Golf Weight Training Is The Answer To Longer Drives

May 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Brent Wociak3892

It’s no secret that most of the male and female tour gamers who want to play their greatest golf, do golf weight training exercises. But it’s not the form of grueling, sweating stuff you are thinking about.

There is a HUGE false impression of what and how one of these program needs to be done. It doesn’t take going right into a fitness center and lifting heavy weights; nor does it take a 2-3 hour daily commitment.

I’ve seen many “so-called” golf weight training packages, books, and videos and so forth that do the truth is present the golfer within the gymnasium and on machines. Sitting on a machine, isolating one muscle group is not golf-particular or sport-particular for that matter.

Golf is a dynamic motion performed in your feet. Sitting in a machine in a “controlled” setting will not improve your swing.

The golf swing incorporates many of the muscle mass of the physique in a sequential motion. I hope you can now see sitting in a machine won’t improve that.

So what truly is a ‘golf-specific’ program?

For starters, doing a lot of train ‘on your toes’ and in your golf posture will help. The extra you may get in your posture and strength train, the quicker the benefit to your game.

Golf additionally entails steadiness and stabilization. To enhance this takes a concentrated effort on core work and exercises involving balance (akin to one-legged exercises).

The more fashionable golf-workout routines are done on a stability ball; using exercise tubing; handweights; and even weighted medication balls.

This allows you to do many dynamic actions much like your golf swing, immediately regarding more power, distance and accuracy.

These pieces of kit are very inexpensive and portable. You’ll be able to have a complete golf health health club in your house for beneath $ a hundred easily.

For instance, train tubing is roughly $ 20 and you can immediately do golf swings with it. That is as golf-particular as you may get. Doing your actual motion with resistance will dramatically enhance your power output.

There are dozens of easy, golf weight coaching exercises you are able to do with the above gear (and in your house). The great thing about one of these golf coaching is saving time and money, but most importantly making it enjoyable and enjoyable.

Whenever you do these kind of golf weight coaching workouts you may be encouraged that it will likely be the missing link to your finest game.

Typically, we attempt to get on the health, weight-loss bandwagon, only to give up after only a week or so. With the above kind of training, your doing both. You not solely see a dramatic improvement in your game, however the icing on the cake is feeling and looking better.

I have labored with hundreds, if not hundreds of golfers via the web who’ve sent me emails stating how they have stuck with their packages longer than another time of their life. They say the connection between well being and golf is what did it.

So do not get overwhelmed the subsequent time you right here about golf weight training. With a little research, you may be doing all of your golf weight coaching program in your house in no time.

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How To Get Started With Physical Fitness Training

May 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Britney Smith

A healthy body needs a variety of different things in order to stay healthy. There needs to be a healthy diet with foods rich in vitamins and minerals to fuel the body. There also needs to be adequate sleep and exercise. Working a physical fitness training routine into your life will keep your body in shape and give you an energy boost to get through the day. It can benefit your health, wellness and social life as well.

How To Get Started With Physical Fitness Training

If you want to start physical fitness training, the first step should be consulting a physician. Go and get a physical to make sure that you are healthy for the kind of activity you want to train with. It is also a good idea to get an opinion from your doctor about diets that work well in conjunction with physical fitness training.

The next step you should take when beginning a physical fitness training routine is to come up with a plan for the day, time and specific activities you will do. To choose the activities for training, you first need to decide what different parts of your body that you want to work on. If you are looking to tone and build your muscles, you will be doing very different activities than someone who wants to improve their cardiovascular health.

If you want to prevent giving up in the middle of your physical fitness training it is good to have a motivator present in your workout routine. Some people can afford a trainer, but those who cannot can always begin their physical fitness training with a friend. With the support of someone you will be less likely to quit.

Once you have your schedule set, it is a good idea to pick activities that work towards your goal without boring you. If you want to jog every day, for instance, change up your jogging routes in or get new scenery and new challenges like hills to run up and down. If you get tired of your routine you will be more likely to quit. If you get tired of one type of exercise, switch to another that will give you the same or similar benefits to the routine you have been working on. Your physical fitness training will only work if you are serious about getting into shape and staying that way.

If you are serious about fitness exercises you should read this :

Britney Smith is an internet marketer full time and she writes in various topics, learn more about Health Fitness Exercise Website here :

Football weight training

May 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Ty Gillespiie

Football weight training for those who haven’t made the team yet

If you’re an aspiring footballer, still young and growing, and you love those linemen positions, guard, tackle, center, end, and the personal challenge of holding a a piece of ground or crashing through a mass of meaty, growling guys intent on stopping you in your tracks, but you just don’t have the weight and strength to compete at this point on a junior varsity or varsity team, there’s still hope. If you’re fast, have endurance and stamina, not much at catching a football, but you can run into a wall of guys crouched to catch and throw you on the ground, you’re probably the right man to play fullback, but if you’re thin and not at your peak strength, you’ll need to put on weight, not fat, but thick, firm muscle. If you’re one of these guys, what you need is a regimen of football weight training.

Performing the proper weight training can increase both muscle bulk and muscle strength, fairly quickly and, if you do it regularly, to lasting affect. Football weight training is generally part of your daily football practice if you’re already on a team, but here we’re talking to those boys who haven’t made it on the team yet and want to know what they can do to get on one when tryouts come up in the Fall. You’ve got more than enough time to put on that weight and increase your strength if you start a football weight training program now. Even if you wait until the summer, three months will be enough time to build up your muscles and strength in time for tryouts in September. Less than three months will not do.

Your objectives in football weight training are quiet clear. You’re after strength and bulk, not definition. That means lifting increasingly heavier weights. If you work with light weights only, you’ll get some bulk, not much, but your muscles will become clearly defined. That’s nice for the beach, but not for the football field. Here’s what you need to do. Start the first week lifting as many pounds as you can, doing a repetition of ten lifts. You have to get the repetitions in, so don’t lift too much so that you tire before the ten. Do bench presses, squats (using heavier weights than for arm, chest, and shoulder development, since your legs are always stronger than the rest), tip-toe lifts for the calves, and side lifts. Do your curls with the same amount of weight you do your over-head lifts and front, crouch to chest, lifts. You can do bench presses with weight heavier than you use for arm work. The next week, add two to two and a half pounds more. The third week, add another two pounds, and on the fourth week, don’t add any new weight. Then, on the first week of the second month of your football weight training program, add two and a half pounds again and work with that for the rest of the week. Do exactly what you did the previous month, increasing weight each week. At some point, you’re going to find that you’re not able to make it through all the repetitions. That’s when you stop adding weight. Continue to work with the same weight until the repetitions become easier. Then start adding weights again.

Football weight training can be very grueling work. You’re breaking down muscle so that it will heal and become stronger. You’re going to hurt. Take steam baths, get massages, and be certain not to strain yourself to the point you cannot continue your training. Keep working at it, and when the Fall comes, you’ll be sporting some tough, fleshy muscle that will be sure to put you on the starting line-up and on your way to football glory. Remember, it doesn’t work until it hurts, but also, don’t strain yourself.

To learn more, have a look at youth ministry ideas, and teen bible lessons.

Cardiovascular And Circuit Training

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

There are numerous benefits to incorporating a healthy cardiovascular related training routine. Many peoples workout regimen only involves a routine of lifting weights a few days a week. While weight training is necessary and extremely beneficial, ignoring cardiovascular training can affect your heart and general health. The term cardiovascular can be defined as the bodys ability and efficiency to get blood and oxygen to the muscles.

The amount of time spent on cardiovascular exercises will vary according to your specific goals. For an individual attempting to further their heart health, without specifically gaining or losing weight, a general guideline would be to perform cardio a minimum of 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Gaining and losing weight involves a different approach to doing cardio. If you are a hard gainer attempting to gain a desired amount of weight, you probably do not want to do a large amount of cardio. Incorporating light cardio work twice a week, for about 20 minutes a session, would never hurt anyone though. If you do wish to gain weight and incorporate a serious cardio routine, increase your calories consumed per day, or see our circuit training section.

Losing weight takes a different approach to cardio. In addition to eating below your maintenance calorie level, taking part in cardio 3-5 times per week, at about 20-40 minutes per session should be adequate for fat loss. For those who have never done any form of cardiovascular training, or are just out of shape, 3 times a week at 20 minutes per session would be a good starting point. For those in poor shape, low intensity cardio exercises such as walking should be done in the beginning stages. Those in decent cardiovascular shape could do exercises at a higher level of intensity. Fat loss remains the main reason people take part in cardiovascular training. However, this belief does not totally justify the true advantages of cardio since anyone can reap the benefits.

Finding your target heart rate is important for the length of time spent on each session and the intensity that you are completing the work. Finding your target heart rate can be explained in the link at the bottom of this page. The two types of exercises that involve mainly your cardiovascular system include aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic work is done where your body is using oxygen as fuel. Anaerobic work is done where your body does the work without oxygen as fuel. Both types of exercises are vital to a successful training regimen.
Examples of aerobic exercises include: Walking, running, swimming, and cycling.
Examples of anaerobic exercises include: Weightlifting, sprints, hill climbing, and jumping rope.

Circuit training is a type of interval training program which combines components of both strength training and cardiovascular training. It is often a set up of stations or circuits which individuals will complete before moving onto the next. Within each circuit participants will perform exercises for a specific count or a specific time period before they venture to the next station. The goal of circuit training is to increase strength and agility at the same time as increasing fitness. Some studies have even found that circuit training is the most efficient way to enhance cardiovascular training and muscle endurance.

There are many advantages to opting to take part in a circuit training regimen as opposed to a weight training or cardiovascular routine in addition to combining the benefits of both into one schedule. Circuit training can easily be assembled to include a full body workout. A circuit training routine does not require expensive gym equipment, a gym membership, or any traveling to find facilities to fit your needs. The small groups that typically are a part of circuit training routines assist beginners by allowing them to more easily be paired with advanced and experienced people to learn the basics.
Circuit training also allows for the routine to take place at any venue and can be customized for any person or athlete of any age, gender, or physical ability.
The goal of circuit training is to force individuals to display their maximal physical effort at the same time of achieving your maximal target heart rate. You should not rest in between exercises. Each exercise should burn out the targeted muscle groups as well as increase your heart rate to fat and sugar burning zones. Lean muscle gains along with simultaneous fat losses are highly possible from adopting a circuit training program.

When constructing a circuit training routine you should remember to combine both strength and cardiovascular training elements. For instance your can assemble a circuit where stations involve exercise machines, hydraulic equipment, hand-held weights, elastic resistance, or calisthenics. In between each station you should force yourself with some type of aerobics such as jogging for 1 to 3 minutes between each circuit. Typically circuit training sessions last anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes with a variety of different sprinting, strength gaining, and jogging exercises intertwined. See some circuit training examples below to get an idea of how to construct your very own customized program. Good luck and happy training!

My name is Brian Cliver. I am 27 years old and live in New York City. I am a fitness enthusiast. I love working out and eating right. In my spare time I also enjoy extreme sports, traveling, and reading. I have been into designing websites since 1999 and consider it a passion of mine.

Fitness General

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Strength Training is Important For Weight Loss

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Chris Morris

Losing weight requires a person to moderate the amount they eat, reduce eating unhealthy foods and exercise. Exercise should involve both cardiovascular as well as strength training activities. Weight lifting will tone muscles and help firm up your body after all that weight is lost. Working out the muscles as the weight comes off will help eliminate the flabby feeling and look one get as they lose weight.

Strength training can involve weights, isometric exercises, machines or even rubber bands. There are many ways to engage your muscles as you exercise. One of the most popular and well-known is using barbells and weight plates. You can get a full body exercise by performing bench press, shoulder press, curls, squats and lunges among many other variations. Dumbbells or barbells can be used for any or all of these movements.

A person’s body weight can also be used to strengthen and tone your body. Push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups are well-known exercises. There is a huge variety of additional exercises that you can perform as well such as dips for the tricep muscles, squats and lunges with your hands locked behind your head, front and side plank for your core, etc. The list is long and varied and really your imagination is the only thing limiting you from developing an exercise using only your body weight.

Weight machines are popular especially for those just beginning with weight training. The machines reduce the possibility of injury as the movements are self contained. You can easily adjust the amount of weight used to lift with a simple adjustment of the key. You will need to make sure you read the recommended positioning of your body for the exercise. Control and deliberate lifting of the weight is important to get the most out of the activity. If you are in a gym or health facility, the trainers should be able to show you how to use the equipment.

One of the more interesting tools are resistance bands. These are basically big rubber bands with varying amounts of resistance as you pull them. You can maneuver the bands to do most any exercise from chest exercises similar to bench presses with weights to arm curls. The bands are very adaptable and once you get used to the movements they can definitely help tone your muscles. You will simply have o task for assistance or read the manual to get the most out of the exercises.

Muscle toning with weights is an important part of your goal of losing weight and getting in shape. There are many types of exercises and movements that can be done to firm up your body.

Strength training for healthy weight loss can help you get in shape and improve your fitness if done correctly. Please visit my site to learn how you can get fit and lose the pounds.

10 Fitness Training Tips-Be Healthy-Be Safe

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Norman Stanley

10 Fitness Training Tips-Be Healthy-Be Safe

Prior to any sort of exercise or activity it is vital that the body is warmed up, the muscles relaxed and loose. Jumping into a strenuous fitness training session will almost guarantee injury or soreness. Make your training regime work better by following these tips.

1) You can help prevent injuries and strains by following a regimen of stretching before your fitness training. Whilst it is common knowledge that stretching your muscles will warm them up before training stretching them again in your warm down will greatly enhance your flexibility.

2) Make the most of your stretches by maintaining the stretch for sixty seconds or so to lengthen the fibres and allow a greater range of movement.

3) When stretching do not ‘bounce’ the movement as this can improve the probability of tearing a muscle. Move smoothly to the maximum range and then hold it for a minute and return to the relaxed position slowly and smoothly.

4) Build on your stretches gradually, it is not a race. It is better to take your time and do it well than to rush at it and develop a strain or injury.

5) When stretching for fitness training make sure to use all the muscle groups. This make sure your body is warmed through. For actual training it is better to work through the muscle groups alternately this allows the body time to rest and grow.

6) Drink water. Maintaining hydration throughout your fitness training is vital, your body will gradually shut down as it loses water so keep sipping whilst you train.

7) Do not compare yourself to others, work out only at your own pace,trying to outdo someone else could cause you to strain yourself or cause injury.

8) Be regular in your fitness training to ensure that you maintain a healthy level of activity. You should try to train at least three or four times a week preferably every day.

9) Make your fitness training fun, use an MP3player or radio to keep boredom at bay. I use treadmills and these come with a variety of programmes to keep your interest and give you a target to achieve.

10) Eat well. The body needs nutrients to grow and be healthy. If you are using fitness training to lose weight don’t be tempted to skip meals it will do you no good and you will end up snacking on junk food. Be aware of what you put into your body and eat sensibly.

I hope these tips will help you in your fitness training and help you to exercise well, safely and effectively.

Norman is a golf fanatic and fitness enthusiast Find cheap treadmills and the ultimate fat busting diet here

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Quick Weight Loss and Weight Training

May 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Philip McDonald

Quick Weight Loss and Weight Training

Weight training can not only lead to quick weight loss, but it can also lead to an overall reduction in body fat and help speed up a slowing metabolism. The key to weight training and weight loss is a very simple correlation between building type I muscle or building type II muscle. If you want your metabolism to increase, type II muscle is the type of muscle that you are looking for.

Research at University of Colorado at Boulder has discovered that bulking up and focusing on energy balance can lead to the long term weight loss that so many of us struggle to achieve. Type II muscle is the muscle that is used in short burst of energy, like sprinting, rather than the longevity related exercise like marathon and endurance training provides. Yes, it makes you stronger and you would be able to life a higher weight limit, but you also will develop the muscular structure to chew through your body fat and limit the effects of sugars on your system.

Weight training has become one of the most effective and sought out methods of weight loss over the past few years. Just because you weight train doesn’t mean you will bulk up with biceps that are larger than your head, which is a significant concern for women who want to lose weight but are concerned about trying weight training.

Weight training has the potential to lead to longer term weight reduction as well as better liver function. In order to achieve the results that interest you, finding a reputable weight trainer and developing a weight training plan is recommended. Always learn the proper techniques before beginning a new lift in order to prevent injury. The weight loss you will notice can become permanent with some maintenance lifting and some basic training.

Philip McDonald has written several articles on health and weight loss. To learn more about losing weight with exercise, diet, hoodia and other supplements, please visit our websites at and http://weightcontrolinfo.comTo see how one man lost over 80 pounds click this link now:

Learn exercises with free weights such as the shoulder raise for weight loss and strength building in thisfree workout video on exercising with free weights and weight loss. Expert: Ricketta Butler Bio: Ricketta Butler is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in Health Science Education. She is currently a personal trainer and group fitness coordinator. Filmmaker: Michael Carter

Performing Muscular Strength Exercises – Weight Training for Increased Muscular Strength

May 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

The world of weight lifting is more expansive than most people assume. However, most people perceive weight lifting from the perspective of bodybuilding. Now, there is nothing wrong with this if you are actually looking for a bodybuilding physique. But, what if you are looking to increase and enhance your physical strength?

If this is your goal, you will probably want to avoid a bodybuilding workout. Bodybuilding workouts center on developing a certain look as opposed to enhancing strength. In fact, bodybuilders are commonly referred to as “pretty boys on the beach” while weight lifters are referred to as “strong boys on the beach” (substitute the gender where appropriate).

This is not to say that bodybuilders and those seeking excellence in physical appearance should stay away from muscular strength exercises. You could integrate them into you bodybuilding routine as they will help enhance your workouts and intensity by allowing you to use heavier weights and overcome weight training plateaus.

Those wanting to enhance strength will need to employ muscular strength exercises.

Are these exercises complicated? Actually, they are fairly simple to perform and do not even require a significant time commitment to achieve results from.

Many of the muscular strength exercises you perform are the exact same exercises that would be found in a bodybuilding workout. However, the approach to the exercises and the performance of the exercises will be different. Again, this is because the goal here is to enhance strength and reduce the effort needed to perform physical tasks. So, let’s take a clear look at exactly how this is to be done.

At the core of all muscular strength exercises is heavy weights and low reps.

This is because you want to overload the muscle with near maximum weight and lift for a few short reps which will lead to quick failure. Failure refers to the muscle’s inability to continue with an exercise. When this occurs, the muscle will seek to grow larger during the rest stage to handle the amount of weight it failed to lift. In short, training to failure leads to the muscle seeking to grow stronger.

More often than not, you will want to work the major compound exercises such as the bench press, the military press, the dead lift, and the squat since these are the most common strength building exercises. Usually, lifting 60% to 80% of your maximum weight potential for 6 -8 reps is recommended. Keep in mind, however, that you should definitely have a workout partner with you when performing these lifts since they can lead to an injury if you lose control of the heavy weight. Dead lifts, in particular, can cause a back injury if not performed properly. So, never risk safety when performing muscular strength exercises.

Does this mean you never perform isolation exercises when looking to increase strength? Honestly, you can certainly isolate specific muscles and perform exercises that target these muscles specifically. Bicep curls, calf raises, and leg extensions would fall under the category of these types of exercises. However, the amount of weight you lift with an isolation exercise will be certainly less than what you can perform with compound exercises. You simply will have fewer muscles employed so the amount of weight you lift will have to be adjusted.

Ultimately, muscular strength exercises can deliver excellent results in terms of the ability to properly enhance human strength. They are not tough to perform and anyone can do them. So why not give them a try?

Your success in building muscle depends on choice of supplements. Some online stores offer much great deals. Find out more at: Top Bodybuilding Supplements now. David is a health and fitness enthusiast and expert and offers free tips at Vitamins and Health Supplements

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Benefits of Strength Training

May 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Peter Harris

Strength training is a style of weight lifting that uses progressive resistance to strengthen muscles. There are several other benefits in performing strength training and conditioning workouts. These benefits include improving muscle tone, muscular endurance, muscle size, strength (including tendon, bones and ligaments). This article will discuss the benefits of strength training.

Strength training can improve our overall level of performance. Our muscles are utilizing energy everyday to help us complete our movements. The more strength and endurance our muscles have the more efficiently they will work to allow us to better participate in our daily activities, sports and hobbies.

Another long-term benefit of strength training is the prevention of muscle loss. It is normal for us to lose muscle mass as we age. If we engage in ongoing strength training and conditioning workouts then we can slow down or even reverse this process. We don’t have to succumb to the effects of aging. We can do something about it and it starts with exercise.

The benefits of strength training can also improve our physical appearance. This type of training can effectively help a person burn off bodyfat, replacing bodyfat with quality lean muscle. If you stick to a strength training program combined with proper nutrition you will change your appearance to one that is leaner and stronger.

Another consideration to take into account is that as we age our metabolism will slow down. As this happens it becomes harder for us to burn bodyfat and keep our weight down. The food that we eat is more easily stored as bodyfat. Following the basics of strength training exercises we can increase our metabolic rate so that we may continue to burn calories and bodyfat – even when we are sleeping.

People will often make the mistake of not strength training when they are trying to lose weight. They will focus on cardiovascular exercise and cutting calories. What they may not realize is that cutting calories in the absence of strength training may lead to muscle loss along with the fat. Strength training will help you maintain your muscle size while you are burning bodyfat. You won’t get big and bulky with strength training. You will get a strong, lean appearance.

This article was written to share the many benefits of strength training. After reading this my hope is that you can appreciate the importance of utilizing strength training and conditioning workouts to improve your health, burn bodyfat, increase your metabolism and keep you strong and healthy for years to come.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of strength training from a world reknowned fitness expert that will produce results quickly then visit us now at: strength Training Benefits
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Strength Training

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Before you start strength training or any workout after a period of doing very little exercise, you need to make sure you are medically fit for the extra stress placed on the body.

The next thing you may wish to consider is where you wish to train. You can do this at home or at a facility like a gym or health club.

Good arguments exist for both, depending on your circumstances, but a gym may provide a better all-round experience in variety of workouts available and the motivation of social interaction. It is a good idea to employ a personal trainer for a few sessions, if only to familiarize yourself with fitness form and safety issues.

Make sure you get someone who is qualified or at least has a good reputation for knowledge and experience. The benefits of strength training are diverse.

Strength and muscle building are not just about body image, weightlifting, bodybuilding competition, and sports. There are an increasing variety of health conditions that can be either stabilized or improved with weight sessions as part of any fitness program.

Many experts now say that strength training is of equal importance to aerobic sessions for health and fitness, especially for the over-40 age groups, men and women. Many exercises are available in gyms with a complete inventory of free anchors and fitness machines and stations.

You don’t need to use all of them, although variety helps maintain interest and some equipment is preferable depending on what your goals are. The best results arise from using a structured training program tailored for your specific goals rather than a haphazard choice of workouts.

A “program” means that you will train according to a sequence of exercises and times that match your target results. It is best to write this down and take it with you to the gym so you work through each workout in sequence.

Physical activity in conjunction with calorie restriction is a proven method of weight reduction. Strength training is one component of a fitness program.

Extra muscle increases metabolism a little and provides the strength to complete harder workouts. If you want to delve into the finer detail of weight training terminology from sets and repetitions to periodized training programs and the subtleties of program variation for specific goals.

You can learn much about how to train for particular sports by reading these periodized programs. Each provides an explanation of elements of strength training to be emphasized in order to enhance strength and power skills and prevent injury in specialized sports.

Sports programs are best created for the individual. Warm up with ten minutes of aerobic exercise.

This can be with treadmill walking or jogging, stationary bicycle, cross-trainer, or stepper machines. Extend this to thirty minutes depending on requirements for fat loss.

Do at least 30 minutes of cardio fitness at moderate intensity three times each week for all strength trainers in order to promote aerobic fitness. It need not be done at the same time as the weights session.

Warm-ups are important to get blood flowing to heart, lung and muscles and lubricating fluid loosening the joints ready for action. Each anchors workout should include a warm-up with light anchors and practicing the same form as for the workout weight.

Sixty per cent of your workout weight is about right for warm-ups. Stretching is not so important before exercise and is better performed after workout.

Some light stretches will do no harm. If you have little experience in training and free anchors, you may wish to start with the machine leg press instead of the squat, especially if you’re not accompanied by a trainer, helper or spotter.

Even so, there is no reason to be intimidated by the squat exercise. It need not be done in a squat rack or power cage with the big bar and free anchor to begin with, although squatting with the bar alone is a good way to practice form.

Dumbbells or small-bar barbells can provide reassurance for the beginner. The same applies to the racked bench press with heavy bar, which can be substituted with dumbbells or lighter barbells.

Jack R. Landry has worked in the exercise and health industry for 27 years. When searching for a good deal on exercise equipment he suggests using a Nordictrack coupon codes.

Contact Info:

Jack R. Landry

Buy my book “Got Sugar?” for a years worth of workout plans. This is a “how to” video showing how I rotate through reps of different exercises, to minimize boredom, keep my pace quick & workout in the most efficient amount of time. This rotation also minimizes muscle fatigue by resting arms while working legs. I call it a Rep-Rotation! Doing this 3x a week now for 3 years has maintained my strength. I’m sure it helped me win Wipeout and qualify for Boston marathon next year too! …Link to paperback book at Amazon: Can search Amazon for Kindle edition as well. I’m an expert in training.
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