MMA Training Workouts – Do You Want To Look Great and Learn to Kick Butt?

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Paul Halme

The Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) workout is a new workout regimen that is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness, both as an aerobic exercise and as an anaerobic exercise. This workout targets specific muscles in the body which makes it all the more effective. This type of workout is designed to constantly change the pace of the routines to help participants lose weight faster than usual.

And because MMA training workouts are very dynamic, with the changes of pace incorporated in it, participants develop better stamina and improves their endurance. Aside from the pace, changes in the exercise also include using different equipment which translates to participants getting stronger throughout their programs.

An MMA training workouts can be performed alone, but is best when done with the help of professionals. Professional trainers with MMA workout experience will help participants lose weight faster and develop muscles sooner. Professionals are able to offers advises as well as tips on how to perform certain routines the proper way, which will also help participants avoid injuries.

As in all types of other workouts, it is imperative that participants have the right attitude before committing to a certain program. Those who decide to take on this type of workout must have the right determination, commitment and will to be able to achieve the goals he/she has set beforehand.

MMA training workouts incorporate many facets of the sport of MMA into the exercise. Some of these include take-downs, striking with hands and feet, grappling, wrestling, clinching and ground-pound technique. Not every UFC fighter uses all these aspects of the fighting game, but in the ever-increasing MMA World it seems that being a well rounded fighter is becoming more and more important to winning!

Aside from seeking the advice of professionals, there are many ways of learning more about MMA training workouts. One can join online communities to learn additional information about proper techniques related to a good workout. Training videos are also available for sale that will teach how to do the routines the right way. Sherdog is one such community.

MMA training workouts are effective in losing weight and building muscles, but the bonus with it is that participants also learn techniques about self-defense. You really get more out of this training than you might imagine. Not only do you learn to defend yourself, but you also in a short time will look great too! That is a huge bonus.

You will learn Self Defense, Gain Confidence, Discipline, and Get inAmazing Shape! We have lots of programs to choose from, pleaseenjoy our website and call us today at 817-614-9325 to set up anappointment for a Free Private Lesson & Consultation to see howwe will help you reach your goals!

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Strength Training Workout

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Strength training exercises are essential to transforming your body and with turbulence training you will build that body faster than you can imagine.

The benefits of strength training are well known, not only do you increase muscle strength and size you also increase your energy levels, your self esteem increases and how you see your body image. Craig Ballantynes turbulence training is not simply designed to help you lose unwanted fat or build muscle but it is designed to give you a body that screams one hundred per cent strength. Body builders look strong but they don’t have a lot of core strength, which is the key to a strong body.

Strength training exercises rely on a couple fundamental concepts

Variety: don’t repeat the same exercises over and over again. Craig mixes things up for you so you don’t get bored. Every month he changes workouts and takes you to the next stage.

Intensity: how many gym programs fail to challenge you after the first month? With this system you start another stage every month, permanently increasing the intensity. Exercise selection: Craig has spent years developing turbulence training. He has taken the guess work out of it for you and gives you the most successful exercises to build muscle, lose fat and more importantly gain strength fast.

This approach is for moms and dads and anybody else who wants to transform their body. You can do all of this form the privacy of your own home, any time of the day or week.

Has anyone of your friends or family ever challenged you them to see who can do the most push ups. Your probably thinking you can’t even do one, well by the time Craig’s finished with you, you will easily push out 10, 20, 50 however many you want and you will have the strength to beat them again and again and have the bragging rights for a long time to come.

Turbulence training is like having your own personal trainer without price tag that goes with one.

Begin to eat to increase strength, build muscle and lose unwanted fast. Craig has a wealth of knowledge to share with you so you can get a lean strong body.

If you want to increase your self esteem and to finally be happy with your body image and of course gain bragging rights with your new found strength then turbulence training is for you.

For more information on increasing your strength then you need to visit and see what else you can do to become lean and strong. Muscle building and weightloss resource to help in your physical transformation.

More Strength Training Workouts Articles

Strength Training Workouts

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

If you are looking for good strength training workouts, then what sort of program do you need?

Obviously every individual is looking for slightly different priorities, or results from their strength training workouts, but any good plan will have certain common themes. Working with weights is by far the best way to improve strength, so let’s look at exercises in that category.

1) Focus on exercises which require the use of more than one joint at a time. Chin-ups are one example. These are known as “compound exercises” and they are good for two reasons. They allow you lift more weight in one go, and of course work more muscle groups. It’s almost like getting two exercises for the price of one!

2) A program where its easy to track your performance. Any strength training workouts where you can easily check you are doing more each week are good.

It’ll help make sure you are not pushing yourself beyond sensible limits, but it can also act as a motivating factor. The feeling from being able to exceed last week’s target for example, is always a great boost to the ego.

3) Your program will not actually have you over training. It’s easy to jump in in that first rush of enthusiasm and work-out like crazy. This is actually bad for you in the long term as the muscles rebuild and become stronger in the down times when you are resting and eating. Overworking early on will actually slow down the muscle and strength benefits you are looking for.

Strength training workouts can yield good gains at fast speeds without eating into your time if applied correctly. Good luck!

If you after strength training workouts from a qualified expert then I recommend checking out these strength and conditioning workouts

MMA Training Gear

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

MMA training gear is the key to protecting your body from major injury during workouts. The practices that these fighters go through to provide you with a great match and attempts to have their hands raised as the winner can be quite brutal to the body. The use of mixed martial arts entails high and low kicks and solid punches that would make most people double over in pain, as well as wrestling moves to tie your body into a pretzel. Every move that an MMA fighter makes can be potentially dangerous and requires a lot of training to perform correctly. While most people may think that MMA training simply teaches you how to fight in these types of matches; it also teaches you how to block and keep your body from being severely injured.

When it comes to MMA training gear, there are a number of different items for you to use in order to protect your body.

Each different item is designed to protect a specific part of the body. Some training gear is not designed to protect the body at all, but is designed to help you to perform better and with greater power. It will take a combination of mental and physical aptitude as well as protective and performance gear to become a good MMA fighter.

When you are undergoing MMA training for protection, you want to protect the vital areas; such as your head, hands and shins. The head gear will help to absorb the shock from a punch and will help you be able to take a punch without being seriously injured. There are several styles of head gear to choose from that will aid in your training.

Shin guards are used to protect the shin bones. These bones can be very fragile and break very easy. By using these guards during training you can practice and strengthen your shins while both blocking as well as offensive kicking training.

There are several different types of gloves that are used in your MMA training gear arsenal.

Sparring gloves are used when practicing against an opponent to bag gloves designed to use against a punching bag. These gloves will help to protect the hands and more specifically the fingers and knuckles.

Other training gear that is used in MMA training is the punching bag and shield kick pads. These types of gear are more for performance training. The punching bag will help you condition your hands as well as control your punches. Providing power with accuracy is vital in an MMA bout.

Shield kick pads are designed for you to perform hard kicks with lots of power. Providing a powerful kick to your opponent can be the winning move for your match. They will also condition your legs and shins to become stronger and more powerful.

Using this MMA training gear can help you condition your body to where it needs to be in order to endure an MMA bout. It also takes dedication and determination. It takes more than just a big body build and an attitude to make it, it takes MMA training the correct way

Welcome to Airsoft Blowbacks, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality MMA Training Gear.

More Weight Training Gear Articles

The Benefits of Resistance Training you can get from Home

April 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Dave Fraser

Similar to using workout machines, or free weights resistance training benefits are the same, and possibly even better. If you’re using exercise bands for training then you have the unique benefit that resistance will increase as you push or pull your way through the exercise, not to mention how portable and cost effective they are. What about the health benefits of using resistance training? This article will explore what other benefits beyond cost and space savings resistance training bands can offer you.

Range of activities and Strength increase

When you exercise using resistance training you begin to develop longer muscles, and stronger bones. This doesn’t happen over night but little by little it offers you the benefit of of a stronger you. This will help even more as you grow with age, and it allows you to become stronger and withstand more strenuous outdoor or indoor activities.

Lower Body Fat Percentage

Like most exercise routines resistance training burns fat. By increasing your heart rate you burn more calories then when you’re just standing still. A second benefit and way to lose weight is that muscle on our bodies burns more calories then fat when we’re resting. As we develop more lean muscle on our body from the workouts we’re doing we’re also increasing the number of daily calories we’re able to burn while resting.

Self Confidence Booster

Of course a big benefit of resistance training, and why most people start working out in the first place is an improve personal appearance. Resistance training isn’t for bulking up, rather it’s a sculpting routine that will elongate and tone muscles. The legs, buttocks, abs and arms can all be firmly shaped and toned with resistance exercises. A better personal appearance can also help us feel better about ourselves and in other areas of our life.

If you’re not already using resistance training in your exercise routines you should be. It’s a fun and unique form of exercising that can be done from home without expensive equipment, or expensive gym memberships.

Want to get started with resistance training quickly? Consider trying the Bodylastics system. Our website has a detailed review on the set, as well as other articles on workout bands and training techniques.

More Resistance Training Band Articles

Weight Training For Runners

April 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Gerry Thompson

There were suggestions that the power of 30-minute sessions is overtly hard for beginner bodybuilders and it ought to be reduced. It means that the duration should be changed downwards rather than being customized upwards. This level is commonly called as moderate. This is in sharp relief to what was the norm 4 decades ago where stress was on the hardest cardio. These high-level cardiovascular exercise programs were glorified as the all-time best. This occasioned many people to become seriously overworked and it made bodybuilding very unpopular. It was the reserve of the most daring. Going to the gymnasium was considered a bet with ones life. This made it the reserve of those that are made of substance. To make cardiovascular fun, you should engage in activities like skiing, skating, cycling and mountain climbing in order to run away from the boredom of the daily activities. It is a sure way of beating boredom associated with doing the same jobs all the time. The confusion that results is responsible for the cycles of weight reduction and gain among so many bodybuilding fans. As an example, the contention that lower body weight means more cardio to burn a similar quantity of calories is extremely baffling. In easier terms, it implies if your body weight is lower, you’ll need more cardiovascular to burn it. The fact is that if you are125 pounds, you will have to run at 6 mph for 11minutes so that you can burn one hundred calories. If you do a similar thing and you are 225 pounds, it will take you simply six mins to burn a corresponding amount of calories. Don’t immediately fall into the trap concentrating so much on burning the additional calories. As you do all this, try and keep checking your weight all the time. This forms the basis of evaluating the efficacy of a specific coaching program. Your muscles will immediately respond definitely because the calorie levels are edging out towards the side the favors the formation of the optimum size of muscle group in relation to your body size. The bigger your body size, the more muscle collections you need to try to consolidate. This boosts your potency in a fabulous way. As you test your weight, compare how change of coaching technique can be of perfect help to you. Better your wellbeing by improving your cardio.

If you want to know more about Weight Training For Runners then visit, you’ll find great info by Fitness & Bodybuilding pros around the world!

Related Weight Training For Runners Articles

Fitness Training Promises Lean and Healthy Physique

April 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Joseph Chackery

Healthy living is something everyone wants to ascertain, and being physically active is not just a good way to lose weight but it also keeps you fit and healthy.

With all the conflicting information you hear on TV and the outdated advice printed in magazines, you know how difficult it is to find real expert advice on fitness and fat loss these days.

A lot of reviews, comments and feedbacks about the different weight loss and fitness programs are coming out every day. In fact, they are a combination of good and bad which is probably why some individuals think that these are just a scam!

There are all sorts of activities and sports that can get you moving and aid weight loss. Reducing the amount of fat in the diet is also the most effective way to reduce calorie intake. Avoid high fat foods with low fat foods such as fiber content fruits and vegetables and this can reduce the energy content of the diet to a certain limit.

Regular exercising is great – just being more active is also a good way to burn calories. Exercise keeps your body strong and fit; your body firmer and slimmer and keeps your complexion glowing and smooth.

More physical activity can increase a person

Muscle Growth Training Programme

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

So as promised, once you have completed the previous muscle growth training programmes, you will be ready for what we have installed for you today…

Forced Repetitions
The use of forced repetitions at the end of one or two of your work sets for a given muscle group will greatly enhance the quality of stimulation that the muscle receives, and will lead to faster progress, if used carefully. Forced reps are a way of taking the muscle beyond the point of failure with a given weight, and if you think about it, in terms of what the muscle is exposed to, have similarities to descending sets. Taking the bench press as an example again, say you complete eight reps in good form, and reach failure at the ninth. At this point, a workout partner or partners would supply just enough lift to the bar to enable you to complete another rep with extreme difficulty.

A second forced rep may be performed in this manner, but beyond two forced reps, the muscle will be so fatigued that further such reps will achieve little. The key to this technique is having the right person(s) supply the assistance – you don’t want them to lift all the weight for you, but to give just enough help so that you complete the rep in otherwise good style with extreme difficulty.

I Go/You Go System
This style of training is well suited to smaller muscle groups such as biceps, triceps or calves, and requires one workout partner. Taking barbell curls as an example, select a weight that you can both get 10-12 reps in good form, but with difficulty i.e. fail near the twelfth rep. Complete your set, and then immediately hand the bar to the person you’re training with, and let him/her complete their set. The bar is then handed back to you as soon as they’ve completed their set, and so on. Depending on how crazy you get, you can keep going like this until your a jellied heap on the floor, which with this technique won’t take long, as their is minimum rest time. The best part about this technique is that it creates a direct competitiveness between you and the person you’re training with, each trying to beat the other’s last rep count, which can create ferocious intensity, if you’re in the right frame of mind. This was apparently one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s favourite methods for shocking biceps.

Pre-Exhaustion Training.
Pre-exhaustion is yet another method for taking a target muscle beyond the point of failure, and involves the use of both a compound exercise and an isolation movement coupled together. If your training chest for example, you could complete a set of dumb-bell flyes, which work the pectorals in relative isolation, to muscular failure. You would then immediately start a set of bench presses, again to complete failure. The rationale behind this is that having exhausted the target muscle with an isolation exercise, the use of a compound movement immediately afterwards brings into play other muscles which are fresh and unworked, so that with the assistance of these other muscles, the target muscle group (the pectorals, in this case) are forced to keep on contracting past what would normally be their failure point.

A really good combination to try is leg extensions and squats done in this manner. The leg extensions will exhaust the quadriceps, but the muscles of the back and the glutei will be fresh and enable you to then squat and take the quads well beyond their normal failure point. In the squat, it is normally the muscles of the lower back that fail first in a regular set before the quads meaning that you have to stop the set (you can no longer move the weight due to lower back failure, not quad failure) i.e. the spinal erectors are the weak link in the squat. By pre-exhausting the quads with leg extensions, you make the quads the weak link so that they are pushed to failure before the fresher lower back muscles, which means more growth stimulation for your thighs. There are few things harder to do in the gym than this particular leg exercise combination, if done properly.

The above techniques are examples of the many ways in which you can increase training intensity. They are all extremely taxing on your body, and you must be very careful with their use, or you will severely over train, and end up getting smaller and weaker, and if you’re reading this article, I don’t think you want that, do you? It is best to use them periodically throughout your training cycle, and be careful about how many sets you do employing such techniques; listen to your body – it will tell you when your doing too much. Always remember, the basis of your routine, if your looking toward building further muscle mass and strength, should always be a core of basic compound exercises, which bring many muscle groups into play in the execution of the exercise, using heavy weights (relative to your strength level) for moderate repetitions (8-10 per set to failure). However, you must always remember to cycle your training intensity and style to prevent physical burnout and mental stagnation (boredom). Refer to previous articles for details on this concept of ‘periodization’.

Mick Hart – Hardcore bodybuilder – expert Muscle Building Programnme training , author of two anabolic steroid best selling books, steroids and bodybuilding magazine publisher. Steroid Training Advice and Muscle Building Workouts to develop SAFE huge muscles.

Find More Fitness Training Programmes Articles

Strength Training Without Weights: Ways To Get Set Up

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Thomas Christopher

The common image of strength training is a sweaty heavyweight hoisting massive barbells, nevertheless if you aren’t attracted to pumping iron, you don’t have to. You don’t need any iron whatsoever in your home workout equipment. At minimum, you need your own body mass. Beyond that, a few items of plastic will help.

The human body offers significant variety with its variously weighted limbs and its joints which give a near boundless number of movement options. Directed and repeated movements of simply your body can supply all the strength training you want. But to move your body with comfort and safety, you should purchase a good workout mat. Padding makes most of the prone and seated activity a lot more comfortable. Try to find a mat that’s at least 3/8 inch thick. The thin yoga mats may be convenient to roll up and stick under your arm for transport, but they are not thick enough to pad your body properly.

You can find many video clips and write-ups on body-only strength workouts on the web, but be careful about the certifications of the instructor. You can find as many online videos as you want from certified physical trainers and physical therapists. If something hurts–you know the contrast between working muscles and real pain–stop! Strength training should not cause pain.

You’re likely to get bored just using your own body, and boredom might lead you to stop working out. So this is where simple resistance bands or tubes come in. These rainbow-colored bands add resistance between limbs, or can be attached to a door knob or a grip bar. They give variety and increase the strength needed to perform a movement. The bands gain in strength as the color gets darker. This means you can go a very long way in getting to your strength training aspirations with only these light, economical, easily stored bands. You can find them at any decent sporting goods shop or on the web. Hang them on light plastic hooks to avoid tangles.

One more rubbery enhancement to your home exercise equipment should be a fitness ball. Pick one that enables you sit on it with flat feet. A fitness ball magnifies your body-only exercises. You will be amazed at the increased difficulty of a push-up started with your feet on an unsteady round surface. Your core stability and your balance will both be dramatically challenged, and improved.

A buying tip: get the ball with a pump, spare plugs (in case you damage one trying to re-inflate a flat ball) and the training booklet or DVD. These extras will make life with your fitness ball a challenge–not an irritation. (Note: a bicycle pump even with a “ball needle” will not work.)

Don’t pump iron, pump plastic! It will save your space and your money and is just as effective.

For additional advice on strength training, visit site. Get more tips for your home exercise equipment. Thomas Christopher is a Colorado-based public speaker.

Location Matter With Outdoor Fitness Training

April 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Alyssa Amato

There is so much buzz about getting outside to train now for the fresh air, the extra sun, water views, training variety and so on. When most people head outside to do some personal training or outdoor group training they are often going off a recommendation from a friend or making a decision based on price and availability. Have you stopped to consider how good the Outdoor Training location is?

Having a good outdoor fitness training location is paramount and should be a major consideration. Most businesses want more business and hence pick a spot that is very prominent, close to pedestrian or vehicle traffic. They want maximum exposure as most outdoor businesses do not have a physical shop front. If they do this they may be sacrificing training conditions such as lighting, training surfaces, toilet facilities, drinking taps, wet weather options, shade and protection from the elements.

A good training location should have the following:

• Good lighting for day and night • Hard and soft surfaces • All weather training areas for summer and winter • An indoor wet weather venue for if it is storming • An undercover area if there are light showers • Enough space for static training, circuits, games etc • Fresh air, away from traffic • Client safety (dogs stalkers, traffic) • Good distance from housing • Toilets • Drink Tap • Car parking • Hills or stairs close by • Logs and steps • Benches • Brick walls • Chin-up or monkey bars • Soft sand • Close to running tracks • A pool or water body of sorts

Imagine the difference it can make to your safety, training results and comfort if your trainer has all of this going for him instead of being on a tiny strip of grass that is uneven, sloping, poorly lit and in full public view. In the Manly area there are many trainers on the beach front grass strip that miss some really important criteria, in hope of picking up some new business.

Your total training experience is a vital link to successful goals. If you can’t train due to weather or cancellations then you aren’t consistently moving forward to achieving your goals. If you aren’t achieving your goals quick enough or seeing significant progress then frustration will set in. It has been my experience that if someone doesn’t start to feel the benefits of an improvement in their health and fitness prior to reaching their frustration point or some other significant distraction that they lose sight of their goals, believe that they can’t do it or simply go back to enjoying comforts.

If you have a training location with all the good elements in the list as well as an Outdoor Trainer, great training variety, and supportive friends then you are going to have a great time. Some nice to haves are things like a local cafe close by that you can go to with friends for breakfast afterward. It is good for the outdoor fitness training business to have strong links with local businesses, schools, and charity organizations so that there is member growth that will eventuate in great class variety and energy in the group. Start today at

To know more about Outdoor Trainer OR Corporate Fitness, please visit website.

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