Circuit Training Workouts for Women

April 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

The popularity of circuit training is growing thanks to the amazing results it can achieve. Besides halving the progress time (as compared with steady state cardio) and placing your body into a fat-burning stage for as long as forty-eight hours, the fact that they can be performed anywhere with very little equipment, makes them a very attractive form of fat-burning routine. Aside from the benefit of being able to perform them anywhere, your circuit training workouts can also claim optimum results in less than twenty minutes.

Circuit training workouts are therefore suitable for:

1. Single moms at home with the kids
2. The aspiring business executive who has little spare time
3. Travelers who live out of a suitcase
4. Those women who can’t manage to afford a gym membership

Circuit training workouts for women, mean there is no longer any reasonable excuse not to exercise.

Are you at home with your kids?

You don’t need a lot of space to carry out your routine.

Short of time?

These circuit training workouts for women can be completed in less than half an hour.

Do you struggle with the budget, to afford a gym membership?

There is no money needed to perform circuit training workouts for women.

So what exactly are the circuit training workouts for women?

The typical circuit training workout will be of high intensity, and you will not have a lot of rest time between exercises.

Typically there are six light weight or bodyweight exercises, that are all performed in a circuit style.

The following are a few circuit training workouts for women:

Beginning with the first exercise, make sure you perform it with high level of intensity for no more than fifteen seconds.

As soon as you have completed your fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds and then start exercise two. Work this exercise for a further fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds when it is completed, and move to the next exercise. Continue this pattern until all six exercises have been completed. When all six exercises have been completed, take a break for a couple of minutes, and then start the whole routine again from the top. Your goal is to see how many times this circuit can be completed each time.

Beginners Level
1. Run On The Spot
2. Squats
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Push Ups
6. Laying leg lifts or crunches

Intermediate level
1. Squats
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Half Burpees
4. High Knees
5. Push Ups
6. Lunges

Advanced level
1. Lunges
2. High Knees
3. Burpees
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Push ups
6. Jump Squats

Let’s Take Circuit Training Workouts for Women One Step Further

With some light dumbbells and a jump rope, you can seriously increase the intensity of the workouts. For this you need to integrate the equipment into the circuit you are performing. All you need to do is replace one of the listed exercises with one that uses your jump rope. Another simple but fantastic piece of equipment you can add is a pair of ankle weights. Just a little extra weight on the legs, creates a much more intense workout.


Burning fat at a fast rate will be possible, if you maintain a good healthy diet, and perform the circuit training workouts for women, a few times a week. Not only will you drop inches off your waistline, your physique will be transformed into a more toned, and sexy body. Always allow a full day between workouts so your body can rest and recover from the circuit training.

Mike Miller is a CPT whose goal is to help others like himself to achieve their physical fitness goals.

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Strength Training Exercise Ideas

April 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

It is a well known fact that strength training is ideal for toning up, strengthening muscles, making our bodies injury resistant and boosting our metabolism.

However, when you go into your gym you will be faced with two choices. Do you use the strength training machines, or the ‘free’ weights? There are advantages and disadvantages to using both, and in this article we outline the pros and cons.

Strength training machines are ideal for beginners, as they are much easier to use. The body is supported, and as the weights are moved in a controlled motion along a fixed track, it is very difficult to lift them incorrectly.

The body is automatically in the right position for lifting, so the likelihood of injury is much less. Also machines allow you to isolate certain muscle groups, which is a flexibility free weights lack. Machines are ideal for anyone recovering from an injury due to the extra support they give.

They are much easier to use then the free weights, as there are often clear instructions displayed- there are usually diagrams so that you can see the exact group of muscles you will be working.

It is also easier to track your progress with machines.

They are very convenient as they require very little setting up, and are a lot less intimidating for beginners than the racks of free weights.

The disadvantage of using machines is that they can be somewhat limited, in that each one exercises only one muscle group. You will need to switch to different machines to exercise all the muscle groups. This can be very time consuming, especially if your gym is busy and you have to wait.

Machines don’t always offer a natural body movement, as certain muscles are isolated. This goes against the natural body function of using several muscle groups simultaneously to support the body through each movement.

They can be too supportive, which means that only one muscle group is being worked at any one time.

The metabolic rate and amount of calories burnt may not be as great as using free weights.

If you are considering weights for a home gym, strength training machines take up a lot of room, and you are likely to need several different ones for a full workout. They can also be very expensive.

Free weights include dumbbells and bars to which different weights can be attached. Free weights have some advantages over machines; they are a lot more versatile as you are not restricted to just one range of motion. This means that you can alter how you lift slightly in order to work a different muscle group.

Free weights workouts are generally done standing, meaning that you are working more than one group of muscles at a time, as the other muscles work to support your weight whilst you lift. Using free weights will also improve your coordination and balance as your body works to stabilize you.

You can give yourself a total body workout with just a few sets of dumbbells, without the need to move from machine to machine. Free weights take up a lot less space than machines, and are a lot cheaper.

The main disadvantage of using free weights is that it is much easier to injure yourself using them than using a machine. Free weights require more skill and balance.

It is more difficult to know exactly what muscle groups you are working with each exercise. There are no clear instructions, so you will need to be shown how to use them effectively; this is especially important if you plan to use them at home.

As the free weights don’t follow a fixed track, it can be too easy to do the movement incorrectly, which could lead to injury. Free weights are responsible for far more injuries than machines and you have to be vigilant against getting into sloppy lifting habits.

That’s what the mirrors at the gym are for- not to admire your physique but to check that you are lifting correctly and maintaining a good posture.

Both options have their uses in helping you realize your fitness goals, and many people incorporate both into their routines. If you are a beginner or suffering from an injury, using machines would probably be best. Whichever you decide, make sure that you are given a proper instruction to using strength training equipment before you start.

Charlie McDaniel is an avid researcher of fitness equipment. Taking the time to understand the Used Exercise Equipment market. To see what company he personally recommends visit for quality commercial fitness equipment plus used exercise equipment repair service department visit today.

Off Season Triathlon Training

April 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Developing greater muscular strength during the off-season should be a priority for almost every triathlete. Incorporating strength training will improve efficiency in all three sports, improve workout recovery, and reduce the frequency and severity of injuries. Next week”s article will provide details on the optimal off-season strength training program for triathletes.

Improve Technique
To perform better next year, most athletes need to make a significant change in technique and off season triathlon training. Despite what many athletes believe, simply training more than you did this year isn”t really the key to success next year. Many athletes, even advanced ones, should significantly alter technique to perform more efficiently. Right now, early in the off-season, is the optimal time to undertake changes to technique.

During the racing season, the pressure of racing well prevents athletes from successfully making major changes. Adjustments in technique almost always cause a check-mark shaped change in performance. Immediately following the change, performance usually declines in the short term. Mastering a new skill requires time and frequently emphasizes different muscles, which may not be conditioned for optimal performance. After the athlete has had time to fully master the new skill and his muscles have been trained using the new technique, performance improves significantly. Making such a change early in the off-season gives the athlete months to perfect the new techniques before they will be tested in competition.

Making technique changes early in the off-season also decreases the risk of injury. Putting new stresses on the body”s tissues during periods of high volume and/or high intensity training is asking for trouble. This time of year, most endurance athletes have reduced training mileage considerably and training intensity is the lowest of the year. By the time training volume and intensity are increased for pre-season training, the tissues will have adapted to the new techniques.

off season triathlon training

More Triathlon Strength Training Articles

Weight Training Equipment For Women

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Just this week the government announced that obesity is a much bigger problem than had previously been thought. The healthcare costs associated with this epidemic are about $ 1,400 per year over and above the normal sized person. Unfortunately, women are not immune to this growing trend which has swept not just through the United States, but almost all other parts of the world which have participated to some degree in modernization.

The fact is that we are eating too much and exercising too little. In this article we’ll take a look at the latter: exercise. Specifically, we’ll answer the question of which weight training equipment can best help women in their quest to get fit.

Obviously, women and men have very different bodies and require different regimens of workouts. Most women do not want to bulk up, but would rather get toned. This allows them to keep their womanly figure while still being in shape.

There are definite benefits for a woman in using weight straining equipment, rather than solely sticking to the more typical routine of cardiovascular exercise and things like yoga and stretching.

Chief amongst these is that she will build up bone mass, which is in turn a protection against osteoporosis, a major issue for women in particular. Another good thing about doing strength training is that it burns more calories than yoga. This is because it flexes muscles which are a lot less used to being flexed! Women can stretch all day but lifting weights presents a bigger challenge to their muscles, thus burning the extra calories.

For the woman who is just starting out in weight training, I would recommend two key pieces of equipment. First of all, little handheld free weights (or dumbbells) are a great and easy entry into this form of exercise.

I’m sure you have seen these before. Sometimes they weigh only half-a-pound or so. They are often colored and wrapped in a sort of foam so that they don’t chafe the hand. Pick out a few different sizes here, so that you will have room to work up from the lightest weight.

Free weights are particularly great because they can be used at literally anytime. You can be sitting, watching TV and just grab them off of your coffee table and do a couple series of curls. Your biceps will start to show a little more tone after only a few days.

Now, if you have the money and the space I would suggest considering investing in a home gym type of weight training equipment. These are the sets that have a couple different seats around their perimeter, and have many pull-down type weights. You can do leg curls, choosing the weight that suits you best. Or you can do lateral pull-downs, bicep curls, etc. If you can’t afford a home gym right now, or don’t have the space, then any gym (24 Hour Fitness, New York Sports Club, etc.) will be able to provide you a setting in which to do this type of weight training.

There’s a wide variety of weight training equipment out there and it can be difficult to figure out what’s right for you and your level of fitness. Get up to scratch on what to look out for when buying machines and weights, learn about the options and requirements for different exercise routines and know what types of weight training equipment are available to help you build your home gym.

High Exercise Equipment For Sale in Charlottesville, Virginia: Lifefitness x9i eliptical trainer machine, CAP rubber coated hex dumbbells (5-70 lbs.), CAP dumbbell rack (holds 5’s-45’s), Parabody adjustable bench w/ leg extension attachment, Olympic size bar, Olympic size weight plates (two 45lb, two 25lb, two 10lb, 4 5lb), etc. Just sold our house, and this stuff won’t fit in our new rental. It’s all in amazing condition, just a little dusty from the move.

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Bodybuilding Training or Powerlifting Training?

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by Bob Giddy

The sport of powerlifting is one that was spawned from bodybuilding training as many of the desired outcomes are essentially the same for both sports. The techniques and practices in bodybuilding training and powerlifting training can benefit each other, however the major difference is in the competitions which powerlifters and bodybuilders enter. As a bodybuilder the aim is to look as big and as defined as possible, whereas in powerlifting the aim is to lift as much weight as possible.

If you want to enter powerlifting competitions you’ll have to compete over three sections, the squat, the bench press and the dead lift. The winner of the competition unlike bodybuilding is no based on how good you muscles look but how much weight you can lift in total. If you enter a competition you’ll be put in a certain category or class depending on a number of factors such as age and experience. You don’t have to worry about your body’s aesthetics as you do in bodybuilding, so you can focus 100% on training your strength instead.

Like bodybuilding, powerlifters still need to eat well balanced healthy diets incorporating plenty of protein and enough calories to ensure optimum muscle growth. Avoid fried foods, fast foods and other sources of bad fats and bad carbohydrates. Try and eat plenty of vegetables, pasta and high protein sources such as turkey and chicken. Don’t forget that powerlifting is not about having the lowest body fat percentage or having the highest muscular definition, so you don’t have to worry about a bit of extra fat.

If you want to power lift you need to follow a strict training program as you would if you were training to be a bodybuilder. Make sure that you schedule rest days into your training program to allow your body and muscles to grow and repair between training sessions. Many serious powerlifters and bodybuilders often take a rest week, every twelve weeks or so to reduce stress and allow the body to rest and recover which will enable you to keep training harder and longer and give you a chance to properly reassess your goals and training routine.

Like any sport, you need to set goals and have a detailed training program as a power lifter to keep you focused and on track. Reassess your goals often; stay positive and dedicated and you’ll be winning competitions in no time.

Do you want to learn how to pack on massive muscle, melt away fat and get the body of your dreams? If so, get your hands on free bodybuilding training tips for beginner bodybuilders by clicking the following link:

More Powerlifting Training Articles

Fitness Training

April 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

A general fitness training program involves activities to improve your overall health and well-being. It should involve exercise and eating a nutritious well balanced diet. The exercises involved should be aerobic activities; muscle toning exercises; stretching; core exercises for your abdomen, pelvis, and back; and exercises to help promote balance.

The aerobic exercise is beneficial and necessary because it increases the amount of oxygen in your blood. It also increases the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels in carrying oxygen throughout the body. Aerobic exercise is any activity that employs large muscle groups while causing a faster heartbeat. Walking, jogging, swimming, biking, and dancing are all examples of aerobic activity.

The fitness of your muscles is also very important. You should include strength training in your fitness training program at least two times per week.

This helps to increase not only your muscular fitness, but also your bone strength as well as helping you to keep your muscle mass if you are involved in a weight loss program.

Core exercises are a very important part of fitness training. They help to strengthen the spine and back which helps to protect them from injury. Increasing your core strength also makes it possible for you to more effectively use the muscles of your upper and lower body. These exercises greatly help to improve the overall physical performance of your body.

Balance focused exercises are beneficial to everyone, but they are especially important as we grow older because as we age our balance often starts to fail us. This kind of exercise will help reduce the risk of falling and bone fractures. One easy exercise to help with balance is to stand on one leg for a short period of time. Start with only about 30 seconds and work your way up to a couple of minutes. You will want to alternate and do this with both legs.

Stretching your body and muscles is also very important and should be done every time you exercise. After exercise is usually the best time for stretching because your muscles are already warmed up and prepared for it. Stretching exercises are beneficial because they help increase your body’s overall flexibility.

These are just basic steps for fitness training. If you would like a personal trainer to help you design and carry out a fitness training program just for you, the Fit For Life Personal Training Studio can definitely help you. Their skilled personal trainers can assess your needs and help you get in shape and stay that way.

The Fit For Life studio also offers some great specialty programs. One great one is their fitness boot camps. These will definitely give you a good start on getting in shape while you enjoy the natural beauty of some of the prettiest parks in Pennsylvania. The boot camp is a four week series consisting of exercises that are done in short intervals. The workouts are changed every time so your body will not get used to doing the same thing each day. This is great for burning fat and adding lean muscle, which is exactly what you want to do.

Are you looking for more information regarding Fitness Training? Visit today!

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Circuit Training Exercises

April 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

When trying to build muscle and lose fat, circuit training is by far one of the best methods to do so. But before you start you should have a little insight of the two types of training methods you will implement into your circuit program. These two different types of training are Aerobic and Anaerobic conditioning.

If you are looking for some great workouts, see circuit training programs

Aerobic conditioning is defined as activities performed at a low intensity, for a extended durations of time. A good Aerobic exercise should last anywhere between 20 to 45 minutes. Exercises such as cycling and running for long distances are considered great methods of aerobic training. These are traditionally the preferred methods to lose fat, but they are not necessarily the most effective.

Anaerobic training is defined as activities performed where oxygen is used up more quickly than the body is able to replenish inside the working muscle.

Workouts that requires the muscles to contract at high intensities for short durations of time are considered to be anaerobic. Plyometrics, weight lifting, and sprinting are good examples of anaerobic exercises. Sports that execute high levels of anaerobic conditioning for example are football and mixed martial arts.

Many wrongly assume that aerobic exercise is the most effective way to lose fat. The best way to lose fat is by replacing it with muscle. Muscle naturally causes your metabolism to work at a higher rate throughout the day, causing you to burn fat and calories more rapidly.

Aerobic conditioning can be an effective means to getting in shape, but it can restrict muscle growth. If your trying to lose fat, only doing aerobic exercise is the long way to attain your goal. To accomplish your goal to build muscle and lose fat, you will combine both anaerobic and aerobic exercises into one intense, explosive workout. This is done with Circuit Training.

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Circuit training consist of 5-8 exercises completed one right after another with little to no rest in between them. Circuit training consist mainly of core movements which work most of your body, causing you to burn more calories, develop greater functional strength, and build muscle faster. The great thing about circuit training is that it only takes 20 to 45 minutes to finish. Causing you to burn more calories in less amount of time then traditional weight lifting routines would. Which in most cases take any where to 1 to 2 hours to finish. The high intensity of circuit training will juice up your metabolism even after you have completed your workout. What this means is that your body will continue to burn calories hours after you have finished your workout. This effect does not occur in low intensity aerobic exercises and weight lifting.

There are two types of circuit training you can do, either by weight lifting, where you would work two opposing groups of muscles at once. Or with body weight exercises (calisthenics), combined with plyometrics.

Weight training incorporated with circuit training is one the most effective and fastest ways to build muscle and strength. Most people don’t achieve their muscle building goals because their approach to weight training is wrong.Traditional lifting programs have you doing 3 to 5 sets with 5 to 12 reps for every exercise. Each set takes about 20-30 seconds to complete, after which you rest for about 2-5 minutes before doing the exercise again. This is ineffective when it comes to burning calories and losing fat, which should be one of your goals if you want muscle definition.

By working with weights you can focus a lot more  on individul muscle groups, which can help you improve on any specific weak spots. One great benefit to circuit training with weights is that you will only be doing it three times a week. As opposed to more traditional weight training programs where you focus on one muscle group a day and only work it once or twice a week (ex. Chest-Monday, legs-Tuesday, back-Wednesday, etc…). Instead, in this program you will working two opposing muscle groups on the same day.

For example, one day you would do chest and back and another day legs and shoulders. Your workouts will consist of six movements, three for chest, and three for back. If you haven’t lifted weights for awhile, your first three weeks you will be getting your muscles acclimated to the weights and the movements you will be performing. You should be performing 3 sets of each movement for 10 to 12 reps, not particulary heavy, but enough in which you ought to be struggling on the last rep. After 3 weeks you should start using additional weight and do and less reps to build even more muscle mass.

For those looking to gain muscle mass and increase strength, will perform the circuit training workout by increasing the resistance by adding pounds. You will perform five sets of 5 to 8 rep, and you should struggle with final few reps. You will combine each of the six movements.  For example,  you should do a set of bench  press,  after you wll do a set of pull-ups, weighted pull-ups preferably.

You will have about one minute rest between the two, which should be enough   time to prepare you for the next movement. When you lift heavy you should take about 2 1/2 to 5 minute break in between sets,  for the purpose having an adequate amount of time for your muscles to recover to execute the following reps. Your going for strength, not muscle failure, so you want to be as strong as possible for each rep. You will need a sufficient amount of rest for the muscle groups you are working in order to complete the desired amount of reps.

The problem with doing this is that  you are not burning up a lot of calories.  By taking extended breaks your heart rate slows down,  therefore your  goal to shred off fat and burn up calories becomes to difficult.  You will probably not see any muscle definition from all your weight training that you’ve done. That’s why when you see those huge guys that bench 500 pounds, many don’t have much muscle tone, some even look obese.  Your objective is to kill to birds with one stone.

By working  two different opposing muscle groups together, you get a sufficient amount of rest for the muscles that your targeting to keep lifting heavy. You also get a effective calorie burning workout because your breaks are quick and you’re continuously working. For instance, when you end one exercise, like bench press, then move on to pull-ups right after, the time it will take you to finish your pull-ups gives you a adequate amount of rest time for your chest muscles

Below are some sample circuit training routines. Feel free to experiment with different exercise movements, but try to stick to primarily compound movements, the Biceps and Triceps exercises being an exception. These are the workout routines that correspond the muscle groups being worked. The order they are listed I believe to be the most optimal, but you can change them up as you see fit.  You may also combine up the groups differently. For example, rather than performing chest and back together, and shoulders and legs, you can do chest/legs and back/shoulders. Just make certain that you’re not pairing up muscle groups that indirectly work supporting muscle groups, like chest and shoulders or back and biceps.

Workout 1: Chest/Back

Bench Press/ Weighted Pull-Ups
Incline Press/ Bent-Over Rows
Weighted Parallel Bar Dips/ Single-Arm Bent Over Rows

Workout 2: Legs/Shoulders

Squats/ Military Press
Deadlift/ Lateral Raises
Straight Legged Deadlift/ Arnold Press

Workout 3: Biceps/Triceps

Bicep Curl/ Close Grip Bench Press
Concentration Curl/ Skull Crushers
Open-Arm Curl/ Weight Bench Dips

For those lifting for muscle tone, I advise you do 8 to 10 reps, but you can continue performing 10 to 12 reps as you did the first 3 weeks if you prefer. For those wanting to increase strength and muscle mass you will complete 5 to 8 reps per exercise. It’s essential you increase the weight you use. If you proceed with the  exact amount of pounds, you will not see any development and you could not see any gains Adjust the pounds according to how challenging the weight feels. You should struggle with the final one or two reps.

Instead of going through one exercise movement then moving on to the next, you will go through all movements one right after another. Once you completed all six movements, you’ve completed one set. You will perform three sets all together.

Once you complete a set you will take a 2 to 5 minute break. If your reps are in the 8 to 12 range, I recommend resting for no longer then 2 to 3 minutes. If you are going for strength and doing fewer reps the longer your rest period should be. You’re going for strength not muscle failure, so you want to be as strong as possible on your next set. Also when you’re switching between exercises you should take about 30 to 60 seconds to switch between movements. If you are lifting heavy, 45 to 60 seconds is good, but no more then a minute. Lifting light, you should take no longer then 30 seconds. The only rest time you should have between exercises is the amount of time it takes you to get to one exercise to the next.  For example, it’s your chest and back day, your six movements are bench press, pull-ups, incline press, bent over rows, butterflies, and lat pull downs, you will perform all six of them consecutively without a break in between them. The only break time you should have in between exercises is the amount of time it takes you to get to the following workout. It should take no  then 30 to 45 secs to adjust your weight accordingly and begin the subsequent exercise.

It’s good to know how much weight you will be using before you begin each set. To pick up the intensity of your workout to burn even more calories, try running from workout to workout.

If done right this workout should take you no more then 30 minutes to finish this workout. This is a very intense workout and 30 minutes is a sufficient amount of time for a great anaerobic and aerobic workout. You should be breathing hard and sweating a lot by the time you’re done. If not, you need to work harder. Either try adding more weight to the exercises or try to make the duration of time it takes you to get to one workout to the next shorter. You can also shorten your rest time during your breaks. It would be even more beneficial if you finished up with abs or jogged for 10 to 20 minutes.

Below are some circuit training routines. Experiment with different exercises but try to stick with mostly compound exercises, in exception to the Triceps and Biceps routine. Complete the exercises in the order that they are listed.

Workout 1: Chest/Back

Bench Press
Wide Grip Pull-Ups
Incline Dumbbell Press
Bent-Over Rows
Dumbbell Flys
Seated Rows

Workout 2: Legs/Shoulders

Military Press
Leg Press
Front Raises
Lateral Raises

Workout 3: Biceps/Triceps

Close-Grip Bench Press
Bicep Curls
Skull Crushers
One-Arm Concentration Curl
Dumbbell Kick Backs
Open-Arm Curls

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you want to learn how to gain 41 pounds of muscle in 6 months or lose fat and get ripped quick, checkout my reviews of these great how to gain strength

You can I also find some great tips on how to eat to build muscle

Shawn Kocab

Shawn Kocab has over 16 years experience in physical fitness, bodybuilding and martial arts. Shawn has competed in college football, professional boxing, as well as placed in numerous powerlifting competitions. His main focus now is Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts and devotes himself to helping individuals achieve their fitness and health goals.

GET MUSCLES: To successfully perform circuit training, a series of different exercises is done in succession. Circuit training is popular because an increased amount of calories is burned over other forms of training with greater results than conventional training in a reduced amount of time. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), using a circuit training program will “incorporate both cardio respiratory and resistance training into one’s routine, enhancing caloric expenditure.” The bottom line is that this type of training will help you lose weight faster than conventional cardio. The definition of a superset is the combination of two or more different exercises, usually for the same muscle group, without a rest period between the two exercises. When two different exercises are performed for the same muscle group such as military press and upright dumbbell flyes, a longer more strenuous exercise period is endured by the muscle group than just one exercise. There is also a decreased risk of injury because of the variation in movement of the two exercises. According to the NASM, a superset of a more stable exercise followed by a less stable exercise will increase muscle growth. For example, since I am a bodyweight warrior, I might perform decline pushups with my feet on a bench, followed by flyes using a suspension trainer. Unclose the truth from bodybuilding and provides you with unique information about topics like bodybuilding
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More Define Circuit Training Articles

MMA Strength Training – Relative Strength

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

One of the best examples of relative strength, absolute strength to body weight ratio, in mixed martial arts was the late Bruce Lee. It was said that he was pound for pound one of the strongest martial artists of his time, weighing between 130 – 140 pounds but doing feats of strength that most people that weigh 200+ pounds couldn’t do. So how did he develop this phenomenal strength while still maintaining his desired body weight?

Bruce first began his MMA strength training by building his strength using the most basic compound exercises. Exercises like squats, bench presses, deadlifts, rows, pull-ups, shoulder presses, curls, etc.

As he increased his strength with those exercises, he would continue to build strength in similar exercises, just switching his routine enough so that he wouldn’t get stagnate and hit any plateaus or “sticking points” too early on.

It is important to realize here that Bruce, and many other athletes for that matter, spent his first couple years just building strength in this manner: with the most basic compound exercises.

Out of all the types of strength one can develop, absolute strength, strength endurance, muscle endurance, power, power endurance, etc, absolute strength takes the longest to develop. Although absolute strength alone is only so effective for a mixed martial artist, it serves as the foundation for ALL other forms of strength.

Back to Bruce. After spending a good amount of time developing his basic absolute strength, he would then engage in some form of circuit training (today more often known as complexes in the MMA strength training world) to build his strength endurance and lose any unwanted fat he may have gained during his basic strength building phase.

As he became more and more experienced with strength training, Bruce then began incorporating a type of exercise that is still to this day not very known publicly, and surprisingly still not taught in the MMA world even though it develops some of the most functional strength a mixed martial artist can have: isometric training.

Isometrics is a type of strength training in which you either push or pull against an immovable object, or hold a static position against a resisting weight.

Does this sound like a familiar type of strength utilized in MMA? Often times MMA fighters will be using isometric strength to either fight for or against a submission.

Isometrics are significantly better than dynamic exercises at increasing maximal strength at a single joint angle, though they won’t develop strength in a full range of motion such as the more widely known eccentric and concentric exercises.

Isometric training is a great way to develop maximum levels of strength in various angles without increasing muscle mass. By incorporating isometric exercises in your MMA strength training program, you will not only develop more relative strength, but you will develop more functional strength since MMA fighters often times must push, pull, or resist against opponents who are pushing or pulling against you as well.

These positions happen a lot more often, especially for grapplers, then the standard eccentric/concentric movement where you are pushing or pulling an opponent through a full range of motion.

Derek Manuel has been involved in MMA and physical fitness for over 12 years. He is in the process of becoming certified as NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) to train professional fighters and athletes. When he is not training he is discovering the fastest way to both efficiently and effectively improve physical strength, conditioning, and overall performance as an MMA fighter. To see Derek’s reviews of the top MMA strength and conditioning programs on the market, visit: GET YOUR FAT GRIPZ POWER! Training for Athletes FEEL AMAZING RIGHT NOW Full Post http Net’s ONLY Complete Muscle Building System FEEL AMAZING RIGHT NOW http FREE MANUALS AND VIDEO…
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Ladies Can Now Follow An Effective Fitness Training Course At Their Home

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Wendy Jane

You must wish to remain fit, but at the same time you do not find sufficient time to visit the gym? Or you desire to cut your gym costs? There is an option which can both help you save time and decrease the cost – make your own fitness training gym at your home? This will not only save you time, additionally, it save you money with time. Here

The way to Purchase the Ideal Training Equipment

April 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Edwin Jones

Occasionally going to the gym is merely not practical. We have to work, take care of the kids and do the numerous tasks that call for us to live life in today’s world. Unfortunately your current busy existence might truly take a toll upon your health. We all understand that we will need to take the time to workout yet when do we really obtain that time? A solution might be to obtain exercise devices for ones own home.

Right now there are a number of issues to consider when you think of paying for workout gear. Just how frequently are you planning to work with it? Do you have space in your home? Just what kind of workouts do you want to perform? Could you purchase used or brand new? Do you want to purchase apparatus with a particular body region in mind?

Are you Truly Going to Work with the Equipment?

The market for used workout gear is massive. The cause is not usually due to the fact that people want to update their apparatus, but because they purchased things which they had no intention of using in the first place. If you are not really a runner, then it could be that you might possibly not like a treadmill, despite it being the most fashionable item of exercise apparatus you might buy. Maybe you would certainly be a lot more comfortable with an elliptical machine instead.

Precisely how many occasions have you been seduced by those info advertisements showing hot bodies working out with fancy fitness equipment? It calls for a long time to look as good as the models. The gear is not going to magically transform you into a bodybuilder. You have to utilize the training equipment routinely to develop a strong physique. Therefore make sure before you spend the money that you really expect to use the gear.

Evaluate what Kind of Workout You Prefer

A lot of people obtain workout gear thinking that they would like to get engaged in the activity not having previously really participated in it. It appears as though the initial item of exercise apparatus bought is a treadmill. Now, if you do not really like to go out in the open for a stroll or running is not really your thing, there will need to be seriously worries whether you would enjoy it any better inside of your property. On the other hand, if you often relished lifting weights at the gym, then you know you would gain through having a high quality bench and a few choice dumb bells in your house.

Make Sure You Have got the Room

Well before you run out and invest in a number of workout products you possibly really want to map out where you want to place it inside your home. Exercise equipment may seem quite little within big gyms, but the same article of equipment in your small upper level bed room might dominate the bedroom. There will be lots of items of equipment manufactured nowadays that will fold up into smaller units ideal for closet storage or perhaps fit in unused corner places.

Shopping for new or perhaps used

There tend to be so many items of quality training apparatus for sale used and discounted that it is difficult to recommend that you buy them brand new. The only good reason to purchase new is if you might not discover the particular item which you truly would like. Ease in buying a brand new one additionally comes into play, nevertheless with this kind of convenience comes a high cost. There are many high quality 2nd hand stores that sell used equipment. Additionally it can be a good idea to comb through the classifieds in the papers and discover if anyone might be selling good gear.

What Aspect of the Physique to Focus Upon?

You may consider what body parts you are most interested in working out with home workout equipment. Possibly you only would like something which can easily help tone your stomach muscles. Or possibly you are not having enough legwork and would like gear to build those muscle groups. Of course, there is also workout apparatus that could work out the complete body. The idea is to think about your objectives and exactly what you would like to achieve with the exercise gear and then make your purchase.

Training gear can be a time saver for those people who need a workout but are not able to make it to the health club. There are numerous kinds of apparatus available so selecting the correct one will ensure that it will in fact be made use of. Workout devices can make you healthier but only in the event that you use it and do not relegate it to the junk heap.

About the Author: Edwin Jones is a writer on Computer and Internet issues and also on Health and Fitness. His latest website is at

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