Essential Training Tips For Your First London Marathon

June 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by David Abel

Essential Training Tips For Your First London Marathon – Outdoors – Running

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The London Marathon Like Any Marathon Can Be Your Ultimate Challenge.

Preparation is a key element for training for running events, especially the longer events like the London Marathon. Prepare well and you will be able to boost your endurance, build your strength allowing you to be able to run the longer distance while greatly inproving your speed.

Boosting Your Endurance For A Marathon

Endurance training is a significant part of your workout routine for events like the London Marathon. Top runners have their own special workouts that prepare themselves mentally as well as physically for the demands of running the marathon.Essentially you will build up gradually how many miles you can run, a plan of attack will be to do several (3 or 4) 10K runs a week with one run of maybe 20K. You will need to get your body used to the stress and strains of a long run, so you’ll have to really push yourself in the shorter runs to build your stamina and to build a tempo for the longer marathon run.

*Throw a little hill work into your run, this will increase the aerobic levels and bolster your stamina, livening up your training.

Tune Your Mind For The Marathon

Marathon runners have a special mind to body attitude that helps keep them strong mentally as well as physically during the long marathon race. Setting goals during practice and workouts is an essential part of any marathon runners routine, whther it be extending the distance being run or lowering the time spent running a specific distance. So running an event like the London Marathon can be attributed to a runners ability to control themselves, mind and body, and do what they know is and feels right.

Build Up To The Marathon Gradually

An effective training plan will help you to complete an event like the London Marathon, building up to the distance is the key. The most important thing is patience and consistancy, it is important that you don’t go “gung ho” and give yourself an injury that will slow your development.

*In fact rest is a key element in your marathon training routine, so dont feel like you have to run everyday, your body needs to recover.

To get the feel of a Marathon, do a few “fun runs” of say 5 or 10K as this will get you used to how a race feels and they are also very good ways of generating a faster marathon pace as well as being great fitness boosters.

*Race efforts can dramatically boost aerobic capacity and lactate threshold.

Alternate Traning Routines To Alleviate Boredom

Doing the same training week in-week out can be very tiresome and unmotivating, so you need to shake up your traning workouts and runs so that you don’t become un-motivated. as we said doing a couple of shorter “fun runs” really can be motivating and indeed a fun part of your training for an event like the London Marathon.*Try to locate some local runs to ‘compete’ in and boost your fitness and confidence levels.

Shake up your training by distance as well as time spent running, by that I mean set a distance to run one day then the next time you run set an amount of time spent running, such as an hour long run. Take it easy occasionally too, get plenty of rest and on a couple of your marathon training runs be totally comfortable a controlled. By that I mean run well within yourself, you will feel that you can run faster, Don’t! This method will boost your confidence and you will still be burining calories and building endurance.

There are more ways to improve your stamina, fitness and strength needed for an event such as the London Marathon with effective training routines and plans, but try to have fun too!

On The London Marathon Race Day

Try to relax and run slower that you think that you can for the first part of the race, say the first 12 to 13 miles, look around you and maybe chat to the people around you. Drink plenty of fluids, maybe walk through the aid stations, take a break with short walks then resume running – the aim is to complete the distance and not to compete with the other runners.

On London Marathon race day don’t forget why you are there, whether achieving a goal, building confidence in your abilities or trying earn money for a chosen Charity and try to enjoy the experience.

About the Author

I am Acting as mentor to a good friend (Simon Dodds) who is running for Charity in the London Marathon on April 22nd 2012. Hopefully he will raise lots of money and a good deal of awarenes for his chosen charity which is “Sense” a charity helping people deal with the dibilitating effects of children born Deafblind. If you have a minute please click through to his website to donate a little to help this worthwhile cause. Sponsor Me Run Thank You.

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David Abel

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I am Acting as mentor to a good friend (Simon Dodds) who is running for Charity in the London Marathon on April 22nd 2012. Hopefully he will raise lots of money and a good deal of awarenes for his chosen charity which is “Sense” a charity helping people deal with the dibilitating effects of children born Deafblind. If you have a minute please click through to his website to donate a little to help this worthwhile cause. Sponsor Me Run Thank You.

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Strength Training

June 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Exercises that offer resistance to help build muscle mass and strength are known as strength training exercises. While a few aerobic exercises do offer resistance, it is not the same as strength training. These types of exercises involve lifting heavy weights, which include free weights, machines and elastic bands. Before lifting weights, however, it is advisable to consult your physician. Strength training exercises can be divided into three categories:

Upper Body Exercises

Lat Pull-down
-Grab the bar with a firm grip
-Your grip should be wider than your shoulder width
-With your arms fully extended, keep your back straight and head slightly down
-Slowly pull down the bar
-The bar should reach the base of your neck
-Reverse the motion until your arms are fully extended again

Bicep Curl
-Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly bent
-Grab the bars and maintain a width that is slightly wider than the shoulders
-Raise the bars to your chest in an arc-like motion. Bend your arms and push the bars to the front of your shoulders
-Slowly, lower the bars until they are in the original position
-This exercise can also be performed using free weights and even water bottles
-It works on the biceps and elbow flexors

Triceps Pull-down
-Grab the bar with a grip which is around 10 to 15 cm apart
-Your feet should be at shoulder-width distance from each other with your knees bent slightly and your upper body erect
-With your arms bent, pull the bar slowly towards your lower body
-Let the bar rise slowly till it is at its original position

Abdominal Exercises

Abdominal Crunch
-Lie back down on the floor
-Bend your knees and bring your feet close to your buttocks
-Either fold your arms across your chest or place them behind your head, and tuck your chin into your chest
-With your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body towards the thighs
-At the same time, your lower back should be on the floor
-Lower your shoulders and upper body slowly and return to the original position

Lower Body Exercises

-Place the straight bar on the rack. It should be just below the shoulders
-Add the proper weights and place collars on both sides to hold them in place
-Step under the bar and place your arms on the bar
-Place one foot before your body and the other behind and then lift the bar off the rack
-Position your feet such that they are at shoulder-width distance with the toes pointing in the same direction as the knees
-Keep the back straight and your head forward
-With both firmly on the ground, lower yourself slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor
-Bend your hips such that your buttocks stick out
-To go back up, press into the floor and slowly straighten the legs
-Make sure to keep your back straight

Leg Extension
-You will need the leg extension equipment to perform this exercise
-Sit in the machine after you place the resistance on the stack
-Place both your ankles behind the leg bar such that the bar touches your leg just above the foot
-Align your knees with the machine’s axis and grasp the handles on the side of the seat
-With your upper body erect, lift your legs so that they are right in front of you
-Slowly lift the weight
-Throughout the exercise, remain in your seat and keep your back straight
-Slowly lower the weight and return back to the starting position

An expert on strength training, Chris Kennelly has written several articles for Sports and Supplements. The author will be happy to assist you if you have any questions.

Hyper Blast from Hyper Strength and iSatori 3-XL will have a remarkable effect on your strength training.

Want to Know How to Get Your Body into Shape with Physical Fitness Training?

June 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Yap Shirley

Want to Know How to Get Your Body into Shape with Physical Fitness Training? – Health – Fitness

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For having a healthy body, one has to do various things like having a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals which fuel the body, with proper sleep and exercise. Having a physical fitness training routine keeps the body in shape, giving energy to carry on daily activities, and also benefits health, wellness and social life.

Process to get started with Physical Fitness Training

Consulting a physician is the primary stage for having physical fitness training followed by getting the physical check done to find whether we are fit or not. It is also suggested to have the opinion of doctor about diet with regard to the training.

Subsequently comes the planning of time and specific activities to be done for the day when we begin physical fitness training routine. One has to decide which part of the body they intend to work on because it helps to choose the activities for the training as the activity for building muscles is different from that of cardiovascular health.

It is advised to have a motivator for workout routine to avoid giving up physical fitness training half way through. As everyone cannot afford a trainer, have a friend whose support help not to quit very soon.

After setting the schedule, it is better to start the activities which work towards the goal. If planning to jog, going to different routes each day having new picturesque or a hilltop is suggested. A routine workout could make someone quit fast. If a particular exercise is boring, move on to another one which yields similar benefits as the previous one. The physical fitness training works only if someone is serious and stick to the practices.

Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more.

About the Author

Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in Iron Bed Frames which discuss and review about Queen Bed Frames.

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Yap Shirley

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Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in Iron Bed Frames which discuss and review about Queen Bed Frames.

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I Need to Lose weight – How Resistance Training Can Help

June 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by David Moors

I Need to Lose weight – How Resistance Training Can Help – Health

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Years ago, I took a long hard look at myself and thought: I need to lose weight because this pudgy body of mine is not going to work for me anymore. It took me a few tries to nail the nutrition side of things. But I knew that if I wanted to see steady weight loss results I needed to couple my healthy eating habits with exercise.

I do my fair share of cardio, but I also add training to the mix because it helps me burn calories and keeps my body strong and svelte.

Benefits of Training

If you’re on a mission to lose weight, training is vital because it increases the amount of lean muscle mass in the body. Why does this matter? Every pound of muscle you have accelerates the rate your body burns fat.

You can get training from using dumbbells, weight machines, water bottles, soup cans and bands. You can also use your own body weight as by doing pushups, pull ups, squats, lunges and the like.

i need to lose weightWhen you do only cardio exercises, your metabolism slows down as soon as your workout is over. When you add training into the equation, your metabolism stays revved up long after your workout is over-even when you’re sitting on the couch like a hairball.

If you’re still not convinced that training is important for weight loss, think about this. If two women are the same height and weight, and one of them has a body that’s mostly lean muscle while the other woman’s body is flabby, the woman with the lean muscle will look smaller. Why? Because muscle is compact and takes up less space in the body than fat.

I Don’t Want to Get Bulky

Some women shun the idea of training because they have unrealistic fears of getting bulky. Most of the people who get husky either train specifically to gain bulk (professional bodybuilders for example) or they take performance-enhancing drugs.

General strength training is not, I repeat, is not going to make you bulky. The only thing it will do is make you stronger, leaner and shapelier. Isn’t this what you want?

Tips for Effective Resistance Training

*Do training three times a week. Don’t overdo it. When you strength train, your muscles need time to recover. Ideally, you should rest one day between each resistance training session.*Don’t lift too heavy or too light. Lifting weights that are too heavy can cause you to get injured, and weights that are too light won’t challenge your body.*Use slow, controlled movements as opposed to rapid movements when you are doing resistance training exercises. If you lift weights too fast you will use momentum instead of strength to get through your repetitions, which can sabotage your efforts.*When you lift the same amount of weights and do the same number of reps for weeks on end, your muscles get bored and progression slows down. Revamp your resistance training program every few weeks so that you continually see results.

If you really want to see those pounds melt away, combine a quality resistance training program with a sensible diet and plenty of cardiovascular exercise.

About the Author

There are plenty of great location to find the ideal the diet solution reviews. One of it or another one of them is to visit <a

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There are plenty of great location to find the ideal the diet solution reviews. One of it or another one of them is to visit <a

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Related Calories Burned Resistance Training Articles

MMA Weight Training Routines

June 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

MMA Exercise Training Routines and Techniques That Increase Cardio and Power

If MMA Fighters that want to increase their Weight Lifting Systems – the only way to do this, is to copy techniques that MMA fighters have used daily, to get prepared for real matches. And listening to some nobody – that has never even seen a fight – isn’t your best bet.

But if you want to break out, and learn all these, this is what you need:

Here is what your MMA Weight Training Routine should do for you:

Strengthen your Core

Build Stamina – So that you STILL have Alot of energy AFTER the fight

Learn How and When to do every routine and exercise – Including lifting

Help you to Avoid Injuries

Save you time – Get more done in less time

Teach you how to TRAIN -and not just “Workout”

Teach you how to PEAK just in time for your fights

And basically -You will have STRUCTURE in your training routines

The main thing you need top do, is come up with a way to maximise your efforts.

Its about less work and added cardio.Too many times fighters think that the more we work the better results. Thats why we need a real MMA Training Method. One that is about getting the most out of every session – while increasing every aspect of the fighters – basically power and cardio, is more important than how many inches your biceps are. Do you think Muhammed Ali cared about the size of his chest or arms? 

No, he just wanted to be in better shape than his opponents.

Everyone of them. And that’s what I think makes this MMA Weight training routine so special. The Guy that made it -Eric Wong – is only worried about making you a better fighter.

He has been apart of MMA fighting for a long time -and you can finally learn from these experiences. You get to copy these Training techniques – step by step. Do exactly like other MMA fighters, that are training , using these same techniques.

What makes this MMA Weight Training Routine so unique, and so in-depth, that it will provide you with more than ANY other routine:

How to develop power and endurance in your aerobic, anaerobic lactic and anaerobic alactic energy systems.

More strength and power in all the major movement patterns, like: Lunge, bend, push, pull, squat, and twist.

Improve isometric endurance

Improvement in all 7 Biomotor abilities.

Sagittal transverse and frontal plane core stability and lots more.

There are so many of the most impressive professional training techniques, that you will again waste your time doing useless weight training exercise that are just huge time wasters. Learn how to be professional and be able to totally handle all opponents in the ring – and you will understand why some of the best fighters, use the same trainers – most of the time, its the Weight Lifting Methods .

You can have the keys to the same Weight Training Methods – That Increase Power- and will work for you to.

You can check out some great ab and cardio routines that many MMA Fighters use on a weekly basis here:

Here is an overview of some of the techniques that are used by MMA Fighters everywhere- MMA Exercise TipsMMA Training Routine – Here is the review of Eric Wongs Ultimate MMA Training Routines

Find More Weight Training Routine Articles

Circuit Training Workouts

June 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Circuit training, if done properly, is one of the best ways to get in great shape. But first before you jump into it, you need to know a little about the two training methods your circuit program will consist of. These two different types of training are Aerobic and Anaerobic conditioning.

Aerobic exercise is defined as activities performed at a low intensity, for a extended periods of time. A good duration for an effective aerobic workout should last anywhere between 20 to 45 minutes. Preferred methods of aerobic training are running and cycling for long distances. These are usually considered the most popular methods to burn calories and lose fat, but that doesn’t mean that they are the necessarily the best ones.

Anaerobic training is defined as activities performed where oxygen is used up more quickly than the body is able to replenish inside the working muscle. Anaerobic conditioning consists of muscles contracting at high intensities for short periods of time. Plyometrics, weight lifting, and sprinting are good examples of anaerobic workouts. Sports that execute high levels of anaerobic conditioning for example are football and boxing.

A widely popular misconception about Aerobic exercise is that it’s the best way to lose fat and burn off calories. Replacing fat with muscle is the most effective and fastest way to develop a ripped physique. Muscle naturally causes your metabolism to work at a higher rate throughout the day, causing you to burn fat and calories more rapidly. Aerobic conditioning can be an effective means to getting in shape, but it can restrict muscle growth. Doing just aerobic training is the long way to lose fat. Combining both anaerobic and aerobic training together into one workout regimen, is the best way to get in shape and build a ripped physique. This is done with Circuit Training.

Circuit training is where you perform a series of exercises in a row with no more then 30 seconds rest between each movement. Each exercise will mainly be core movements, which are better for building strength and muscle faster. Also, core exercises help you burn substantially more calories overall than isolated movements. A great benefit to circuit training is that, opposed to traditional weight training routines, that take any where from one to two hours to finish. Circuit training takes 20 to 45 minutes to finish, causing you to burn more calories in less amount of time. The high intensity of circuit training will juice up your metabolism even after you have completed your workout. What this means is that your body will continue to burn calories hours after you have finished your workout. This effect does not occur in low intensity aerobic exercises and weight lifting.

There are two different types of circuit training you can perform, either with calisthenics (body weight exercises), combined with plyometrics, or with weight lifting by working two opposing muscle groups at once.

Weight training incorporated with circuit training is one the most effective and fastest ways to build muscle and strength. Most people dont achieve their muscle building goals because their approach to weight training is wrong.Traditional lifting programs have you doing 3 to 5 sets with 5 to 12 reps for every exercise. Each set takes about 20-30 seconds to complete, after which you rest for about 2-5 minutes before doing the exercise again. This is ineffective when it comes to burning calories and losing fat, which should be one of your goals if you want muscle definition.

By working with weights you can focus a lot more on individul muscle groups, which can help you improve on any specific weak spots. One great benefit to circuit training with weights is that you will only be doing it three times a week. As opposed to more traditional weight training programs where you focus on one muscle group a day and only work it once or twice a week (ex. Chest-Monday, legs-Tuesday, back-Wednesday, etc). Instead, in this program you will working two opposing muscle groups on the same day.

For example, one day you would do chest and back and another day legs and shoulders. Your workouts will consist of six movements, three for chest, and three for back. If you haven’t lifted weights for awhile, your first three weeks you will be getting your muscles acclimated to the weights and the movements you will be performing. You should be performing 3 sets of each movement for 10 to 12 reps, not particulary heavy, but enough in which you ought to be struggling on the last rep. After 3 weeks you should start using additional weight and do and less reps to build even more muscle mass.

For those looking to gain muscle mass and increase strength, will perform the circuit training workout by increasing the resistance by adding pounds. You will perform five sets of 5 to 8 rep, and you should struggle with final few reps. You will combine each of the six movements. For example, you should do a set of bench press, after you wll do a set of pull-ups, weighted pull-ups preferably.

You will have about one minute rest between the two, which should be enough time to prepare you for the next movement. When you lift heavy you should take about 2 1/2 to 5 minute break in between sets, for the purpose having an adequate amount of time for your muscles to recover to execute the following reps. Your going for strength, not muscle failure, so you want to be as strong as possible for each rep. You will need a sufficient amount of rest for the muscle groups you are working in order to complete the desired amount of reps.

The problem with doing this is that you are not burning up a lot of calories. By taking extended breaks your heart rate slows down, therefore your goal to shred off fat and burn up calories becomes to difficult. You will probably not see any muscle definition from all your weight training that you’ve done. Thats why when you see those huge guys that bench 500 pounds, many don’t have much muscle tone, some even look obese. Your objective is to kill to birds with one stone.

By working two different opposing muscle groups together, you get a sufficient amount of rest for the muscles that your targeting to keep lifting heavy. You also get a effective calorie burning workout because your breaks are quick and you’re continuously working. For instance, when you end one exercise, like bench press, then move on to pull-ups right after, the time it will take you to finish your pull-ups gives you a adequate amount of rest time for your chest muscles

Below are some sample circuit training routines. Feel free to experiment with different exercise movements, but try to stick to primarily compound movements, the Biceps and Triceps exercises being an exception. These are the workout routines that correspond the muscle groups being worked. The order they are listed I believe to be the most optimal, but you can change them up as you see fit. You may also combine up the groups differently. For example, rather than performing chest and back together, and shoulders and legs, you can do chest/legs and back/shoulders. Just make certain that youre not pairing up muscle groups that indirectly work supporting muscle groups, like chest and shoulders or back and biceps.

Workout 1: Chest/Back

* Bench Press/ Weighted Pull-Ups
* Incline Press/ Bent-Over Rows
* Weighted Parallel Bar Dips/ Single-Arm Bent Over Rows

Workout 2: Legs/Shoulders

* Squats/ Military Press
* Deadlift/ Lateral Raises
* Straight Legged Deadlift/ Arnold Press

Workout 3: Biceps/Triceps

* Bicep Curl/ Close Grip Bench Press
* Concentration Curl/ Skull Crushers
* Open-Arm Curl/ Weight Bench Dips

For those lifting for muscle tone, I advise you do 8 to 10 reps, but you can continue performing 10 to 12 reps as you did the first 3 weeks if you prefer. For those wanting to increase strength and muscle mass you will complete 5 to 8 reps per exercise. Its essential you increase the weight you use. If you proceed with the exact amount of pounds, you will not see any development and you could not see any gains Adjust the pounds according to how challenging the weight feels. You should struggle with the final one or two reps.

Instead of going through one exercise movement then moving on to the next, you will go through all movements one right after another. Once you completed all six movements, youve completed one set. You will perform three sets all together.

Once you complete a set you will take a 2 to 5 minute break. If your reps are in the 8 to 12 range, I recommend resting for no longer then 2 to 3 minutes. If you are going for strength and doing fewer reps the longer your rest period should be. Youre going for strength not muscle failure, so you want to be as strong as possible on your next set. Also when youre switching between exercises you should take about 30 to 60 seconds to switch between movements. If you are lifting heavy, 45 to 60 seconds is good, but no more then a minute. Lifting light, you should take no longer then 30 seconds. The only rest time you should have between exercises is the amount of time it takes you to get to one exercise to the next. For example, its your chest and back day, your six movements are bench press, pull-ups, incline press, bent over rows, butterflies, and lat pull downs, you will perform all six of them consecutively without a break in between them. The only break time you should have in between exercises is the amount of time it takes you to get to the following workout. It should take no then 30 to 45 secs to adjust your weight accordingly and begin the subsequent exercise.

It’s good to know how much weight you will be using before you begin each set. To pick up the intensity of your workout to burn even more calories, try running from workout to workout.

If done right this workout should take you no more then 30 minutes to finish this workout. This is a very intense workout and 30 minutes is a sufficient amount of time for a great anaerobic and aerobic workout. You should be breathing hard and sweating a lot by the time youre done. If not, you need to work harder. Either try adding more weight to the exercises or try to make the duration of time it takes you to get to one workout to the next shorter. You can also shorten your rest time during your breaks. It would be even more beneficial if you finished up with abs or jogged for 10 to 20 minutes.

Below are some circuit training routines. Experiment with different exercises but try to stick with mostly compound exercises, in exception to the Triceps and Biceps routine. Complete the exercises in the order that they are listed.

Workout 1: Chest/Back

* Bench Press
* Wide Grip Pull-Ups
* Incline Dumbbell Press
* Bent-Over Rows
* Dumbbell Flys
* Seated Rows

Workout 2: Legs/Shoulders

* Military Press
* Leg Press
* Front Raises
* Lunges
* Lateral Raises

Workout 3: Biceps/Triceps

* Close-Grip Bench Press
* Bicep Curls
* Skull Crushers
* One-Arm Concentration Curl
* Dumbbell Kick Backs
* Open-Arm Curls

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you are looking for some great workouts without weights checkout home fitness workouts

Also if checkout how to gain strength and tips for fat loss

Agility and Speed Training Equipment

June 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Shekhar Bhalla

Agility and Speed Training Equipment – Sports – Track and Field

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BHALLA INTERNATIONAL is one of the oldest and largest Sports Equipment Manufacturing Industry in India, which is indulged in manufacturing of Sports Equipment in India since 1957. The company promotes & sells its product under the brand name Vinex. Since inception Bhalla International has focused on adapting the best manufacturing techniques available to produce the highest quality products with the lowest possible price. This can be evidenced from the No.1 Award given to company continuously since last 4 years for the highest exports of Athletics equipment, for the promotion of Indian brand.

We manufacture the largest range of Sports equipment that accounts to more than 950+ products only under one facility with the widest range of machining and tools facilities that facilitates us to produce not only traditional & non-traditional sports equipment but to innovate and produce non-sports equipment.

We have 63+ IAAF and 100+ EN 71 certifications on a varied range of our Athletics & Sports equipment, which proves our ability to produce superior quality products. We offer the products with wide selection of products suiting different market segments right from Track & Field Equipment, Athletics Equipment, Agility Training or Speed Training Equipment (Agility Hurdle, Agility Ladders, Slalom Poles, Speed Reaction Hoops, Resistance Training Belts etc.), Football Equipment, Soccer Accessories, Soccer Training Equipment, Basketball Equipment, Boxing Equipment, Playground Equipment, Rhythmic Gymnastics Equipment, Table Tennis Table Equipment and Accessories, Tents and Tunnels, Fitness Equipment, Beach Toys Accessories, Primary Sports Equipment, Physical Training Equipment and much more. We also customize and develop products as per customer requirement.

At BHALLA INTERNATIONAL, we design our products with a strong emphasis on safety, innovation, quality and durability. All of our products are designed to provide you with years of top quality performance. We are highly dedicated to the supply of Sports Equipment and Services to our clients with the best prices by maintaining cost effectiveness through efficient business procedures.

To know more details about us, please feel free to visit our corporate website or call us at 91-121-2441111

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We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Sporting Goods and Athletics Equipment in Meerut India. We are also selling sporting goods online on

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We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of Sporting Goods and Athletics Equipment in Meerut India. We are also selling sporting goods online on

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ISO 7X – Strength Training Exercises For Men

June 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Jamie Sullivan

ISO 7X – Strength Training Exercises For Men – Health – Fitness

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Once you get used to it the more your body would be needing and would be asking for it. It would be a lot more easier for a proper diet to be tandems with frequent exercising. Meal plan for weight loss doesn’t only refer to a meal plan alone, but it pertains to the whole practice of loosing weight. Avoid fatty food intake. You would also need strength training exercises for men.Click Here For ISO 7X Limited Free Trial!Foods like corn, vegetables and wheat are examples of food that has enough fat as well as with fish. Go with the tactics to gain good results aside from having workouts for gaining muscles. All you have to do is to know what are the right foods to take in. Make sure that you will try on turning your backs from the vices that can’t even help you with what you wanted to happen.Always be aware of the foods and beverages you are trying to take in, for you not to find it that difficult to reach the goal that you are aiming. Reflect on some things that you think could really help you and make sure you are doing every single thing properly to attain Muscle Building Weights.Move, our metabolism advances everytime we are moving. The more we are exerting much effort, the faster the metabolism takes place. We really would need to give time on taking some simple exercises for starters.So there are already so many strategies on building muscle for women. Eat right and train your body. When eating you really have to make sure of the foods and the nutrients it contains. You really have to see to it that you are taking in a lot of nutrients that could give you enough energy to perform on the needed exercises you would need to perform. Train and get immune with the daily exercises you have to get yourself into.Click Here For ISO 7X Limited Free Trial!

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This author writes about Upper Body Strength Training and ISO 7X

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Resistance Training Equipment For Sports and Fitness

June 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Lisa Perkins

Resistance Training Equipment For Sports and Fitness – Health – Fitness

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Individuals who want to improve their sports performance should consider purchasing some resistance training equipment for themselves. Almost every form of exercise these days integrates resistance training, even aerobics and dance classes. Building muscle, whether it’s bulk or tone, will burn calories much faster even while resting and sculpt your body.

Buying the right equipment is important no matter if your training for a given sport, or are trying to improve your overall conditioning. What you need depends on the intensity of your workouts, and your current fitness. If improving lower body strength is a point of emphasis, then you’ll want to find equipment that is designed specifically for that.

Here are a few ideas for resistance training equipment:

Training parachutes

These mini parachutes are designed primarily to help runners and others to improve their speed. In addition to speed, it also increases acceleration, stamina, and strength because it adds resistance during the run. As soon as the parachute opens, air resistance pushes the runner to take larger strides and work harder. The faster you run, the more resistance there is. Once you begin running, the chute opens up; you can also release the strap as well.

Tyra Banks is said to use a training parachute as a part of her training regimen. They can be used by anyone who just wants a good workout. For those who do long distance running, this might add some variety to your routine.

Weighted sleds

The purpose of this resistance training equipment is to increase power needed for jumps squats and lunges. Certain sports like basketball and other racket sports necessitate such movements; hence, athletes can certainly find this resistance training equipment useful.

Studies have shown that sleds don’t necessarily increase top speed, they do improve their acceleration. The ideal amount of weight allows the runner to still run with good technique.

Sidestep elastic bands

There are many sports that require side step movements, including tennis, football, baseball, and basketball. Sidestep elastic bands can improve shuffles, lateral walks or slides to increase groin flexibility. You can also improve the flexibility of the hamstring and hips by doing knee raise drills. These bands are made up of elastic tubing that can be stretched safely.

Choosing the appropriate resistance training equipment is extremely important to improve agility, speed, strength, or provide explosive power. Fitness enthusiasts can choose from different models and brands available in the market.

You don’t have to spend thousands on resistance training equipment achieve your fitness goals. All one has to do is choose wisely and use it consistently.

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Soccer Fitness Training Tips

June 19, 2012 by  
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Article by Andre Botelho

Soccer Fitness Training Tips – Sports

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Soccer fitness training will help your players optimize their overall strength, speed and stamina. Such training plays a very major role in soccer and is in fact an essential component when it comes to coaching soccer. Let me give you a brief insight into different types of fitness training for soccer players.

Maximal Strength Fitness Training

In one momentary contraction, there is a specific level of force that a muscle group can generate. This optimum force of a muscle group is termed as maximal strength. Maximal strength plays a very important role in the game of soccer.

It helps the players hold off opponent and steal the ball from them. However, the objective of the maximal strength fitness training should not be just to enhance the maximal strength. Instead, the training should focus on enhancing both power and speed to optimum level.

Power Training – Plyometrics

This fitness-training program for soccer is highly effective in building both strength and speed in the players. What is more, unlike most people think, it is not a very difficult training process. The training becomes much easier when both the coach and the players follow the guidelines associated with the same religiously.

Plyometrics exercises are designed in a way to stretch the muscle of the players before the contraction and this simply results in more forceful and instant contraction. For example, one easy way to do this exercise is to keep jumping off the ground without bending the knees. However, one good way to maintain the speed and flexibility of the players is simply to follow a specific weight routine.

This is the best way to enhance as well as maintain the speed and strength of the players. Last, but not the least, there are certain cautions that you must take note of while you are doing the Plyometrics exercises. For example, it is not good to use weights – no matter how light it is – while doing this exercise.

Some Examples Of Plyometrics Exercises

The simple yet best example of Plyometrics exercises is that you should run in slow motion, jumping on alternate feet. While doing this exercise, the players should aim to achieve as much height and distance as possible at each step.

Overall, there are various ways in which soccer fitness training can be organized. However, the only thing that both the coach and the players must keep in mind is that they have to follow the guidelines religiously.

About the Author

Andre Botelho is a recognized authority on the subject of soccer coaching.His web site, Youth Soccer Drills:, provides a wealthof informative soccer articles and resources for soccer coaches, parents and players.

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Andre Botelho

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Andre Botelho is a recognized authority on the subject of soccer coaching.His web site, Youth Soccer Drills:, provides a wealthof informative soccer articles and resources for soccer coaches, parents and players.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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