The Benefits Of A Strength Training Program
July 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Resistance Training
Article by James Waltermaine
The Benefits Of A Strength Training Program – Health – Fitness
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An effective strength training program and a healthier diet can enhance weight loss while maintaining good health. In today’s rising problems with obesity, more and more people are gaining unwanted weight due to the quality of foods they eat and their chosen lifestyle. Concerns about obesity and other health issues brought about the need for healthier food options and proven exercise programs.
Program for Men and Women is one of the Best Options to Consider
Numerous studies have proven that an appropriate program is one of the most effective and healthy options for losing weight. However, before we can say that such a training program is truly the best option, it is essential that we first learn what it is all about. It involves exercises that make the muscles to tighten by resisting pressure provided by weights, rubber tubing, high-resistance equipment, or the individual’s own body weight by repeating a certain exercise step for about two minutes.
The different types of strength training program include:
• Basic Strength Training is the common type used by people who want to lose weight while gaining strength and energy in order to be healthy. The major objective is to make the major muscle groups, ligaments, tendons, and joints strong, flexible, and healthy.• Hypertrophy Strength Training is usually used by people, especially athletes who want to add extra muscle bulk.• Maximal Strength Training is the type of training that focuses on developing strong coordination between nerves and muscles in order to create maximum strength.• Explosive Strength Training is for people who need explosive power in order to have maximum strength for a sport activity.• Muscular Endurance Strength Training is a training that concentrates on building strength to beat low resistance, but for an extended period. Marathoners and mountain climbers benefit from this training program.Strength training programs may also be classified as weight training program, plyometric training program, and resistance training program.
Remarkable Benefits of a Reliable Program
A reliable training program has numerous benefits in maintaining good health and providing the needed energy, especially among people over forty. Some of the remarkable benefits are:
• Weight Loss – program that involves plyometric exercises and the use of weight lifting belts is most helpful in enhancing metabolism and burning calories that results to weight loss. Weight training for women keeps most women in shape and helps fight obesity.• Reduce Pains – program helps reduce back pains, muscle pains, and cramps.• Healthier Bones and Muscles – program helps in making bones healthier and minimizes osteoporosis. It also improves body posture and figure. Strength training also provides well-toned and firm muscles.• Anti-Aging Benefits – program is also helpful in preventing aging by improving the quality of skin, improves cardio and respiratory conditions, and increase muscle composition. Weight training is effective in the elevation of testosterone levels among older men as proven by studies on testosterone replacement.Before you enroll, make sure that you first consult your doctor or any licensed physical therapist. It is crucial that the exercises suit your body requirements. A wrong training program will result to more injuries than health benefits.
If you are doing your training at home, find a good online personal trainer who can help you achieve your goal with the appropriate program recommended by your doctor. Most online personal trainers are highly trained and hold certification from known fitness organizations. When you enroll in any of the online programs, you will definitely gain the numerous benefits from a strength training program.
About the Author
James Waltermaine is a contributing writer for a strength training program website. For more related articles about strength training, plyometric training, etc., please visit
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James Waltermaine is a contributing writer for a strength training program website. For more related articles about strength training, plyometric training, etc., please visit
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Employing Plyometric Training Workout routines to jump Higher and Dunk
July 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by David Martinez
Employing Plyometric Training Workout routines to jump Higher and Dunk – Other
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Recently I decided to add plyometric training exercises to my workout routine. A long time ago, I experimented with different types of exercises to increase my vertical. I found that plyometric training provided substantial gains in my vertical leaping ability and also vastly improved my leg strength. With plyometrics, you can learn to dunk and jumping higher, this program is a great teacher!
Way back in high school, I was obsessed with my vertical leap. Just as was the case with push ups, whenever our gym classes measured our jumping ability, I became a fiercely competitive animal. I remember that I was 2nd in the school at 34″ during my junior year. The school champion was able to leap 36″ and subsequently was part of the University of Connecticut basketball squad’s starting lineup. I decided that I would really focus on plyometric training exercises to increase my vertical. I tried a program called Air Alert II. It was the opposite of what I really needed, and not effective.
The program called Air Alert II was nothing more than an overblown technique promising to increase your vertical leap by ten inches. While these guarantees may have been appealing to a teenager, they were worth little more than the paper on which they were printed, and certainly not the $ 10 I actually paid for them. The regimen incorporated a series of five movements, including calf raises, step ups, leap ups, squat jumps and burnouts. The frequency of exercises was the main problem, not the exercises themselves, it just didn’t work.
Many such jump training programs involve five days of plyometrics, and Air Alert II was no exception, it was a big problem. In addition, the volume of training was ungodly with 3-4 sets of 50-100 reps per exercise. This can certainly increase leg strength, but in actuality results in muscle overuse. Moreover, how can doing 100 reps of an exercise really help my vertical leap?
A vertical leap is an explosion upward. The best way to gain explosive strength is not high rep training. Think of performing bench press. If you want to get really strong, you’d perform multiple sets of 1-3 reps with really heavy weights. Following that analogy, a program like this one would suggest that you complete 100 repetitions with an unweighted barbell alone. Maybe your endurance would improve, but you won’t get meaningfully stronger. In addition, you would never try to bench press every single day for 5 days straight.
Take it from me, the best way to increase leg strength and vertical leap is to do low rep plyometrics training. The specific plyometric movement at issue will determine, at least in part, how many repetitions are advisable. Some plyometrics exercises work best with only 5 reps, while 10-15 reps for others will help you gain explosive power. Intense exercise is the most important part of any program. If you can jump 2ft in the air, then don’t train by jumping 1ft in the air.
Definitions of plyometrics vary among individuals, though the one I find to be the best is the one that describes plyometrics training as that which incorporates movements meant to foster quick, explosive movement. For explosive speed and power, plyometrics are the best exercises around. In fact, vertical jump programs generally improve a person’s 40 yard dash time as well. It’s also a common misconception that calf muscles are the primary driver of a higher vertical leap. Test this theory by jumping without bent knees and then as you usually would. It should soon become apparent that you are able to jump much higher by bending at the knee, as you are making use of the strength contained in the quads and hamstring muscles. Although calf muscles are important, the bigger leg muscles give the extra power for explosive strength.
My plyometrics is working for me, let me show you: It’s made up of several programs that work together. After each exercise, I rest for half a minute before moving on to the next one. The perfect situation would be to perform several sets and incorporate longer rest breaks between each exercise, as one would do in a strength building program, though this circuit format is good in that it saves time. As I constructed the following plan, I concentrated on varying the movements based on which muscles they used and at what level of intensity.
Because improving my vertical leaping ability is not my only goal, I simply use plyometrics as a partial substitute for cardiovascular work and also for some additional gains in leg strength. However, there are specific plyometric training programs that provide exercises to increase vertical leap.
If we are honest, we will admit that anyone under six feet tall who dunks a basketball is a truly astounding individual. Seeing someone jump into the air and dunk a ball at a height of 10 feet never gets old. The Jump Manual is great for learning about high jumping and dunking techniques, it goes beyond what plyometric exercises can do.
The Jump Manual helps increases vertical leaps because it’s more structured. Later this year, when I’m ready to try something different in my workouts, I plan to mix programs for effectiveness. I remain uncertain about any program’s promises to improve your vertical leap, though I believe that no matter what, the program does boast a strong framework for increasing leg strength at the very least.
Even if you have no interest in increasing your vertical leap or explosive power, in my opinion, plyometric training exercises are a great replacement for cardio. Just by working hard you will realize fat loss. I personally enjoy plyometrics training much more than the elliptical or exercise bike. Improved leg strength without the bukly, awkward, bulging leg muscles is another advantage to plyometrics. Therefore, no matter if you are keen on improving your leaping and dunking abilities, or just wish to gain a more impressive physique by doing something other than cardio, plyometric training exercises may be a great choice for you.
About the Author
Whenever you would like to read additional information on how to jump higher to dunk, come browse my website where I provide you with diet and exercise approaches to enable you to shed fat and get a lean physical appearance. Start getting into incredible condition now!
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Whenever you would like to read additional information on how to jump higher to dunk, come browse my website where I provide you with diet and exercise approaches to enable you to shed fat and get a lean physical appearance. Start getting into incredible condition now!
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How Can Women Benefit From Weight Training?
July 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
When it comes to weight training, it is not uncommon that many women are easily put off from the idea of doing it. One of the main reasons is the fear of putting on muscle bulk which is not very likely due to the lack of testosterone hormone in the female body. Weight training do not build bulky muscles in women but it certainly has many benefits in terms of health and fitness for women. The following are the 5 main benefits of weight training for women.
Prevent Osteporosis
Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass due to the loss of calcium. This will weaken the bone and cause the bone to break easily. Unfortunately, women often suffer more from this than men due to loss of estrogen after menopause. By starting strength training early, it can prevent and delay the effects of osteoporosis.
Prevent Sarcopenia
Sarcopenia refers to the loss of muscle size and mass that leads to the declining strength with increasing age.
With loss of strength, it can lead to potential fall injuries and loss of function. As women started off with less muscle fibers than men, they are dramatically affected by sarcopenia as they aged. Strength training can help greatly reduced effects of sarcopenia and improve function. Therefore, it is important for women to engage in such training early in life.
Increase Metabolism
In terms of weight management, it’s advantageous to have high metabolism as it would mean that the body is very capable of burning high amount of calories. This is crucial because you would have to exercise more to burn the same amount of calories compared to someone who has a higher metabolism than you. With proper weight training, it can kick up your metabolism.
Improve Toning
Weight training not only gives your metabolism a big boost, it also tones the body.
Because of the higher metabolism, higher amount of fat calories are expended at rest that results in the melting of the body fat. When the excess fat is removed from the body, it allows you to show the tones in the body.
Improve Functional Strength
Most importantly, our quality of life is much affected by out functional strength. Without functional strength, we will find it hard to carry our groceries, move your furniture in your home, squat and lean over to pick up your baby and walk up the stairs. Strength training basically improves your abilities to carry out our daily chores. And especially for women who can lose their muscular strength quite easily, it is even more important to do weight training.
TC is a Perth personal trainer and bootcamp instructor who serves the City of Nedlands, Claremont and Subiaco in Western Australia. He specializes in women fat loss Perth program and runs a boot camp catered to that. For a week of FREE access to his boot camp, please visit his Perth women boot camp website.
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Strength Training Program for Men and Women
July 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Training
Article by Katrina Rooker
Strength Training Program for Men and Women – Self Help – Advice
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Men and Women always want to have a toned body. One of fastest growing forms of exercise is strength training. There are many benefits to strength training; lose fat, increases metabolic rate, increase bone density, increase lean muscles, helps prevent sports injuries, improves balance, helps prevent coronary disease, delays the aging process and improves self image.
Before beginning a strength training program, you need to consult a doctor. Your strength training programs need to be created according to your specific objectives; loss of fat or bulking up your muscles. Choosing your workout routine might be the hardest part of starting your fitness program. But if you follow the guidelines provided by a personal trainer, then you can increase your chances of becoming successful with your fitness goals.
Here are some things to think about before you start:
1. Do not strength train every day of the week, allow 24 to 36 hours between each workout. Consecutive days of doing the exercises can lead to muscle fatigue, possible injury, and overtraining. Your muscle need to rest between workouts.
2. Be realistic, you are not going to lose your weight overnight. Remember you didn’t gain weight overnight so don’t expect it to come to off overnight. First you will need plenty of rest, eat well balanced meals and exercise on a regular basis.
3. It will take time to tone your body. You need to concentrate on one muscle group at a time. Once you are through, you can proceed to your next targeted area. Use machines along with free weights to get an optimum workout. (Just remember you will not get a flat stomach just by doing crunches.)
4. Your strength training programs should be consistent and regular to ensure successful results. Your strength training requires a change in your lifestyle. Bad habits must be replaced with good ones.
5. Strength training requires that you change your routine every 4 to 6 weeks. It will prevent your body from getting bored and makes your workouts more interesting.
The best way to get started is to set your fitness goals. Be certain that your goals are realizable, attainable and realistic. Don’t go for unrealistic ones because you won’t get anywhere and it’s far too out of reach. Identify your health, fitness, and diet needs, and after doing so, set your goals right away. Try to make goals only for yourself, especially if you’re just starting out with this kind of activity.
It seems that health, fitness, and diet are all intertwined. If one of the three is absent, you can’t achieve your goal. A good strength training progarm and a healthy diet are two important things that you should consider.
About the Author
I work in the health and wellness field. It is important to share information about health issues concerning Men and Women. My website is all about health, fitness and dietary supplements. Please visit and check out the free sample page at
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I work in the health and wellness field. It is important to share information about health issues concerning Men and Women. My website is all about health, fitness and dietary supplements. Please visit and check out the free sample page at
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Get started on a beginner strength training program for women with a tricep extensions workout routine. Expert: Erin Sharoni (follow Erin on Twitter at You can also follow Erin on Facebook, at Thanks for watching Beginner Strength Training Program for Women: Tricep Extensions! If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to the Howcast YouTube channel! Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from howcast and more videos in the Howto category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide (at ), learn about producing Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmaker Program (at ), or showcase your expertise in a Howcast video series (at ).
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Your Strength Training Program: Advanced Tips To Gain Strength Quickly
July 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Rusty Moore
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A Strength Training Program is Much Different Than A Bodybuilding Program.
In order to setup a proper strength training program, you need to understand how a muscle gets stronger. If you fail to understand the physiology behind getting stronger, you will put together a sub-optimal strength training program. My goal in this short article is to explain the differences between bodybuilding and gaining strength.
How a Bodybuilding Program Works.
Bodybuilding involves breaking down a muscle. This is done by performing reps in the 6-12 range and working the muscle to exhaustion. Typically bodybuilders aim for a “burn” and a “pump” in the muscle. They employ things like forced reps and negatives. If your goal is to build muscle then you are purposely trying to damage that muscle group. The idea is that when the muscle repairs itself, it will overcompensate and add a little more mass to that muscle group. Over time, these muscle groups will become noticeably larger. A proper strength training program aims for something much different.
How a Strength Training Program Works.
A good strength training program should focus on making a muscle more efficient, not in breaking down a muscle. If your strength training program is geared toward things like the “pump” or the “burn” then you need to change your approach. Think of bodybuilding as “muscle” based and strength training as “nervous system” based. In a good strength training program you are trying to train your nervous system to send stronger impulses to the muscle group being worked. Your strength training program should be based around performing heavy weights and low repetitions.
Heavy Weights Generate Stronger Nerve Impulses to the Muscle Than Light Weights.
If you take a 5 pound weight and curl it, you nervous system barely needs to work to contract your bicep muscle. If you take a 40 pound weight and curl it, your nervous system needs to work harder. The heavier the weights you chose, the less reps you can perform in a specific lift. That is why an effective strength training program is based around lifting heavy weights for low reps.
How Many Sets and Reps are Optimal in a Good Strength Training Program?
In order to train your nervous system to become more efficient, you need to train it to fire strong impulses to the muscle over and over again. You must perform a specific heavy lift enough times for the mind-to-muscle link to get stronger. Gaining strength is a skill that is developed with practice like any other skill, so your strength training program needs to reflect that. Each set you perform should be 2-5 reps, but you will need to perform many sets to get the proper practice. You can decide for yourself how many sets you want to perform, I recommend between 6-10 sets in the major lifts.
Never Train To Failure if You Want to Gain Strength at a Fast Rate!
Training to failure is definitely a bodybuilding thing. None of your sets in your strength training program should ever be taken to failure. Every time you train to failure you are teaching your nervous system to fail. You will be rewarded with weaker impulses sent to the muscle on the next sets you perform. When you train to failure you are taking a “few steps back” in your quest to gaining strength. Obviously forced reps are to be avoided as well.
Schedule Plenty of Rest In Between Sets in Your Strength Training Program.
Bodybuilders strive hard for things like “the pump” and they are trying to really exhaust their muscles, so they need to keep rest to a minimum. In a strength training program, you want maximum nerve impulses sent to the muscle each and every rep. In order to insure that really strong impulses are generated, you need to rest up to 5 minutes in between each set. If you ever play video games it is like waiting for your character’s energy to recharge up to 100%. Schedule enough time in your strength training program to rest 3-5 minutes in between each set.
You Should Not Be Sore After Performing Your Strength Training Program.
Since your strength training program isn’t breaking down your muscles, you should experience very little soreness the days after your workout. Since the muscles don’t need to repair themselves, you can work each muscle group more often than if you following a bodybuilding routine. A bodybuilder might work each muscle group twice a week, you should be able to work each muscle group 3-4 times per week. If you “practice” each lift 4 times per week, you should get quicker results than someone who does it 2 times per week. Just make sure that you aren’t breaking the muscle down like a bodybuilder.
A Quick Summary of a Good Strength Training Program
1) 3-5 reps per set2) 6-10 sets per exercise3) 3-5 minutes rest in between sets4) Never train to failure5) Never perform forced reps6) Practice major lifts 3-4 times per week
Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion out there in setting up an effective strength training program.
About the Author
Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want their body to “attract the opposite sex”. Learn how to get that rare “Hollywood” physique. Click Here ===> The Death of Bodybuilding
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Rusty Moore is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want their body to “attract the opposite sex”. Learn how to get that rare “Hollywood” physique. Click Here ===> The Death of Bodybuilding
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Iso 7X – Home Strength Training Equipment
July 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Training
Do you know how to build body strength. Life nowadays requires certain discipline in oneself and this also includes the determination in one person. Dieting is one example of a perfect discipline. Most of the people already seeks for guidance in dieting and losing weight. Some settle for home strength training equipment, it would be a lot more effective for them. The ideal body that pictures out a healthy and fit figure.
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In this kind of endeavor, balanced diet is really required for you to be able to be an effective one. So try to consider things that should be done and should not, for you to be able to succeed of course. Everything would be given by this Home strength training equipment.
On how to gain strength, all you would be needing in being successful in strength building supplement is consistence and look forward to what you need to obtain so that you may be able to get what you really are aiming for.
If you are to base everything in a single supplement that could be possible that is for you on how to build muscle and stay lean.
But it would really be more effective if you would include proper exercise. Like including stretching into your daily endeavor for you to be able to be helped on a natural way to gain muscle. Eat the right food and the nutritious ones for you to be able to find it easier to maintain the body that you are aiming for. Fruits and vegetables are really that effective, as we all know there are so much fibers that can be taken from these nutritious kinds of foods. You have To be consistent, in everything you do consistency is also a requirement.
You should be applying more than or at least 30 or 40 minutes of cardio in your so-called “fat-burning zone”, two or three times a week isn’t going to be enough, so do it everyday for a faster development. As you’ve learned, a full-body training program that includes both cardiovascular and resistance exercise will deliver better, faster results. You need to be consistent and it is important to set up a goal and then choose the right exercises for you, at least select the best and think of an exercise that could really help you. Be consistent as well as give time on exercising.
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This author writes about How To Build Upper Body Strength Fast and ISO 7X The new generation of Body Weight training with 100% core engagement. For more info go to
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The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Weight Training Illustrated, 3rd Edition
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We’ve beefed up … with all new photos. Both newbies and gym rats will want to get their hands on this updated edition. Now with an easier-to-use format, this guide gives each exercise a full 2-page spread, adding over new 300 photos. Included are additional exercises for all major muscle groups (incorporating bands, balls, and other non-traditional equipment), a section on bringing the gym experience home, and up-to- the-minute information on taking suppl… More >>
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Weight Training Illustrated, 3rd Edition
Weight Training Routines For Skinny Guys And Girls
July 5, 2012 by admin
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Article by Kim Johnson
Weight Training Routines For Skinny Guys And Girls – Health – Fitness
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Does looking at yourself in the mirror every morning depress you? If you look like someone who hasn’t eaten a decent meal for days, maybe you would be happy to know that you are not the only one with that particular problem and you can do something about it by following any one of the reliable weight training routines out there on the Internet or in magazines. Adequate weight training routines have the power to transform your appearance in weeks.If you are someone who does not put on lean muscle mass very easily, your weight training routines will be slightly different than those of most fitness enthusiasts. The techniques that will be used will have a few distinct features. The bodybuilding program will focus mostly on intense trainings and very little volume training. There are a few rules to the the distinguishable weight training routines which we will discuss rather elaborately.
If your body resists lean muscle mass, your weight training routines should be carried out in as short a period of time as possible. Don’t ever spend hours in a gym at a time. You will never grow no matter how good the bodybuilding routine you are using is. Most weight training routines require you to spend a lot of calories and you can’t afford to do that. As a general rule, you grow when you are resting. Your workout pattern should therefore promote long hours of rest. Obviously that does not mean you should take days off your training routine at a time, it simply implies that you need to include plenty of rest periods spaced out all along your weight training routines.
Don’t bother with isolated exercises like triceps extensions or chest flys. They are no good to you You are not allowed much time in the gym as we saw earlier so you need to concentrate on those weight training routines that will give you the best results. Your weight training routines should focus on compound lifts only, including squats, deadlifts, military presses and so on.
Other than that, there is something you should understand. As long as you act smart in the kitchen, you need not bother with cardio at all, much less with hours of cardio. Remaining lean is no problem for you so your weight training routines should dispense of cardio exercises as far as possible. In most weight training routies, cardio just goes on to enhance the burning of calories. Since calories is not one of your hot commodities, your bodybuilding program should completely ignore the treadmill among other things. If you want to include cardio in your trainings just for the sake of your health, you should spend at most twenty minute with the cardio exercises no more than 3 times a week.
You must make sure you maintain a proper and healthy form throughout your weight training routines. Sleep is absolutely essential and should not be neglected under any condition. Ideally you should book a session with a trainer to find those weight training routines that would work best for you.
About the Author
Alternately, you may want to check out the following website about weight training routines. Click here to access them. You can also check out our muscle building blog for even more information.
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Alternately, you may want to check out the following website about weight training routines. Click here to access them. You can also check out our muscle building blog for even more information.
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Shredding Fat With Speed And Strength Training
July 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Workouts
Speed and strength training are the most effective methods that are begin used today to get a lean body. These are especially useful if you are trying to get lean in a hurry.
When trying to get lean, many people make a huge mistake when choosing the workouts. Not only does speed and strength training help you get lean, it also plays a vital role when it comes to good conditioning of the body. This type of training guarantees results, and prevents injuries.
Here are a few workouts that represent speed and strength training, respectively, just to let you have an idea of what they are.
Speed Training
Speed training not only focuses on improving your speed, agility, fitness, and quickness; it also helps you burn fat so much quicker whether it is your intention or not. Speed training is used by amateur and professional athletes to greatly improve their conditioning to bring out the best of their abilities.
Here are a few examples:
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Interval Training
Tabata Sprints
Shuttle Runs
100m and 200m sprints
Strength Training
Now strength training is used as the ultimate conditioning program. Many people, whether pro athletes, amateurs, and even normal people use strength training to build muscle. Regardless of the reason for that muscle growth, stronger muscles help prevent injuries and make you look good at the same time. Here are a few:
Resistance Training
Descending Pyramid Weight Reps
Ascending Pyramid Weight Reps, etc
The good thing about strength training is that it is entirely up to you if you want to gain both muscle and strength or, if you are happy with your muscle mass, just improve on your strength without building more muscle mass.
Critical Details
If you are looking for something more than just conditioning and strength, and want to look good and lean then there is something else you have to take into account when trying to shape your body.
Have you ever heard of the phrase – “you can never out-exercise a bad diet”? The thing that most people fail to shed light upon is the fact that having a good diet really helps in acquiring an awesome physique.
You need a good diet for a good body and it is important that you are happy with your diet because if you are not then you will get easily distracted and stray away from your goals.
If you are looking for more interesting facts and info about speed and strength training or other fat loss techniques, visit out resource page at “” and don’t forget to claim your free gift!
Pull Up & Push Up Bar Training Routines
Using a universal pull up bar such as the Iron Gym Pull Up Bar or the Pull Up Bar by Cap may seem simple enough and even comes with instructions. However, this is like an entire upper body workout all in one if used correct for pull ups, chin ups, push ups, dips, sit ups and more with variations on each exercise.
So you don’t feel overwhelmed I will break this into workout sections:
Chest & Back
– Overview: work chest and back together once a week as complimentary muscle groups. Be sure to stretch and warm up your arms and upper body before any pull ups or chin ups. These rep counts are for a fit male. If you are just starting out you may want to use a chair in front of you to modify the move with one foot on the chair. Also note that all exercises are done using the bar. Finally, take no more than 20 seconds between exercises unless a break is noted to keep your heart rate up.- Routine:
Standard push ups (15-20 reps)
Wide front pull ups (6-12 reps)
Military push ups (15-20 reps)
Reverse grip chin ups (6-12 reps)
60 second water break
Wide fly push ups (12-18 reps)
Closed grip pull ups (6-12 reps) *like a regular pull up with hands only thumb-length apart
Decline push ups (12-18 reps) *elevate feet on a couch or bed then do push ups as normal
Corn-cob chin ups (6-10 reps) *complete a regular chin up and at the top shift side to side
90 second water break
Repeate entire routine, be sure to finish with another cooldown and stretch.
Shoulders & Arms
– Overview: also a weekly rourtine. Stetch for at least 5 minutes prior to starting and during the first round pace yourself doing just enough reps so the last 2 you have to push for.
Handle pull ups (10-14 reps) *using the straight handles on a pull up bar
Tricep Dips (15-25 reps)
Handstand push ups (6-12 reps) *place pull up bar next to a wall, get in handstand position and lift yourself upward
Towel pull ups – towel in left hand (6-12 reps) *put towel over the bar and pull up with one hand on bar, one gripping towel.
Military push ups (15-20 reps)
Towel pull ups – towel in right hand (6-12 reps)
90 second water break
Repeate entire routine, be sure to finish with another cooldown and stretch.
– Find the Pull Up Bar by Cap at as cheaper and better built alternative to the Iron Gym Bar.
Ryder Meehan
Fitness Expert –
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