Exercises For Triceps

September 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Jenney

Exercises For Triceps – Health

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While biceps get most of the attention and claim as far as arm definition and mass are concerned, triceps, located under the back half of the arm, are the largest muscle in the arm, and therefore if you want to have truly toned arms, you are going to need to know Exercises For Triceps.

There are a myriad of exercises for triceps that can be used to add mass and definition to your arms.

As with most exercises, exercises for triceps should only be done three non-consecutive days in a week, and when the weight is increased your bicep exercises should be done with two days off in between workouts.

Tricep Bench Dips Tricep bench dips are one of the best and simplest exercises for triceps. The exercise is done by placing two flat benches parallel to one another, and about two and a half feet apart.

Placing your feet on one bench and hands on the other bench, with you legs together and your hands slightly narrower than the width of your shoulders. Straighten your arm and position your body into an L shape.

Bend your arms and lower your body slowly between the two benches, going as far down as you can comfortably. Hold this position for a moment and then straighten your arms and raise yourself back up to you L position.

This triceps exercise can be made more intense by laying weighted plates on your lap.

Tricep Dumbbell Kick BacksThe tricep dumbbell kick back is one of the most intense and important tricep exercises as it offers solid peak contraction.

With a light dumbbell in one hand, stand next to a flat exercise bench and bend over until your upper torso is at a parallel angle to the floor. Place your other hand on the bench so that you can support yourself. Keep your upper arm along the side of your torso throughout the course of the entire exercise. Using only your forearm, raise the dumbbell in an arc motion and straighten your arm.

Hold this final position for a moment in order to gain the maximum tricep contraction.

Tricep Push DownsAttach a bar to an overhead pulley. Standing just in front of the pulley spreading your feet shoulder width. Take hold of the bar with a narrow overhand grip. Bending your arms fully, pull your elbows in close to you’re the sides of your torso throughout the exercise.

Move, only your forearms, bringing them down in an arc motion until you’ve fully straightened your arms. Maintain this position and squeeze your triceps for a second and then slowly lower back down to the start position.

Close Grip Bench PressThe close grip bench press is one of the basic triceps exercises.

Lying on your back on the bench press bench with your feet flat on the floor and spread shoulder width apart, grab the bar a bit less than shoulder width. Straightening your arm, lift the barbell and position it so that the bar is at arms length over your lower chest.

Lower the bear down and touch your chest, keeping your upper arms sloe to your torso and then push the bar back up into starting position without allowing it to bounce off of your chest.

This exercise will add mass and definition to your entire arm, and is one of the best triceps exercises.

Remember to have some there to spot you whenever working out on the bench press.

With all of these exercises it is important to push yourself, but know your limits and not add on too much weight too quickly. Build up the weight over time for best results and remember that you can often achieve quicker results from your triceps exercises when you vary the number of reps and their speed.

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Building Muscle Mass ProgramMuscle Building Program Recommended – For all those who want to learn how to gain weight & build up muscle fast, we have the answers for you.

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Building Muscle Mass ProgramMuscle Building Program Recommended – For all those who want to learn how to gain weight & build up muscle fast, we have the answers for you.

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Triceps Resistance Bands Exercise : Triceps Extensions

August 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

To train your triceps as well as other muscles and get a full body workout, resistance bands are really just what you need. You don’t even need much room, you can train anywhere without spending too much money. Triceps extension is one arm exercise you can perform the same way you would with dumbbells.

Grab the exercise band by the handles, each in one hand. This may be better for you to try fist with the Light resistance band. Step with one foot on the band, in the middle of the lenght.

You’re going to train one arm at a time. Lift the handle up behind your neck. Your elbow should be bent, just next to your head and stay there, keep it in. This is the starting position.

Now extend your arm all the way up over your head. That’s a triceps extension, you need to keep proper form, control the movement.

Go back to the starting position by bending your arm, not too fast, still keeping the elbow in and up, your hand is now back behind your neck.

You can perform these triceps extensions using your two arms. Just grab each handle and move them up over your head in the starting position explained earlier, and extend the same way.

Your can also increase the tension by stepping on the band with yur two feet. This will provide you more resistance and make the exercise more challenging. You can also then use a heavier resistance band when it becomes too easy.

Depending on the resistance you use, you will still want to be able to perform 12 reps per set. When you can then again, increase resistance with a heavier tension exercise band.

Triceps extensions is just one exercise you can perform with exercise bands. There are many others you can do and still with the same comfort, versatility and portability.

See more exercise bands workouts? Or read about the best exercise bands reviews.

Reshape With Resistance Bands: Triceps Extensions

June 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Matthew Stevens

Reshape With Resistance Bands: Triceps Extensions – Health – Fitness

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There are many benefits to using resistance bands including the fact that they are flexible, inexpensive and simple to use, and can give you the same results you would get if you worked out in a gym or health club. There are many body parts that resistance bands are particularly effective on and one of the most difficult areas to target are the triceps. With resistance bands, you can tone and shape your triceps without needing to use any complicated machines or exercise equipment.

When using resistance bands always make sure to check the bands for any tears or rips. The band should be in good condition. Remember to breathe when exercising and let your movements flow in a smooth, graceful manner. Some people hold their breath and make the mistake of letting the resistance band snap back after each movement. This can cause unnecessary strain on the muscles as well as the band. Control the band with each movement to ensure the longevity of the resistance band and to get the best results from each exercise. If you find it hard to control the resistance band then you might need to drop to a lower level of resistance. It is very important that you are able to control the band, because without control you can harm your body, strain muscles or actually injure your arm or whatever part of the body you are using the band on.

Selecting resistance bands might seem confusing, but it shouldn

Best Exercises for Triceps Mass

June 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

The triceps are one of the most underrated muscle groups.  After all, they contribute a lot more to your overall arm size than your biceps, and they are an important muscle group in all pressing exercises.  Is there a lifter out there who doesn’t want bigger arms and a bigger bench press?

With this is in mind it should seem obvious that building your triceps should be a priority if you want to get bigger and stronger.  The problem is that most people do not know how to train their triceps properly.  You will often see bodybuilders wasting away valuable energy on things like pushdowns and kickbacks. Now, there isn’t anything bad about these exercises, but the majority of your time would be much better spent on compound exercises which allow for heavy weights to be used.

In fact, you simply can’t properly stimulate all of the muscle fibers in the triceps without using some exercises which allow for heavy loads to be used.  In general it is best to hit 1 or 2 heavy compound exercises and then move on to an isolation exercise to squeeze the last little bit out of your muscles.

With this in mind let’s take a look at three fantastic exercises for your triceps:

Close grip BB Bench Press

If this isn’t the undisputed king of the triceps exercises, then it is pretty close.  The ability to use heavy weights due to contributions from your chest and front deltoids allows you to really overload the triceps and force them to get bigger.  While you want to work on continually getting stronger, you should never sacrifice form for weight.  With this exercise it important to keep the elbows near your body throughout the movement in order to keep as much stress as possible on the triceps.  Even with a narrow grip the stress can be taken off of the triceps muscle and onto the elbow joints if you do not keep the elbows tucked in tight.

This obviously not only diminishes your muscle growth, but can lead to elbow and wrist problems as well.

Parallel Bar Dips

This is the classic triceps builder.  Dips are probably responsible for building more triceps muscle than any other movement.  This is due to the combination of heavy weights and targeted stress that they provide to the triceps.  When you first begin lifting you may have difficulty performing more than a couple of these, but as you progress it is important to continue adding weight by using a dumbbell between your feet or a specialized dip belt.  The addition of weight will allow you to continue to progress in this movement once you are capable of easily handling your body weight.

As with most triceps exercises, the key to proper performance is to keep your elbows close to the body.  This means using a narrow grip on the dip bars.  It also means that you should use an upright posture without too much forward lean.  Leaning forward shifts more of the stress to the delts and pecs, which is not what we want for our goal.  Optimally, you should descend into the bottom of the exercise until your upper arms were parallel with the ground. However, this may cause shoulder pain in a good percentage of lifters, and in this case you should either shorten the range of motion or discard the exercise altogether.

Triceps Skullcrushers

This is probably the lifting movement with the scariest moniker.  After all, who wants their head crushed?  But the exercise is aptly named because it is performed lying down on your back on a bench with a barbell at arm’s length.  You will then bend at the elbows and lower the bar until it touches your forehead. Obviously if you do this in an uncontrolled manner it will hurt your skull!

The key to this exercise is to make sure the stress stays on the triceps.  To do this you want the elbows close to the body and pointed towards the ceiling. It is important that you only flex and straighten the elbows and that you do not move them forward or backward, or you will shift the stress off the triceps.

While this exercise is usually done by touching the bar to the forehead, you can vary the point at which you touch in order target specific sections of the triceps.  In general, shifting lower on the body, such as the chin, will hit the medial head harder, while shifting higher on the body will hit the long head harder.

As you can see perfect form is crucial to your success with triceps exercises, just as it is with all exercises.  You can perform exercises poorly and still get some of the benefit, but you will never see great results and you may just injure yourself in the process.  Because of this it is highly recommended that you learn how to do these exercises properly from an expert in the field.

See video and get tips on Close Grip Barbell Bench Presses and more of the best exercises for triceps mass.

65 pound triceps dumbbell extensions, performed by natural bodybuilder, Durrah

Body building with biceps and triceps exercises

June 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Lyusi Jeff

Body building with biceps and triceps exercises – Awards

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Now days, body building has become a fashionable trend among young boys. Everyone wants to get a muscular body with huge biceps, triceps and ripped abs. There are so many techniques of body building process that are focused on structuring and shaping the whole body. These techniques and tips help you in achieving a perfect shape body without any side effect.

There are several websites that help you in body building and provide all the information, tips and techniques related to body building that includes videos, articles, exercises, diet plan, supplements and more. You can get different exercises like biceps exercises, triceps exercises, exercises for abs and more on these websites.

There are several websites that help you in body building and provide all the information, tips and techniques related to body building that includes videos, articles, exercises, diet plan, supplements and more. You can get different exercises like biceps exercises, triceps exercises, exercises for abs and more on these websites.

Most of the young boys want to get Big Biceps so that it can attract people towards them. There are many types of exercises that should be done to get huge biceps and also it needs lots of hard work. You will have to include work outs in your daily routine and also there are so many things that you will have to change in your life in order to get a muscular body. It includes proper diet, regular exercise, supplements, work out and many more.

To get Ripped Abs is also is also an important part of body building and it is very common to hear about it through various sources like television, newspaper, magazines. For getting this, one should do very tough work as it needs exercises to lose fat that is fat burning exercises and a perfect diet that is also very important. You must control what you eat and it will result in your clearly visible abs.

To get Ripped Abs is also is also an important part of body building and it is very common to hear about it through various sources like television, newspaper, magazines. For getting this, one should do very tough work as it needs exercises to lose fat that is fat burning exercises and a perfect diet that is also very important. You must control what you eat and it will result in your clearly visible abs.

Another one process of body building is getting good triceps that is also very popular among youngsters. So, there are so many Tricep Exercises that will help you in getting a fit body. These exercises include bench press, weighted dips, skull crushers and more about which you can know from various websites and can get nice triceps.

About the Author

Now days, body building has become a fashionable trend among young boys. Everyone wants to get a muscular body with huge biceps, triceps and ripped abs. Big Biceps , Ripped Abs. For more details contect on as : http://rippedandmuscular.com/category/biceps/

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Lyusi Jeff

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Now days, body building has become a fashionable trend among young boys. Everyone wants to get a muscular body with huge biceps, triceps and ripped abs. Big Biceps , Ripped Abs. For more details contect on as : http://rippedandmuscular.com/category/biceps/

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Triceps Exercises for Women that Work

May 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

It seems as a woman gets older the more issues she has with her arms.  When there is weight loss along with aging you end up with a lot of upper arm flab.  This flab is unsightly and difficult to get rid of.  With a few of the right exercises you will be able to get the well-toned arms of your youth.  People who lose a lot of weight will also have a problem with upper arm flabbiness.  Just like you exercise the rest of your body to get a toned body you must also do tricep exercises for women.

Some of the best exercises for the triceps are done using small weights called dumbbells.  Usually a woman will use 5 to 10 pound weights to work their arms.  You can exercise both arms at a time or one at a time.  When you exercise one arm at a time always remember to do the same amount of repetitions for each arm.  You don’t want to have one well worked arm and not the other. 

Dumbbell use is important for building your triceps.  You can build your triceps without ending up with too much muscle.  Some women worry about working their arms too much.  They are afraid they will end up with the look of a man’s toned and muscular arms.  You can work your arms without an overabundance of muscle.  It is actually a lot of work to get a man’s look on a woman.

Some of the best exercises include skull crusher, hanging dips, dumbbell triceps extensions and close grip push-ups.  With some you will need dumbbells.  The skull crusher is done by lying on a bench.  You will use a small weight and will lift it over your head.  You then will lower it towards your forehead.  This is an exercise where you work out slowly.  You will want to work on going as slow as possible.

The dumbbell tricepsextensions are done while sitting straight.  It can also be done while standing.  Hold the dumbbell over your head and slowly lower it behind your head.  You will be bending your elbows for this one.  Work slowly to get the most benefit out of it.  You will grip the dumbbell with both hands and work both arms at the same time.  It is also possible to work one arm at a time if you prefer.

Using these exercises you will be able to get the toned arms of your youth.  You will no longer be ashamed of flabby arms.  While working your arms you should consider working the rest of your body.  You can lose weight and get toned all over with the right type of exercises.  An exercise that will improve your circulation as well as burn calories is a cardio exercise and tricep exercises for women.  There are many types of cardio that you can do to burn calories and help you to lose weight.  Remember to work your arms as well to fight the flab.  You can have arms you will be proud of with a little work with weights.


If you would like to know more about this, you can visit the site at the following URL provided: Tricep Exercises for Women.

How To Perform Triceps Extensions With Resistance Bands

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Thomas Leroy

To train your triceps as well as other muscles and get a full body workout, exercise bands are really just what you need. You don’t even need much room, you can train anywhere without spending too much money. Triceps extension is one arm exercise you can perform the same way you would with dumbbells.

Grab the exercise band by the handles, each in one hand. This may be better for you to try fist with the Light resistance band. Step with one foot on the band, in the middle of the lenght.

You’re going to train one arm at a time. Lift the handle up behind your neck. Your elbow should be bent, just next to your head and stay there, keep it in. This is the starting position.

Now extend your arm all the way up over your head. That’s a triceps extension, you need to keep proper form, control the movement. Go back to the starting position by bending your arm, not too fast, still keeping the elbow in and up, your hand is now back behind your neck.

You can perform these triceps extensions using your two arms. Just grab each handle and move them up over your head in the starting position explained earlier, and extend the same way.

Your can also increase the tension by stepping on the band with yur two feet. This will provide you more resistance and make the exercise more challenging. You can also then use a heavier resistance band when it becomes too easy.

Depending on the resistance you use, you will still want to be able to perform 12 reps per set. When you can then again, increase resistance with a heavier tension exercise band.

Triceps extensions is just one exercise you can perform with exercise bands. There are many others you can do and still with the same comfort, versatility and portability.

For exercise bands reviews and more tips and resistance bands workouts, visit Fitness Bands.

Learn the dumbbell triceps extensions to exercise the tricep muscles in thisfree exercise video on working your triceps. Expert: Ricketta Butler Bio: Ricketta Butler is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in Health Science Education. She is currently a personal trainer and group fitness coordinator. Filmmaker: Michael Carter
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to Build Up Your Triceps – Tricep Workouts and Exercises

April 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Ryan Mutt

Triceps contributes up to 75% of your arms, therefore to build up biceps is not the only worthy effort for toning arms. Triceps is majorly constituted of fats and in the older stages, the need to strengthen your triceps increases. A pile of exercises are there to shape your triceps. A lot among them do not even require any bulky, spacious machines.

Triceps can be exercised at home only with a regular and honest schedule. As of course you need to take care of your diet along with the workout. The intake should remove the arm flab. Do not go for any synthetic diet which is not advised by a diet expert. Two categories for triceps are bodyweight exercises and heavy weight exercises.

A common exercise for triceps is “Triceps’ pushups”. It is like normal pushups but in this you need to bring your hands closer. Try to touch the thumbs of both of your hand.

1. Firstly, lie down and be in the regular posture i.e. normal posture.

2. Move your hands closer so that the thumbs intersect with each other. Maintain the linearity of your back and try to lift up as you do in normal pushups.

3. Lift should be the maximum. Avoid any locking in your joint.

4. Steadily come back on the floor with all force on your hands and feet.

5. Repeat it for 4 sets a day with 16 wraps.

List of alternatives begins with bear walks or crab walks. Get yourself into the position of bear or crab as per your choice. Now start walking like them in the house itself. In this way you can increase the efficiency of your cardio system as well.

Next is the triceps dip. Get a bench or a chair with non slippery legs. Don’t sit fully on the bench. Now hold the bench from both sides of your body, by making a contact of your hands and hip sides. Move into the air and lift up-down. Make such moves thrice a day with 20 wraps each.

You can also opt for the shadow boxing to your mattress. It seems to be a bit kid dish but is really effective. Get your mattress stand taking support of a wall. Set a target point on the mattress. Start punching it without bending your wrist. Another advantage of such act is that it helps in fat burn.

Next for you are the dietary tips. Take the advised amount of proteins and avoid the food with rich content of fat, sodium and sugar (glucose). You must follow the diet instructions strictly.

Workout is not all about heavy exercises. You can go for some fun loving sports. Running and swimming are some of them. This will help you tackle with your fat.

To formulate the ultimate conclusion, go through the list of tips. A treasure of exercises is there to tone up the triceps. But triceps pushup and bench dips are the most effective ones that you can do easily anywhere.

Find How to Lose Cellulite on Thighs and get smooth skin. Also know How to Lose Love Handles Fast to lose excess side fat. Read effective ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat naturally.


Basic Routine Triceps Exercises for Women in Fitness

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Mohamad Alodah

There have been constant dilemmas among women when it talks about getting trimming fatty arms. As a result, this give them negative consequences such as not able to wear sleeveless and spaghetti straps. Being able to achieve proportional, sexy arms like Jennifer Aniston or much preferred, Madonna, it won’t require you to go to fitness gyms or any assistance from fitness trainers! There are efficient exercises in which you can easily perform it anywhere, that could be possibly done at your home or outdoors if you feel comfortable with it. This fitness schedule that is good for three occurrences in a week shall lead you to be even sexier. Actually, this can improve your wellness and let you build confidence to wear daring clothes. Well, prepare yourself for a full blast fitness series of triceps exercises for women. Here is how most women jump start on fitness.Engaging the Basic Triceps ExercisesGetting Ready for the ExerciseBefore you start the exercise, have 5 -10 minute stationary jogging until you can feel your body is pumped with energy. You should perform required arm stretches first which would avoid you to suffer from muscle pains. Learn to take full inhales to your nose and slow exhales to your mouth as you walk in place.Starting at Low Intensity to High IntensityTo begin this exercise division, you would be needing resistance tubes to accustom your muscles for peak work. This means, aiming to tone and condition the triceps muscle. First, let’s perform the triceps exercises with the resistance tube.1. Fast Triceps Contraction with Resistance TubesAmong the various, yet, effective means in developing your triceps that affects almost all muscles on the arms. One is the triceps exercises with resistance bands or tubes which came to be commonly done by women in fitness. Here is the procedure:· It’s either you sit or stand in preparation for the exercise.· Place your grip on the middle of the tube.· Stretch your arms straight out in front of you while keeping them few inches away from each other.· Contract your shoulder blades together as you pull the tube so that arms are out to the sides forming a wing. It’s highly recommended by fitness experts to keep the exercise in a fast pace. This includes three sets of 16 repetitions per set. You should always keep the tension of the tubes in the whole routine.· As you finish the first phase, extend your triceps and hold the tube’s end using separate hands level to your shoulders, having bent the right arm.· This is done so that it’s in front of your chest as you straighten out your left arm. Have your left arm stabled to create tension, contract the triceps to straighten the right arm. Go back to the starting position and execute it again before you change arm positions.· Finally, curl the tube around a sturdy object (ex. Pole, anchor) behind you leveled to your chest. Start by having bent your elbows at 90 degrees. Forearms must be parallel to the floor. Keep your right arm stationary and press your left arm out. Bring your left arm back and then press forward with your right arm. Continue alternating arms for a total of 16 reps on each side2. Slow Triceps Contraction with DumbbellsAfter you have done the resistance tube routine, you can proceed with the high intensity exercise. Adjustable dumbbells are able to provide ease in doing your routines. They feature with easy to adjust weights. This equipment is practically cheap instead of buying fixed weight dumbbells. Triceps exercises with dumbbells provide women the process of developing their triceps muscle.· Start with a standing position. Hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your head.· You should keep your upper arms pointing straight up.· Lift the dumbbell up by bending your elbows and slowly lower it back. You keep your upper arms stable in the entire phase. Do 2 sets of 12 repetitions per set.· After that, you proceed to the next phase by positioning your knee and hand on top of a bench. Hold a dumbbell with the other hand. Place your palm faced at your body. Maintain upper arm at parallel to your body. Push the dumbbell back through stretching out your elbows until you slowly return to the first position. Stable your upper arm throughout the exercise. Have 12 – 16 repetitions for each arm.

For more fitness info you can visit our fitness and wellness for women site .

Related Tricep Exercises With Weights Articles

Best Exercises for Triceps Mass

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

The triceps are one of the most underrated muscle groups.  After all, they contribute a lot more to your overall arm size than your biceps, and they are an important muscle group in all pressing exercises.  Is there a lifter out there who doesn’t want bigger arms and a bigger bench press?

With this is in mind it should seem obvious that building your triceps should be a priority if you want to get bigger and stronger.  The problem is that most people do not know how to train their triceps properly.  You will often see bodybuilders wasting away valuable energy on things like pushdowns and kickbacks. Now, there isn’t anything bad about these exercises, but the majority of your time would be much better spent on compound exercises which allow for heavy weights to be used.

In fact, you simply can’t properly stimulate all of the muscle fibers in the triceps without using some exercises which allow for heavy loads to be used.  In general it is best to hit 1 or 2 heavy compound exercises and then move on to an isolation exercise to squeeze the last little bit out of your muscles.

With this in mind let’s take a look at three fantastic exercises for your triceps:

Close grip BB Bench Press

If this isn’t the undisputed king of the triceps exercises, then it is pretty close.  The ability to use heavy weights due to contributions from your chest and front deltoids allows you to really overload the triceps and force them to get bigger.  While you want to work on continually getting stronger, you should never sacrifice form for weight.  With this exercise it important to keep the elbows near your body throughout the movement in order to keep as much stress as possible on the triceps.  Even with a narrow grip the stress can be taken off of the triceps muscle and onto the elbow joints if you do not keep the elbows tucked in tight.

This obviously not only diminishes your muscle growth, but can lead to elbow and wrist problems as well.

Parallel Bar Dips

This is the classic triceps builder.  Dips are probably responsible for building more triceps muscle than any other movement.  This is due to the combination of heavy weights and targeted stress that they provide to the triceps.  When you first begin lifting you may have difficulty performing more than a couple of these, but as you progress it is important to continue adding weight by using a dumbbell between your feet or a specialized dip belt.  The addition of weight will allow you to continue to progress in this movement once you are capable of easily handling your body weight.

As with most triceps exercises, the key to proper performance is to keep your elbows close to the body.  This means using a narrow grip on the dip bars.  It also means that you should use an upright posture without too much forward lean.  Leaning forward shifts more of the stress to the delts and pecs, which is not what we want for our goal.  Optimally, you should descend into the bottom of the exercise until your upper arms were parallel with the ground. However, this may cause shoulder pain in a good percentage of lifters, and in this case you should either shorten the range of motion or discard the exercise altogether.

Triceps Skullcrushers

This is probably the lifting movement with the scariest moniker.  After all, who wants their head crushed?  But the exercise is aptly named because it is performed lying down on your back on a bench with a barbell at arm’s length.  You will then bend at the elbows and lower the bar until it touches your forehead. Obviously if you do this in an uncontrolled manner it will hurt your skull!

The key to this exercise is to make sure the stress stays on the triceps.  To do this you want the elbows close to the body and pointed towards the ceiling. It is important that you only flex and straighten the elbows and that you do not move them forward or backward, or you will shift the stress off the triceps.

While this exercise is usually done by touching the bar to the forehead, you can vary the point at which you touch in order target specific sections of the triceps.  In general, shifting lower on the body, such as the chin, will hit the medial head harder, while shifting higher on the body will hit the long head harder.

As you can see perfect form is crucial to your success with triceps exercises, just as it is with all exercises.  You can perform exercises poorly and still get some of the benefit, but you will never see great results and you may just injure yourself in the process.  Because of this it is highly recommended that you learn how to do these exercises properly from an expert in the field.

See video and get tips on Close Grip Barbell Bench Presses and more of the best exercises for triceps mass.

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