All I Want Is To Get My Ex Back – How Can I Do It
Article by Diana Onedge
The fact that you are saying “all I want is to get my ex back – how can I do it” is a good thing. There is nothing to be ashamed of and do not think you are the only one in world with this kind of problem. So remember you are not alone, if you decide all you want is to get your ex back, than fix the problems. It will be very much worth it.
Even though it happens everyday that doesn’t make it any easier when it’s you that’s going through it. It is still painful and it still hurts bad.
You don’t need to give up though. There are a few things you can do that will make things easier, make you a better man and maybe help you get your ex girlfriend back too.
1) The first thing you want to do is cease and desist all calls, texts, emails, etc. It will be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done but you have to stop chasing her. Think about it for a minute. When someone is chased what do they do? That’s right, they run. You don’t want to push her further away from you. Back off and give her some space.
Remember, no one likes a weak, whiny, insecure person. That’s just not a turn on. Your ex is no different. Don’t cling or you will only push her further away.
2) Have fun. I know that this sounds like ridiculous advice, but it’s important. It kind of relates to step 1. Go out with friends and try to live everyday to the fullest. If you can do this you will benefit in a couple of ways.
For one thing she will hear about all the fun you’re having and she will start to miss the fun the two of you used to have. She will also remember why she fell in love with you in the first place.
It will also help you to keep your mind off of your ex for a little while. That is a good way to keep from going crazy during this difficult time.
A word of caution though: don’t use this step as a pathetic and childish attempt to make her jealous. That is very immature and doesn’t work. If you really care about your ex and you want her back you should avoid stupid, destructive and childish games. No good relationship can ever be built on those traits.
3) Try to communicate with her. Don’t argue, or badger. Just talk…and listen. This isn’t about being right, it’s about trying to truly understand where the other person is coming from. This is a time to put your ego on hold.
One of the Best Relationship Advice Systems is available, at It will take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your love back in your arms, Especially if you are the only one trying. If you want to save your relationship, then you can start working toward the relationship you once had, or always wanted. Also can help.
Foods to Eat When You Want to Lose Weight Fast
Everyone knows that a diet of Big Macs is not going to help you lose weight fast, but what foods are best if you want to not only lose weight but keep that full feeling? One of the best things to do is to turn into a grazer. We all know who they are, those skinny people who always seem to be eating but never gain an ounce. It might be a good idea to take a look at what they’re eating.
Yes, there are people out there with super metabolisms who don’t exercise and eat whatever and whenever they want, but the vast majority of people must watch what they put in their mouth and exercise to lose weight.
A good diet to follow is any diet recommended for diabetics. These diets recommend small portions eaten every two to three hours that almost always include some sort of starch, fruit, or vegetable with a protein. The only downside to such a diet is that you never feel hungry and you never feel full.
This can take some getting used to, because most people actually miss that feeling of being “starving” and sitting down and eating until they have to unbutton their pants.
Such a diet requires careful measurement and monitoring and if you are not diabetic, you may lack the motivation for such a diet. If you don’t have the kind of discipline this life style requires, there are foods you can eat that can help you to feel full but won’t pack on the pounds.
—Water, water, everywhere. Drinking water does a couple of things: it gives you a full feeling and also helps your body to better regulate itself. Drinking water won’t make you feel bloated, but does the opposite. Regularly drinking water allows your body to stop storing the water it thinks it needs.
If you replenish your body’s water, it gets used to it and you’ll actually lose water weight as a result.
—Low-calorie vegetables keep you full and keep your body running well. That means no friend vegetables, nothing swimming in butter or salad dressing. The best way to eat veggies is raw and without dipping. The sweeter the vegetable, the higher the amount of sugar. Yams, for example, are one of the highest calorie veggies.
—Lean meats. Try to find red meats that are 95 percent lean and take the skin off that chicken before you put it in your mouth. To keep your protein level high, try products with soy.
Remember, all the good, healthful, low calorie eating in the world only goes so far if you want to lose weight fast. Any weight loss plan must also include a healthy dose of exercise. Even a small amount at first is better than none at all. Start slowly, and before you know it, those numbers on the scale will start to slide downward.
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Weight training for women – If you want to lose fat and be lean, then start weight training
February 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Randy Robinson
Women generally care more about their health and their weight, than men do. Most women would like to be lean and have the sexy curves. Very few women actually achieve the look you see in fitness magazines, not because women don`t work hard, but becuase they avoid weight training.
Very few women step inside a weight room, because they believe they will look bulky and muscular, by doing weight training exercises. This certainly not true! Women just don`t have enough testosterone to build much muscle mass. Even if you want to build muscle, then you will not gain much muscle mass naturally.
If you want to be healthy, lose excess fat and develop sexy curves to your body, then training with weights will help you mold that physic. A lot of the women who do exercise with weights, do not exercise with enough intensity to have much benefits. If you want to get great results, you should train like men do and use the same type of exercise. The women you see on magazines train the same way most men do. With the exception that women put more emphasis on their thighs and glutes.
A lot of people have the misconception that if you want to lose fat, you should do cardio and when you want to build muscle, you should lift weights. And that is not really true. Research shows that weight training is actually more beneficial for fat loss than cardio training. Not only do you burn tons of calories when lifting weights, put you also speed up your metabolic rate much more than with simple cardio. Not only will you burn calories during your workout, but many hours after your workout as well.
There are many benefits of weight training: burn calories, lose fat, become stronger, have more energy, feel better, look better, tone muscles, strengthen joint and bones. There are many different workouts you can use and if you are a beginner then it is important to get help. You can get a personal trainer to help you. It is very important to perform exercises correctly. Or if you do not have the money to hire a personal trainer, you can watch videos online and read articles to help you.
To get the most out of your workouts, and also get a cardiovascular workout as well, you can decrease your rest between sets. If you are doing leg presses, then rest 1.5 minutes max during sets. That way you will get a cardio workout as well. And you should also focus on exercise that work large muscle groups like squats, leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, bent over row, lat pulldown and so on.
So weight training for women is certainly beneficial, no matter what your goal is. The main thing is not to be afraid of using heavier weights and working hard. You can and should be using the same exercises and workouts that men are using, with some modifications. After a while you will certainly see a big difference and feel much better.
Find out how you can easily burn thigh fat and how to get rid of inner thigh fat

There’s three simple exercises that when combined, will give you total body strength. While you may not need it on the battlefield, it will definitely come in handy on the ball field. So no matter if you are an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, Take your work out to the next level.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Want Back Pain Relief – Try Muscle Stretching Exercises
January 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Dianne M. Buxton
Much back pain is from habitual poor posture either standing and often from sitting as well. Yet you can train yourself for good posture and reap many other health benefits too.
Back pain relief is possible by performing muscle stretching exercises. The source of your back pain is most likely a problem with your posture, or some kind of repetitive motion you do every day. If your pain is sharp and does resolve with rest and icing, you should definitely get checked out by a health care practitioner.
Normally, however, postural pain relief is achieved with muscle strengthening, and gentle and frequent stretches.
A huge lifestyle change is not required, this is something you will find fairly easy to do. It may be your style to simply follow along with a routine on a DVD. I don’t think this is a “woosey” approach at all.
If you’ve decided to learn at home, watch a DVD work out once through, to absorb the pace and the language used. In most cases trainers are not going to use cryptic or clinical nomenclature, but create routines that are extremely user friendly.
It is good to note, however, especially if you are shopping on line, the credentials of the trainers you choose for instruction.
Inspiration counts too! I personally enjoy work outs filmed outdoors because I do not get out to exercise enough as I would like, myself. I’m sure I am not alone in this situation. It’s good for the brain, in fact studies have shown, that persons who get to view greenery and blue sky learn faster and better than those who do not.
(It makes no difference whether they work next to a window and can view the outdoors, or whether they hang a picture in their office.)
Any work out you pick will probably need to be done three times a week to be effective. Once you start, after a few weeks if you start skipping it at all, you will start to remember once again that old stiff feeling that you actually got rid of!
But that is a good sign….your body has changed its perception of ‘normal’.
A whole body work out will include a warm up, and stretches that accommodate your upper back (neck, shoulders, arms, chest), and your mid and low back too.
Back tension pain is not an isolated condition. Visit us and get back pain relief with MUSCLE STRETCHING EXERCISES.
Thigh Exercises For Women Who Want To Slim Down
Many women struggle to keep weight of their thighs and bum and this is because we are simply genetically disposed to store fat in these areas. When it comes to the size of your thighs, factors such as genetics, metabolism and your level of physical activity will all play an integral role. It can be quite hard to tone such a specific part of your body but there are some very effective exercises that you can do and combined with a healthy plan you will be well on your way to slimmer, toned thighs!
To achieve thighs to be proud of then you first need to know how your thighs work. The thigh muscles are divided into four main groups- the quadriceps, biceps femoris, leg adductors and leg abductors. If you want to make a difference to the size and shape of your thighs then you need to work on these key muscles. In general, aerobic exercise such as walking or swimming works the best on thighs.
If you walk at a brisk pace for 20-50 minutes on a regular basis then you are sure to start to notice a difference to the shape of your thighs. Swimming tones the whole body but can be great for toning the thighs.
Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to tone flabby thighs fast. Using the bike machine and treadmill can really zap flab and slim-line thighs so make sure you are including these exercises in your gym regime. Try and keep the resistance low however, otherwise you could run the risk of building up muscle and your legs becoming bulky. Weights are also great to incorporate into your regime as you can target problem areas.
The best way to lose weight and fat in general is to burn more calories that you have consumed. If you do this and combine it with thigh-specific exercises then you are sure to notice a difference in the shape of your thighs after a few weeks of work.
Cycling and skipping are great exercises for toning up thighs and don’t forget about gym equipment that has been specifically tailored to thigh muscle toning. Make the most of the leg curl and leg press machines on a regular basis and you will be well on your way to toned thighs. Anaerobic exercises such as squats and lunges can be done in the comfort of your own home without any special equipment and are really effective for toning up problem areas. Make sure you are performing all your exercises correctly to avoid injury and always consult a doctor before embarking on a new fitness regime.
Inner thighs are a real problem for many women and it can be hard to know how to target this area. A simple exercise to help tone up flabby inner thighs is to sit on the floor with a chair in front of you and put your feet either side of it and squeeze as hard as you can. Then release and repeat. This really works the inner thighs and tones the muscles.
If you follow these simple guidelines you will soon be well on your way to sleek, sexy thighs that you won’t be able to resist showing off in short skirts and fitted trousers!
For more articles like this then why not visit Article Alley.
Find More Best Way To Slim Down Thighs Articles
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Product Description
From the pages of Muscle & Fitness magazine comes Bodybuilding 101, a complete motivational how-to guide based on Robert Wolff’s immensely popular column in the world-renowned fitness magazine. Covering everything from nutrition basics, common training mistakes, and powerful mental strategies to specialized training for your body type and the 22 best machine exercises, Bodybuilding 101 appeals to men and women of all ages, from beginner to advanced fitness enthusias… More >>
Bodybuilding 101 : Everything You Need to Know to Get the Body You Want
Want To Get Fit? Get Yourself Into an Exercise Routine
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Exercise Tips
Article by Protica Research
How often have you heard someone – maybe even you – complain that they have gone on a diet, and even lost a bit of weight, but don’t think that they look any better and still don’t have a lot of energy? This is probably because even though they’ve stuck to their diet, they haven’t been exercising as well, which is extremely important if one really wants to lose weight.
If you’ve been on diets that didn’t work very well, maybe you weren’t getting enough exercise. So maybe you should try it just one more time? And this time, put a bit more effort into it and get some exercise. Create a special exercise routine for yourself, especially if you have particular areas of your body that you would like to work on.
Setting Up an Exercise Routine
If you aren’t used to exercising at all, you should start off with relatively simple exercises. Set aside a certain time period every day to do stationary exercises at home. And if you have an exercise bike or a treadmill, add it to your routine for a better cardiovascular workout, not to mention for strengthening and shaping up your legs and buttocks. You might even want to add in a few weight training exercises as well, to really get your muscles toned.
When creating your exercise routine, remember to include exercises that work all your muscles, and make sure that you’re able to do the movements properly. Don’t be too physically demanding at first, especially if you have physical limitations. You might want to find a trainer or other fitness professional to help you create your routine, especially if you are a beginner. This way, you’ll be certain that the exercises you are doing are going to benefit you and help tone up those problem areas on your body.
Make Your Exercise Routine a Part of Your Work Day
You may think that you don’t have enough time to exercise, but once you set up a routine that works for you, you should have no problem finding half an hour to an hour a day for exercising. And you can even create a routine that works around your schedule. If you’re a morning person, you can always get up an hour early to exercise. Or you can go to the gym on your lunch hour or even after work for an hour or two. If you work in an office building, instead of using the elevator, use the stairs for a great cardiovascular workout, especially if you have many flights to climb. Find ways to build exercise into your day.
One important part of your exercise routine should be stretching. You can even do this at your desk while you are at work. In fact, it’s often recommended that you take a few minutes every hour or so to do some stretches in order to avoid the risk of repetitive injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. You can do arm and back stretches while sitting in your chair, and if you have a little bit of space you can stand up and stretch out those legs.
If you’re a stay-at-home parent, there are plenty of ways to build an exercise routine into your daily activities. You can take your young children to the park in the morning and play tag and other games that involve running. Or, take your baby out for a stroll around the neighborhood. When your older kids get home from school, go out and play some basketball or soccer with them.
These are all great ways to get exercise, and because they are so much fun it won’t even seem like you’re exercising at all. You can even turn your housework into an exercise routine. Do deep knee bends and stretches while vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping. Reach high to clean windows and high shelves. Run up and down the stairs. Be creative and you will find all kinds of ways to exercise while doing housework, making it a lot more fun.
Make Good Nutrition a Part of Your Exercise Routine
But it’s not enough to exercise to lose weight. You need to follow a healthy diet too. You need to learn about nutrition, and why you need certain nutrients in your diet. For example, did you know that protein is necessary for the health, growth, and recovery of our muscles and other soft tissues, and that it provides a natural source of energy?
If you’re going to be dieting and exercising, you’ll need to make sure that you are getting plenty of low calorie, protein-rich foods in your diet to make sure your muscles are healthy and that you have enough energy to get through your day. You might even consider using protein supplements.
Do a little research and you’ll find that there are a number of different types of protein supplements available. Which one is best for you? If you’re trying to lose weight, try a low calorie liquid protein shot such as Profect, by Protica. It provides 25 grams of protein in every serving, but only has 100 calories as well as no carbohydrates, fats, or cholesterol. And Profect also provides many other vitamins and nutrients. For more information, visit the website at
About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica