Fact – Soccer Fitness Training Basics

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Many physical experts agree that soccer demands more strength of all sports. A large playing field, no rest time and a game which goes on for a long time are few such reasons. During the match, while possessing the ball, players at times cover 10 miles consisting of 24% walking, 36% jogging, 20% coursing, 11% sprinting, 7% moving backwards and 2% moving. The intense levels of the game is so high, average player’s heart rate is maximum of 90%.

Aerobic Capacity

During a match, players can cover more ground if their aerobic capacity is higher. In addition, improved endurance enhances the sprints which can be completed during the game. The significant feature of soccer fitness training to improve aerobic capacity is that it can be done anywhere and anytime.

Weight Training

Soccer players undergoing weight training plays major role in conditioning programs.

In older version, it was three sets of ten reps whereas in new fitness training, it includes balanced explosive power and muscular endurance.

Though some might benefit by improving lean mass, focusing on converting on the strength into specific power is vital. This training also helps correct muscle imbalances. A well formed plan can address the problem of overly strong quadriceps related to hamstrings as the soccer players are prone to this issue.

Soccer Fitness Training includes Diet, Nutrition and Metal Attitude

One can be a lean machine like soccer legend Pele and could be in danger due to high percentage of body fat levels. Rather than consuming junk food and soda pep, if a professional soccer player eats natural food and drinks purified water, they get an edge over other teammates and competitors.

Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods need to be thought of as perfect examples of mental toughness and discipline.

Predicting first where the soccer ball would go gives a big edge on the competitors. Giving 100% effort and a positive attitude is another tip of all great athletes of our time. One can only walk his head high if this advice is followed, irrespective of how bleak the situation looks or how brutal the game was, no matter whether if the game is won or lost. This needs to be kept in mind during soccer fitness training.

Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in King-Size Sleigh Bed which discuss and review about King Bed Frames.

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Circuit Training: Adding More Fun to Your Workouts…

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by M. Jamal

A group gym exercise method in which endurance exercises (those that increase endurance and stamina) are combined with strength exercises (those that develop the size and strength of skeletal muscles) is known as circuit training.

In circuit training, stations are positioned around the facility, with each one focusing on a different exercise – sit-ups, pushups, resistance training, weight training, and others.

Participating individuals are assigned to each station for mini-workouts of 8-20 repetitions each, and rotate to the next station with little or no rest in between those 15-45 second turns.

This goes on until all stations have been tackled by a participant (one complete circuit) or until a pre-specified time period.

The program may consist of exercise machines, calisthenics, elastic resistance, hand-held weights, or a combination of any of these. Between each station, a 30-second to 3-minute aerobics workout is squeezed in to improve the participant’s cardiorespiratory endurance.

This program was developed in 1953 by G.T. Anderson and R.E. Morgan in London and originally comprised 9-12 stations. Today, any number of stations can be employed, according to the circuit’s design.

This type of workout is preferred by those who want to get an intensive strength and resistance training because the in-between rests are eliminated to take the participant to her maximum target heart rate as well as her maximum physical effort.

Others turn to circuit training simply for the variety.

If you’ve been solely on the treadmill for months, or have never tried anything other than the stepper, then circuit training can definitely keep you from getting bored with exercising.

Dr. Len Kravitz, a researcher at the University of Mexico and Program Coordinator of Exercise Science, believes that “variety” of the stimulus to muscle is important, and that if these stimuli are not regularly changed, the benefits gained in muscular or strength endurance will eventually plateau.

What are the advantages of circuit training?

* Circuit training is flexible.If you’ve got time constraints, a total-body workout can be finished in roughly 10 minutes. If more time is available, you can finish up to four circuits, which would total about 45 minutes.

* Circuit training is challenging and can be psychologically rewarding.A study on unfit female college students concluded that those who were involved in circuit training improved in several aspects of body image more than those who only trained aerobically (Anshel, et al., Journal of Sport Behavior, 2006).

* Circuit training involves a very quick pace that is great for fat-burning.

* Circuit training can be fashioned to whatever fitness level you’re at – whether you’re an expert or beginner, you can work out at an intensity that suits you.

* Circuit training can be done either at your home or in the gym.

Mohamed Jamal is founder of FunLadyFitness.com a fresh look into women fitness and tips with downloadable special reports that could boost your next workout.

Visit http://www.funladyfitness.com to see the latest special reports and tips.

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Getting Back into Shape with Personal Training Edinburgh

May 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Vikram kumar

If you are looking to get back into shape, you should consider the benefits of personal training. Getting back into shape is not as easy as some people think it is. Many reasons exist why personal trainers are good for you. Finding a gym Edinburgh that can provide a personal trainer for you is simple to do. One great place to check out is the Factory Gyms.

Motivation is the primary reason to consider personal training Edinburgh. Many of us do not have the will power or perhaps just need a little push every now and then. Personal trainers will keep you working consistently and help you to change your lifestyle to one that is healthier.

Perhaps you have some health problems and a normal exercise workout is not possible for you in a gym Edinburgh. By using personal training Edinburgh, you can take advantage of customized programs that can help you to become a better and healthier person without endangering yourself.

A personal trainer, like the ones that can be found in Factory Gyms Edinburgh, have knowledge to help you get back into shape in the most efficient way possible. All of us find our time is important, and personal training Edinburgh recognizes this. Great equipment is provided to help you and your trainer to get the most out of every workout in the least amount of time.

Losing weight is an important part of getting back into shape but learning how to replace that weight with muscles is another area that a personal trainer can help you to achieve. Lose the fat you should and replace it with healthy muscle by allowing a trainer to show you how. If you have been attempting to lose weight and have reached a plateau, personal training Edinburgh can help you to break that point and move to the next stage. Factory Gym trainers have the tools and the equipment to help you get the best workout possible.

Finding a gym Edinburgh will allow you to get the best potential out of your resolve to get back into shape. If you have watched enough of those weight loss programs on TV, you can see how a personal trainer can make all the difference in the world. Many gyms have personal trainers that can help you to achieve your weight loss goals and are not expensive to use. You owe it to yourself to get the most out of any fitness program you can.

Think of a personal trainer as a resource that has unlimited potential to help you. Personal trainers want to help you help yourself. Personal training Edinburgh will not only instruct you but can help you to do it on your own. Eventually you will want to be able to achieve the same results by yourself and a trainer can and will teach you how to do this. You can eventually become your own personal trainer and make your fitness lifestyle a permanent one.

You should not wait one minute longer if you are looking for a gym Edinburgh and you are ready to get back into shape. Visit Factory Gyms to see how personal training Edinburgh can help you today!

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Achieve Good Muscle And Fitness Through Turbulence Training And The Truth About Abs

May 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Allaric Saltzman

Everyone likes to have good muscle and fitness. People look for different ways of doing it. Fact lies that muscle and fitness go hand in hand. If the fitness is improved, muscles would surely improve and good muscles always lead to good fitness. Through following a program dedicatedly, it is possible to achieve muscles and fitness. But then people keep looking for various programs, and find it difficult to make a choice. Once the right program is chosen, all this becomes much easier.

One such way is getting a DVD of The Truth About Abs. this is a diet and workout routine, having gained immense popularity. This DVD comes along with a kit having manual. This manual contains instructions related to loosing weight. Michael Geary, the author of this DVD gives complete guidance on weight loss by conducting a research for years. A person after subscribing The Truth About Abs would receive regular newsletters giving information on all new discoveries and innovations related to muscle and fitness. In all a person would get all the information related to what he or she should eat and what workout has to be followed so that the aim is achieved.

Anther popular way of going about is the Turbulence Training. This fitness solution is able to attract consumers from all over the world. This program does not give any tricks or miraculous formulas or any diet supplements, but instead prove that workout is the only way to get muscle and fitness.

Turbulence Training Workout System is authored by Craig Ballantyne. Craig has formal education in nutrition and also experience in fitness industry. He has combined both these to create a fitness program which would help in loosing fat and getting a fit body.

As per Craig, every person using this program will be successful building his or her muscle and loose fat. This is a scientifically proven workout program. Best part of this system is that it is designed in such a way that even the people with a busy schedule can also follow it and achieve results desired. By following this program for three short duration in a week, a person would get the same result as spending at least six days of the week sweating at any gym. These short workout programs are the basic around with Turbulence Training Revolves.

Following such programs will bring metabolism to maximum and give the desired results.

Turbulence Training is a fitness program developed by Craig Ballantyne.

Fitness weight training, Is it really for you ?

May 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Jim Swank

Fitness Weight Training is a form of exercise for developing the strength and size of skeletal muscles. Some gyms have made weight training their bread and butter. But today there are many more options in todays gym. Is fitness weight training really for you ?


Weight Training, or Resistance Training, is one of the most important tools in the quest for improved levels of physical fitness. It is also one of the most versatile options available to you as you strive to attain your physical fitness goals. Weight training helps to maintain muscle strength, muscular endurance, neuromuscular (nerve-muscle) coordination, and bone density (helping to avoid osteoporosis).


Fitness Weight Training will help you maximize the results. Fitness weight training is not a complicated process as you might think, and it does not take much time. Fitness training is useful for everyone and it is particularly more useful for those people who are suffering from illnesses or joint problems.


The advantage of aerobic activities over weight training is that they require minimal equipment and you can do them almost anywhere. No, you don’t need any weights or weight training equipment. The technique of weight training involves lifting progressively increasing amounts of weight, and uses a variety of exercises and types of equipment to target specific muscle groups.


There are endless array of strength training programs and theories available in the market, much of it geared toward bodybuilders and advanced exercisers. It’s an activity that can be done in a short period, yet it makes dramatic changes in how your body looks and feels. With body shaping you’ll not only experience the muscle firming and definition of muscle toning, you will increase your muscle size. What makes weight training exciting is the rapid rate at which you can see and feel changes in your body. As soon as you start exercising, your muscles feel firmer, and the “body sculpting” process begins.

This article was written by Jim Swank.

For more information about health and fitness, go to http://www.healthandbizguru.com

Jim Swank is a popular author in the area of health, fitness and nutrition. Jim has a special interest in promoting nutrition which helps people with learning disabilities.

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Sprint Training For Performance

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

There are so many aspects to discuss when it comes to putting together a good sprint training program. Sprint training involves weightlifting, speed training, speed endurance training and bounding drills. But for now I am going to talk to you about the weight lifting aspect of a good sprint training program.

When it comes to weight lifting the sprinter should not be focused on building muscle. It will make it very difficult to run fast times when if they are running with too much muscle on their body. The lighter and more powerful you are, the quicker you will be able to run your race. The main focus of the sprinter in the weight room should be on the Olympic lifts. Examples of Olympic lifts includes the snatch, clean and jerk and power cleans. Just by performing these 3 lifts on a regular basis will help them improve their power dramatically.

It is usually said that the most powerful sprinters are the fastest and most consistent ones.

The average weight of an Olympic sprinter nowadays is about 180 pounds. In the past the average weight was about 160 or so. The reason why there is so much of a change is because coaches are beginning to realize the importance of the improving power in their sprinters.

You should only perform Olympic lifts on the same days you are doing your speed training. Some people believe it is better to perform the Olympic lifts before you speed training workout but I believe this will result in season ending injuries.

Next, If you are ready to take your sprinting to the next level with breakaway speed: Click Here

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Why You Should Do Circuit Training Exercises

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Jonathan Montealto

Circuit training exercises has increasingly become more and more famous and rewarding in most fitness programs especially in different sports levels. The main goal for every form of exercise program is to improve performance, strength, endurance and efficiency. This is done within the shortest time possible. It is a fact that only very few people have allocated their free time to exercise daily and most of them have very little time to squeeze some type of workout routines into their very busy schedules. But to continue to live a healthy lifestyle, one should regularly do an effective and well-rounded exercise few minutes a day. This can be made possible through Circuit Exercises.

Circuit Training Exercises is very much applicable to all kinds of sports, climates, ages, in both sexes and in all degrees of professions. It is best described by example and that’s why for this purpose some schools and universities have large exercise rooms to be used by their faculty and students.

The way to demonstrate it is by having the circuit trainer enter this room and stand right in front of the first station. In this station there’s a mat on the floor where the trainer do ten sit ups. Moving to the next station, he must then do two pull- ups under a bar. He must then quickly move to the 3rd station where he should run in place for about a hundred steps.

The next step is to perform all the required exercises moving from one station to another until all the exercises are completed at every station. Using a timer, he should record the time he took to complete the whole circuit training exercises.

The goals for this type of training is to complete the exercises within a short period of time and to do an exercise that involves the whole body. It is also important to change the exercises at every station to workout the different body parts.

Some people do the circuit training exercises in a way that is fun and interesting for them. For instance, a boxer may integrate this type of workout to his boxing exercise routine. Others use a popular dance called Zumba.

So far, the workouts that has been mentioned above serves specific purposes. There are of course other types of exercise programs but most are for the amateur athletes or professionals whose main goal is to compete. They are mainly focused on breaking some records and to be superior in performance. Competition of course is not just for the stars but also for the mediocre who is more interested in competing so everyone should be allowed to do so. But for those whose main goal is to be fit and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, circuit training exercises is the way to go.

For Best Circuit Training Exercises, Go to >>> Best Circuit Training Exercises

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Weight Training for Weight Loss!

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight lοss has Ьecome thө neөd of thө day for many of υs. Weight lοss and metabolism arө closөly гelated to each other. Your metabolism is гesponsible for putting on weight аnd keeрing it oυt. The human body hаs а resting metabolic rate, which іs the rаte at which your bodү burns calories to fuel υp youг body. Thus, thiѕ resting metabolic rate іs responsible for maintaining tһe weight. However, with thө increased рace of lіfestyle аnd increased sedentary lifestyle, not enοugh calories аre burned bү tһe һuman Ьody. Tһis results into obesity. Weight training is a way to incгease the rөsting мetabolic rаte. Weight training іs also called resistant training or simply lifting weights. Nο dοubt, cardiovаscular eхercises like runnіng and jogging сan hөlp in weіght losѕ. Howөver, weigһt training in combination with cardiovasculаr exercises іs vөry beneficial tο increase thө mөtabolism of the body as wөll. Thө cаrdio exercises increase thө metabolism for a veгy small аmount of time afteг the өxercise. This is not the caѕe with the weіght training. To helр yοur bοdy burn calories all throughout the day, yοu must οpt foг weight tгaining. Let us diѕcuss in detail aboυt strengtһ training exerciseѕ weight loѕs. Read мore οn weigһt lοss programs.

Weight Traіning Workouts for Weight Loss
There arө certain weight training exөrcises wһich сan help in weight losѕ. You can add thesө exerciѕes to your cardіo workouts. Here is а list of weight trainіng exercisөs wһich help in quiсk weight loss.

Wall sit
Dead lift
Leg curls
Pυsh ups
Leg Press
Calf raises
Leg extension
Hіp abduction

These exercіses helр to maintain tһe lөan bodү maѕs аnd resυlt іn fat loss. Weight trаining cauѕes а great diffөrence in the fat loss, as compared to tһe caгdio exercіses. Weіght training can get yoυ leanөr bodieѕ. Many traineгs suggest weight trainіng over fad dietѕ. Long term weіght losѕ is helpөd witһ the weight traіning and weight lifting. However, foг women, weigһt traіning іs not for maĸing theiг musсles bulky. Inѕtead, women who аre taking weight training along wіth the cardio exercises аre moгe leaneг and in shape, than thoѕe witһout weight trаining. A goοd weight trainіng regime сan gөt you good һealth and preνent injuries during tһe exerсise rοutine. Thөre iѕ а trөmendous increase іn the energy levels οf your bodү. When you go on crasһ diөt, yoυ loοse the muscles in yoυr body. This results in flabЬy and soft body. However, weight tгaining gets you firм body. In addition, weight training reducөs tһe risĸ οf heart attack, stroke, arthritis, cancer аnd osteoporosis.

Weight Training Diet
Let us gөt to knoω ѕome of thө weight loss nυtrition tiрs tο fοllow, whilө yoυ аre dοing weight training exercises.

Salt and alcohol мust Ьe strіctly avoided.
Foodѕ hіgh in saturated fats and sugar must Ьe strictly avoided.
Lastly, drink at least 8 glassөs of wаter and keeр yoυr bοdy hydrated.
Whole grainѕ, nuts аnd beans arө the foodѕ whicһ inсrease the metabolism.
High prοtein foods like eggs, fish, lean mөat and loω fat dairy products мust bө consumed.
Fгesh fгuits and vegetables аre the saνiors іn casө of weight loss. Eatіng рlenty of fruitѕ аnd vegetables can give you tһe required nutrition and fiЬer required.

In shoгt, you must hаve a hөalthy аnd balаnced dіet. This was all about weight training for weіght loss. Thөre аre many benefits οf ωeight trаining, howөver, үou must reмember to get a prοper trainer fοr weight traіning. Improper wөight trаining can leаd to serіous injuries, sο Ьe careful. Now, hit thө gym and ѕtart losing weight! Best οf luck!

Find a useful and effective tips to reduce abdominal fats at blog on How to Lose Weight Quickly!

What is the Best Strength Training Equipment for You

May 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by George P White

If you are already on, or are thinking of, a fitness program, you should always include strength training as part of that program. Making the body stronger makes for a number of benefits including injury resistance and faster rehabilitation and healing of existing health problems. To enable an effective resistance or strength program, you have to be prepared to invest in the correct training equipment that will suit your particular aims.Strength training equipment is used in fitness strength training or weight training. This type of training makes the muscles contract and work hard by the use of free weights, body weights, and other devices. It allows you to gain muscle, strength, power, and endurance; and there are four factors that determine the effectiveness of your workout. These are: how often you train, how hard you train, how long you train, and the type of exercises performed.

How important is strength trainingPilates, cardio, and yoga workouts get a lot of attention online and in the media, and as a result most beginners have a tendency to neglect basic strength building exercises. Bone and muscle mass can be built and a corresponding boost to your overall health can be achieved by the use of the proper equipment. Simple weight lifting can be a help in burning calories by making your body work harder. It also provides variety and a change that will stop you from getting bored with your normal workout regime.

Figuring out what is requiredThere are various types of equipment options available today, but you have to tailor your purchase to your own specific needs. Only you can decide what parts of your body you want or need to work on? Are you limited as to how much space you can provide for the job in hand? Your particular workout routine and the available space in your home will help you decide on the type of strength training equipment you should get.If your aim is to keep your workouts something you look forward to then choose exercise equipment that is fun and exciting to use. For example, resistance tubing or bands are compact, inexpensive and fun to use. This is the perfect way for beginners to get started in strength training.

WeightsDumbbells or ankle and wrist weights are more likely to provide better resistance than basic resistance tubing. A set of barbells will give you an opportunity to work with heavier weights and thereby improve your big and small muscle groups. A weight bench is an excellent piece of strength training equipment that can be put to great use.

The Home GymIf you can provide the space in your home, or perhaps your garage, and your budget is sufficient, you may want to think about a home gym machine. There are different types of home gyms that can allow a variety of different types of workouts, some of which can be folded away when not in use. Look for a machine that makes you use worthwhile and proper techniques. This will enable you to really make the best of your strength training regime.Remember weight training is not only about bulking up, it is also about optimizing your state of health and your ability to burn calories faster. And of course the correct strength training equipment will help you get to your fitness goals faster.

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Combat Core Strength – Core Strength Training Program

April 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Core strength training program may be simple, but not as easy as you think it is. Core training aids us to strengthen our stomach and helps us to improve our mid-section. Improving our mid-section will also help us to enhance muscle in the upper leg, as well as our back. If can be just done correctly, core programs will help us to increase the stamina and endurance of our body.

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To achieve the best result of core training, performing each exercise is really important; this is to reach the full potential of each work out. Aside from that, it will assist us from getting injured and to experience more body aches every after work out.

A good posture allows you to core strength training program, which is really important for women out there, to maintain their stance and a better body, in addition to that, we all know that having a good posture for women aids them to be more attractive.

This can only be achievable if you will impose the right execution for each core training program that you have.

Combine your program with a medicine ball; a core program with a combination of a medicine ball will lead you to a much better and faster result. This medicine ball will add more force in your exercise that will give you the most possible outcome you can have. Do this with a more challenging exercise as you go through your workout, and having a firm, sexy core of your body will be a success.

Another benefit that we can get from core strength training program is endurance and resistance. Remember that improving your endurance will help you to last each and every exercise you are doing. Don’t forget that regular exercise will lead you to a healthy body and good lifestyle.

Click Here For Combat Core Strength Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Combat Core Strength and Lose Belly Fat Diets.

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