be used in homes as the main source of energy whenever possible. Solar power training courses are available in many places, offline and online, as a way to educate the public about the importance of using solar energy every chance we can.

Although it’s nice to think that everyone is fully informed and knowledgeable about solar energy, this is just not the case. Perhaps if solar power training was mandatory, more individuals would realize the importance of using solar power as well as the long term savings. Anyway you look at it, the advantages of using solar power fall outweigh the disadvantages. Here are some very important tips and facts about solar power.

– Solar panels save you money, pure and simple. The cost of fuel oil and propane has risen drastically the past few years and we never know from one month to the next how much we’ll be paying. Using solar panels will save you money long term. While the initial cost of buying and installing solar panels and solar systems is costly, your energy costs after that are zero. No longer will you have to worry about utility bills every month. As a way to save more money, many individuals are enrolling in solar power training so they can learn how to design and install the systems themselves, saving a bundle of money in the process. If you have many sunny days and produce and store more electricity than you’ll need, you may be able to sell it to your utility company.

– Solar Power training courses will educate you on more than just solar energy for your electricity needs. Solar hot water is a great money saver, saving around 60% off the cost of traditional hot water methods.

– Solar panels are non-polluting, renewable and clean, making them very environmentally friendly. The more ways we can help our environment, the healthier lives we’ll all live.

– Solar power systems run very quietly and efficiently and require almost no maintenance. They will also last for many years, continuing to save you money.

– Solar energy offers you the independence of not being forced to pay the high cost of electricity or fuel costs. If you happen to live in an area that’s secluded, electricity may be very expensive if not difficult to get. Solar energy is the perfect solution for this problem.

If learning all these interesting facts about solar energy and what a great idea it is hasn’t totally convinced you, consider checking out some solar power training courses and you’ll quickly want to learn all you can about solar power and ways to implement it into your home and daily lives.

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James Copper is a writer for where you can find out how to become an electrician

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James Copper is a writer for where you can find out how to become an electrician

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Circuit Training Workouts, Circuit Training and Circuit Training Workout

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Allen Knight

Circuit Training Workouts, Circuit Training and Circuit Training Workout – Health

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(go through complete circuit as soon as OR pair work outs for two-three sets ahead of transferring on): go through the circuit as numerous occasions as sought after OR as prolonged as time allows (twenty five minutes max): emphasize exercises requiring a lot more muscles and enable you to use far more weightComplete Body Sample Work outSquat OR Leg press …. superset with …… Dumbell Shoulder pressSplit Squat or Lunge… superset with Dumbbell Chest PressPhase-ups… superset with Mountain ClimbersRestrict stomach perform to 10-minutes every other day as your time is a lot greater invested training greater muscle tissues OR carrying out “intervals” to enhance metabolic rate and expend a lot more energyINTERVALS (twenty minutes whole time)* difficult action followed by durations of a reduce intensity* intervals enhance metabolic rate &amp aid make coaching sessions go by a little faster* on stationary cycle: warm-up for 5 minutes, then go difficult for 30s and sluggish for 60s, repeat 6 instances, cool down for 5 minutes* sprinting: warm-up for five minutes operate tough sixty seconds, relaxation sixty seconds, repeat 5 instances, cool down 5 minutesDietExcess fat reduction via a blend of exercise and calorie restriction is necessary for ideal abs. This signifies much more energy goes out than comes in and that need to lead to a reduction in body excess fat. If it had been only so simple! Right here are some far more state-of-the-art guidelines…* Subtract about 200 to 500 calories every day dependent on your existing caloric intake. The calories need to arrive solely from carbohydrate resources, ideally basic carbohydrates (sugar and processed breads, and so on.).* Minimize your intake of unnecessary fluids these as pop, alcohol, and sugar-packed juices. Enhance your water consumption (3L for every day) and eliminate all sources of fluids that have calories. Get your vitamin demands by means of meals resources and supplementation.* Do NOT starve your self simply because too much caloric restriction may possibly lead to a reduction in the metabolic fee and the entire body will adapt to store fairly than expend electricity.* When trying to lose weight, sustain a protein consumption of 1.2g/kg to stop the loss of lean physique mass (muscle mass).* Record your meals intake in a diet plan log. This will support you change your nutrient proportions and caloric intake.* Base good results on skinfold measurements and body composition analyses, not on the studying from the bathroom scale!* Contemplate a consultation with a registered dietician to figure out a specific diet to help meet your training objectives.Most individuals start off their kettlebell training careers by understanding the standard work outs – like the swing and the turkish get up. But, unfortunately, boredom seems to be a typical theme – even even though the consciousness exists of the want to repeat and function on the same moves, the exercises grow to be stale and motivation wanes generally following a time period of four weeks or so on the exact same software.BTW, this is the specific encounter I had when I initial started out my kettlebell instruction – I was acquiring great final results, but I was doing the identical darn thing each and every day and was getting bored out of my thoughts!!Circuit Training Workouts

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Really like operating out and supporting other folks to get suit.Circuit Training Workout

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Really like operating out and supporting other folks to get suit.Circuit Training Workout

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Resistance Training for Fat Loss

July 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Jacob Turner

Resistance Training for Fat Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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More even than cardiovascular activities, resistance training – weight lifting – has been shown to be highly effective in producing fat loss. Participants in Williamsburg, VA, fitness boot camp and personal training programs have found this to be the case, experiencing significant results from routines which incorporate resistance. If you’re one of the thousands of people in Williamsburg, VA, looking for weight loss solutions, consider the following.One of the reasons weight training is so effective at accelerating fat loss is that muscle burns more calories, pound for pound, than any other tissue in the body. So, by building more muscle, you’ll rev up your metabolism. Another reason is the after burn effect. After a strenuous workout, you’ll burn more calories at rest for up to 36 hours afterward, due to the increase in metabolism stimulated by oxygen depletion. These two factors combine to produce some really impressive, fast weight loss. In addition to the traditional use of barbells, dumbbells, and pulley machines, other methods of resistance training, like resistance bands and body weight isometrics, are effective as well. If you’re working with a Williamsburg, VA, fitness trainer, you’ll get personalized advice on which exercises to perform, how to perform them safely, and how to gain the most fat burning potential from every workout. You’ll also get advice on your diet plan.For weight loss, resistance exercise routines should be short and intense. Heavy weights, lifted for 8 to 10 repetitions, for no more than 20 minutes per session, keep the body burning oxygen, which triggers the critical after burn effect. Rests between sets should be no more than 60 seconds. Alternately, a circuit approach can be adopted, in which you move directly from one exercise to the next, with no rest at all between them.It’s a good idea to mix up your workouts from time to time, to avoid hitting a plateau in either fat loss or muscular definition. You can do this by changing the sequence of your routine, or by doing something completely different every few weeks. In general, a single routine should not be followed for longer than a month.This isn’t to say that, if the routine has been particularly effective, you shouldn’t get back to it after taking a break. This is perfectly fine. By taking a break, you’ll have restored that routine to something that will challenge the muscles again, and you’ll most likely see a new burst of results.If you like group activities, a boot camp in Williamsburg, VA, could be a good fit. These programs are intense and fast-paced. You’ll still get some personal guidance, and if you have any restrictions, they’ll be taken into account. Boot camp workouts typically move quickly from one exercise to the next, using the circuit or interval principle, so you get a powerful full body workout in a short time.Whatever strategy you choose to reach your goals of improved fitness and weight loss in Williamsburg, VA, making high intensity resistance training a major part of your plan will pay off. You’ll lose fat and develop a more fit physique, with results beginning to show in just a few weeks, in most cases.

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Are you looking for more information regarding personal training Williamsburg VA? Visit today!

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Are you looking for more information regarding personal training Williamsburg VA? Visit today!

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Strength Training and Weight Loss

July 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Jaco Alberts

Strength Training and Weight Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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Can I do strength training in order to assist me with my weight loss program?

Strength training and weight loss? This can be two opposite sides of the coin! But wait, first you have to establish precisely what your goal is. What weight do you want to lose? Do you want to lose fat weight? Do you want to increase muscle weight?

You also need to bear in mind the shape your body is in right now. If you are battling with being flabby, you might be able to lose weight, even if you do collect muscle weight.

The second thing you need to know is, when you do strength training you need to know what your goals are. What people normally refer to when talking about strength training, is weight training. This means you will work out against a certain resistance. Often people shy away from this kind of training because it is associated with huge bodybuilders, power lifters etc..

But this is where your goals come in, and getting proper guidance. To illustrate what I’m saying; if your car starts giving you trouble, would you take to a plumber to get it fixed? No! Of course not! You would take it to someone who is capable to do the job! Now this is where I get confused. If someone totally messes up your car, you can always go buy another one (at worst you might have to walk a couple days – which might even be good for your health). But when it comes to our health, and looking after our bodies, we take risks, take advice from anybody and go on starvation diets. Hey guys, you have one life, one body!

To get back to what your goal is. When your goal is to lose weight, the first place to start is looking at your diet. Do some homework and develop healthy eating habits. Look at what you eat. How often do you eat. It might be a good idea to have more regular meals, but smaller portions. Start eating slower. By doing this you will realize when you’ve had enough sooner, thus you will start having smaller meals.

Combine your diet with a suitable exercise routine. Once you decided on your goal, and you determined what exercise routine you want to follow, choose your diet accordingly. In order to lose weight, you need to cut back on calories. But especially if you are going to do strength training, you still need to get the proper amount of calorie intake. You also need to consider what kind of strength training you want to do. If you do heavy weights, with low reps on each exercise, you most likely are going to battle with weight loss. This will increase your strength, and you will add muscle size.

It is a good idea to consider working out with lighter weights and doing more reps on each set. Do this maybe twice per week, and follow a good cardio program 3 times per week. This will cause you to burn the fat, and by strengthening your muscles, your body will use up even more calories. While burning the calories, you will be toning and developing lean muscles. Thus the importance of matching your diet with your workout routine, in order to make sure you still have enough “fuel” for your body to function properly without being depleted.

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To get excellent tips and expert advice on how to get the exact results you want, and improve your health, visit Create Your Own Healthy Lifestyle

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To get excellent tips and expert advice on how to get the exact results you want, and improve your health, visit Create Your Own Healthy Lifestyle

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Your Weight Training Diet Starts in the Supermarket

July 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Catherine McCloud

Your Weight Training Diet Starts in the Supermarket – Health – Weight Loss

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The best way to keep junk from appearing on your plate is to keep it out of the house. I know I don’t have the willpower to resist chocolate or garlic bread or some of my other weaknesses once I can smell them in the house. It might seem overly mundane, but improving your grocery shopping can have a positive effect on your fitness goals. Here are some tips to improve your shopping and thus your eating:

1. Don’t Shop Hungry

Plan to do your grocery shopping immediately after eating a meal. Boy is it ever easy to give in to some bad purchases when you are hungry. Arm yourself by shopping on a full stomach.

2. Stick to Your List

When you create your list you are actively thinking about what you NEED. It’s another topic entirely about which items you should add to your list and which you should avoid, but if it didn’t make it on to your list when you were at home, then you must not really need it. Stores are designed to get people to buy things they don’t need… everything from the layout of the store, to the placement of products, to packaging. None of that is arbitrary, and once you are in the store you will not be able to make unbiased decisions about what you actually need anymore. Which is where your pre-approved list comes into importance. If its not on your list, don’t let it into your cart when you are at the store.

3. Explore Other Options

Companies pay good money to have their products placed at your eye-level. Take some time to explore what is a few rows up and a few rows below; you might find that you weren’t necessarily getting the healthiest option. As a kid I would only eat plain chicken that was baked so much it could be pulled into strings. I think this “string chicken” drove my mom nuts, and I gag at the thought now. Another way to expand your options is to explore new foods and new recipes. With the internet you don’t have to limit yourself to just your Grandmother’s recipe box anymore. Make an effort to try a few new healthy recipes and new food types.

4. Read the Labels

Now that you are looking at more options, you will want to read the labels to be sure you are picking the healthiest option. In the beginning this could be a pain, I admit. Over time though, you will know what is what and will need to do this less. Of course, one of the best ways to avoid reading labels is to avoid buying things with labels and therefore sticking with vegetables, fruits, etc, but that is another topic. For instance sugar is rarely written simply as sugar, and is often hidden under names such as high-fructose corn syrup, malt syrup, maltodextrin, any many others.

5. Resist Bargains and Sales

Who doesn’t love a good sale? We’re programmed to buy things that are marked “on sale”… probably even to the point of disregarding whether the price is actually discounted beyond the usual price or not. Unfortunately in the grocery store, reduced price very often equates itself to reduced quality. Go back to your list! You can save money by planning your purchases for when things are on sale, but ignoring your list just because something is on sale can be dangerous to your diet. Once it gets into your house it is most likely to get eaten, and you are just setting yourself up for failure. This is doubly damaging if you decide to “stock up” on sale items that aren’t on your list. If something can last in the pantry for months you have to wonder just how healthy it is for you.

I hope these tips will help you become a smarter food shopper. Protect your grocery cart and protect your diet.

About the Author

If you are liked these tips then check out the free fat-loss report at MyBellyFatLossSecrets for 27 unique methods that will boost your metabolism and help you lose that belly fat.

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Catherine McCloud

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If you are liked these tips then check out the free fat-loss report at MyBellyFatLossSecrets for 27 unique methods that will boost your metabolism and help you lose that belly fat.

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