7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

January 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Step-By-Step Guide To Packing on 10 Pounds of Full, Lean Muscle In Under Two Months—Following a Simple, Healthy and Highly Effective Workout and Nutrition Program

Getting fit is tough, but taking off fat while packing on 10 pounds of muscle? That can be the ultimate challenge. And the truth is, getting a full, ripped physique is a lot more than just hitting the gym once in a while. Putting on and maintaining muscle mass is all about eating right, wor… More >>

7 Weeks to 10 Pounds of Muscle: The Complete Day-by-Day Program to Pack on Lean, Healthy Muscle Mass

Lose Weight The Vegetarian Way in 2 Weeks

July 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Laura Ng

Lose Weight The Vegetarian Way in 2 Weeks – Health – Weight Loss

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Vegetarians nowadays are growing in size at the waist. Fret not, I’ll show you how to lose weight the vegetarian way in 2 weeks or less. But I’m not saying that you can slim down from 200 pounds to 140 pounds in just that 14 days. That’s way too drastic and unnatural for your body to take it. What you’ll discover are practical, proven tactics that’ll help you shed pounds on a natural pace healthily and safely without any side effects.

1. Natural Helps Weight Loss

Refined vegetarian foods are too convenient for fillers. But they do nothing to help boost metabolism. Instead, these high-sodium, high-sugar and high-fat vegetarian foods can slow down your metabolic rate, drain your energy and wreck your vegetarian diet plan. Not just these 2 weeks you must steer clear of them, but forever. Switch to more natural, wholesome choices. You’ll lose weight the vegetarian way automatically.

2. More Vegetarian Meals Burn Fat

You get optimal metabolism when you break up your 3 regular meals into 5 smaller meals. The logic behind eating smaller meals at 2 – 3 hours interval is that your metabolic rate will stay active over longer duration. You won’t get too full on each meal, but yet you won’t feel hungry so easily. When you starve, your metabolism will slow down, and you’ll burn less fat. Hence, eat more meals to burn more fat.

3. Prepare Your Meals

Why leave your health in other people’s hands? You can’t really control what they put inside the vegetarian meals but you can definitely have full control over the ingredients if you were to prepare the meals yourself. Agree? Go google some good vegetarian / vegan recipes which show you how to whip up yummy dishes in 20 minutes or less.

You can also prepare ahead of time. Like on Sunday, make 3 – 4 dishes that you can bake, steam, chop, boil, etc. and get it all done in 1 – 2 hours. Like a food factory in your kitchen. Then you have food for 3 – 4 days (you save time in the next 3 – 4 days). Put all your meals for the day in containers in the morning and off you go.

4. Change Your Recipes

I can’t believe anyone can stick to the same old recipe for the entire 2 weeks. You’re going to get deprived in nutrients, and your body will hit weight loss plateau easily, which happens to many vegetarians. Food varieties provide freshness to your body cells and help to stimulate metabolism. Perhaps new recipe every day is a bit challenging. Then change your recipe in every 2 – 3 days, and swap the meals.

5. Drink Water to Stimulate Metabolism

Soup, fruit juice or green tea already contributes some amount of water in your body, so you may not need to drink too much water. When weather turns cool, you may need only 5 glasses of water per day.

Take reference from your urine color. Yellow shows that you need to increase your water intake. Very pale yellow or clear means you have enough water. As a safety measure for optimal hydration, spread out your water consumption throughout the day instead of consuming 1 – 2 glasses at a time every few hours. This helps your body to absorb water better and increase your metabolic rate optimally.

I’ve just shared with you on how to lose weight the vegetarian style by changing the way you eat. However, you should not ignore the facts that getting enough quality sleep, doing regular exercises and keeping yourself stress-free will make your weight loss more effective. You should see apparent results in 14 days.

About the Author

Laura Ng shows you how to effectively lose weight the vegetarian way with her proven vegetarian weight loss meal plan (FREE) at iNotFat.com. When you apply her tried-and-true techniques and whip up the nutrient-dense, delicious fat loss recipes inside the program, you’ll improve your health, get more energy and lose your excess fat without suffering loose skin and weight rebound.

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Laura Ng

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Laura Ng shows you how to effectively lose weight the vegetarian way with her proven vegetarian weight loss meal plan (FREE) at iNotFat.com. When you apply her tried-and-true techniques and whip up the nutrient-dense, delicious fat loss recipes inside the program, you’ll improve your health, get more energy and lose your excess fat without suffering loose skin and weight rebound.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

conquerweightloss.info – Mad way to lose weight fast in 2 weeks and keep losing weight fast for weeks to follow. But, do not go to the website if you don’t want to lose fat fast and become attractive and healthy THE EASY WAY!

Flirty Girl Fitness – How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks

June 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Chris Fenton

Flirty Girl Fitness – How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks – Health

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Are you stressed out because in less than a month you need to be well prepared for one of the most important events of your life – your wedding day? Are you stressed out because you think you will look unhealthy and unattractive on your wedding day because you feel that you don’t have the fit body that will make you look more beautiful than ever? Worry no more because you will absolutely look healthier and stunnig on the most important day of your life. Here are some tips on how to get in shape in 2 weeks so that you will be more than ready for the day that you have been waiting for:Click Here For Flirty Girl Fitness Limited Free Trial!Tip # 1: Follow A Strict DietYou must think that losing weight in only two weeks could be a little less impossible. However, you nee to keep in mind that no matter how long or short the time that you have if you are not well disciplined and you don’t follow a strict diet plan, nothing will happen. Keep in mind that it’s a must to follow a strict diet plan in order to lose weight and become healthy in just two weeks.Tip # 2: Exercise For 30-45 Minutes EverydayIf you want to know how to get in shape in 2 weeks, you must also know the different types of exercises that can help you burn fat and lose pounds. Remember that there are tons of exercises and you must only choose the ones that can really help you lose weight. Research more about this and you will surely find what you’re looking for.Tip # 3: Consider Using Weight Loss ProductsSince you only have less than a month to prepare and become healthy, it’s recommended that you try using different weight loss products to help you lose weight. Try to google some of the products that can be easily ordered online and you will be really surprised that in just a week or two, you will surely lose weight and become healthier than ever.These are just some of the tips you need to follow if you really want to know how to get in shape in 2 weeks. You will absolutely become more than ready for your wedding day because these tips will really make you look healthier and stunning than ever. Good luck and more power to you!Click Here For Flirty Girl Fitness Limited Free Trial!

About the Author

This author writes about Easy Ways To Lose Weight At Home at How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks

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Chris Fenton

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This author writes about Easy Ways To Lose Weight At Home at How To Get In Shape In 2 Weeks

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

How To Gain Muscle Quickly And Get Ripped In Weeks?

May 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Pierce Pope

People who dream about having a chiseled body always think about How to Gain Muscle in a short span of time. To gain muscle quickly the first step is to get pumped up about your desired goal so that you do not experience a lack of enthusiasm when you embark on the physical process to gain muscle quickly. Many people start to exercise rigorously for the first couple of days to gain muscle quickly, but after that they tend to get tired or feel turned down in the dream task and leave without acquiring any type of genuine results. You need to encourage yourself during these hard workout sessions, so that you can be surrounded by a positive energy. It’s all in your mind.To gain muscle quickly, it is also important to provide your body with a safe muscle gaining supplement. Without the combination of a workout regime and a powerful scientifically formulated supplement, then it will be very hard for you to get results. Rippling muscles is desired by almost everybody. But the only reason that many people do not want to engage themselves in different programs in how to get ripped is because they feel that it is going to be a tough task and they do not have the energy to pull off those kinds of rigorous exercises. But you do not need to worry about these kinds of issues because you can get ripped now by using NitroCut supplement. These supplements can help you to gain muscle quickly and you can also get ripped now. By taking Nitrocut supplement your body will have the right amount of energy that is required to carry out the exercises and workouts necessary to get ripped now. NitroCut supplements can solve your question on how to get ripped. If you are not using NitroCut supplements then it can take a long time to get ripped muscles as the body is not equipped to produce that amount of nitric oxide necessary for such tasks. So many people who are exercising without the support of NitroCut supplements have experienced less desired results even after going through hard workout regimes for several months. You can get ripped now by incorporating the right kind of exercises, a good diet and NitroCut supplements. Through the aid of NitroCut you can gain muscle quickly and get ripped in just a matter of few weeks.

You need to consume L-arginine Bodybuilding supplements to enhance the level of nitric oxide in the body. Consider Nitrocut supplement togain muscle quickly.

Weight Loss With Spicy Food – Can You Boost Metabolism With Spicy Foods and Get In Shape In 4 Weeks

March 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by donald brewer

Diabetes as a word was borrowed from the Greek word meaning ‘a siphon’ 2nd century A.D Greek physician called Aretus the Cappadocian was the first to use it to represent a disease condition in a patient to passed urine excessively a medical term called ‘polyuria’. Diabetes as a disease poses so much life threats to human it has gained so much attention by the world it has created awareness world wide. It spans through continents gender and different ages.10000 steps a day helps you lose weight and also prevent nutrition cardiovascular and lung diseases. And based on this magic number is the booming success that pedometers enjoy nowadays. Pedometers are the small devices that placed on your belt wrist or in your belt measure the number of steps you have taken during the day. Pretty cool.

Everyone who is frustrated with their weight has thought at one time or another that they will just not eat anymore until the weight is lost. Starvation is very different than fasting for weight loss. A starvation diet simply eliminates all food and nutrition until the weight is gone but a fast stresses the importance of good health and properly supplying the body with nutrition while on the fast.Have you been thinking about getting liposuction but you’re just not sure if the procedure is right for you? There are non-surgical liposuction procedures that might be able to provide the treatments that you’re looking for. Read on to learn more about these amazing advances in cosmetic surgery!

Is it really possible to lose weight and keep it off? Absolutely. However creating long-term weight loss success requires implementing some basic tried-and-true principles. Here are three simple but extremely powerful pointers that open the gates to your dreams. Do not let the simplicity of these suggestions fool you. Follow these three steps and you are on your way to a thinner happier you!If you want to drop your weight and keep on doing it then there are many methods to do it. Some people follow the conservative method and lose weight slowly and steadily. Others are in a hurry and try out all the latest types of fads and diet programs available in the market. Still many others try weight reduction through rigorous exercise regimen. How would you like to lower your weight?

Nowadays it seems like everything has gone online – including weight loss programs! Sparkpeople is just one of the many online forums dedicated to weight loss plans – encompassing resources for motivation support and goal-setting. Some may also argue that it is one of the best online resources for weight loss help especially after being named as ‘Best Health Website’ from 2006-2008 by Business Weekly. And believe it or not Sparkpeople is completely free to anyone who was an Internet connection! It’s a wonder how Oolong Tea Weight Loss brings amazing results without any real effort. Just sipping two cups or so a day and you see the magic of this tea. It is really difficult to believe how a simple cup of tea works wonders. You will surely believe if you try it yourself.

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Reasons why people gain weight. Both a survey of reasons from people and professionals. Who is really to blame for being over weight? Online prescription weight loss products are becoming rampant today. The internet has evolved to become not just a powerful source of information but also a cyber market for different products including weight loss pills. But how safe are weight loss prescription products sold online?

These are the best 2 vitamins for weight loss. If you aren’t using them you’re losing out! Typically weight loss pills work with the premise of promising you a way to lose weight yet how do we decide which one works and which does not? How do we differentiate between the good and the bad? The reputable ones from the bogus ones? What determines the decision?

What can a detox cleansing diet do for you? With all of the stress that many of us are facing each day – you know trying to pay the mortgage buy food for our families and put expensive gas in the car – it is no wonder that we feel overwhelmed and find ourselves turning to food at the end of our busy days to try and relieve our anxiety. Weight loss injections are rapidly becoming the most popular mode of eliminating body fats. The HCG hormone injection is one of the first.

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How To Build Muscle Fast And Get Ripped In Weeks With Nitric Oxide Suppement?

March 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Pierce Pope 23

Most of us have come across advertisements of products which claim to build muscle fast and also help you get ripped in just a few weeks. Many people believe these advertisement claims are actually true, but when they try the product, they are not able to gain muscle quickly. The reason behind this is largely because of the fact that not all the muscle growth supplements can produce results which can equate to build muscle fast.

After thorough research it has been found that some muscle growth supplements are complete scams and they do not help to build muscle fast. At this point you might think about how to build muscle with the aid of muscle growth supplements if most of them do not have the capacity to produce results. Now you don’t have to worry because a premium product called Nitrocut muscle growth supplement can help you gain muscle quickly as it’s been used by many people and this product has received great feedback for its quality ingredients. If you want to know how to build muscle fast then you must select a best product like Nitrocut muscle growth supplements so that you can build muscle fast without the fear of getting scammed in free trials.

In order to differentiate between the different muscle growth supplements you need to research some of their benefits to find out whether they will be able to help you to build muscle fast. If some muscle growth supplements promise that you will gain muscle quickly without going through any exercise regime, then you should be alert as the growth muscle supplements cannot do all the work required to build muscle fast if a person does not exercise or workout. So you can be sure that these types of muscle growth supplements don’t function properly and they are least likely to give you results. The price of muscle growth supplements can help you to judge whether the product has the capacity to build muscle fast. If the price of the muscle growth supplements is too high, then you must get the hint that you should not waste your money and energy on such muscle growth supplements. Nitrocut muscle growth supplements have a good reputation in the market and hence people use it in the process for how to build muscle fast.

You need to consume L-arginine Bodybuilding supplements to enhance the level of nitric oxide in the body. Consider Nitrocut supplement for best muscle building results.

Find More How To Build Muscle Fast Articles

Best abdominals workout for Men-I got Six Pack Abs in two Weeks!

February 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Benny Neglio

I’m going to show you today how I got six pack abs in 2 weeks and why I consider this the best ab workout for men, period!

in order for us men to get a 6 pack, we have to understand that men’s exercises for six pack abdominals alter totally from women’s in terms of capability and capacity.

There are too many folks who treat their intestinal workout as if the ab muscles are totally different from any other muscle grouping in the body. They’ll do their chest workout and triceps only once per week yet insist on doing their abdominal workout routine every day!

Why? I ask. What about the muscle-bound make up of the ab muscles are dissimilar than the chest, leg or any other muscles on the body?

Any muscle that goes through a comprehensive workout needs recovery time. A period of time ( usually days ) where the muscles can reconstruct themselves into stronger muscles. This is why, to me, it makes almost no sense to do abs exercise programmes each day.

This ab workout routine can be done by girls, easily! The single thing is, I have spotted from my experiences in the gymnasium that men have a deeper understanding of the functioning and the way to engage their muscles over ladies. This makes men need greater challenges, such as weight resistance, to excite their muscles.

Most women achieve success in doing regular, body weight 6 pack ab exercises where as men, being naturally stronger, have to seek more challenging workouts.

This routine I am about to explain to you helped me get six pack abs in 2 weeks only. I’d generally do it Monday and friday to allow for the most time between according to my timetable.

The Best Ab Workout for Men must be Done in UNDER 10 mins!

Most people will generally not be well placed to do it under 10 minutes the 1st time but they should actually try. After reading this, you will see why this is the best ab workout for men!

Jack Knives ( twelve reps ) – Lie on back with arms straight out overhead with legs straight and toes pointing away from the body. Raise legs and shoulders in an effort to touch the toes all while lifting the bum. The, concurrently bring the legs and shoulders back to the ground to finish one rep.

Window Wipers ( eighteen reps ) -Lie on the back with arms straight out on the side, palms down on the ground. Raise legs together straight so they are vertical to the ground. Slowly lower the legs to the left till they’re about 2 inches from the ground and then repeat to the right.

Leg hugs ( 15 reps ) – lie flat on back with the legs straight and toes pointed away from the body. Bend knees while trying to bring them to the chest and cuddle the knees when they reach chest. Hold for 2 seconds and return to beginning position to finish one rep.

Weighted sit ups ( twenty reps ) -I have a machine at my gymnasium which enables me to add big quantities of resistance to my abdominals workout ( 100+ pounds ) but when I do my ab workout routine at home, I will simply wear either a forty lb weighted vest or put a twenty-five lb weight on my chest and perform the sit ups.

Sicilian Sit ups ( fifteen reps ) -Perform sit ups as standard but when the apex of the sit up is reached, extend arms over head just like was done with the Jack Knives. Do not forget to keep the back straight and the ab muscles tight. This is a great lower abs exercise!

Russian Twists a la BoxingTips.net ( twenty reps ) – Start in the top position of an ordinary sit up. Interlock fingers and extend arms in front of body in order that they make a circle. Twist at the waist from left to right while keeping those 6 pack abdominals tight! Once to the left and once to the right represents one rep.

Weighted Crunches ( 35 reps ) -Hold a twenty-five pound weight in hands with arms extended straight out so that the weight is level with the ground. Perform a crunch ( half a sit up ).

Remember, if you’ve got gut fat, you might want to get shot of it first. If that gut fat isn’t burned, the muscles being built up by this ab workout routine will only push out the tummy more giving a rather more related lager belly.

You’ve just learned some starting exercises to get 6-pack abs. Wouldn’t you like to learn the whole get six pack abs

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Learn how to Slim down In Two Weeks

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by James Dilivio

A simple weight loss diet regime lets a person to go along with it continually since there are not a lot of complexities. It is also an ideal way to achieve a healthier and improved lifestyle. The diet plan usually requires one to be focused to the ultimate target. The diet program is usually formulated to require a couple adjustments in dietary habits and looking for professional assistance dependent on age, wellness and gender. It will, however, be helpful to set short-term objectives, as obvious results will help anyone to be encouraged to stay on the diet regime for some more time.

Simple weight loss diets are usually created by including a nourishing meal plan as well as basic and easy to do workout routines. Here are a few great suggestions for a highly effective fat loss diet.

1. Drink plenty of normal water. Drinking water is a vital element in any diet plan. Water isn’t only stimulating the entire body but also assists in attaining weight loss. Additionally, it allows the entire body to directly eliminate toxins and the excessive fat within the entire body. It’s a good idea to drink 8-10 glasses of water on a daily basis as it helps to obtain the desired benefits.

2. Stay away from sweet, fatty, high calories, or junk food. It’s wise to stay away from greasy and processed foods like ice cream, chocolates, pizzas, cheese burgers, fries, and chips as these are rich in calories. These foods don’t have any dietary advantages and are certainly not beneficial for your wellness. It would be much better to replace this kind of fatty products with wholesome and nutritious foods that are lower in calories.

3. Eat less and at exact time frames. It’s very useful to consume meals in smaller portions at regular intervals instead of simply having large meals 2-3 times per day. This is not solely uses up extra fat but in addition aids in digestion, reduces cravings and increases the metabolism.

4. Get regular exercise|Work out everyday. This is very much needed to lose bodyweight as well as to improve overall health. Aside from weight reduction, regular and easy exercises help to improve strength and stamina, enhance body overall flexibility, build up a good mind set and decrease concerns and stress.

5. Get an acceptable amount of sleep. Going to sleep, despite the fact that’s effortless, is an important factor of any weight loss program. It’s believed that a sleep disorder raises hunger levels to a great level, which results in eating too much. It is necessary to sleep at night for about 8 hours per day; this helps to keep up a normal balance of the lepton level and assists in weight loss.

6. Take advantage of targeted nutritionary supplements. There are actually various natural supplements for sale in health food stores that help in reducing weight. These products also usually tend to avoid serious diseases and early aging. It is, nevertheless, advised to check with a doctor prior to making use of these supplements.

Constantly try and have some proteins with your meals simply because it will produce a perception of satiety. Awesome origins of health proteins consist of skinless poultry breast, turkey meat, tuna, slim slashes of steak, eggs, broccoli, soy, plus protein drinks.

Creating a simple weight loss diet regime demands some planning and an active life style to reduce excess fat and maintain a healthier and slim body.

Fast and healthy weight loss is possible is you are utilizing the right methods or pills. Read this Phen375 review to find out more most popular fat burning products.