Finding the Right Weight Training Shoes

June 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Avern

Finding the Right Weight Training Shoes – Shopping – Clothing

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Wearing the right weight training shoes is as important as wearing loose clothing, especially if you’re working with free weights. Trying to life in the wrong pair of shoes is like trying to stand on a balloon while you do your weight training. The right pair of weight training shoes should allow you to lift as much weight as possible by maximizing the energy between the bar and the ground.

Shoes with gel or air may be great for avoiding the impact shocks of running, but they’ll dissolve the force you want to use against the floor to move your weights. The right weight training shoes will help you lift as much weight as you can. The wrong shoes will have the opposite effect.

What Makes a Good Weight Training Shoe? You need to be able to control the weight while standing during your workout. Shoes that put soft or compressible padding between your feet and the floor will create imbalances and give you inconsistent results. Good weight training shoes will give you a stable base for balance and stability while you’re lifting heavy weights.

Until the mid-70s, weight lifters used combat boots because they provided the right support. Today, dependable weight training shoes should fit snug, provide outstanding support, and have a non-compressible wedge sole with crepe or neoprene for traction. You’ll also want to look for laces that go all the way to the toe and an adjustable strap in the metatarsal area. The laces will let you adjust for foot width, and the strap will give better lateral support.

If you use weight training machines, you may not get the all benefits of good weight training shoes because the equipment doesn’t have the same requirements for balance and technique that you find with free weights.

Where Can I Find the Right Weight Training Shoe? Today, there is several weight training shoes on the market that work well. Adidas is the pioneer in the area. Prices range from $ 100 for the older brands to $ 170 for Adidas’ best.

Cheerwholesale has been doing shoe business for over 8 years now, we sell almost all kinds of sports shoes and casual shoes, such as Nike, Adidas, Timberland, DG and so on. We suggest you place a small trial order first and we are sure you can get the best quality shoes fast. Our website is: (Online Livechat)

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Avern is a sales in an online cheap China wholesale shoes, clothing, handbags company:

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Avern is a sales in an online cheap China wholesale shoes, clothing, handbags company:

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How to Lose Weight Fast- With Getting Ripped Off

June 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Keri Hartman

How to Lose Weight Fast- With Getting Ripped Off – Self Help

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If you just cannot lose weight very rapidly, don’t feel bad. Lots of other people are just like you. Statistics show that out of all the people that try, only 5% can keep weight off. But you will be glad to hear that the blame doesn’t fall on you. The most likely reason you cannot lose weight quickly is that you are going about it the wrong way by buying a diet or weight loss product. I know the people that sell diet and weight loss products don’t want to hear this, but here’s the truth: No diet or weight loss product is proven to work over the long term for quick weight loss. When you see a sales pitch to lose your belly or body fat fast, the pitch is basically this: Just spend some MONEY on our product, and IT will rapidly lose the weight for you. The bad news is, there just one little problem with that. Millions of people blowing through billions of dollars have proven diet and weight loss products don’t work for fast weight loss. Skeptical about that? The CDC reports that 2 out of 3 Americns are overweight or obese while spending over 50 billion annually on diet and weight loss products.Why can’t diet products work for fast weight loss? It’s because they are either a total scam: Pill, herb, tea, patch, etc.- or a temporary fix -liposuction, diet plan, diet foods, etc. It goes without saying the pills and herbs don’t work fast because they are scams that don’t do a thing. However, why can’t diets or diet programs help poeple that just can’t seem to lose weight fast?Here’s the truth you’ll never hear from someone that wants to sell you a diet product:Anything will work, IF if makes you have a daily calorie deficit. Eventually, nearly everyone gets tired of using or spending money on that diet product- and they go right back to the same foods or habits that made them gain weight in the first place. Basically, you are using some kind of special tool to create a calorie deficit for you. When you take away the tool, you take away the calorie deficit. This is why nothing works for fast and permanent weight loss other than taking no fail heath and fitness principals- and adapting them to fit your life. Permanently and rapidly dropping off the weight you no longer want is actually much simplier that your know. It when you get sucked into buying a useless lose weight fast scam that makes you think you cannot lose weight. It’s when you try workouts that are too hard for you, or when you try to eat foods you don’t normally eat that makes you think that it’s not worth the effort to lose weight. But trust what I’m telling you here: Taking a few short weeks out of your life and discovering how to fit what never fails into your life IS worth it. I guarantee you that’s it’s worth far more than you can even begin to imagine.Transforming your body, life, and future will never come in the form of a diet, pill, or weight loss product. It’s in what you choose to do everyday. So don’t think you cannot learn how to lose weight fast, you can. All it takes is some honest information and action on your part.Today could be the day you change the future into what you want it to. Get started while there’s still time. How to Lose Weight Fast- Thuth Revealed

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I write about honeslt health, fitness, and weight loss solutions

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Weight Lifting Workouts That Work

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

If you are serious into weight lifting, then you would not want to waste your time, doing workouts that are not beneficial for your body. Often times people waste a lot of time in the gym, doing some unnecessary exercises and routines that have little or no effect to their body. That is why it is important to find weight lifting workouts that work.

In this article I will not be giving you an exact template of what exercises to do, but rather some tips and advice I usually give my other clients. These would involve some techniques and a little science.

The first advice I would give is to not stick to one particular workout. Just like farmers who do crop rotation to avoid their crops and their soil to get used to each other, the same principle applies to our body as well. Our body might get used to a certain routine and therefore adjust to it fully.

When your body has adjusted then you will see minimal gains to your muscles. It is important to shock your muscles from time to time, giving it that extra boost that will surely increase its mass and power.

Secondly, for beginners up to some more advance lifters, choosing a weight lifting workouts that work for them often involves a number of exercises with compound movements. These include some bench press, squats and dead lifts. Since these exercises target several part of your body, you are being more efficient. Some isolation exercises like the bicep curl only target your biceps and your forearms while doing the bench press targets your chest, arms, triceps, and even your biceps.

For more advanced lifters, this might not apply as some of them develop highly advanced workouts.

Finally, the most important concept for any weight lifting workout is to increase the resistance every time.

You must not lift the same weight or the same number of reps on each workout. Even if you just increase by 2.5 pounds or increase the number of reps by one, is beneficial for you. This is also related to what I said above about shocking your muscles. You must not make your muscles get used to the weight you are lifting.

There you go, if you adhere to the three tips I mentioned above then you will be able to design any weight lifting workout that you want and it will surely work for you one way or another.

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Basics of Weight Lifting

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

If you want to be successful in the gym, then you need to know some basics. Every beginner makes some common mistakes at first so I wrote this article to help prevent them from happening. Here are some basics of weight lifting tips to help you start off.

These are just some basic principles that everyone should know. If you lift with heavier weights and do less reps then you will get bigger and gain more weight. If you lift with lighter weights and do more reps you will tone your body and gain less weight. You really don’t need to have or do anything fancy if you want to see good results.

Stay focused on the smaller ideas here. Don’t over train your body or look into any advanced types of work outs. Look to do standard everyday exercises such as the bench press, squatting, etc. You should have at least one day of rest in between each session to ensure that your body has properly rested enough.

Make sure you are training your whole body.

Someone who is advanced might have a day for biceps and a day for chest, etc. You do not want to do this since you need to prepare your body first and let it get used to working out. Do not work out one area like crazy and the other not at all. Men tend to focus on their upper bodies, such as their chest, back, shoulders, arms etc. Women tend to focus on their lower bodies, such as their butt, hips, thighs, etc. Do not fall under this stereotype, keep your workouts balanced.

I hope this article will help you with starting to lift weights. Adjust your weight and amount of reps according to what you are looking to do. Don’t over do anything at first and give your body the rest it deserves. Be sure to train your body as a whole and stick to the basics to succeed.

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Weight Training Routine And Protein Powder

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Kim Johnson

Weight Training Routine And Protein Powder – Sports – Other Sports

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As a beginner to the whole weight training routine fuss, you most probably want to know all there is to the different protein powders out there. Do you really need to include those in your bodybuilding pattern? There is much hype and confusion that surrounds the use of protein powder. Some fitness magazines go as far as saying you absolutely need a certain type of protein powder to see results with your weight training routine. You might want to beware of this biased information. The success of your weight training routine does not depend on a particular protein powder brand.

Perhaps the first question you want answered is whether you absolutely need to include protein powder in your weight training routine so we’ll start by making clear that particular point. Protein powder is not a must for gaining lean muscle mass however, it is pretty impossible for you to manage 400 grams of protein from real food per day and you need that uptake to optimize your results from your weight training routine. Ideally all your body’s protein requirement should be met by your ingestion rate of meat, fish, poultry and eggs. But that is not practical or convenient for that matter. To top on your meals, three shakes per day is a good idea for satisfactory muscle gains following your weight training routine.

Here a good question you should be asking yourself is do the protein powders really work and how healthy are they really when complimenting a weight training routine? As seen above, protein powders are good to top up on your protein intake per day. Unless you have a 24/7 cook or something, it is not practical for you to have 6 meat or egg meals a day to meet the protein requirement of your weight training routine. As for whether the protein powders really work in harmony with your weight training routine, as you probably already know protein is composed of amino acids which assist the body in building and maintaining muscles. However, you need to be selective about your choice of protein powder to accompany your weight training routine, you might neglect those with funny ingredients such as fructose and artificial colourings.

So how much protein powder do you need to achieve the best results with your weight training routine. Ideally protein should be included in your diet throughout the day. Most fitness professionals recommend 1 – 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass with your weight training routine. From here it’s a little bit of mathematics really. If you are like 150 pounds and you believe you have a body fat percentage of 10%, you will require no less than 135-205 grams of protein per day. As common sense dictates, you can hardly get that off your daily balanced meals so you will need to include protein shakes alongside your weight training routine. A good piece of advice here would be not to replace your meals with protein shakes if you want to go through with your weight training routine.

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More is discussed about the importance of a well rounded weight training routine in a nice short video. Click here to gain access to it. For more general information you can visit our bodybuilding blog here.

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More is discussed about the importance of a well rounded weight training routine in a nice short video. Click here to gain access to it. For more general information you can visit our bodybuilding blog here.

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Here Are Some Phenomenal Running Tips to Lose Weight Fast

June 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Jacob Portman

Here Are Some Phenomenal Running Tips to Lose Weight Fast – Health – Weight Loss

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If you have been looking for running tips to lose weight for the longest time then know that there is a lot you need to know. There are without a doubt a lot of different sports, activities and also different methods that people use and have fun doing to help themselves lose weight. The one exercise that most people don’t use in general to help themselves lose weight is running.You just don’t see a lot of people running as often as they did back in the 90s when they had their little Walkman running through parks and on sidewalks. Running is a very effective exercise to help someone burn fat, but it is going to take hard work and discipline to be successful at losing weight using it.First, you need to make sure you have running shoes that are going to be able to make it through the running you will have to do. Because of the fact that nearly all shoes for running have a cushion in them that are installed to prop up your feet every time you are walking, it is imperative that you have a pair that is going to do that so you won’t be hurting your feet and feeling pain while you are running.If you don’t have this you will surely be in excruciating pain in the first 5 minutes of your run, and of course you will want to stop. Also before you start your run, you should jog in place for a good 5 minutes. Another thing you need to make sure you do is speak to your doctor before you decide to go and create your own exercise regimen for you to lose weight.You may of course have health issues that you may not be aware of so speaking to your doctor before you start losing weight is definitely a good idea. Doing this is without a doubt going to help you know your threshold so that you don’t exceed it when you are exercising. Another tip that I have for you is to briskly walk for 5 minutes before you start running.Make sure you aren’t jogging while you are walking because there is definitely a difference, and it has been proven that lifting to high when you are jogging puts you at serious risk of developing problems which your knee. You definitely can’t run when your knee is hurting because you decided to start running rather than walking for a couple minutes before you started running.Another tip I have is that you should be dieting and running at the same time. You don’t need to diet to lose weight necessarily if you are exercising because all you need to be doing is eating nutritious low calorie foods and getting rid of the junk foods altogether. Another thing you should focus on is making sure you keep good posture and run with your back straight. Don’t ever been down while you are running and make sure you are staring straight ahead of you. These are great running tips to lose weight.

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Foods to Eat When You Want to Lose Weight Fast

June 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Everyone knows that a diet of Big Macs is not going to help you lose weight fast, but what foods are best if you want to not only lose weight but keep that full feeling? One of the best things to do is to turn into a grazer. We all know who they are, those skinny people who always seem to be eating but never gain an ounce. It might be a good idea to take a look at what they’re eating.

Yes, there are people out there with super metabolisms who don’t exercise and eat whatever and whenever they want, but the vast majority of people must watch what they put in their mouth and exercise to lose weight.

A good diet to follow is any diet recommended for diabetics. These diets recommend small portions eaten every two to three hours that almost always include some sort of starch, fruit, or vegetable with a protein. The only downside to such a diet is that you never feel hungry and you never feel full.

This can take some getting used to, because most people actually miss that feeling of being “starving” and sitting down and eating until they have to unbutton their pants.

Such a diet requires careful measurement and monitoring and if you are not diabetic, you may lack the motivation for such a diet. If you don’t have the kind of discipline this life style requires, there are foods you can eat that can help you to feel full but won’t pack on the pounds.

—Water, water, everywhere. Drinking water does a couple of things: it gives you a full feeling and also helps your body to better regulate itself. Drinking water won’t make you feel bloated, but does the opposite. Regularly drinking water allows your body to stop storing the water it thinks it needs.

If you replenish your body’s water, it gets used to it and you’ll actually lose water weight as a result.

—Low-calorie vegetables keep you full and keep your body running well. That means no friend vegetables, nothing swimming in butter or salad dressing. The best way to eat veggies is raw and without dipping. The sweeter the vegetable, the higher the amount of sugar. Yams, for example, are one of the highest calorie veggies.

—Lean meats. Try to find red meats that are 95 percent lean and take the skin off that chicken before you put it in your mouth. To keep your protein level high, try products with soy.

Remember, all the good, healthful, low calorie eating in the world only goes so far if you want to lose weight fast. Any weight loss plan must also include a healthy dose of exercise. Even a small amount at first is better than none at all. Start slowly, and before you know it, those numbers on the scale will start to slide downward.

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The Top Six Weight Lifting Exercises to Pack on Muscle Mass

June 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by David LaMartina

The Top Six Weight Lifting Exercises to Pack on Muscle Mass – Health – Fitness

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When you look at all you can do with the free weights, benches, racks, pulley systems, and machines in even an average gym, you will find an almost endless number of weight lifting exercises to perform. However, not all movements are created equal. While some of the fancy exercises with strange equipment and setups have their place, the heavy, basic exercises will always yield the best results when it comes to building muscle mass. Here are the top six movements that you can use to build maximum muscle mass:

1. SquatAs trainers, coaches, competitive lifters, and just about anyone with significant weight training experience has said for years, the squat is the king of all weight lifting exercises. Religiously performing heavy, deep squats will build massive quads and hamstrings, strengthen the glutes and lower back, and dramatically improve athletic performance. In addition, squats, especially when performed in a higher rep range, will promote an anabolic hormonal response that will lead to greater increases in muscle mass over your entire body. Simply put, if you are not squatting, you are severely limiting your strength and size potential.

2. DeadliftSecond only to the squat in muscle building importance, the deadlift is the exercise that can make or break a physique. It engages nearly every muscle in the body and allows most weight lifters to handle more weight than with any other movement. The hamstrings and quads are engaged during the initial pull from the floor, the lower back is recruited to keep the body in an upright position, and the lats, traps, and rhomboids are heavily stressed to keep the bar moving in the correct path. The deadlift will not only build an enormous upper and lower back, but it will give a physique that “thick” look that only the strongest lifters have.

3. Bench PressA favorite among both new and veteran weight lifters, the bench press is the standby movement for building upper body strength and muscle mass. Though most lifters treat the bench press as a “chest” exercise and perform it with other horizontal pressing movements, it heavily taxes several other muscle groups, as well. Overall, the exercise will build a massive chest, wide shoulders, and thick triceps. Though many trainers and coaches have been switching to dumbbell and machine substitutes in the last few years, any weight lifter still attempting to gain a large amount of muscle mass should be performing the basic, barbell bench press.

4. Barbell RowOne of the most standout body parts for a weight lifter to have is a big, thick upper back. After the deadlift, no movement produces this result better than the basic barbell row. When done properly, with a 45-degree tilt in the torso, an arched lower back, and retracted shoulder blades, this movement heavily stresses the lats, traps, rhomboids, rear delts, biceps, and forearms. Though personal trainers and bodybuilding gurus are often quick to rant about perfect, slow form, a little bit of cheating is recommended for this exercise. Progressive strength increases on the barbell row will allow a trainee to build a bigger back than he ever thought possible.

5. DipsKnown to be one of the most important weight lifting exercises for the upper body, the dip is often called “the upper body squat.” Like the bench press, this movement primarily works the chest, triceps, and shoulders. However, the dip is different from the bench in that it is a closed-chain movement. This means that the hands remain still while the rest of the body moves through space. Closed-chain exercises, which also include the squat and deadlift, often recruit more muscle fibers and lead to greater gains in muscle mass than their open-chain counterparts.

6. Pull-upsWhile the deadlift and barbell row are indispensable for building a big, thick back, pull-ups are the most important weight lifting exercise for widening the lats. Like dips, pull-ups are a closed-chain upper body movement and require a great deal of muscle recruitment to perform. Depending on the grip variation, they will also heavily tax your biceps and forearms. The bodybuilders and other strength athletes who have the biggest backs are often the ones who stick with this exercise, despite the difficulty brought on my muscular weight gain. Overall, a successful trainee will combine regular pull-ups with deadlifts and barbell rows to build the thickest, widest back possible.

In conclusion, the basic weight lifting exercises are almost always your best bet for building strength and packing on muscle mass. The best of these old standby movements are the squat, deadlift, bench press, barbell row, dip, and pull-up.

About the Author

David LaMartina is a competitive powerlifter who currently sits at a solid 250 pounds and has achieved a 590 squat, 315 bench, and 635 deadlift. If you found his muscle-building tips helpful, visit these sites:

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David LaMartina is a competitive powerlifter who currently sits at a solid 250 pounds and has achieved a 590 squat, 315 bench, and 635 deadlift. If you found his muscle-building tips helpful, visit these sites:

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Kettlebell Coaching For Weight Loss

June 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Avi Marents

Kettlebell Coaching For Weight Loss – Other

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I simply now started generating utilization of kettlebell workouts into my coaching regimen. If you prefer to add somewhat assortment plus improve fat loss, I’d extremely suggest employing kettlebell function outs. So, why could you get started employing kettlebells? Because they’re suitable for boosting strength, finding rid of body fat, together with enhancing cardiovascular wellbeing. What much more does one want away from anything? Another benefit I’ve learned would be the reality that one-arm kettlebell workout sessions have solved the problem smooth out the strength involving my arms.

A kettlebell is often a cannonball that features a manage. For some, the upfront a reaction to kettlebell routines is always that you might execute specifically a similar exercises with dumbbells or maybe a barbell. In my present knowledge, I’ve found the kettlebell provides a slightly distinct workout routine when compared with either though. It lies in the fact which you secure the grip to complete workouts meaning the body weight is distributed in a very distinct way compared to a dumbbell plus barbell. This somewhat distinct element makes operating out utilizing them tougher than thought.

An powerful weight for men initially is 35lbs (16kg). More experienced people might go all the way to 53lbs or even 70lbs, however I’d advocate commencing lower and working on the form just before progressing prematurely. Women can begin with 18lbs. When a great deal more, more advanced ladies might possibly commence approximately 26lbs or maybe 35lbs.

Here’s a breakdown between the simple kettlebell maneuvers additionally to some others I’ve included in my very own kettlebell fitness regimen.Swing: this one will really function your butt and is also among the ideal coaching exercises about. Kettlebell swings completed for maximum reps might very easily make place of a cardio program.Get out of bed: precisely like it might sound, the target is to lay face up, indeed and obtain up although positioning a kettlebell above your brain.and subsequently lay down again. Personally, I like this exercise and am surprised about just how much more challenging it is regarding my left arm in comparison to my right.CleanMilitary pressSnatch: begin with the kettlebell swing and make use of your shoulders to tug the extra weight over your mind

Varied Kettlebell Workouts:Sots press: in a complete squat position, carry out a military pressBent over rowFloor press: usually an one-arm the bench press exercise despite the fact that laying on the ground

This could be fundamentally the scope of workouts I execute nevertheless, you could very simply total other exercises that you would generally total with weight load like squats or curls. Kettlebells by themselves could comprise the total body training program. They offer you pretty much everything you should work out for power additionally to endurance. Nevertheless, I incorporate them as portion of my bigger exercising workout. Therefore, I simply perform single circuit utilizing the one-arm variation with the kettlebell maneuvers in the list above. I total 5-10 repetitions with half a minute of sleep in in between exercises. I challenge my muscles but stop failure. We are continually perspiring and in addition exhausted after this easy ten minute routine. I would rather switch between pulling and pushing maneuvers allowing my individual muscles a lot more rest time.

Do on your own a favor and go buy a kettlebell. I put this off for the lengthy period the good news is I cannot think about my exercising routine without 1. I in no way understood exactly how helpful kettlebell workout plans could be. Given each of their positive aspects, an instance can be easily made dropping every one of the other resistance coaching along with cardiovascular work out while focusing entirely on kettlebell exercise routines. I’m definitely not at this stage yet, but kettlebells have added fantastic variety to my routine and these are definitely generating me get more muscular and thinner.

About the Author

Whenever you would like to read additional information on kettlebell exercises, come visit my page where I deliver diet and exercise approaches to help you to drop some pounds and get a toned physical appearance. Start getting in marvelous shape now!

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Avi Marents

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Whenever you would like to read additional information on kettlebell exercises, come visit my page where I deliver diet and exercise approaches to help you to drop some pounds and get a toned physical appearance. Start getting in marvelous shape now!

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I Need to Lose weight – How Resistance Training Can Help

June 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by David Moors

I Need to Lose weight – How Resistance Training Can Help – Health

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Years ago, I took a long hard look at myself and thought: I need to lose weight because this pudgy body of mine is not going to work for me anymore. It took me a few tries to nail the nutrition side of things. But I knew that if I wanted to see steady weight loss results I needed to couple my healthy eating habits with exercise.

I do my fair share of cardio, but I also add training to the mix because it helps me burn calories and keeps my body strong and svelte.

Benefits of Training

If you’re on a mission to lose weight, training is vital because it increases the amount of lean muscle mass in the body. Why does this matter? Every pound of muscle you have accelerates the rate your body burns fat.

You can get training from using dumbbells, weight machines, water bottles, soup cans and bands. You can also use your own body weight as by doing pushups, pull ups, squats, lunges and the like.

i need to lose weightWhen you do only cardio exercises, your metabolism slows down as soon as your workout is over. When you add training into the equation, your metabolism stays revved up long after your workout is over-even when you’re sitting on the couch like a hairball.

If you’re still not convinced that training is important for weight loss, think about this. If two women are the same height and weight, and one of them has a body that’s mostly lean muscle while the other woman’s body is flabby, the woman with the lean muscle will look smaller. Why? Because muscle is compact and takes up less space in the body than fat.

I Don’t Want to Get Bulky

Some women shun the idea of training because they have unrealistic fears of getting bulky. Most of the people who get husky either train specifically to gain bulk (professional bodybuilders for example) or they take performance-enhancing drugs.

General strength training is not, I repeat, is not going to make you bulky. The only thing it will do is make you stronger, leaner and shapelier. Isn’t this what you want?

Tips for Effective Resistance Training

*Do training three times a week. Don’t overdo it. When you strength train, your muscles need time to recover. Ideally, you should rest one day between each resistance training session.*Don’t lift too heavy or too light. Lifting weights that are too heavy can cause you to get injured, and weights that are too light won’t challenge your body.*Use slow, controlled movements as opposed to rapid movements when you are doing resistance training exercises. If you lift weights too fast you will use momentum instead of strength to get through your repetitions, which can sabotage your efforts.*When you lift the same amount of weights and do the same number of reps for weeks on end, your muscles get bored and progression slows down. Revamp your resistance training program every few weeks so that you continually see results.

If you really want to see those pounds melt away, combine a quality resistance training program with a sensible diet and plenty of cardiovascular exercise.

About the Author

There are plenty of great location to find the ideal the diet solution reviews. One of it or another one of them is to visit <a

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David Moors

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There are plenty of great location to find the ideal the diet solution reviews. One of it or another one of them is to visit <a

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