Fitness Circuit Training

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Hans K Anderson

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Fitness circuit training will take you through a series of exercise stations, with short rest periods between each station. The amount of stations can range 4 to 10.

Traditionally, circuit training programs were developed to increase muscular endurance and included exercises to help improve muscular endurance such as the bench press, push-ups, leg press and sit-ups.

A circuit would consist of 4 to 10 stations with a low impact aerobic warm-up and cool-down station (you might use a stationary bike). The exercise stations could be set-up using free weights and/or weight machines that train one muscle at a time.

An example of circuit training exercises using your environment is par course exercise training. This style intersperses jogging or walking with numerous strength, flexibility and muscular endurance exercises.

Aerobic circuit training for women is particularly very popular. Four to eight aerobic exercise stations are used with one to five minutes per station with a 15-30 second rest between stations, this is considered one circuit. The different stations will be set up with stationary cycling, elliptical rider, treadmill, stair climbing on a stair master at a moderate pace and the use of a rowing machine.

It will depend on the number of stations that are set-up but the number of circuits completed usually adds up to 20 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise.

One thing to remember that will help you to be successful is to not train to failure at each station. What I mean by this is when the appointed time is coming to an end for that station, you should be able to complete the designated time with out having exhausted yourself.

You should be training some where between 50 percent and 70 percent of your functional capabilities

When participating in circuit training you will notice an increase in strength, improved muscular and aerobic endurance and last but not least weight loss.

About the Author

Hans Anderson has been involved with health and fitness for the past 30 years. Hans believes that the way to stay young is through exercise and good nutrition.

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Hans Anderson has been involved with health and fitness for the past 30 years. Hans believes that the way to stay young is through exercise and good nutrition.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Body Weight Training – My Routine

May 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Alright, so lately I’ve been getting a lot of emails back and forth about what I do when it comes to body weight training and calisthenics. Aside from my weight training, my workout is pretty much simple to say the least. Although that being said, it might look simple on the looks of things but really it’s harder than it looks.

Before starting my routine, I do a quick 4-5 minute medium paced jog to get the blood going. Must I say it’s really important you warm up and stretch a little bit before you do any exercise. Blasting straight into a routine without giving your muscles a proper warm up can lead to muscle pulls, strains, and other connective tissue injuries as well.

Alright back to my workout. After I do my 5 minute warm-up and stretch, I start to do a set of push-ups doing as many as I can for that first set. After I complete my first set, I rest for about 1-2 minutes.

Going into my second set, I aim to get 10 less push-ups from my max from the first set. So if I did 60 push-ups the first set, I would drop down to 50. I would drop down another 5 push-ups the next following 2 sets.

After the completion of push-ups, I go straight into pull-ups. For the first 3 sets, I’ll start with a overhand grip. The first set I’ll aim to do 12, the second set 10, and the third 8. After I complete 3 sets, I’ll do another 3 sets underhand with the same repetition scheme as stated for the overhand sets.

The next exercise on the list is bodyboards. This exercise also goes by other names, but I prefer the more simpler and easy to remember name. I’ll also super set this exercise with sit-ups from time to time. Anywho, I’ll do three sets of bodyboards with a minute in each set for a total of 3 sets. And if I don’t super set this exercise, I’ll either do V-ups or even sit-ups on a decline bench.

If you’re ready to see a fitter, stronger, and a better you, click the highlighted link for more information on Home Workout Routines!

Weight Training Exercise And Dieting

May 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Dorrie Ruplinger

Weight Training Exercise And Dieting – Health – Fitness

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Is weight training exercise important when dieting? Many experts will quickly tell you “yes” if you ask them this question. Why? It’s because weight training builds muscle and helps increase the body’s metabolic rate. This means, that even while resting, a person who weight trains and who has built more muscle in their body will burn more calories than a person who doesn’t do any weight training.

Plus, weight training workouts typically burn more calories per minute of exercise than cardio workouts do.

But, for women especially, the thought of doing weight training exercises with the intent of building muscle scares them because they think it will make them look less feminine and too masculine. A woman shouldn’t worry though. Unless she does a tremendous amount of muscle building exercises (hours a day) she will not develop a more masculine physique.

Many experts are now recommending that women pick up heavier weights to help them build more muscle and a lean, toned body that is healthy.

Curves for women is one national chain that promotes a circuit type workout for women that builds muscle without building bulk. They recommend doing their 30 minute workout three times a week. That doesn’t mean a person should only exercise three times a week. Cardio exercise can be done every day of the week. Curves isn’t the only choice for women who wish to do weight training exercises. The YMCA is a good place for both men and women who want to get in shape.

Muscle building exercises shouldn’t be done every day though because they fatigues the muscles too much (except for body builders who spend hours a day in a gym following highly specialized workouts under the advice of highly trained trainers). Muscles need a day to rest and recover from their workout before being worked out again. That’s why the recommendation for most people is three weight training sessions a week, doing cardio workouts the other days of the week, with one day a week off to rest.

Another benefit of weight training workouts while dieting that many people don’t think of is that they prevent the loss of lean body mass that typically occurs when people diet. What typically happens when a person goes on a diet is they lose some of their muscle mass along with that unwanted fat. Weight training exercise also strengthens bones and connective tissue.

So, to help your weight loss efforts be successful, do three 30 minute weight training exercise sessions a week. Not only will they help you lose weight, they will help you get stronger, more toned, and healthier.

About the Author

Dorrie Ruplinger has written several articles about weight loss. For a free report on how to lose 10 pounds before Christmas visit

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Dorrie Ruplinger has written several articles about weight loss. For a free report on how to lose 10 pounds before Christmas visit

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Cycling Training Plans

May 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Max Jackson

Cycling Training Plans – Sports – Other Sports

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Cycling has become more and more popular over the years. It is a great way to stay in shape while seeing the beautiful landscapes that our world has to offer us. Many people get great joy out of the physical determination necessary to ride up long hills, span long distances, and see new places. Most people, you are probably one yourself, spend quite a bit of money on a nice bike, clothing, and accessories. But one area that most people don

MMA Weight Training Program

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Being physically strong is what you need to be to succeed in MMA. In this article, I will tell you some typical exercises that are now being wasted and the perfect exercises to be successful.


Many men and women beginning their MMA careers already have some sort of sports background, and therefore have probably already been in the gym for years. Because of this background, many people who begin training for MMA find themselves doing it wrong!


They will get in the gym and train just as they always have and add more cardio, but this will not help them in an MMA fight. Weight lifting is purely anaerobic, and cardio is stricly aerobic. An MMA fight will mix both anaerobic and aerobic conditions at the same time, so combine anaerobic and aerobic exercises for the best training.


A traditional upper body weightlifting routine that you will find in the average weight loss or fitness book will look like this:


* 5 min cardio for warm up

* Bench Press 3×10

* Bent Over Row 3×10

* Bicep Curls 3×10

* Close Grip Bench Press 3×10

* 20-30 minutes cardio


Now this would be a great routine if you were looking to get bigger, as most gym goers are.

Here’s the problem with that: You do not want to gain tons and tons of pure mass! Pure mass will only slow you down and tire you more quickly. It also is not combining the aerobic and anaerobic portions, as was mentioned earlier, but separating them into two parts. For anybody who has done MMA sparring before, do you remember how exhausted you got after struggling for a takedown for several seconds? Chances are you were doing a workout like this.


An MMA weight training workout should look different than a traditional workout. The MMA workout must focus on the body as a whole and have a ferocious blend of strength and speed to producepower. Power comes through explosiveness and core strength, so your workouts should mirror those ideas. Here is an example of what an upper body workout for MMA should look like:


* Clap (plyometric) pushups: These are great for improving explosiveness, upper body strength, hand speed, and balance. To perform a clap pushup, simply push with all your strength when at the lowest point in your pushup to propel yourself up. While off the ground, clap your hands together, and return to the originial pushup position.

* Tire Flips: Most gyms should have one of these as part of their training material. Simply bend low at the knees, grip the tire, and lift up and flip the tire over (similar motion to a takedown.) Repeat this action for a given distance.

*Sledgehammer Hit: UFC promos love to show fighters using this move. To perform this move, simply swing the sledgehammer over your head and down onto the tire that is used for the tire flip. Be sure to alternate sides.

* Donkey Kong: This exercise is excellent for training ground and pound again uses the tire. Hold a heavy hammer or mallet in each hand, and kneel on the tire with one knee and swing the hammers at the tire.

* Heavy Bag Slams: Pull out some mats used for throws and a heavy bag equal to your size. Practice lifting the heavy bag and slamming it onto the mat. Again, be sure to alternate sides.


Use the above workout when training for a fight, competition, or even if you want to just increase your power and endurance. Even if you are an experienced weightlifter, it is likely that you have not done many of these exercises before and it will help break a plateau. For a greater breakdown of how to stay in shape as an MMA fighter, click here. Happy training!


Riece Keck is a strength and fitness enthusiast who has been involved in martial arts for over eight years. He holds a black belt in Kenpo Karate. To learn more about how to get fit for MMA, visit my hubpage at

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Tips for Soccer Fitness Training

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Jeff Cozzier

Tips for Soccer Fitness Training

If you learn and use these tips for Soccer Fitness training you will be well beyond most of your coaching counterparts. By following these tips for soccer fitness training your players will consistently be stronger, faster and have more stamina than the opposing teams. Too many coaches get caught up in skills training and forget that without a strong fitness base their players will not be able to perform at an optimal state throughout the entire game.

The components of soccer fitness training include the following: proper warmup, working at sprint training, plyometrics and recovery.Soccer Fitness Training Tip #1

Proper warmup:

Too many coaches train their players to do static stretching while they are cold. This is one of the most dangerous holdovers from the past that is out there. You need to do light calisthenics to warm the muscles up before you stretch them and when you stretch them you should be doing dynamic stretching.

Soccer Fitness Training Tip #2

Sprint Training

Too many coaches have their players jog for miles at 50% intensity. That’s just stupid. Do you want your athletes chasing the ball at 50% of what they are capable during a game? Then why would you have them train for a subpar performance. Never sprint until you are properly warmed up. Do not do sprinting the day before a game. Always allow 48 hours of recovery before a game.

Soccer Fitness Training Tip #3


Too often coaches hear a bout plyometrics and through their players into the exercises without a proper understanding of how they need to do the exercises properly. Plyometrics are powerful and dangerous. It’s important that you follow good form. I’ll explain examples in another article.

Soccer Fitness Training Tip #4


I cannot stress enough the importance of recovery. Too often I see coaches destroy players with their “No pain no gain mentality.” When you push your players 100% you need to give them a day off or at least do an active recovery day.

For more free soccer tips and drills go to Optimal Soccer Fitness and Soccer How To Plap
 Soccer training ideas to get you ready for your important competitions. Soccer fitness preparation. You can also visit my blog at http

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Fast Fat Loss Workouts Bodyweight Circuit Training

May 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Clint Grimes

Let’s be honest. Long, slow cardio stinks. If you want to burn fat fast while building muscle, bodyweight circuit training is the way to go. This is the fastest, most efficient way for you to burn the fat, build the muscle and get the lean hard body that you’ve always wanted.

Don’t under estimate the simplicity of this workout. Some time the simplest things are the most effective. Make sure that you warm up with some arm swings, push ups, squats, and lunges. Ready? Here we go:

We’ll start off with 25 jumping jacks, just like you did in your gym class when you were a kid. One variation to this might be seal jacks, with your arms moving parallel to the ground rather than up in the air.

Next we’ll move to 25 Hindu push ups. This is not only great for the upper body but is also a great stretch for the back and legs. If you can’t handle Hindu push ups do standard ones and if standard push ups are too hard, do them kneeling.

Now lets move on to 10 burpees. If you have problems with impact leave out the jump and if you are a thrill seeker you can substitute 8-count bodybuilders.

Next put your feet up on a chair or a step and crank off 10 incline push ups. If you are absolutely spent from the earlier pushups, do as many as you can.

Move on to one of my favorite exercises, Hindu squats. You’ll need to do 25 of them. Well that’s it, right? Wrong! For the next 15 minutes you are going to be repeating this sequence. Get ready to sweat. When you’re done put this one in your bag of tricks so you can reap the benefits for years to come.

Get your Free Turbulence Training Fat Burning Workout, free 10 Minute Workouts and 21 Day Turbulence Training Offers for as low as a at http://MYCOMMANDFITNESS.COM

Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.

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Why go to gym when you have TRX Essentials Training DVD Bundle

May 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Trx Training Bundles

TRX Essentials Training DVD Bundle has revolutionized the way of exercising and doing work out. Fitness experts and professionals are recommending TRX Lean DVD Bundle for body builders as well as all those who are conscious about maintaining fitness and toning their shape. It inexpensive as compared to the other fitness and exercise machines which are not only heavy in weight but also on one’s wallet.

GYM in your bag:

It will not be wrong to say that TRX bundle is a complete gym in a bag. TRX has added convenience in our life; it is portable and can easily fit in a bag and carried anywhere one likes. You can set it up anywhere you want, from a hotel room or on a tree, at home, office, or take it with you when going for vacations. No matter where you are you will not get a chance to miss your workout and fitness training. Unlike gyms where you have to pay heavily and miss when you are on holidays, TRX Essentials training DVD bundle is one time investment which is almost nothing as compared to the expenses of joining a gym, physical fitness training classes or buying different exercise machines and equipments. TRX helps in increasing our metabolism and burring calories in natural way. TRX Suspension Training leverages bodyweight to help in building core strength and flexibility and endurance so that you can conquer your goals.

Perfect physical fitness training program:

TRX suspension also comes with TRX Essentials Training DVD Bundle, with complete video guide and instructions on how to get started with TRX suspension training. It provides five hours of TRX suspension training programs to help users get most out of their workouts. TRX training bundles are ideal for people who want to build their muscles, increase strength and enhance flexibility. There are around hundred exercises that one can perform using this TRX fitness program. You can start with any exercise that suits your level and physical fitness. You will be surprised to know that TRX Essentials Training DVD Bundle will help you can get a total-body workout in less than 25 minutes. It has already revolutionized the way athletes, fitness professionals and military officials and even the injured all over the world accomplish their fitness goals.

All that you need to get in good shape:

You must be anxious to know what TRX Essential Training DVD bundle has to offer, well it comes with all that you need to get in perfect shape. It comprises of 65-minute Basic Training DVD, full-color 35 page Quick-start Guide, Flexibility DVD and Guide, Strength DVD and Guide, Cardio Circuit DVD and Guide, TRX Suspension Training P2 Model that features all new modular anchoring interface for quick set-up and take-dow, TRX Door Anchor, TRX Storage Bag, along with 2 bonus workouts: TRX Endurance Circuit and TRX Metabolic Blast. The best thing about TRX Essentials Training DVD bundle is that it guarantees satisfaction in just 30 days. So how about buying this amazing fitness tool!

Getting Started:

If you have just started using TRX fitness program then it is recommended to select 5 to 6 exercises that are suitable to your fitness level and perform a single set of each working at 10 to 12 repetitions. You can begin with a less advanced resistance and take the time to assure that you are in perfect form. Do not forget to take rest between the exercises. Just feel comfortable with the movements so that you can progress. Gradually add the number of exercises, decrease the rest between movements and sets. You can try more challenging resistances and increase the sets and reps of the movements to reach your desired fitness goal.

TRX Suspension Trainers and TRX Suspension Training Pro Pack, 100% Satisfaction Gunarantee on TRX Suspension Traiing pro Pack is the best-in-class, lightweight, total body training system trusted by top trainers.

Weight Training Tips

May 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Vince Delmonte

Not a lot of people know how to weight train properly. There would be many more muscular and lean guys walking around if it was easy. Below are five weight training tips you need to know before you even put your foot inside the gym.

1. Set a realistic goal

2. You need to make a commitment to yourself that you will stick with a program for at least twelve weeks.

3. Learn what you need to do before you start

4. Learn the proper techniques or hire a trainer to help you.

5. Gradual progression

Weight Training Tip #1: Goal Setting

You need to set a goal for yourself that is realistic. Don’t expect to be a fitness model in a few months. How much muscle do you wish to gain 3 months from now? 6 months? A year? By asking yourself these questions you can better formulate a plan on how to actually meet these goals. Let’s say you want to gain 25 pounds of muscle by the end of the year. You would then create a plan that would help you gain a half pound of muscle per week.

Weight Training Tip #2: Commitment

You need to make a decision that you’re going to get this part handled for yourself. Make a promise to yourself that you will see the program through to the end. Find a program that fits your needs and make sure you understand completely what you need to do. If not, don’t be afraid to contact the author and get clarification. Don’t try a program for a few weeks and then say that you’re not seeing any progress and move on to the next program. That will start the deadly cycle of “program hopping” and when that happens you will never achieve the goal you’ve set.

Weight Training Tip #3: Edumacation

Yeah that’s right, edumacation. Like the old saying goes, knowledge is power. Before you embark on any major endeavor, it is to your best interest to learn as much as possible about that particular topic. If a buddy requested your help on how they can build their perfect physique in twelves weeks can you help them? Never mind that, how about you? If you can’t, then you don’t know enough about muscle building. Go to a website or order a book. Don’t just wing it, you won’t get any significant gains. Learn all you need to know to get started.

Weight Training Tip #4: Proper Technique

Proper technique is KEY when trying to build muscles. If your technique is off, you risk damaging tendons, ligaments, and joints. Furthermore, incorrect techniques will give you limited gains since the movement will not be utilizing the maximum amount of muscle fibers. Do your homework, hire a trainer that can help you or look at videos from experts that show you how a movement is performed.

Weight Training Tip #5: Progression

You need to make measurable progress. I’m not saying you should increase your squat by 40 pounds next week. But what if your squat consistently increased by 5 pounds every week for the next 8 weeks? You would have increased your squat weight by 40 pounds, and that is some really good gains! What you need to do is simply out do yourself every week. Doesn’t mater if it’s 5 pounds or 1 pound, one extra rep or one extra set. As long as you’re making progress, you will eventually get to where you want to be.


Get started on the right foot by utilizing the above tips. In any endeavor, having a game plan is the difference between success and failure.

If you’d like to learn more, or get more in-depth information on how to build that jaw-dropping physique, please take a look at:

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An Overview of Professional Soccer Techniques, Tactics and Training Drills

May 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Mark Heffernan

Professional soccer is one of the most watched sports in the world, no matter what name it goes by. The high level of skill and fitness professional players exhibit on the field makes the sport look easy. However, even the professionals believe that “practice makes perfect”, and practice techniques, tactics and run through training drills on an almost daily basis. Below is an overview of the techniques, tactics and training drills that go into being a professional soccer player.

Training Drills

As with any sport, part of being a professional soccer player includes continual training drills. There are as many training drills are there are moves, but most can be broken down into defensive and offensive components.

Professional defensive training drills include how to jockey opponents, giving the player’s side a chance to regain the ball, performing block or sliding tackles and heading. To improve these skills, players practice keeping a good defensive line, recovery running, defending set pieces and crosses, and the necessary decision making skills on when to press, cover or drop, to name a few.

Offensive training drills include set plays, which help keep the professional players fit and as well as improving and keeping control of the ball. The drills can vary from tight space dribbling to 3vs3 and crosses with a finish at the goal.

As a coach or player, it’s always best to start with basic drills during a session, then lead up to the more complicated 3vs3 or 8vs8 plays. With this method of slowly increasing the energy and focus level, the players have a chance to warm their muscles up and “relearn” the movements needed before getting into serious drill.


Every professional player and coach has a specific technique on how to carry out a play or move, and the techniques grow as the player progresses in the mastery of the sport. However, even professional players return to the basics.

Although a basic soccer technique, kicking the ball is often overlooked. Many beginners start by using their toe, which causes inaccuracy, as well as presenting the possibility of injury to the foot. Practicing the proper way of using the instep sets the movement in muscle memory, so that, when the professional players are on the field, they don’t have to worry about the movements. The proper way to pass or shoot is embedded in muscle memory and becomes automatic.

When you practice professional soccer techniques, make sure you don’t skip over the basics. While advanced techniques are important, learning the basic footwork is what got you to the advanced level in the first place. Don’t leave them out of the drills you set up.


Professional soccer tactics are all about how the sport is played. Where do the players need to be for defending corners? What are the roles of the players in attacking corners? How do you build a defensive wall?

When going through tactics, you’ll be looking at many formations: 3-5-2 formations, 4-4-2 formation and the 4-5-1 formation, favored by professional clubs, among others. Practicing tactics provides the same benefits as the training and technique drills. It sets the moves in the player’s mind, so they don’t have to think about it in the middle of play.

Techniques, tactics and training drills all go into making a professional soccer player. With dedication and diligence, along with the proper training, you will find yourself advancing to a higher level than you ever thought possible.

At Inside we emphasis soccer training programs presented in video clips, training drills and training tips. With world-class content we’ll help you coach consistent with your beliefs and philosophy or play with confidence.

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