The Best Creatine – How to Avoid Wasting Your Money and Buy the Best Creatine

September 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Powerlifting

Article by David J. Washington

The Best Creatine – How to Avoid Wasting Your Money and Buy the Best Creatine – Health – Fitness

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Having been used successfully for decades, creatine is one of the most proven bodybuilding supplements in existence. However, there are still many shoddy products that you would do well to avoid. The best creatine has a few specific properties that make it worth your money.

This article will explain how to pick out the best creatine product, as well as how to avoid overpriced, overhyped junk. At the end of the article, discover the best way to build muscle fast, and learn how you can build up to 40 pounds of lean mass in 6 months.

Look For Creatine Monohydrate

Believe it or not, there are many, many different types of creatine. There is cratine ethyl ester, creatine anhydrous, creatine malate, and creatine alpha-ketoglutarate to name a few. Don’t worry about all these weird names and products, though, because the best creatine is plain old creatine monohydrate.

This is the supplement that has been tested by bodybuilders, powerlifters, and strongmen for ages. All of the other fancy, new products are really just different adaptations of the same thing, and none of them are any more effective. However, the other types are more expensive.

Go For Very Low Cost

In addition to being one of the best muscle building supplements you can take, creatine is dirt cheap, or at least it should be. You should not be paying more than about 10 cents for every 5 gram serving of even the best creatine. Any more than that and you are being ripped off.

Avoid Sugar-Creatine Combinations

Combining some type of sugar with creatine for a post-workout shake can be a great way to build muscle, but it should NOT be anywhere NEARLY as expensive as most companies try to sell them. If you buy one of these fancy, pre-blended mixes, get ready to pay 10 TIMES or more per serving of creatine than you would had you just mixed them yourself.

Again, the best creatine is the most simple, proven, and cheap product. Don’t waste your time and money on the fancy products.

Supplements Are NOT The Key To Success!

Even the best creatine will do nothing to help you build muscle mass if you don’t have a good plan to follow. You need a system for your strength training, nutrition, and supplementation. Without this type of plan, you will fail miserably and wind up spending years making little to no progress.

Discover the best way to build muscle, and learn how you can gain up to 40 pounds of lean mass in 6 months at Don’t let all the bad advice and misinformation out there keep you from reaching your goals!

About the Author

David J. Washington is a competitive powerlifter who currently sits at a solid 250 pounds and has achieved a 590 squat, 315 bench, and 635 deadlift. If you found his muscle-building tips helpful, visit

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David J. Washington

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David J. Washington is a competitive powerlifter who currently sits at a solid 250 pounds and has achieved a 590 squat, 315 bench, and 635 deadlift. If you found his muscle-building tips helpful, visit

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Dumbbell Workouts: Stop Wasting Your Time And Start Getting Results!

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Eddie Lomax

Every time I see a man or women pick up a light dumbbell and perform “isolation” or “sculpting” exercises I want to pull my hair out. It’s not that there is anything wrong with these dumbbell exercises. It’s just they aren’t designed to get the results the exerciser wants or needs.

And that is a waste of valuable training time.

Let’s face it, most people have trouble setting aside time to work out as it is. When they do get themselves to the gym, or set aside part of their busy day to work out at home, the last thing they want to do is waste their time. Every minute spent training needs to count! So, stop wasting your time with those dinky weight dumbbell workouts, and start using dumbbells to their full potential.

At this point, some of you might be offended. You may believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that “isolation” dumbbell exercises and “feeling the burn” is the way to get the most out of your dumbbell workout. (Even though you’ve failed to make major changes to your body). Please, keep reading and give me a chance to change your mind.

Honestly, most people start dumbbell workouts, or any workout for that matter, because they want to change the way they look. Yes, there are health and performance benefits to a properly performed dumbbell workout. But, who are we kidding, appearance is the top motivating factor!

And, since we are being honest, most people only start to work out when their appearance gets so bad they just can’t stand it anymore. They’ve ignored the lack of muscle tone and the accumulating fat for so long they are not just out of shape, they are REALLY out of shape! They just don’t need to lose a pound or two of fat and tone up their arms. They need to lose a LOT of fat and build a LOT of muscle to make a major impact on the way they look!

So, the dumbbell workouts they perform should be designed to build muscle and burn fat, preferably in the shortest time possible. So, they pick up a 2 pound dumbbell and perform triceps kickbacks. Wrong, wrong, WRONG!

Let’s look at it this way:

A sculptor is given a 2 ton block of granite to sculpt a figure that ultimately weighs 1/2 ton. Should they:

a) Use a small pick and start to lightly tap on the block? orb) Pick up a sledgehammer and whack away most of the unneeded material?

I hoped you picked option b!

You see, when you have a lot of work to do, use the right tool for the job!

So, if your goal is to significantly change the way you look by putting on muscle and burning fat, make sure your dumbbell workouts are designed to do both. Don’t waste your time with small weights and small exercises. Dumbbells are an excellent choice for full body transformation, but only if you use them correctly!

Here are three tips for changing the way you look with dumbbell workouts:

1) Perform dumbbell exercises that recruit as many big muscle groups as possible.Dumbbell lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, presses and cleans, snatches and jerks require a lot of big muscle groups to complete the movement. Plus, using big muscle groups allows you to use heavier weights. Using more muscle with heavier weights means more muscle!

2) Perform dumbbell exercises that require a great deal of energy.Heavy grinding exercises, explosive exercises and combo matrixes require a lot of energy for completion. Expending more energy means less fat!

3) Perform dumbbell workouts in such a manner as to simultaneously build muscle, improve cardiorespiratory endurance and burn fat.Doing workouts like super sets, timed circuits and peripheral heart action training, you can make your dumbbell workouts SUPER efficient. You’ll get the most out of your training time by attacking your body on many fronts!

I hope this short article has opened your eyes to the true value of dumbbells in your quest to change the way you look. If you want to see the greatest change in appearance in the shortest period of time, leave the light weight dumbbell workouts alone, and start using dumbbell to their full potential. Following the above tips makes your dumbbell workout more effective than ever before!

Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Superior Dumbbell Workout, invites you to explore the body transforming power of proper dumbbell exercise and learn the 5 hidden secrets of dumbbell workouts.

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