Ultimate Nutrition 100% Creatine Monohydrat 1000G

June 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Creatine


Product Description
100% CREATINE MONOHYDRAT 1000g… More >>

Ultimate Nutrition 100% Creatine Monohydrat 1000G

Ironman’s Ultimate Guide to Bodybuilding Nutrition

April 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

  • Softcover. 220 pgs

Product Description
A bodybuilder can do all the reps and all the sets he or she wants, but it’s fertile unless one has the right fuel. Ironman magazine and Peter Sisco have collaborated once again in the Ironman series to bring readers the most up-to-date and proven information on nutrition. This guide includes the real scoop on protein, diet secrets for getting “ripped”, and roles that various supplements play in building muscle mass.
— Contains the latest information on suppleme… More >>

Ironman’s Ultimate Guide to Bodybuilding Nutrition

Ultimate Abdominal Exercises

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by David

The Best Abdominal Exercises

Abdominal training methods are very popular among medical conscious consumers. Many of them include a workout routine in their schedule either by working out both at home and joining any adverse health club or gym. The aim of all the people is normal; get a flat stomach or a six-pack abs. This could be achieved by doing abdominal training methods. These exercises help you to strengthen muscle tissue and provide a set stomach that you have been dreaming of. A strong and healthy body will help you to enhance your performance for any field. You are able to combat all sorts of chiropractic problems as well.

The abdomen is an essential section of the body. It’s many muscles that happen to be split up into groups. The hardest area on the human body is the lower abdomen that’s tough to firm up while using abdominal training exercises. So while doing the exercises you will need to give special importance to this area. It’s also advisable to follow proper discipline and choose appropriate exercise to tone the abs. By taking care of the abdomen it is simple to increase your back and core. Your back becomes stronger and is also less vulnerable to injuries. Your posture can also be greatly improved.

The abdominal exercises help to relieve stress also. Stress is a dangerous situation because it can bring about anxiety and affect your body’s defense mechanism too. By doing appropriate exercises it is simple to overcome stress and also other problems associated with it. Conditions like obesity and heart disease can be controlled to some degree. For those who have never been exercising before, many times it slightly difficult at first. However when you make these abdominal training methods a routing you are going to start feeling much better.

There are other ways in places you can start the abdominal exercises. You can either do them from your own home or join any gymnasium inside your locality. By doing the workouts regularly start experiencing health. The risk of getting diseases like heart problems, diabetes and hypertension will be lowered considerably. Problems associated with blockages of digestive system will also be improved.

Just about the most important abdominal training exercises could be the crunch. It consists of simple movements. Lay down face up and bent up your knees. Place both hands behind your brain or overlap tummy. Contract your abdominal muscles and lift the top portion of your torso up and running. The rest of the abdominal training exercises are just a variation on this exercise. So if you’re a novice to workouts you’ll want to master them properly.

If you’d like the workouts to work you must are the abdominal training methods within your workout regime. If you wish to get yourself a perfect body without those ‘love handles’ then you might must take more effort to firm your obliques. Oblique crunches and upper abs are very effective and provide visible results than one of the other abdominal training exercises. Oblique crunch is similar to sit-up because instead of springing up straight you will need to appear diagonally. This provides double impact than the traditional crunch. So select a proper abdominal workout regime and acquire a wholesome and perfect body.

The most basic plank exercises are the elbow bridge plank. Start with lying in the grass, face down. Then bring your forearms and elbows before your or underneath your chest. Then slowly bring yourself on top of only your toes and elbows touching the ground. Maintain it for around Just a few seconds. When it’s in this position, never allow or let your hips to look down or sag toward the soil.

Reverse Curl – This is the extremely important sort of abdominal exercise. If you’re doing other sorts of lower abdominal exercise, it is vital that you simply include that one most notable.

Start with lying on you back on to the floor. Bend your knees toward you chest while keeping your hips on the ground. Throughout it, try contracting good tone muscles concurrently.

Bicycle Exercise – To top all of them could be the bicycle exercise which can be ranked as number one among abdominal exercise. This workout is affirmed to give you a great result.

After you have started doing abdominal training methods, it is important that you can do them as frequently as you can. How often of one’s being active is superior to the intensity. Stretching pre and post the exercise is also essential and will always be done.

For more information check out The Truth About Abs review on Fitness Reviews.

By David

Triple Ultimate Mass Competition Stack Steroid Free Bodybuilding Supplement

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Muscle Building Supplement
  • Massive Muscle Pumps
  • No Water Retention
  • Increase In Energy
  • Bodybuilding Supplement

Product Description
DBall 100 Capsules, ADrol 100 Tablets, DekkA150 30 Capsules. Supports increased muscle mass, weight gain and strength. Users can also benefit from rapid recovery after workouts and achieve ultimate muscle pumps. Steroid Free Bodybuilding Supplement… More >>

Triple Ultimate Mass Competition Stack Steroid Free Bodybuilding Supplement

Ultimate Nutrition Amino Gold Capsules, 1000 mg, 250-Count Bottles

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Free form and peptide bond amino acids derived entirely from the 100% natural enzymatic digest of Whey Protein Isolate
  • Ultimate Nutrition

Product Description
Super Whey Formula. Free form and peptide bond amino acids derived entirely from the 100% natural enzymatic digest of Whey Protein Isolate. Each Amino Gold Capsule Contains: 1000 mg of Ultimate Nutrition’s exclusive, specially processed 100% Natural Enzymatic Digest of Whey Protein Isolate. Our true enzymatic digest yields an Amino Nitrogen of 2.5 and Total Nitrogen of 13.2. Enzymatically digested (by food grade enzymes) whey protein isolate increases protein digest… More >>

Ultimate Nutrition Amino Gold Capsules, 1000 mg, 250-Count Bottles

Ironman’s Ultimate Guide to Natural Bodybuilding

February 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Continuously published since 1936, Ironman is the dean of bodybuilding magazines. It has been showcasing every major bodybuilder, training technique, scientific advance, as well as other aspects of the iron game, longer than any other bodybuilding magazine. With articles by and photos of the greatest names in the sport, the Ironman archives represent the best of bodybuilding. This definitive, information-packed volume contains Ironman’s best information on natural … More >>

Ironman’s Ultimate Guide to Natural Bodybuilding

Could This Be the Ultimate Butt Workout?

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Stacie Cole

How to get a great butt fast…

It’s what we women want to know. How to get a great butt, fast, with what really works, long term, and regardless of our age. Let’s face it; it’s the Holy Grail we endlessly seek.

We’ve tried creams, lotions, crash yo-yo diets, pills, flaky fad fitness trends, rollers, body wraps, weight lifting, stair steppers, aerobics, spinning classes, kickboxing, and in extreme cases we go into surgery to have liposuction, which is expensive, dangerous, and does not last. Can you identify?

Nothing seems to work. In our frustration, we give up and accept that a great behind is something that is, in fact, behind us, left to our teens and twenty-something years.

But not anymore…

The overwhelming demand of busy women for something that works long-term and fast has finally produced a real, proven solution: Russian Kettlebells.

Okay, so what exactly are Russian kettlebells?

A ‘kettlebell’ or girya (Russ.) is a traditional Russian cast iron weight that looks like a cannonball with a handle. Its simplicity and ease of use makes the kettlebell the ultimate tool for extreme total body fitness for women of all ages and body types.

Thousands of women, and more in droves, are discovering that nothing, bar none, works faster, better, and more completely than Russian Kettlebells for toning hips, thighs, and yes… the butt. Finally!

So how and why do kettlebells work to get a great butt fast–when nothing else does? (a tiny bit of science for you)…

**Recent studies, such as the one by the American Council on Exercise, (ACE, America’s leading authority on fitness and one of the largest fitness certification, education and training organizations in the world) reveal that working out with Russian Kettlebells burned about 400 calories during a typical 20-minute kettlebell workout.

**Researchers say that’s equivalent to running a six-minute mile or cross-country skiing uphill at a fast pace. All from a handheld piece of iron with a handle!

**This rapid calorie burn is due to the interval-training format of kettlebell workouts.

**Also, kettlebells provide a more intense workout than standard weight lifting, without the bulky equipment and having to go to a gym.

**It is the combination of the weight resistance stance, rapid calorie burn, maximum oxygen delivery, and intensity of workout that in 20-minutes, blasts cellulite, and tones hips, thighs and the butt faster than anything out there. The results are cumulative and-best of all–they last! There are many, many more scientific sounding reasons why they work, but does it really matter? Kettlebells just flat out work!

Who doesn’t have 20 minutes to get a great body?

What types of women can benefit?

Now, a concern might be that only those who are already in shape can workout with kettlebells. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women (and men) of all ages and fitness levels are transforming their bodies, self-image, quality of life, and indeed, getting great butts fast, with Russian Kettlebells.

That’s nice, but what about post-baby weight?

Maybe you have just had a baby and are wondering if that stubborn weight can also be blasted off, or if you just have to accept it and suffer. Visit the site below, and you will find women all over the nation who have obliterated their post-baby weight in no time at all–with these convenient, space-saving, brief Russian Kettlebell workouts. And as if that wasn’t enough, these delighted women find they now possess an even sexier-looking butt than they had before they got pregnant!

Oh and, a side benefit… your abs will also become ripped in record time. (Just look at the photos of the ripped kettlebell goddesses you’ll see on Dragon Door.) All of your girlfriends will be jealous and wonder what your secret is!

But, I’ve had cellulite and flabby thighs and a saggy behind for years and nothing has ever worked.

You and 90% of all the rest of the women of the world…

That is why the demand for something that really works became so strong that Dragon Door had to answer with specialized Russian Kettlebell workouts just for women’s specific needs. Take a look at some of the pictures and unsolicited, honest testimonials from the women on the website. The evidence speaks for itself. We women like to stick to what works. And Russian Kettlebells work like nothing else for getting a great butt workout that defines a woman’s body and creates sleek, sexy behinds fast.

And men?

It’s not just for women either. Ever salivated over the great body of actor Gerard Butler? His secret? He used kettlebell workouts to train for his role of King Leonidas of Sparta in the movie 300. So get your man involved too and both of you can increase your confidence and look great in jeans together. Countless couples are experiencing a stronger closeness and bonding by working out with kettlebells together. So how to get a great butt fast?

Go to the site below. Read what the kettlebell women have to say. Decide that you want a great butt now. Then, get yourself some kettlebells and one of their thorough DVDs, and join the community, where you will have full support from women all over the nation and world just like you who used kettlebells to get the butt they’ve always wanted. You deserve it!


The Women of Dragon Door and RKC

To find the perfect kettlebell or kettlebell training resource for you visit: http://www.russiankettlebells.com now

Find More Kettlebell Workout Dvd For Women Articles


January 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Nitric Oxide


Product Description
Want more out of your pre-workout supplement? Well, NO2BOMB´s comprehensive nitric oxide formula is precisely what you need. NO2BOMB´s proprietary formula maximizes your blood cell volume and gives you the explosive pumps you desire.

Try one serving of NO2BOMB before a workout and watch your body transform right before your eyes. As your veins begin to dilate, your energy levels will increase and you will know it´s going to be a good workout. But it doesn´t en… More >>


The Ultimate Chest Building Exercises

January 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Adam Snyder

The ultimate chest building exercises are not a huge secret, but the way they need to be done are. The 3 exercises that need to be done to build the greatest chest are pushups. You need to do normal pushups, incline pushups and declined pushups. The reason this is the ultimate chest building exercise is because you don’t stop for rest in between sets.The way this exercise routine is set up is very simple, all you need is a chair that has enough room that you can do your incline pushups on it. Now that you have the chair you want to start with incline pushups and do 20 of them, then without breaking your form you want to drop down to the ground for regular pushups and do another 20 of them and right after you do those you want to turn your body around, again without breaking your form. Now that you have your body turned around your feet should be next to the chair and now you just need to get your feet up on the chair and do another 20 reps. This is one set, you need to do at least 5 sets per workout in order to get the best results.Remember one thing when it comes to the ultimate chest building exercises, if you don’t do them right or you stop doing them then they just won’t work, so never stop until you are happy with the way your body and chest looks. For years I have been working on my body to get it looking perfect. Everything from building a stronger chest to arms, legs, back, and abs. The one thing I would never have been able to do without are these six pack secrets that I got from a website I saw when I first started out.

Adam Snyder is also has a love for landscape and he has put together many great cheap landscape ideas.

The 3 Best Upper Chest Exercises to include in your chest workout. www.BustYourPlateau.com The top 3 specialization upper chest exercises. These exercise demo’s I show you are the most effective to isolate that upper portion of your chest and build mass on the inner chest. These upper chest exercises should be included near the end of a workout after you have performed your compound movements such as bench press and the bigger muscle movements. Use these extra techniques for no longer than about 4-6 weeks. Make sure to are really focusing on contracting the muscles of the inner and upper chest. Good form will be the key to making the correct muscles work. Use a weight that allows you to keep good form. You should see some great results after only 1 cycle of these exercises. Visit Bones To Buff to get your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started www.BustYourPlateau.com

Lee Haney’s Ultimate Bodybuilding Book: The 8-time Mr. Olympia’s Revolutionary Program for Building Mass, Strength and Power

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Lee Haney is the only man to win eight Mr. Olympia titles–and he won them consecutively. Host of his own television show, he is one of the most popular figures in bodybuilding and fitness. His work with boxer Evander Holyfield and basketball star Kevin Willis has proven that weight training can ehnance performance in other sports; his Atlanta-based gym, Lee Haney’s World Class Fitness Center, teams up with the city to promote general heath and good fitness for ev… More >>

Lee Haney’s Ultimate Bodybuilding Book: The 8-time Mr. Olympia’s Revolutionary Program for Building Mass, Strength and Power

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