2010 Road Map to 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge – Week 3 Exercises

September 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Frank Marconi

2010 Road Map to 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge – Week 3 Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Ultimate ab training continues with this weeks installment of the world’s best ab exercises designed to help you progress your quest to conquer the elusive 6 pack abs workout challenge and get those lean, ripped, sculpted abs you want!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to the 12 weeks to six pack abs workout series for week 3. Hopefully by now these 10 minute ab routines have become a part of your daily routine and you are doing them on at least 3 or 4 times a week.

It is now time to step it up a notch and try and do these ab routines everyday! If you are having trouble being consistent at doing these workouts, I suggest you pick a time during the day to do them. This means everyday you do the workout at the same time. For best results, I would suggest doing them first thing in the morning. I typically do this and its great because its the first thing I do when I get up. It relaxes me and lets me think about what I need to do during the day and then sets my mind at ease as I know I have done something healthy for my body! So again, I encourage you to pick a time during the day that you are going to dedicate and set aside for yourself so that you can consistently get these workouts in. Remember, it only takes 10 minutes to complete, its going to make you feel great and its going to get you those results that you are looking for! Those results are what is going to keep you motivated to continue so get that motivation and determination and do it! Trust me, you will be happy you did at the end of these 12 weeks! Now lets get right into those ab exercises!

12 Week To Six Pack Abs Workout Series – Week 3

Exercise 1: Plate 8’s

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 8 Reps per Set

Exercise 2: Recliner Press Crunch

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 To 15 Reps Per Set

Exercise 3: Side Plank Rotations

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 Reps per Side per Set

Exercise 4: Physioball Rollouts

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & as Many Reps as You Can

Exercise 5: Physioball Skier Tuck

Sets & Reps: 2 Sets & 12 Tucks per Side per Set

Once you have finished your sets, don’t forget to drink as much water as you can. As mentioned in last week’s article, the more water you drink the better. Try to aim for between 80 to 100 ounces a day (2.5 to 3 liters). Also, hopefully you are focusing on lowering your fat intake too.

Don’t forget to do the exercises presented above with as few breaks as possible. Once you have completed the exercises, repeat the circuit again. Training in this fashion is called circuit training and will help you build your abdonminal strength and your muscular endurance and get you that healthy, lean, athletic and muscular look.

Circuit training workouts are great ways to get your body into ultimate shape but you need to be organized when you do it and it needs to have variety and you need to ensure you are switching it up on a regular basis. The reason for this is because your body adapts quickly to workouts and the best way to continually achieve results is to ensure your body is continually in a state of shock. Therefore you should strive to organize yourself and ensure your training is organized over several months with a nutritional plan to follow as well. Get a ripped, lean, athletic body is not rocket science. You just need discipline, commitment and a great circuit training workout and nutritional plan.

For a free video demonstration of the exercises presented above, please follow the link: Get Ripped Abs Workouts

For information on the ultimate circuit training workout and nutritional program, packed with over 60 workouts to help you burn fat, build muscle, get ripped and get you in the best shape of your life, please follow the link: Ultimate Workout & Nutritional Program

About the Author

Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

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Frank Marconi

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Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Eight Week Workout Program – Shaun T Insanity

July 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Shaun T Insanity is an eight week workout program designed mostly with a cardiovascular style approach though it does include strength and power training to help build lean muscle and definition.

The program starts right out of the gate with a fit test to help you determine your current physical level. You perform 8 different moves and record your repetitions. You repeat this video several times throughout the eight week workout program and then you do it once more at the very end.

Most people that try Shaun T Insanity are surprised that the warm up itself doesn’t seem like much of a warm-up, it’s more like a workout itself. Though, it’s good to have a straight forward and fast approach since this is only an eight week workout program. You won’t be standing around and just simply going through the motions.

Basically, the first month is broken into four repeat weeks where you switch out a variety of 5 DVDs and perform them in different order each week.

Then you get a one week “recovery week” to build core and balance. Then you end the eight week workout program with a final 4 weeks of MAX training which is where the real work comes in.

Month one is more about conditioning and getting your mind/ body prepared for the second half. The program will get about 15-20 minutes longer and the moves become much more challenging and fresh. I suppose with the recovery week you could almost call this a 9 week workout program but the core of the program is based on the month one and month two workouts.

The idea with Shaun T Insanity is to push as hard as humanly possible, beyond just what the body says, but more with the mind. Each workout should feel as though it’s the first time through.

Each week will get easier as you adapt so pushing harder is the only option to get better results.

Shaun T’s eight week workout program is not a joke, there is no additional equipment besides your own body, gravity, a DVD player, the eight week workout program itself, and the will to push.

Shaun T Insanity comes with a companion nutrition guide which has you pick from meals to eat 5 times a day. There really are no snacks; each meal is a decent meal with a balanced approach at nutrition.

You will need every bit of food energy you can get because Insanity will not back down; it only gets harder as the 8 weeks progress. It’s been said that some people burn between 700-1500 calories in a single workout.

Shaun T Insanity is a straight up hard core approach as an eight week workout program with a 9th week to “recover” in between. Don’t attempt this program if you are not already in decent shape, have some knee or hip issues, or have a hard time with high impact workouts.

Learn more about the eight week workout program plus find other health and fitness tips, program reviews, and other healthful information.

Related Shaun T 6 Day Slim Down Articles

Pregnancy week by week

June 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

The time period of their time to produce a fully pointless new life along with the existing world is about the precious moments which each woman aspires to make sure automobile because of their lifetime. Along with precious period is termed “Pregnant”. Every different woman has their responsibility to build the ultra-modern life they sometimes play a necessary role changing while in the women to mother. Pregnancy women should present her with baby, in body and spirit to tend the favored life for into existence. Pregnant state women should prepare their bode week by week in trying to bo a quality environment throughout the baby to nurture. You must keep a beneficial attitude and healthy emotionally and mentally. Weekly of childbearing brings them new changes and circumstances have already been usually common those pregnancy women’s.

Collectively need support plus a additional care throughout their pregnancies.

Every pregnancy women must need knowing you will discover stages of childbearing period. They’ll be done mindful of approximately the amount of time before, during, and after their pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a really demanding stage plus increased amount of higher nutritious food when. Many nutrients here is another positive role in providing safety health with the mother as well as the child. Once their pregnancy is checked consequently the result can be positive, they are going to likely manage themselves. They probably have numerous doubts and what you should ask. To take care of their questions getting conceived zone lets them in almost any their requirements. Becoming pregnant zone studies many of the shapes week by week and right form their growing baby. The world-wide-web site adds to the many guidelines to have their baby fit using a week.

Having a baby period can be a physiological overuse injury which there occurs changes and growth. These changes range from the newborn is generally created inside them for hours concerning one small ball of cells towards a wholly grown baby. While using the pregnancy week by week, each section says the developments which may add your baby’s growth. Along with your body normally takes winner adjustments las vegas nevada bankruptcy laywer baby grows. A favorite problems as well as morning sickness, vomiting and then the tiredness will occur all through the http://www.thepregnancyzone.com/”>pregnancy week by week. These complaints happen to be present various throughout the pregnancy women’s. To amass without these complaints chances are you’ll produce the eating healthily of nutritious food and vitamins presents you medical plus to overpower these sicknesses. 

Conception zone tackles the modifications occurring inside you in addition to includes the complications that you might possibly experience a few days for one pregnancy. Therefore offer you the solutions, advices and superb tips on techniques reduced these illnesses. The nutritious food and vitamins is needed birth a day-to-day baby. You will come across exercises and yoga which facilitate you to definitely possess a good healthy baby together with lets you have a very normal deliver. The exercises an individual to make reunite in the structure in addition to the yoga which will to build eliminated the mental stress. Carrying your youngsters zone provides tips for weekly of childbearing, so your supplements you’ll want to take during pregnancy. 

It gives information on pregnancy week by week for women.

Fitness Tip of Week 2 (Andrew Christian’s Almost Naked Blog-andrewchristain.com): Featuring Fitness Guru Aaron Savvy (www.aaronsavvy.com) demonstrating the latest exercises for maintaining a great body.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

How To Lose Weight In A Week Without Difficulty

March 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Dolores McLaughlin

It is never recommended to reduce weight rapidly because it might make you look like you are sick which other people can’t help but feel bad about you and you will feel awkward when they ask how you are feeling. However, there can be circumstances which can require you to lose weight quickly like an upcoming important event which you are needed. If you think that plenty of people looking at you intently, you would need to drop off some of your extra weight. If you only have a week before the celebration, you should know how to get slimmer without difficulty to avoid stressing yourself.

If you only have one week to lose weight, you force your body to use up as many calories you can and limit your food intake. In seven days’ time, you can shed 5 to 10 pounds and several inches off your belly. In that time, you will only remove the water weight in your body. It is essential that you know as many ways you for you to decrease as much weight as you can.

The first thing which you must do is drink plenty of water. Most weight loss methods would always have this because water can help you feel fuller letting your mind think for a moment that you are already full. You must avoid drinking sodas, coffee and other fruit juices and exchange it with water. For the extent of your weight loss period, you should at least increase your normal water intake. Doing this can make you go more intermittently to the restroom.

For your exercises, you can use a stationary bike. You would want to use up as many calories as you can. The more calories you burn, the more weight you decrease from your total body weight. The most comfortable way to burn fat is by riding a stationary bike. You can work away up to 1,000 calories per exercise period. Riding a bike won’t make you feel very burned out because there is no shock on your lower limbs and back. You might like to consider a recumbent exercise bike. It might be good to have your own stationary bike so that you can manage your own workout schedule.

It can be very helpful if you consume weight loss agents. Reducing weight can be easier if you take weight control supplements or slimming teas. You can also attach a weight loss patch on your body. Those elements can help hold down your desire for food helping you restrict your food consumption. Weight loss catalysts can also burn the reserved fats in your body even if you don’t do exercises. Since you are aspiring to lose weight hastily, it would be nice to get all the assistance that you can. You must be cautious with trying weight reduction catalysts because plenty of people would use up more than the normal dosage in their excitement to lose weight. You must only pick one of them.

You should also quit eating high-calorie foods. For seven days, you can handle eating low-calorie foods. Instead of eating burgers for your snacks, you should ingest apples. You don’t need to subject yourself to hunger. Lastly, you would need to move a lot. You can burn a greater amount of calories if you become more active. You don’t need to do anything else than the things that you usually do. For example, instead of taking the escalator, it will be better for you to use the staircase while you are decreasing body weight. Doing all of those procedures can generate a better-looking you in just one week. If you like the outcome, then maybe you can go on until you arrive at your proper weight range.

There are many sources out there trying to come up with most effective weight loss solution. If you want to know more information about how to lose weight in a week, then you should go to our fast ways to lose weight in a week website.

I have been writing health articles for several years now and is looking forward to writing more useful articles.

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4 Week Get in Shape Plan for 2009

March 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Todd Raymer

If you are a little rounder and a little softer than you were last year, now’s the time to shape up for 2009.

You can lose those pounds and get those muscles back into shape for summer sports. Here’s how to start:

Week One

* Drink a glass of water before meals. Proper water intake is a key to weight loss, according to the Southwest Bariatric Nutrition Center in Scottsdale, Ariz.

* Try eating four to six small, healthful meals a day. It boosts metabolism so you burn more calories.

* Start a food-and-exercise diary. See the facts about what you actually eat. When shopping, check food labels for fat content.

* Get moving if only for five or ten minutes a day. Walk, ride a bike, dance to the music, but move.

Week Two

* Make fresh fruits and vegetables convenient and inviting. Prepare them in advance for snacks.

* Skip all finger foods other than fruits and vegetables. Focus on your lifestyle changes.

* Don’t be frustrated by only small weight losses. Set small goals like ten or fifteen pounds in three months.

Week Three

* Set a goal of keeping fat grams down and going to the gym three times a week. The director of Doral Resort and Spa says if you accomplish this, your goals will be reached.

* Be 90 percent good with your healthful diet. Doctors at Duke University Diet & Fitness Center say no food is forbidden. Quantity counts.

* Buy a food scale and learn what portion sizes really are.

Week Four

* Exercise while you watch TV. Use hand weights, ride a stationary bike, or do floor exercises.

* Exercise for 30 minutes four times a week.

* Combine aerobic exercises and weight training. Do 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise plus 15 minutes of weight training for maximum weight loss and muscle gain.

Learn more about Health and Nutrition from Viva Vitality brought to you by GBG Vitality proud distributors of GBG Health and Wellness products.


Viva Vitality is brought to you by GBG Vitality I am one of the publishers of health and wellness information

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How to Run Faster in 1 Week!

March 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Bob Brown

How to run faster, that is an issue that has been around forever. People have gone to great lengths in order to get faster such as weight training, running, and unfortunately performance enhancing drugs. Knowing how to run faster is actually more important than the process because one cannot do the process until they understand what they are going to put their body, mind, and heart through.

Many people choose to go to the track and run in hopes of getting faster. Many people choose to go into the weight room in hopes of getting faster. But unfortunately, not only do these people have little direction as far as these methods go, but they are unaware that they are actually programming their bodies to work slower.

Think of a time you have gone to run sprints. You ran the first sprint as hard as you could. Then you ran the second sprint as hard as you could but it was not as fast as the first. Finally, by the time you had finished your third sprint, you were completely winded. The following sprints saw a decrease in speed little by little each sprint, and you began the process of teaching your body to move slower. Why you might ask? The truth is unless you are training maximally, you are getting slower. The more sprints you attempt to run, the slower you are getting. Let’s look at the weight room now. Most people go in the weight room and plan on doing squats or leg press for the lower body. Those are great ideas, but the way 99.9% of people apply those exercises makes them slower. Let’s look at an example. Athlete A is planning on doing squats, three sets of eight repetitions; he does a warm up set and is ready to go. Athlete A chooses a light weight for the first set, builds up weight the second set, and finally is using some heavier weight for the third set. The last few repetitions of the third set were challenging for athlete A and he feels he completed a great lower body workout. But what did athlete A really do? He made himself slower. The only repetitions that were remotely challenging for athlete A were the last few repetitions of the last set! He wasted around twenty repetitions, and because he was not working maximally, those twenty reps really served as a way to make his body slower.

Truly knowing and understanding how to run faster means working from the inside out. You must program your nervous system to go fast with an output of 100% all the time. Although this looks complicated, there is an easy fix to these issues. Using isometrics in the proper position CAN make you faster in as little as one week. Isometrics allow you to always work maximally and always give your 100% effort over and over again. If you perform isometrics correctly within the proper running position for five minutes the outcome will be similar to doing five full minutes of sprinting; imagine what that could do! That is the reason you can see drastic results in as little as one week! To find out more about exercises and routines to get faster using isometrics go to http://how-to-run-fast.com. Good Luck!

Bob Brown is a fitness expert who focuses mainly on speed training and speed development of athletes of all ages. Bob Brown has become known in the speed training world after his ebook “How to Run Faster in 1 Week” hit the market. For more information on speed training or the ebook go to How to Run Faster

More How To Run Faster Articles

How to Run Faster and Longer in 1 Week!

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Bob Brown

“How to run faster and longer,” that’s a double whammy! The individuals that ask this question would clearly like to not only run faster, but also run longer! In my opinion, these individuals would like to improve at running longer distances. They feel as if they could run faster AND longer they would get the benefit of killing two birds with one stone. If they could accomplish both, they most certainly would!

So the next question would be “how?” Most would tell you to either go run sprints or go for a jog. But time and time again, the individuals that train these ways do not get the results they desire; in fact most see their times go up rather than down. Why you might ask? The answer is very simple, “you are either getting faster or slower!”

Let’s take both examples and apply them to the idea that you are either getting faster or slower. If one were to attempt to get faster by running sprints, they would simply go to the track and run sprints! The first sprint would go great, the seconds would go not as great, and the third would go not great at all. By the end of the third sprint most people would be completely exhausted. But because they are strong-willed people, they push through the pain and keep running because they want to achieve their goal. But after the first or maybe second sprint, they are running nowhere near their maximum levels. They are running slower and slower each sprint. If we were to ask ourselves, are we getting faster or slower, we would have to agree we are getting slower because we are not always working maximally. Now lets look at distance running. I’m sure by now you can apply this to our ultimate idea, but let’s look into it anyway. You go out, jog a mile, do it the next day, and the next day, and the next day. Each day you go out hoping to go further or longer than the previous. But that does not happen. Again, you are not training your body maximally because it is literally impossible to run as hard as you can for a full mile, so you are getting slower.

Fortunately for us, there is a very simple answer to all of this. We need to train from the inside out. We need to train our body to work maximally! We must train our nervous system! But it is impossible to run as hard as we can over and over again, right? Correct, but we can mimic that running motion over and over again through an exercise known as isometrics. These exercises are where you hold a certain position and contract certain muscles as hard as you can for an extended period of time. So what if we could do this in the running position? We certainly can!

To find out exactly how to run faster and longer in as little as one week go to http://how-to-run-fast.com. Good Luck!

Bob Brown is a fitness expert who focuses mainly on speed training and speed development of athletes of all ages. Bob Brown has become known in the speed training world after his ebook “How to Run Faster in 1 Week” hit the market. For more information on speed training or the ebook go to How to Run Faster

U.S. Marine Training – Week 2. Combat Training.

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by M. A. Coates

Week two of boot camp finally allows recruits to do what they have been wanting to do since they got off the bus at Parris Island – hit somebody!!

By now, the initial shock of the first week of Marine boot camp has usually passed; the real training of the Marine recruits begins. For two weeks the Drill Instructors (DI

Pregnancy week by week

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

The time period of their time to produce a fully pointless new life along with the existing world is about the precious moments which each woman aspires to make sure automobile because of their lifetime. Along with precious period is termed “Pregnant”. Every different woman has their responsibility to build the ultra-modern life they sometimes play a necessary role changing while in the women to mother. Pregnancy women should present her with baby, in body and spirit to tend the favored life for into existence. Pregnant state women should prepare their bode week by week in trying to bo a quality environment throughout the baby to nurture. You must keep a beneficial attitude and healthy emotionally and mentally. Weekly of childbearing brings them new changes and circumstances have already been usually common those pregnancy women’s.

Collectively need support plus a additional care throughout their pregnancies.

Every pregnancy women must need knowing you will discover stages of childbearing period. They’ll be done mindful of approximately the amount of time before, during, and after their pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a really demanding stage plus increased amount of higher nutritious food when. Many nutrients here is another positive role in providing safety health with the mother as well as the child. Once their pregnancy is checked consequently the result can be positive, they are going to likely manage themselves. They probably have numerous doubts and what you should ask. To take care of their questions getting conceived zone lets them in almost any their requirements. Becoming pregnant zone studies many of the shapes week by week and right form their growing baby.

The world-wide-web site adds to the many guidelines to have their baby fit using a week.

Having a baby period can be a physiological overuse injury which there occurs changes and growth. These changes range from the newborn is generally created inside them for hours concerning one small ball of cells towards a wholly grown baby. While using the pregnancy week by week, each section says the developments which may add your baby’s growth. Along with your body normally takes winner adjustments las vegas nevada bankruptcy laywer baby grows. A favorite problems as well as morning sickness, vomiting and then the tiredness will occur all through the http://www.thepregnancyzone.com/”>pregnancy week by week. These complaints happen to be present various throughout the pregnancy women’s. To amass without these complaints chances are you’ll produce the eating healthily of nutritious food and vitamins presents you medical plus to overpower these sicknesses. 

Conception zone tackles the modifications occurring inside you in addition to includes the complications that you might possibly experience a few days for one pregnancy. Therefore offer you the solutions, advices and superb tips on techniques reduced these illnesses. The nutritious food and vitamins is needed birth a day-to-day baby. You will come across exercises and yoga which facilitate you to definitely possess a good healthy baby together with lets you have a very normal deliver. The exercises an individual to make reunite in the structure in addition to the yoga which will to build eliminated the mental stress. Carrying your youngsters zone provides tips for weekly of childbearing, so your supplements you’ll want to take during pregnancy. 

It gives information on pregnancy week by week for women.

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