Kettlebells for Sale Utilize for Boxing Strength Training

September 17, 2012 by  
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Article by Oscarlyn Babasa

Kettlebells for Sale Utilize for Boxing Strength Training – Health – Fitness

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There is a persisting debate raging now for those who are enchanted in boxing strength training. Which do you consider is the best tool to use, a pair of dumbbells or a cheap set of kettlebells for sale? You will discover people that maintain unalike thoughts on this matter, yet the truth is that when you’re searching for the most efficient and impressive arm for your arsenal, and you can’t get incorrect getting a pair of kettlebells.When people are using kettlebells for sale, you will be incorporating several different muscular tissue groups. The broader than habitual handle, as well as the inconsistent weight balance will force them to work tougher than average. The innovation of cheap kettlebells leads to anyone being able to alternate and pull their wrists while holding them. This permits an individual to execute many compound exercises like the classic snatch or the clean and press, together with other more complex muscle builders like the Turkish get up, single legged squats and deadlifts, reverse rows and many more.Now you may be speculating why this is so essential for boxing strength training. For one good thing, people will be spending fewer time working out because they are efficaciously proposing multiple muscle groups. More essentially, though, you are training your body using kettlebells for sale to act together as one functioning unit instead of a series of diverse muscle performing biceps curls and triceps kickbacks that do not interpret in the athletic field.Utilizing even a pair of affordable kettlebells will as well permit people to boost their overall wellness level as well as their stamina. Taxing so many muscles so efficaciously instantly will emphatically push their cardio, and of course, this is really important for boxing strength training as well as comprehensive training for boxing likewise.So regard the debate answered then, purchasing a set of cheap kettlebells for sale is far superior compare to training using dumbbells. For boxing strength training, people won’t ascertain a much effective as well as competent tool to use than the kettlebells.

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Just check out the article at Adjustable Kettlebells versus Dumbbells which reveals the honest truth about the bizarre claims made by kettlebell marketers.

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Just check out the article at Adjustable Kettlebells versus Dumbbells which reveals the honest truth about the bizarre claims made by kettlebell marketers.

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Fitness and Lifestyle – Your Health Will Improve With A Regular Resistance Training Program

September 17, 2012 by  
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Article by Syefan Vijjan

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We should recognize those that beyond a shadow of a doubt engage themselves in strength training. This is simply due to the fact they must endure a rigorous regimen and devotion. But you can still do the same and get great results with a very modest program. Your accomplishment and achievement might shock you. Multiple assets are possible from a work out routine such as this. Plus it is well known that weight training helps maintain stronger bones and can improve joint health in later years. There are many great motives therefore, in incorporating a feasible and safe strength training routine. When you really think about it, accessible cialis in uk is something that can have a huge impact depending on the situation.

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Constant weight training will organically enhance the strength in your hand. If you want however, you can use equipment that is made particularly for grip strength and hand strength. What we talked about earlier might be more useful in the martial art industry on the assumption they wish not to add bulkiness but rather more power in their hand and grip. The Power Ball exerciser is a device that has been around for a long time. This device makes use of a spinning gyro within it, and you twist your hand to maintain high RPM’s. Great for producing a grip that is powerful, this instrument is small but effective. A strength training program, as well as most other exercise routines, are great for physical advantages, and are also beneficial psychologically. It will depend on exactly what you do as well as other lifestyle behaviors. Exercising may speed up your metabolism, and allow you to lose weight, but without changing your unhealthy diet, the weight will come back. Bad eating is what will make you unhealthy, so to become healthy you will need good eating. When you are working on everything in your life, it doesn’t take that much exercise to make a difference. In order to keep on an exercise plan, in addition to eating right, most people will need to devise their own program. So go ahead and give this some thought and get started. There is so much for you to discover about getting cialis in uk, and we definitely can help you in this area. As always, though, much of what you determine you need is totally reliant on what you want to achieve. Just be sure you choose those items that will serve your needs the most. Exactly how they effect what you do is one thing you need to carefully consider. The remainder of this article will present you with a few more very hot ideas about this.

The muscles of the calf can be difficult for many people to develop, and part of the reason is they are so easy to neglect. The difficulty factor may play second fiddle to the fact that visible muscles on your upper body are simply more desirable to maintain. If you have muscular arms and a barreling chest, yet your calf muscles are puny and weak, it can be a very humorous sight to behold. Exercising your calf muscles doing calf raises with minimal to medium weight is the best place to start. By strolling around the block few times a week, you can successfully build calf muscles without that much effort. Doing weight training on a routine basis will give you a discipline that will change your entire life. When you are sitting on a weight machine, allow your mind to think of the many advantages that you will have by continuing the exercises for a long time. Being disciplined in one area should lead you to be disciplined in other areas. The first thing you need to do to change your life is to decide to do it. Once you get started on changing your life, then you need a little perseverance to keep going. If you keep taking bigger steps, then your life will begin to change, and possibly you will have a new life. We know you want to discover more about getting viagra in uk, and coming up next is one thing we believe will help you in ways you do not realize, yet. Research is time intensive and hard, but we think we have come across the very best as you will soon discover. It is through no fault of your own, but if you have not read through a lot about it, then you do need to be cautious.

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For additional details please visit cialis price for more information. Also take a look at tadacip.

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Syefan Vijjan

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For additional details please visit cialis price for more information. Also take a look at tadacip.

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Strength Training Workout: Simple Routines For A Better Body

September 17, 2012 by  
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Article by Wailes Dattilio

Strength Training Workout: Simple Routines For A Better Body – Health

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Lifting weights workouts generally obtain related to bodybuilders, athletes, as well as other much talked about people today. Whenever the fact is lifting weights is usually a beneficial workout for all. This physical exercises are usually not designed to be the least complicated to operate, nevertheless they are proven to be that is useful.

Exactly why strength-training exercises are generally a lot more powerful compared to additional routines is definitely that you are essentially driving one’s body for you to put in extra power and complete a lot more perform in comparison with it really is normally work with so that you can. This kind of coaching not merely enables somebody to build more muscular mass and appear greater, however it enables those to drop hundreds of extra few pounds likely and so desperately hunting to get rid of. A majority of these exercise sessions incinerate calories with a more achieable rate as compared with other people who simply apply high energy coaching (such as) as their own primary training technique.

Lifting weights physical exercises are usually not less difficult as compared to various other exercise routines; in reality, they may be much harder. Even so, by using added issues appear better gains in addition to upgrades. If you are planning to shed pounds and get around greater contour you then desire to look at a good strength-training work out. If perhaps prepared around an ideal way, strength-training exercises have been observed of showing superior results in comparison with fitness centers plus health night clubs. You can start with a slow-moving stride with a training regarding a couple days to weeks each week as well as slowly but surely build up physique energy to allow for your 5-day muscle training time. To get superior effects, observe a complete human body exercise routine session, three times each week. Including just about all amount of resistance workout routines, this place too need to be gradually integrated into ones workout program to get continual in addition to personal injury free of charge fat loss. Many of the most essential physical exercises that cover your strength-training work out involve backside routines, shoulder exercises, chest muscles workouts, and also knee workout routines. Most of these main exercises will continue to work your complete system, release far more androgenic hormone or testosterone, along with allow you to not merely receive healthier although slim down too.

Women and men respond really otherwise so that you can a majority of these exercises. Males could possibly get bigger muscle tissue as well as women will miss the excess weight and acquire the toner body. For the people ladies who are frightened that they may obtain cumbersome; do not be anxious the body will not likely raise large muscle mass or even glance unnatural throughout anyhow. Actually, women can reap the benefits of your thinner in addition to slimmer physique and should have the physique they’ve already generally sought-after. Strength and strength exercising tend to be vital components of an efficient entire gents exercise program and still provide many different positive aspects. Creating muscle mass power elevates your overall fitness level, lowering unwanted fat, boosting your metabolic rate plus enhancing your chance to execute many chores. This kind of sequel by all of our sequence in Weight training Workouts are going to be focused on the importance of needing a great coaching routine.

Weight training physical exercises may be used to be able to assorted health amounts and is also suitable for starters or a pro. Any well-formulated exercise program must if possible consist of bodyweight exercises just like pull-ups, dips, push-ups, plus squats in addition to dumbbell physical exercises, challenge band instruction, stability soccer ball work outs plus human body watering hole weight training regarding greatest outcomes. Blend diverse routines to help overall tone in place any kind of or perhaps each part of the human body including abs, biceps, returning, breasts, forearms, muscles as well as triceps.

About the Author

Will you be trying to find a lot more on benefits of strength training? Pay a visit to Wm V. Stephenson’s blogging site now for much more information and facts on strength training and conditioning instantly.

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Will you be trying to find a lot more on benefits of strength training? Pay a visit to Wm V. Stephenson’s blogging site now for much more information and facts on strength training and conditioning instantly.

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Calisthenics Benefits for Speed Training

September 16, 2012 by  
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Article by Anthony Sanza

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Calisthenics Benefits for Speed Training Explained

Calisthenics are perfect for getting in proper shape for running and for gaining the break-neck speed you need to win trophies and make headlines. But some runners and speed-training athletes feel that calisthenics aren’t necessary for getting faster. And some are under the misconception that calisthenics training actually makes you slower. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The following calisthenics benefits for speed training should clear the matter up nicely.

Introduces Variety Into Your Training

One of the best benefits of engaging in calisthenics is the fact that you are getting tons of variety in your speed training workout. When you incorporate knee raises, pushups, crunches and planks with very few rests in between sets, you are conditioning your body to be as fast as possible. Remember to keep pushing yourself and to keep trying out different exercises so that you can condition your body even more.

Improves Coordination

When you speak of calisthenics benefits for speed training, you can’t leave out coordination. Coordination plays a huge role when it comes to how fast you are, and if your coordination is off just a little bit you won’t be able to increase your turnover rate and other runners will eventually blow right past you. But if you engage in various calisthenics a few times per week, you’ll become much more coordinated and your speed will increase as a result.

You’ll Get Stronger

One of the most obvious calisthenics benefits for speed training include the fact that you will be getting stronger with each session. Of course you’ll need to make sure you’re getting plenty of fuel in the form of healthy foods and beverages and that you’re getting plenty of rest, but if you do calisthenics in the form of pushups and leg raises and all the other exercises you tend to do when you’re training, you will get stronger and that will increase your power and, ultimately, your speed.

What Does It All Mean?

Hopefully by how you are convinced that you need calisthenics in your training regimen if you want to develop the kind of speed that makes others, including college scouts, take notice. You don’t want to be the slowest person on the field and you certainly don’t want to be second place. You want to win, and that’s why you train every chance you get, using all the tools you’ve been taught in order to carry you towards your winning goals. But if you don’t include calisthenics with the rest of your tools, you will eventually reach your glass ceiling and that’s where you’ll stay. So instead, realize the calisthenics benefits for speed training and train the way the experts do. Calisthenics are not ‘old-school’ or outdated, and they certainly won’t make you any slower. Instead, they’ll make you more coordinated, stronger and faster than ever. If you don’t believe it, try incorporating calisthenics into your normal routine and you’ll reach any speed-training goals you reach for yourself, guaranteed.

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If you want to find more calisthenics benefits for speed training, visit:, where you’ll find everything you’re looking for, including [Tested and Proven Speed Training Methods].

Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed

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If you want to find more calisthenics benefits for speed training, visit:, where you’ll find everything you’re looking for, including [Tested and Proven Speed Training Methods].

Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed

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This Speed Training Workout showcases the type of explosive exercises Usain Bolt’s training in the gym program consists of explosive olympic lifts, plyometric jump training, weight training, and sprinter specific strength. Visit for theworkout’s instructions, more videos, free meal plans, and other health tips. Video response to the fastest man in the world usain bolt works out at the gym – High intensity interval Training | HIIT. Strength Training for Runners for the best free workout exercise routines for men and women at home or in gym. We provide fitness programs for varying fitness levels because every heart and soul deserves to be fit. Our workout motivation page is second to none http 30 Day Challenge to Get in Shape HASfit’s Guide To Losing Fat Warrior 90 Workout Routine 30 Day Ab Workout Schedule 90 Day Workout Schedule to Build Muscle Free Top Secret Muscle and Weight Gain Diet Workouts at home We offer elite personal training, or and boot camps or Wellness, Fitness, Health Articles National personal training and boot camp pages – and Like us at Follow us at

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Circuit Training: The Benefits Are Endless

September 16, 2012 by  
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Article by Yuri Elkaim

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Nowadays, most people don’t have time for lengthy, grueling 2-hour workouts, be it with work and family demands or simply the search of free time. Well, what if there was a way to be in and out of the gym in less than 1 hour and still feel absolutely worked? What if you could combine your cardio and weights so that you wouldn’t have to spend hours on either? Well, I’m going to let you in on a little secret – it’s called Circuit Training – and it is the most effective and time efficient means of exercise for those looking to lose weight and tone.


Circuit Training involves completing several resistance exercises in a continual sequence. For instance, a circuit may be comprised of 8 exercises (push-ups, plank, lunges, etc…) with each one being performed for any length of time (30 sec, 45 sec, etc…) or number of repetitions. Between each exercise is a rest period of a certain length. Note that circuits that have lower rest periods will be more challenging and provide more aerobic benefit. An example of a typical circuit is 8 exercises each 30 seconds in length with 30 seconds to recover between each. This is only one example of 1000s of possible circuit combinations. There are many factors involved in determining the effectiveness of a given circuit including: number and types of exercises, load, tempo, duration of work bout, duration of rest bout. Basically, the more intense you make the circuit, the more challenging, yet effective, it becomes.


Studies have found that aerobic benefits related to circuit training are mainly determined by the duration of the exercise (work bout) and by the amount and type of rest given between exercises. For instance, a meta-analysis done on circuits showed that a 10-exercise circuit (using weights) using a 30 seconds for both work and recovery, performed 3 times per week over 8-12 weeks improved VO2max (measure of aerobic capacity) by 5%. Compare that to continuous running, cycling or rowing at around 75% of max heart rate for 20-30 minutes, three times a week for 8-12 weeks which boosts V02max by around 20%. Obviously, this 30s work: 30s rest protocol is not optimal for yielding staggering aerobic improvements. However, other studies have shown that by shortening the rest period to 15 seconds or jogging during a 30 second recovery bout improved VO2max by 12% and 18%, respectively.

Further, some research has even shown that Circuit Training can be just as effective at maintaining previous aerobic gains as following a strictly aerobic conditioning regime.

Incorporating more compound movements (several different muscle groups involved) into your circuits will make it more challenging for both your muscles and aerobic system. This is because as you use more muscle mass, more oxygen is required to supply the working muscles. As a result, you begin breather heavier and your heart rate increases to provide the muscles with the oxygen they need. This technique makes circuits much more challenging and effective. As an example, perform lunge walks with a shoulder press, instead of either one separately. Here is an example of a 7.5-minute aerobic based circuit:

1. Lunge Walks with Biceps Curls- 30 sec2. Jogging on spot – 1 min3. Stability Ball Chest Press – 30 sec4. Jogging on spot – 1 min5. Plank – 30 sec6. Jogging on spot – 1 min7. Back Rows – 30 sec8. Jogging on spot – 1 min9. Squat Presses – 30 sec10. Jogging on spot – 1 min


Circuit Training has been shown to decrease body fat by 3%. Research also shows that lean body mass is either maintained or increased alongside the decrease in body fat. This is a major benefit for those who want to get in better shape, lose weight, and tone. With traditional aerobic training, a decrease in relative fat mass leads to a decrease in total weight with little change in lean body mass. The resistance work involved in the circuits encourages muscle-mass development, and thus any fat loss is replaced equally by muscle gain. This makes it easier to maintain the lower body fat or reduce body fat even further because the increase in lean body mass pushes up basal metabolic rate and overall calorie expenditure.

It has also been estimated that calorie expenditure during a bout of circuit training is approximately 5 – 6 kcal per minute for women and 8 – 9 kcal per minute for men (this may vary depending on body weight). Thus, if a man were to perform 30 of circuit training he would burn upwards of 180 calories.


Because of the duration of each exercise many people claim that strength may be compromised as a result of working at a lower percent of 1RM (maximum weight you can lift once). This is definitely true in most cases and thus, I would not recommend circuit training for those looking to improve strength. However, some studies have shown that circuit training increases muscular strength anywhere from 7% to 32%.1 Achieving such strength gains requires working at a much higher percent of 1RM (>80%) and thus the duration of the work bouts would need to be much lower (

About the Author

Yuri is the owner of Total Wellness Consulting and creator of the only 12 week body shaping fitness program designed for Ipod/Mp3 players. Please visit for more info.

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Yuri is the owner of Total Wellness Consulting and creator of the only 12 week body shaping fitness program designed for Ipod/Mp3 players. Please visit for more info.

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5 Popular Misconceptions About Weight Training for Women

September 15, 2012 by  
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Article by Rakesh Vasoya

5 Popular Misconceptions About Weight Training for Women – Health – Weight Loss

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In spite of great efforts by the weight trainers the myths associated with weight training for women does not seem to go away ever. Weight training for women has lot controversy surrounding it. Read below and learn the five popular misconceptions about weight-training for women:

1. Training makes the women look masculine and bulky: Whenever we hear weight and training for women the first image that comes to our mind is of the women bodybuilders. It is a fact that women can’t produce testosterones, responsible for increase muscle size and thus it is very difficult for the woman to have muscle mass simply by doing some weights. The women bodybuilder to develop their body relies on synthetic testosterones and anabolic steroids. The results are also a combination of genetics and rigorous training programs wherein, they lift very heavy weights. Women who regularly do weight_training without the steroids have fit and firm cellulite-free body.

2. Exercise increases the chest size: It is a myth that breast size increases with weight loss. Breast is made of fatty tissues. In case your body fat decreases by 12 percent the size of the breast decreases considerably. The myth was born because weight loss training increases the back size and thus there is an increase in the cup size. Just remember that breasts size can be increased either by gaining fats or breasts implants.

3. Weight training makes you muscle-bound and stiff: If you do all the exercises in full motion the flexibility is bound to increase. Exercises like dumbbell presses, flyers, chin-ups and stiff-legged deadlights stretch the bottom muscles. All these exercises improve your stretching capacity considerably.

4. When you stop it the muscles turn into fats: This is like saying that gold if not used turns into brass. Fats and Muscles are two different entities. After women quit on weights training there is a certain loss of muscles and drop in diet. Bad eating habits lower metabolism system, low muscle mass all make muscles look like fat. Though, the truth is as simple as fat start to accumulate after muscles are lost.

5. With weight trainings fats convert into muscles: This is like saying brass turns into gold-alchemy. If you want to transform the body then you must try an lose extra fats by taking nutritious diet and gain muscles by following a planned weight lossing training schedule for women. Remember you can’t change muscles into fats.

Therefore we can say that weighttraining for women has no actual side-effect. It is just the popular myths that stop women to take up it sessions. But remember, when you start with the it’s for women it is very important to do it under a well experienced trainer. This will ensure well being and safety of the women. Take it slow and steady for healthy weights training for women schedule!

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Brain Training Software

September 15, 2012 by  
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Article by Michael Logan

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For my Senior Citizen counseling clients, brain training software is of interest. Most of us Boomers and Seniors have noticed the changes that come to our memory with our age, and are definitely interested in managing that change, so that it does not become any worse.

Some of my younger clients are curious about how brain training software might make them more effective in the job market, or at school.

And I am glad to share with them what I have learned about the emerging concept of brain fitness.

In fact, taking care of your brain’s fitness should happen prior to choosing brain training software.

You may ask why should I take care of my brain’s fitness, isn’t it always just there, working away to move my hand to the computer mouse, thinking, and monitoring?

Yes, your brain does do all that, and it has a couple of newly discovered capacities, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, which we can enhance by giving the brain what it needs to function best.

So the issue of brain fitness means taking care of the hardware of the brain first, then picking some brain training software to help out memory or I.Q., for example.

An excellent primer for brain fitness is the aptly titled e-book Brainfit for Life by Simon Evans,Ph.D. and Paul Burghardt,Ph.D., neuroscientists at the University of Michigan who have culled the neuroscientific research for tips that we non-neuroscientists can use to make our brain more effective as it moves us through the events of our day and lives.

Evans and Burghardt write about what they call the pillars of brain fitness, which are physical activity/exercise, nutrition, including antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acid, getting good sleep, stress management, and novel learning experience, which is where a brain training software program might be helpful.

If we maximize our efforts at taking care of the pillars, then we maximize our neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.

Neurogenesis means that we grow new neurons every day, and neuroplasticity means that we form new connections between neurons sometimes within minutes of learning something new, and keeping those connections strong through increased challenge and positive feedback is the key to keeping the brain fit.

Once the Brain is Fit, Then Choose Brain Training Software

So after you have begun a regular exercise program, which will lead to better sleep, which is the time that our brain uses to consolidate memories, and you have increased your consumption of antioxidants and omega 3, and learned heart rate variability biofeedback for your stress management, then you are ready to tackle the novel learning experience pillar of brain fitness, which is where brain training software could prove useful.

Most of the experts who write about brain fitness say that the novel learning experience required to best enhance neuroplasticity and neurogenesis is the kind that we experience when learning a new language or a new musical instrument, because those endeavors expose us to increasing levels of complexity, and the regular practice gives us an opportunity to achieve appropriate levels of positive feedback.

Not sure about you, but even with retirement looming in my life, I do not have time to undertake a language or instrument regimen, so I will look for brain training software that has some research behind it to try out.

I really like three programs for brain training software. The first is based on the dual n back task, which Evans and Burghardt discuss. The next is the program put together by Michael Merzenich, Ph.D. which exercises the neurons in the Senior Citizen auditory circuit.

The program utilizing the dual n back task is addictive, and it will quickly teach you how fast your attention wanders, the Merzenich program really helps with word recall, and the online tool is a quick, easy to use, economical tool that I can boot up and use between clients or phone calls to get my brain a rest between stressful situations.

My guess is that once you find a program that you like, the use of brain training software will become a regular part of your day.

There are some significant side effects, like increased IQ and improved communication and relationships. If I can process auditory data more effectively, I become a more confident listener, which is a key piece in relationships, far more important than speaking actually.

So my suggestion is that you start with the pillars of brain fitness, and then find brain training software. I know that research driven by Boomers is going to keep improvements coming so keep your ears to the ground for more.

About the Author

Michael S. Logan is a brain fitness expert, a counselor, a student of Chi Gong, and licensed one on one HeartMath provider. I enjoy the spiritual, the mythological, and psychological, and I am a late life father to Shane, 10, and Hannah Marie, 4, whose brains are so amazing.

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Michael Logan

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Michael S. Logan is a brain fitness expert, a counselor, a student of Chi Gong, and licensed one on one HeartMath provider. I enjoy the spiritual, the mythological, and psychological, and I am a late life father to Shane, 10, and Hannah Marie, 4, whose brains are so amazing.

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How To Pick the Best Soccer Fitness Training Aids

September 15, 2012 by  
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How To Pick the Best Soccer Fitness Training Aids – Sports

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If you know that at hand exist many reasons why the soccer fitness training aids are so very essential representing every soccer player. The fitness of a player decides his aptitude to go on till the last part of the match. The early players are truly too spontaneous while choosing the appropriate training aids.

If a player chose a not right one, subsequently he will clearly finish up with a incorrect routine of doing things. To continue a accomplished fitness level you have to study the righteous things from the top players in the line of work. This certainly assures your victory to lay yourself in performance with them and gives you a competitive approach above your opponents.

More often than not the individual who chooses these training modules are the players, parents and coaches

The players choosing on their own soccer training aids are making a great fault and cover little downsides since they are inexperienced and run behind products which lure them. So the players must seek their coaches or skilled players advice regarding what most excellent suits them.

The parents mainly often gift this soccer fitness training aids to their kid as surprise while you do this please do a few make inquiries and observations of the manufactured goods sooner than buying your youngster a sports material like the one above.

The coaches earlier than recommending this product to the players please make up surefire to consider the reviews and testimonials of the products which will furnish you the cold unbreakable proof of the product which you desire to advise?

Put on your best in the game with all the vital fitness you need to posses by having a respectable adviser besides you to show you in the best path to accomplishment in the soccer game a place where players with stamina, speed, strength, fitness show what they are made of their ultimate power with soccer fitness training aids.

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If you are not really sure what type of training aids to choose from then feel free to check this out. soccer fitness training to know more.

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If you are not really sure what type of training aids to choose from then feel free to check this out. soccer fitness training to know more.

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Personal Trainers NYC Clarifies Definition of ‘strength Training’

September 13, 2012 by  
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Personal Trainers NYC Clarifies Definition of ‘strength Training’ – Health – Fitness

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A trend towards minimalism and ‘old school’ training methods has brought strength training back into vogue even for the non-athlete and is an integral part of successful training methods of Personal Trainers NYC. In order to understand the benefits of strength training and the reasons for its efficacy, it is important to first understand the proper definition of what strength training is.

The common misconception amongst many who participate in an exercise program is that when ‘strength training’ is referenced, it is being used as a generic term synonymous with ‘resistance training’ or ‘weight training’ or any similar words used to describe any type of general exercise that employs the use of an external load (dumbbells, barbells, bands, cables etc). This misconception is further propagated by inexperienced personal trainers, popular fitness media personalities, magazine writers, and even doctors and physical therapists whose knowledge of exercise was garnered mostly from the shallow pool of knowledge the commercial fitness industry was based on, and not one specifically based on fundamentals of muscle physiology, biomechanics, and the increase of human performance.

As any legitimate strength coach, competitive lifter or athlete that has trained to enhance his performance knows, this generic concept of strength training could not be further from accurate. In exercise science terms ‘strength training’ specifically refers to applying stress to the body in a method designed for increasing force output- how much force the body’s muscle system is capable of generating, as measured and expressed usually by 1 repetition maximum or a series of repetitions with a very high estimated percentage of 1 repetition max.

Now how does this apply to the general population, someone that is not a competitive athlete or lifter? The answer is multi-fold. First and foremost, maximal strength (force output) is the only aspect of fitness that has a positive effect on every other aspect of one’s fitness. Increased strength improves your muscular endurance, it improves your cardiovascular capacity, and when achieved properly through the use of full range of motion compound exercises (the type most people are sadly completely unfamiliar with) it increases one’s flexibility and mobility as well. Further, it is simply hard to imagine anyone of any population that would not want to be stronger and the simple benefit of this is readily apparent in everyday life.

The other more overriding factor for the importance and efficacy of actual specific strength training in the general population is a bit more complicated scientifically and has to do with the actual adaptive response muscles have to strength training. Training for strength causes an increase in myofibrillar hypertrophy. What this means is that the number of myofibrils, the actual contractile units in a muscle, increase as a result of the training. Increasing the number of contractile units allows more force to be generated. The greatest myofibrillar hypertrophy is induced by lifting heavy weights over multiple sets of low reps -5 or fewer repetitions and 3 to as many 10 or more sets.

Body building protocols which prioritize mass and size gain aim to induce sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Sarcoplasm is the fluid-like filler of muscle cells. Increases in sarcoplasm and therefore muscle size and volume result from training with moderate weights in a medium set and rep range, 6-12 reps and usually no more than four sets.

High rep low weight training, sets of 12-15 and beyond, is inefficient at best and largely ineffective except for burning calories and inducing some fat loss when accompanied by a sensible diet because of the resulting calorie deficit. This is because the stress applied in this type of training is not great enough to induce significant myofibrillar or sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, and most adaptive response of the muscle body ceases to occur within several weeks of beginning training. Some progressive increase in load on a high rep protocol can continue to increase some adaptation, but this will become incrementally less and less as training continues.

So a strength training protocol will deliver the results most clients’ male, female young or old desire: Aesthetically a physique with more prominent firmer muscles that aren’t excessively large, and the addition of greater strength, stamina, mobility and overall health. Depending on the individual needs of the client, training protocols can be adjusted by an Personal Trainers NYC and other methods utilized, but it is clear to see why a basis and emphasis on ‘strength training’ is highly important and in its absence any other training methods will be compromised in their efficacy.

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For More Information about Personal Fitness Trainer Nyc Please Visit us at

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Bridge Exercises for Your Speed Training Program

September 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Rod White

Bridge Exercises for Your Speed Training Program – Health – Fitness

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Greater speed is obtained through reaching a full extension of the hips combined with the propelling power of the hamstring and glute muscles. Therefore, exercises need to be performed which target the further development of these areas.

Bridging exercises help you to obtain this goal by both building strength in and stretching the associated muscles so that maximum development can be achieved. You will also strengthen your core (back and abs). Following are several good bridging exercises to add to your speed training program that will help you increase speed.

It should be noted that when performing bridging exercises, the lumbar spine should not be flexed. Focus on using the strength of your hamstrings and glutes to elevate the hips. If you feel excessive pressure, discomfort or pain in your back when doing bridges then you are not using your glute and hamstring muscles adequately.Bridge Exercises

Isometric Bridge – Lay on an exercise mat with your knees bent so that you feet are flat on the floor. Place your arms at your sides with the palms of your hands on the floor. Raise your lower body by pressing with your heels and lifting your hips. Squeeze your glutes together as you make this movement. Your weight should rest on your shoulders, using your arms to maintain balance. Your body should form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. When you reach this position, pull the abdominals towards your spine and hold for 30 seconds. Remember, do not flex the spine, but use your hamstrings and glutes to propel your bodyweight upward. Complete 3 sets.One Leg Bridge – This bridge exercise begins in the same position as the isometric bridge exercise except you extend one leg straight out while keeping the other leg bent and that foot flat on the floor. Lift your lower body off the mat by pressing down with your heel and engaging your glute muscles. Form a straight line from your bent knee to your shoulders and hold your other straightened leg still. Pull your abs in and hold the position for 15 seconds. Release and repeat with the other leg outstretched. Perform 3 sets with each leg.Exercise Ball Bridge – Using an exercise ball, lay on your back on the floor with your feet resting on the ball. Place your arms at your sides with palms facing down. Lift your lower body by pressing down on the exercise ball with your heels and raising your hips. Squeeze your glutes together as your raise yourself. Rest your bodyweight on your shoulders and arms. Your body should form a straight line from your feet to your shoulders. When you reach this position, pull in your abdominals and hold for 15 seconds. Complete 3 sets.Alternating Leg Raise Bridge – Follow the same instructions for the exercise ball bridge only when your body reaches the straight plane from feet to shoulders, raise one foot a couple of inches off the exercise ball. Hold for a count of 2 and change feet while keeping the body plane, glutes tight and stomach pulled in. Complete 5 holds of 2 counts with each foot.

Remember to use your glute and hamstring muscles and not your spine to perform these bridge exercises. Also, as you become adequate at completing the length of each bridge exercise, increase the time of your holds and/or increase the number of sets.

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About the Author

Rod White is a writer of, an Everything Guide to Health, Fitness, Training, Muscle Building, Nutrition, Sports, Lifestyle and more!

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Rod White

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Rod White is a writer of, an Everything Guide to Health, Fitness, Training, Muscle Building, Nutrition, Sports, Lifestyle and more!

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