Titan Water Rower Water-based Rowing Exercise Machine

April 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

Product Description
FDF-TITAN-C-12 The Titan water rower makes ingenious use of the unique physical properties of water. Just as a wave can be anything from a gentle ripple to a raging ocean surf, so too, the Titan water rower instantly adapts from a light warm-up to a fierce workout. That’s because with water the harder you exercise, the tougher it gets. The Titan water rower has been developed in collaboration with professional rowers to deliver the feel, sight and sound of real on-… More >>

Titan Water Rower Water-based Rowing Exercise Machine

How Water Aerobics Can Help Burn Calories

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Mike Nolan

More people are turning to water aerobics as a way to safely and effectively lose weight. This isn’t surprising: Not only do water aerobics provide an intense workout, they, like all exercises performed in water, place less pressure on people’s joints.

In water aerobics, students perform traditional aerobic exercises, everything from jumping jacks to running to various stretches, while in shallow water. When performing aerobic exercises in water, participants also benefit from the increased resistance that water provides. Basically, water aerobics allows participants to burn more calories in a lesser amount of time. The reason is simple: When you run in water, you’re working harder than when you run on land. Water aerobics can assist a vast array of people; however, this form of exercise is an especially good fit for anyone recovering from an injury or who finds that traditional exercises place too much strain on their bones and joints.

Because of the support provided by the water, aerobic exercises place far less stress or pressure on bones and joints than they do when participants perform them on land. People have a greater chance of hurting their ankles or knees when they perform five sets of 30 jumping jacks on land. When they do the same exercises in a pool of water, the pressure they’re placing on their ankles and knees is greatly reduced. Water aerobics is a great way for people to experience the benefits of these exercises without also suffering from the potential dangers of them. Today, most gyms or health clubs offer regularly scheduled water aerobic classes in an effort to promote a healthier lifestyle for women and men of all ages.

Participants rarely need more than the proper swimsuit, some goggles and, if desired, water shoes in order to engage in this activity. Class organizers will usually provide flotation devices, weights and any other equipment that can help participants to gain the most from their workouts and to burn unwanted calories.

Choosing the right swimsuit is a relatively easy decision. Participants should make sure that their swimsuits are comfortable and loose-fitting enough to allow for a wide range of motion. Investing in chlorine resistant swim wear is a logical choice for dedicated aerobic students. Many pools in health clubs, fitness centers and recreation areas contain extremely high levels of chlorine, so purchasing chorine resistant swim wear will allow participants to exercise in their favorite swimsuits for longer periods of time. Some students might choose plus size swimwear. It’s important for swim wear to not be overly tight so that participants are not restricted during their workouts. Further, plus size swim wear will allow participants to freely move their arms and legs as they exercise.

People aiming to lose weight and place as little stress on their bodies while doing so should try out a water aerobics class. By running, jumping and stretching against the resistance of water, people will burn more calories in less time. With all these benefits, it’s little wonder that water aerobics is becoming the weight-loss and strength-building method of choice for so many individuals.

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H2O Fitness Seattle Wooden Rower WRX-1000 Water Rowing Machine

February 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

  • Wooden rowing machine that combines best of aerobic and anaerobic exercise
  • Made of premium hand-selected, kiln-dried European beech wood
  • Hydro-Power drive system mimics “on the water” feel of genuine rowing
  • Easy-to-read oversized display with built-in heart rate receiver
  • Stores upright and out of the way; lifetime warranty on beech wood frame

Product Description
The Seattle Wooden Rower has been designed and engineered to set new standards for form & function in the Fitness Industry. It is ideal for any space and application, including healthcare facilities, health clubs & home use. We start with hand selected kiln-dried European beech wood. All of the wood we use is the same premium grade quality used by high-end furniture manufacturers. The Seattle Wooden Rower employs an innovative Hydro-Power Drive system that mimics th… More >>

H2O Fitness Seattle Wooden Rower WRX-1000 Water Rowing Machine

Water Aerobic Exercises

January 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Other than the regular advantages and benefits of helping you lose weight, aqua aerobics is also a form of exercise, which is also ideal for staying fit and cool during the summer months. It has been seen that water aerobic workout serves as an excellent way to beat the summer heat. It has been seen that water aerobics has multiple benefits and this exercise doesn’t cause any kind of stress or jerk on the joints and is extremely safe.

Hence with the help of this wonderful aquatic exercise session you can lose weight and that without straining the knees.Diagnosis All doctors have approved water aerobics exercises for different age groups and these can also be performed by people with knee problems and arthritis. Usually a session for water aerobics usually lasts for about 40-50 minutes and the basic functioning of these water exercises are similar to regular aerobic exercises.

So you would have to go through the same sessions of warm up, stretching and cooling down, like regular aerobics.

Water aerobics employs distinctive kind of physical activities and these also include rhythmic dance movements. There are various levels and stages involved in water aerobics and thus the person following these workouts can proceed from beginner’s level to the advanced stage. There are more intricate dance steps implied at the higher levels and as compared to land exercises, water exercises have a larger impact and many more advantages than the land exercises also.

It has been seen that exercises done on land are not as effective as water aerobics since the water sessions can lead to a loss of about 450 to 700 calories per hour. Also water aerobics is usually carried out in chest deep water and make use of floatation devices so even if you don’t know how to swim; there is no need to panic. Through these flotation devices you can enhance muscular endurance and improves cardiovascular fitness. It has been seen that water aerobics also helps to increase your flexibility and building strength.

Thus with the help of these exercises you can lose weight and stay fit without the risks of any kinds of injuries to the joints.Diagnosis Water buoyancy supports your weight up to 80% and the extent of this impact depends on how deep you are into water. Thus you are able to perform some of the toughest exercises in water and that without sweating out or putting any kind of strain on your body. Hence with water exercises you get toned and endured muscle mass and reduction of joint pains and help you attain a better body.

Hi, I am Sana Khan, I am a student of mbbs for more information about my work please visit at :www.Doctorinuk.com

Jogging with a noodle may sound like a silly exercise, but it is great for a water aerobics routine. Learn how to job with a noodle in this free exercise video. Expert: Shawna Zorka Bio: Shawna Zorka has been teaching water aerobics for 10 years. Filmmaker: Jason Van Vleet

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Water Aerobics Routines

January 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

he water aerobics routine from time to time is at a new health club and the nice thing about it is people do not have to be a member of water aerobic club to take the class. A water aerobic class usually has a huge range of people that attend this workout session. The class has almost as many men as women and most of the people are 40 or over. In water aerobic routine people usually warm-up by walking against the current in the lazy river and then changing directions abruptly,Diagnosis causing to feel like they are walking against a brick wall. If people have ever tried walking against the current when it has momentum, they will find that they do not get very far very quickly. Usually the whole water aerobic routine ends up laughing hysterically, but it is a great warm-up.

Next the instructor of the water aerobic introduces that aerobic portion of the workout. This is where people increase their heart rate to target workout rate. This process usually includes water walking and other exercises that can elevate the heart rate, such as jumping jacks and kicking exercises. Then comes the resistance exercises in water aerobic routine and this is where people work specific muscle groups to build muscle strength. The instructor of water aerobic likes to use swimmers noodles tied in a knot to create resistance as they are dragged through the water. People also use water belts that cause resistance and added weight for strength training. Water aerobics routines are actually the best low impact resistance workouts. Every people can benefit from these water aerobic exercises. Even if people can not swim, they can enjoy exercising in water. People can walk on the spot in waist high water but they must be sure to touch the floor with their whole foot, from heel to toe. Then they should lift their knees up high, rather than forwards and should lift their arms up to the sides to keep balanced. Jogging and sprinting on the spot in chest high water is another step of water aerobic routine. People need to push off with their toes, landing on the balls of their feet. People can use the same arm action as they would do in normal jogging, keeping fingers straight to cut the water. The water aerobic routine ends with a cool down period that involves stretching the muscles and it feels great.Diagnosis The water aerobic routine usually includes music that makes people feel motivated to move. If people have a good instructor, this can be one of the most enjoyable hours of the week. The water aerobic class offers a complete workout for anyone. There are many health clubs that offer complete workouts, making it easy for the busy person on the go to get everything they need out of one class.

Hi, I am Sana Khan, I am a student of mbbs for more information about my work please visit at :www.Doctorinuk.com

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