Fish Don’t Have Biceps So Why Should I Weight Train for Swimming?

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Alex Miller

Fish Don’t Have Biceps So Why Should I Weight Train for Swimming? – Sports – Swimming

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First off, weight training for swimming is not just another trendy thing. Your competitive swimming rivals are using sports specific training. If they are doing it and it’s working for them and you are not doing it, then they will probably beat you. The water is both a resistance and liquid medium that you glide through. In swimming you are using pulling, pushing and kicking motions to propel yourself forward. Resistance exercises that mimic these movements will improve the speed and power of your strokes. That should be enough to get you started with some sort of dry land anaerobic exercise regimen.

Will Weight Training Make Me a Better Swimmer?

It is important to define what you mean by better. If by better you mean will it make you faster in swimming when the split seconds count then yes; with a sports specific training program, the way your muscles and nervous system generally cope with fatigue during a race will improve significantly.

What is the Best Way to Develop Anaerobic Power for Swimming?

First of all, the term anaerobic means “without oxygen.” Your muscles use up oxygen to do work. When they run out of oxygen, they can’t move. An anaerobic workout using weights will, in time, make your muscles more efficient by creating a greater capacity and efficiency for them to use the oxygen that you breathe in. One of the best ways to develop anaerobic efficiency is by sticking to a weight training program.

Is it Okay to Do Weight Training and Swimming Every Day?

There may be some debate about this. The best answer is that it depends on what your goals are and what your present fitness level is like. If your goal is to create your ideal physique for bodybuilding, then that is outside the scope of this article. As a bodybuilder, you will be using swimming as an aerobic exercise just to burn fat. Your goals then would be different.

As a competitive swimmer, no, it would not be advisable to weigh train every day. Adequate recovery is needed for your swimming. In fact, the best routine to follow would be some type of circuit training no more than two or three days a week. CR training is when you choose six to twelve exercises doing one after the other. Lighter weights than usual are used and you rest no more than thirty seconds in between exercise sets. If you were training off season you might follow a two month cycle in which you would start off with lighter weights performing fifteen to twenty reps which activate the slow twitch muscle fibers. During the two months you add more and more weight to your exercises until you are doing between eight to twelve reps (or even less) per exercise. Mix it up a bit. Do no more than three rounds of a circuit.

Some exercises may include:

Incline bench press for chest

Back squats for hip and knee extensio

Leg press

Leg extensions

Leg curls

Calf work

All kinds of rowing

Pull ups

Standing tricep press downs

Bicep curls

Stomach crunches


Can You Give Me an Exercise for the Front Crawl Stroke?

A good exercise for the crawl stroke is to find an overhead pulley system in your gym. Grab a hold of the pulley handle with one hand and get down on your knees. With your arm straight, pull down in front of you palm down using your lats, triceps and stomach muscles simulating crawl mechanics. Repeat.

Some More Ideas

1) Flutter kicks with ankle weights. Lie on your back on the floor or on a weight bench with half of your legs hanging off. Do as many flutter kicks as you can without going to failure. These will target your thighs and lower abdomen. Do the same lying on your stomach to strengthen your hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

2) To strengthen shoulder, trapezius and upper back muscles for crawl and butterfly strokes, lie on your stomach on a (weight) bench. With your arms hanging down, hold a light dumbbell in each hand palms facing each other. Using the butterfly stroke motion, slowly pull the dumbbells back then out and up and around towards the front and then down as you mimic the motion of your hands re-entering the water in the stroke. At the top of the motion, your palms should be facing down. Repeat. Use one dumbbell at a time to develop crawling motion.

3) This movement is somewhat the opposite of the previous one to develop the crawl and butterfly strokes. You lie on your back and execute a type of pullover. Lie supine and start out with arms straight overhead towards ceiling holding dumbbells with palms facing away from you. In a circular motion, move both dumbbells away, down and back around and then “pull” the weights back up to the starting position. During the circular motion, keep arms semi-straight and palms in the direction as they would be when doing the butterfly stroke. Repeat. Then use one dumbbell at a time to develop the muscles used for the crawl stroke.

You Get the Drift

Your dry land weight training for swimming is supposed to simulate swim strokes. Training with cable pulleys and using various medicine ball throws are also excellent. Swimmers and triathletes would both benefit from sports specific weight training. Adding weight training to your swimming workouts is surely adding more work to your schedule but you’ll end up being stronger and faster in the water.

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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weights vs Bodyweight Training. Check out for more weight training information.

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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weights vs Bodyweight Training. Check out for more weight training information.

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5 lb. L-Glutamine Amino Acid Protein Powder Pure Muscle Body Building Weight Lifting Depression Arthritis USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

August 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding Supplements

  • Guaranteed 100% Pure. No Fillers or Additives.
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Product Description
1. Irritable bowel syndrome- If you suffer from this syndrome that is associated with diarrhea and poor digestion, L-glutamine can help. The supplement works by repairing the gastrointestinal lining, and improving nutrient absorption.
2. If you have diabetes, L-glutamine is used to effectively aid in glucose utilization by keeping blood sugar levels normal. L-Glutamine health benefits include reducing insulin resistance in those who have a diet high in fat… More >>

5 lb. L-Glutamine Amino Acid Protein Powder Pure Muscle Body Building Weight Lifting Depression Arthritis USP & FCC Food Grade By Dual Health

Slim Down Today With These Weight Loss Tips

August 26, 2012 by  
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Article by Mary Steve

Slim Down Today With These Weight Loss Tips – Health – Fitness

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If you are struggling with your weight, you’ve probably heard time and again that you need to lose the excess weight, in order to benefit your health. This doesn’t have to be impossible, however. Losing weight and becoming healthier, can be eased with the use of some of these helpful tips.You should bring your own lunch to work instead of trying to buy one from a restaurant or the work cafeteria. Not only will this save you money, but it will give you the opportunity to be in control of your fat and caloric intake.While on your weight loss journey, it is important to be patient. It’s proven that those who were patient and took the weight off slowly are the ones who will keep it off in the long-run. Losing just one or two pounds a week may not sound like much, but if you want to keep it off, that is the way to go.You should never be comparing your weight loss progress with someone near to you. It is great to use their work as motivation, but don’t try to have the exact same results as your best friend. This will certainly lead to frustration for one of you, since every person’s body works at different rates.If you are looking to lose weight, then look to your fork. If you eat only what you can fit on a fork, then this limits how much you can eat in one mouthful. Your stomach will then feel full quicker, stopping you from overeating. This also keeps you from wasting food, and could lower your weekly food bill.Keep track of everything you eat in a food journal or online. Counting calories is easier if you have everything recorded in one place. It may keep you from going against your diet plan if you know you’ll have to write everything down. Additionally, if you notice you aren’t making progress, you can look back at what you’ve been eating and identify problems.If you decide to start a weight loss program with your spouse or significant other, remember that when it comes to dieting and nutrition, women and men are almost totally different in their metabolism, dietary needs, and body composition. Ladies, be prepared: males tend to lose weight more readily, even if they consume more calories than a woman of the same size does.Eating soup can help you lose weight, especially if you place it in the refrigerator to cool before eating. Most of the fat from the soup will move to the top of the bowl, allowing you to scoop it out, throw it away and save yourself some calories before you enjoy your meal.When losing weight, don’t be afraid to just say no! You may feel pressured during certain events to take a piece of cake or a cookie. If you’re offered a food you’re trying to avoid or just want to cut calories, politely decline. You don’t need to explain your reasons. Just smile and say “No thank you.”Lose weight more easily by making small changes in your daily life. Making sweeping changes can be overwhelming and hard to maintain once the initial burst of motivation wanes. Small changes can more easily become habitual and can add up to big weight loss. One small change you can begin with is to take the stairs, for example.You actually want to keep your mind focused on foods that you can add to your diet, not those that you are removing. There is a great sense of desperation when you are feeling as if you are losing the things you love, especially when you have become dependent on foods for comfort. Make sure you focus on those foods that are being added to your diet, and you will forget that there are things being omitted at all.When working out, it might be useful to do strength training along with aerobic exercise like running. Strength training with weights or resistance can give you more energy to burn more calories during each workout. Also, you will feel more energetic in your daily life, and help lose weight faster.If your weight loss has come to a stop, you might have hit a plateau. Try increasing your calories to break it. When your body is not receiving enough calories to sustain the energy, you are burning, it will conserve fat. The resulting plateau can be frustrating, especially when weight loss is the goal. Add a few healthy calories and see if it makes a positive change.Next time you eat out, try asking for half your meal in a to go box before it’s even served. Most restaurants have portion sizes that are more appropriate for two or three people, and by eating half of your meal and getting the other half in a to go box, not only will you be cutting your calories in half, but lunch for the next day is already taken care of!In the end, listen to your body. Pushing yourself too hard is a road to failure, but giving up on your commitment will also get you nowhere. Find what’s right for you and stick to it and you’ll thank yourself in the end. There’s no downside to living a fuller, more energetic life.

About the Author

Thanks for reading my post. If you are still looking for ways to lose weight rapidly, then you need to come over to learn more about green tea metabolism now.

Do you want to start increase metabolism and lose weight faster? Then you can read more here now.

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Thanks for reading my post. If you are still looking for ways to lose weight rapidly, then you need to come over to learn more about green tea metabolism now.

Do you want to start increase metabolism and lose weight faster? Then you can read more here now.

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Excess Weight Training for Weight-Loss: Begin Now

August 24, 2012 by  
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Article by Gary Vinski

Excess Weight Training for Weight-Loss: Begin Now – Other

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If you’re by now exercising and eating right with the purpose of slimming down, here is something you may not have considered of that can aid you achieve your target: fat coaching.Weight training refers to training with weights, whether or not dumbbells and barbells (“free weights”) or the weights you discover on exercise contraptions, which you raise by way of pulleys and cables.If you are at the moment walking or operating or carrying out other cardiovascular exercising to take off extra fat, you may assume weights would not add something for your efforts. Soon after all, you happen to be burning off calories either way, correct?Carried out properly, although, weight training willbring a dimension to your exercise that goes over and above calorie burn-off. It’s going to sharpen and define your muscle tissue, which will make you appear and experience leaner even before you have achieved your ideal excess weight target.Not merely will working out with weights make you appear far better from the eyes of others, it’ll help encourage you to help keep doing work toward your target.Here are some tips for anybody considering weight instruction for weight loss:1. Do not devote plenty of money on gear, at the very least to start with.A simple set of dumbbells in a very few distinct weights will get you started off, and could be all you ever before require. For the common man or woman who hasn’t had considerably power training, I advocate getting two each and every from the subsequent dimensions dumbbells: 8 (or 10) lbs, 15 pounds, and 20 (or twenty five) pounds–that’s 6 dumbbells in all.Later on on you’ll be able to add a barbell with a set of adjustable weights in the event you like. However, I advocate acquiring an adjustable incline/decline bench to utilize along with your dumbbells just before paying for the barbell. A bench and dumbbells will equip you to complete almost each of the weight training physical exercises that you just need in case your main aim is weight loss (rather than making an attempt to search like Mr. Universe).Fancy exercise devices are great–and high-priced! Should you have access to a gymnasium then by all implies take advantage ofsuch equipment. But never assume that you just need it in order to obtain an excellent workout.2. Get or borrow a fantastic illustrated instructional book on excess weight lifting. Look for a single targeted toward regular people–people who just desire to get match or get into shape–rather than toward aggressive bodybuilders.In line with suggestion #1, also be sure that the guide you use includes workout routines it is possible to do with dumbbells by yourself, and that operate all elements of your entire body.In the event you wish to generate optimum progress, I strongly recommend that you just also go through a guide on the standard issue of fat loss. Stay away from the fad diet of the second. Look for any book grounded in great science, that is made up of practical assistance for nutritional and life-style adjustments that lead to <em>permanent</em> extra fat loss. (Some excellent publications within this line are really accessible as downloads in the Net.)3. Function out together with your weights on a regular basis. If all you’ve got is 20 minutes each and every Monday, then make and keep that weekly appointment with yourself.Should you have a lot more time, here is what I consider to be an ideal “weight training for weight loss” timetable. It is going to give exceptional outcomes which has a time dedication that is certainly still reasonable:Monday: ten minutes of cardio physical exercise + twenty to thirty minutes’ excess weight trainingTuesday: 10 to twenty minutes of cardioWednesday: 10 minutes of cardio exercise + twenty to thirty minutes’ weight trainingThursday: ten to twenty minutes of cardioFriday: ten minutes of cardio physical exercise + twenty to 30 minutes’ bodyweight trainingSaturday & Sunday: Nothing! Or, greater, function in a very couple of brisk walks around the neighborhood.Important: Always put at the least one particular day between your weight teaching days. Never operate out with weights on consecutive days, even if you are tempted to do so. When you exercise with weights you are actually tearing down muscle so that it can rebuild itself stronger and bigger. Those in-between days are your muscles’ crucial rebuilding days.4. Use the correct number of exercising sets for excess weight loss–<em>not</em> for bodybuilding.Not 1 inside a hundred exercisers understands this point. But now you will!When you perform out with weights, you convert a certain amount of excess fat to muscle. Muscle weighs a thing, too, although. If your aim is to lose fat, you never want to end up using a pound of muscle for every single pound of body fat you started out with. You would be a lot more muscular for certain, but you would even now be overweight!The key is to do fewer sets of a given exercise than is called for in “regular” or non-weight-loss-oriented weight training.The best instructional books give separate instructions for their workouts according to their reader’s particular target, no matter whether which is to lose lbs, to build the biggest muscle tissues possible, or one thing in between. If the book you’re using does not offer this, you can make the adjustment by yourself.Maintain in mind that a set is made up of a certain number of repititions or “reps” of an workout. A typical excess weight teaching book might instruct you to do 4 sets of a particular exercising, each set consisting of 10 reps, to get a total of 40 reps. With this case <em>you</em> (as a weight loss exerciser) would do no far more than two sets of 10 reps each and every, to get a total of 20 reps optimum.By throttling back to about half of the prescribed number of sets, it is possible to be assured that you just will be both building muscle <em>and</em> losing excess weight. (Alternately, you may well want to keep the number of sets unchanged but do just half the number of reps per set.)To become safe you are able to limit by yourself to one set per workout per work out session, regardless of what your book instructs. Trust me: As long as you happen to be finding in your cardio sessions, too (and eating proper, of course), you <em>will</em> lose weight–and you’ll gain some nice, “ripped” muscle tissue inside the process.

About the Author

Interested in additional information concerning 300 Spartan Workout Program? From Three hundred Exercise most of us have from the right information on Is The 300 Workout Effective to obtain a sculpted, low fat, and shredded system similar to the movie Three hundred.

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Gary Vinski

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Interested in additional information concerning 300 Spartan Workout Program? From Three hundred Exercise most of us have from the right information on Is The 300 Workout Effective to obtain a sculpted, low fat, and shredded system similar to the movie Three hundred.

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Role of Weight Gain Exercises at Home in Increasing Weight

August 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Vatsal Kumar Anand

Role of Weight Gain Exercises at Home in Increasing Weight – Health – Weight Loss

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It is thought by most of us that the best way for gaining weight at home is eating. However, this is not true. For gaining weight, a person should have a regular exercise and a balanced diet. With a good diet, healthy weight can be gained. Exercises will not allow the accumulation of fats in the body.

There are many weight gain exercises at home. Given below are some of them:

* Squat – Squatting is the most crucial of all weight gain exercises. The best part is that squats can be easily done at home. Squats are very effective as the muscle core of the body is targeted. People who are not able to gain weight have a common complaint that they don’t feel like eating. Squats are great way for stimulating the appetite. After a heavy duty squat session, more energy will be needed by the body and a person will feel hungrier. Although, squats are mainly for developing thighs, if done repeatedly and with deep breathing, overall body weight can be gained. Before starting the squats, one must ensure that light weights are used for start. Then, weights can be added slowly. The comfort level must not be surpassed by the maximum limit of weight. One can easily perform squats at home. However, if there is no familiarity with the exercise, it must be done under supervision. * Strength training – Weight lifting exercises and resistance training are mostly done for losing weight. However, a person will be surprised if the calorie intake is increased and these exercises are done. This will surely result in weight gain. This is because the muscles are strained and their growth is stimulated. The best part of this exercise is that they can be done very easily. If these exercises are done in combination with good health supplements, healthy weight can be gained. * Bodyweight exercises – Weight can be increased at home by the use of tools and exercise machines. An effective exercise for weight gain is the bodyweight exercise, where the weight of a person’s body is used as resistance for building muscle mass. For gaining weight, weight gain exercises such as bodyweight exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, calf-raises, pull-ups and back extension must be performed 6 times a week. Five to six sets of these exercises must be performed with 20 repetitions.

Thus, these weight gain exercises at home will surely help in gaining weight.

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In this article you will get information on different types of weight gain exercises at home. Also get information on other weight gain exercises.

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In this article you will get information on different types of weight gain exercises at home. Also get information on other weight gain exercises.

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Is Weight Lifting Equipment Expensive

August 21, 2012 by  
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Article by Marry Jazz

Is Weight Lifting Equipment Expensive – Sports

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Basically, weight lifting equipment is not expensive. In fact, you can start your weight lifting program at home by just buying a set of barbells or dumbbells for as low at $ 25 to $ 50. If you are keen in online shopping, you can even have barbells and a weight lifting bench for only $ 50. It is indeed possible for anybody to engage in weight lifting exercise and develop a great looking body without hurting their pockets.

But of course, the weight lifting equipment that you can found in gyms and workout training centers are not as affordable as the one that you can see in homes. This is because those that are in gyms are for institutional use. Meaning, they are more heavy duty and most are mechanized or automated.

Weight lifting equipment such as the bench presses with extra functional features can range from $ 100 to $ 1000 depending on the brand and the kinds of weight lifting exercises you can do with it. The same with barbells and dumbbells; you can buy as low as $ 14 or as much as $ 1500 for professional dumbbells.

On the other hand, weight lifting machines are even more expensive because it is designed to help weight lifters to target and tone their abs, arms and shoulders or legs and hips accurately and conveniently even without the help of any assistant or trainer. Some of this weight lifting equipment even has timer and control panel to automate your weight lifting workout.But then again, the results that you can achieve when you do weight lifting are not bound to the price of the weight lifting equipment you are using. In fact, many experts believed that traditional weight lifting (those that are not machine-assisted) develops better muscle tone.

In short, you can have great health and perfect body muscle tones without buying any expensive machine or barbells. What matter is your workout training routine and your commitment to do it on a regular basis regardless whether you do it at home or at the paid gym center.

But if you want to have convenient weight lifting training program, you can shop for wide variety and affordable weight lifting equipment through online stores. Whatever kind of equipment you need and whatever budget you have, this is the best place to compare prices without the necessity to leave the comfort of your home.

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Marry Jazz is a successful author of

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Training for 5Ks to Lose Weight

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Kamau Austin

Training for 5Ks to Lose Weight – Health

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If you think long-distance events such as marathons and ultra marathons are the only way to lose weight, you are mistaken. In fact, training for shorter events such as a 5K, equal to 3.1 miles, can actually be quite effective for weight loss. Training for these types of events forces you to focus on high intensity speed work, which can have a tremendously positive effect on your metabolism. This article will discuss how training for 5K races can have an impact on weight loss in a number of ways. We will discuss how speed training can help you not only improve your time but also lose weight, how you can try different types of terrain to promote weight loss and how even planning your competition schedule can have an impact on your weight loss progress. This type of training can help you lose weight but, as with any fitness or weight loss program, you should consult your doctor before embarking on this type of exercise regime. Additionally, you should consult a doctor before you decide to start taking any supplements to aid your weight loss efforts.

Lose Weight While You Improve Your Speed

One of the primary reasons shorter distance events such as 5K races are so effective for weight loss is the amount of speed work often required when training for these events. Marathon training involves starting out with a relatively low amount of mileage and building on that amount each week. However, a race of only 3.1 miles does not require this type of building period. Instead, individuals training for this type of event often focus on interval training to help them improve their overall times. While marathon training promotes weight loss by necessitating increasing amounts of mileage, 5K training focuses on increasing the intensity of workouts and this is an extremely effective way to lose weight. These high intensity workouts are extremely taxing on the muscles and force your body to work harder. When this happens, you enjoy a metabolic boost that can be very beneficial in your weight loss endeavor.

Interval training involves bursts of sprinting interspersed with recovery running at a moderate pace. An example of an effective interval workout may include a five-minute warm up where you are running at a comfortable pace, followed by intervals of sprinting and jogging. If you are new to interval training, you might start out by following your five-minute warm up with one minute of sprinting and two minutes of recovery running. You can repeat this pattern of one-minute sprints, followed by two-minute jogs, several times before cooling down with five minutes of easy running. As you become stronger, you may wish to reverse the pattern by sprinting for two minutes and jogging for one and repeating this pattern several times.

You can also challenge yourself by increasing your speed during the sprints. One way to do this is to do your interval workouts on a track. You can practice by sprinting one quarter mile, which is equal to one lap of the track, then jogging a half of a lap to recover. During this time, you can use a stopwatch to monitor your progress and can strive to improve your quarter mile time during the sprint phases. As your speed improves, you will be working at a higher intensity. This increased intensity will help you lose weight.

Challenge Yourself with Different Terrains

Another way to help yourself lose weight while training for 5K races is to incorporate hill training into your workouts. Many 5K courses have at least a few hills during the course of the race. Training on hills will not only help to ensure you are adequately prepared for the race but will also be very beneficial in your effort to lose weight. Running on hills is significantly more difficult than running on flat ground. Additionally, hill running challenges the muscles in a different way. By challenging your muscles in this way, you will be helping to promote weight loss because your muscles will not become accustomed to a typical routine. When your muscles become accustomed to your workout, they become more efficient and, therefore, burn fewer calories.

Structuring a Competition Schedule to Facilitate Weight Loss

If you are racing in 5K races to lose weight, you may want to carefully consider the number of races you plan to compete in as well as the timing of these races. This is important because if you are competing regularly, you may not be able to enjoy as much weight loss success as you would if you incorporated fewer races into your training schedule and spread these races out by more than a few weeks. For example, if you plan to compete in a 5K race every other weekend during the summer, you may not be giving yourself enough time to improve from one race to the next. Speed work is very taxing, and if you only have a week or two between races, you are not likely to do many speed workouts in between because you do not want your muscles to be overly fatigued for the race day. Additionally, you will also not likely be able to enjoy as much weight loss success, because you will be focusing more on maintaining your fitness level rather than on improving your fitness level. By spreading the races out further and only competing in one race every 4-6 weeks, you will have more time between each event to focus on speed training. This speed training will help you improve your overall time and also lose additional weight because your muscles will be challenged more.

Focus Your Diet on Boosting Your Metabolism

Exercise is not the only way to bolster your metabolism. You can also utilize your diet to increase your metabolism. Eating foods high in fiber and protein can have a positive effect on your metabolism, but you might also consider taking supplements to improve your metabolism. Supplements such as Meltorin are designed to help boost your metabolism. To learn more about Meltorin, visit:

About the Author

Written by the V-Team, courtesy of Kamau Austin, publisher. The V-Team’s fitness tips may be viewed at:

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Written by the V-Team, courtesy of Kamau Austin, publisher. The V-Team’s fitness tips may be viewed at:

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Weight Training Equipment For the Home

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight training at home

Not everyone has time to go to a well-stocked gym. But for those who still want to keep in shape, there is good news: It’s possible, with just a few targeted purchases, to do strength training at home.

And in even better news, you can spend as little or as much as you want to purchase your home weight training equipment. It all depends on how intense of a workout you want.

For those on a tight budget, an aerobic step, several sets of free weights, an adjustable bench, exercise mat and fitness ball can be enough for home weight training equipment. This basic setup, which will cost you less than $ 500, will provide you with enough variety and strength-training basics for muscle growth to develop an effective workout and training program.

For those willing to spend a little more, a multi-gym machine might be the answer.

These machines allow users to perform a number of weight training exercises. They save space because only one machine is needed.

Prices for these multi-gyms vary. You can find a basic model that costs less than $ 500. Or you can go deluxe and spend $ 4,000 or more. Generally, though, multi-gyms costing from $ 500 to $ 1,000 are usually advanced enough for most weight training routines.

Those looking for a more intense fitness routine can go one of two routes: They can spend under $ 1,000 to purchase a larger set of free weights, including dumbbells, barbells, plates and an exercise bench.

Or they can spend from $ 1,000 to $ 1,500 for a more advanced multi-gym machine. Others might prefer to mix and match, spending for a variety of free weights and purchasing a more basic multi-gym.

The key is to develop a home strength training program that works best for you.

This may require you to comparison shop for such weight training essentials as free weights, exercise benches and multi-gyms. But a little homework now will pay off with several great workouts in the future.

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The Top 10 Reasons Why Body Weight Exercises Are the Best Way to Get in Shape

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

From my experience a program of bodyweight exercises is the absolute best way to get in incredible shape in the shortest period of time. I am not saying this because I have read it somewhere. I am speaking from my own experience. I used to lift weights and use all of those fancy machine in the gym but no more. For me I know used a combination of bodyweight training, isometric exercises and yoga (along with hill sprints occasionally). I am now in the best shape of my life. Why are bodyweight workouts so effective? Let me count the ways:

1. All bodyweight exercises work your entire body as a unit. Exercises like Hindu Squats and Hindu Pushps, or variations of them, all work major muscle groups simultaneously. People who work out in the gym typically do isolation exercises of one kind or another. This can lead to the body becoming “out of balance” and more injury prone.

What I mean by this is it’s possible to work a muscle with an isolation exercise till it is proportionally stronger than another muscle group. When the muscles have to work together, whether this involves playing sports or anything else, the chance of injury is MUCH higher. When I was taking Judo I was also weight lifting. I was getting injured all the time. Years later when I tried Jiu Jitsu it wasn’t a problem.

2. Bodyweight workouts are vastly superior to more conventional gym workouts when it comes to fat burning. With bodyweight exercises you are constantly using major muscle groups. The more muscle you use, the more fat you burn. It’s that simple.

3. Bodyweight training forces you to really think about what you are doing as you perform the exercise. You are using the old mind muscle when you do this, and focusing your mind is as important as performing the physical exercise itself.

This self-concentration promotes neurological connections allowing for a deeper mind body connection. You will get much faster results this way.

4. Bodyweight exercises will not only build tremendous strength, but stamina as well. When Karl Gotch ( a real professional wrestler who was in amazing shape) took up weight lifting, he found he COULD lift heavier weights. However, the amazing stamina he once had that would allow him to wrestle for an hour or more completely left him. He was gassed after 10 minutes. The strength gained from exercises like Hindu pushups and squats is functional, and that makes all the difference.

5. Bodyweight Workouts promote flexibility. Many of the routines you can do stretch your muscles at the same time as they are strengthening them. You just don’t get this with weights.

6. Bodyweight training allows you to work your body from all angles and directions. The same cannot be said of weights and all of those ridiculous machines.

7. Bodyweight exercises increase your strength, endurance and flexibility at the same time. Again, Hindu pushups and squats are a perfect example of this.

8. Bodyweight training attacks the muscle at a much deeper level than weights, thereby giving you a greater ‘functional strength” The person who does a set of pull-ups, for example, works the back and arms far more than a person who uses the lat pulldown machine. What’s more, the person doing the pull-ups will be able to use the lat machine no problem. The reverse is not true.

9. As they don’t require any equipment, bodyweight workouts can be done anywhere at anytime. No excuses about not being able to make it to the gym!

10. Bodyweight exercises also save you a lot of time so that you have more time to do the things you want.

David Nordmark is a Vancouver based fitness consultant as well as the owner and operator of, a fitness site with a unique twist. Check out his website for more information on yoga, bodyweight exercises, isometric exercises and other aspects of bodyweight training.

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Getting Ripped Using Body Weight Exercises

August 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Mark McMannus

Getting Ripped Using Body Weight Exercises – Health – Weight Loss

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For years people have been asking whether or not it is possible to get ripped simply using body weight exercises. Many of us are led to believe that lifting heavy weights everyday and dieting is the only way to get ripped, but there is definitely a way to do it without having to go to the gym.

Everyone’s body works differently and even though lifting weights has its benefits, body weight exercises can deliver the same results, sometimes even better results. All you really need is your body, the right knowledge and a strong willed mind. By having the right knowledge you will use proper technique and form, and developing a muscle building mindset will ensure you reach your lean muscle goals in no time.

Experience Fat Burn and Lean Muscle Mass Gain Without Weights

The only way to continuously gain lean muscle mass is to put your muscles under more stress that they were compared to your last workout. This is often experienced when bodybuilders add more weights after every set or training session. Even though this is a great way to gain muscle, you can still experience these results at home by simple increasing the intensity of your body weight workouts.

If you were able to do 3 sets of 15 push-ups on Monday, then aim to do 18 on Wednesday. By gradually increasing the number of reps you perform you are essentially increasing the amount of stress your muscles are put under and thus the intensity of your workout.

Push-ups Are A Must!

As one of the most efficient body weight exercises, the push-up continues to be a workout that everyone should be doing. There are different variations of the push-up and it is essential that you progress through each one in order to reap the benefits of this amazing upper body workout.

The push-up will work your chest, back, core and even your arms and shoulders. This is truly a full upper body exercise and if you can do 50 repetitions without stopping, you will be well on your way to shedding upper body fat and building lean muscle mass.

The Measuring Stick Of Strength – The Pull-up

As arguably the most difficult body weight exercise there is, the pull-up continues to be the measuring stick of strength. If you are able to do a lot of pull-ups, you general have a far amount of relative strength. Relative strength essentially is how strong you are compared to your body. If you are very heavy person, yet you are able to do a lot of pull-ups, you are still considered to be quite strong.

By performing pull-ups you will be able to work your entire body throughout the exercise but most importantly your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Forget the bicep curls and focus on doing as many pull-ups as possible.

Most men have a hard time performing one or two sets so it is advisable not to lose motivation if you find that you are struggling throughout each set. Let’s say you are capable of doing 8 pull ups to failure (i.e. your muscle physically can not perform another pull up) then if you are able to complete 3 sets of 8 pull-ups, you will be well on your way to getting ripped.

Use Your Leg Muscles

One of the most overlooked muscle groupswhen trying to get ripped with body weight exercises is the legs. Your leg muscles essentially support your entire body when standing, jogging or running. By working your legs, you will not only be sculpting your lower body but you will be strengthening and toning your body’s foundation.

One of the most effective body weight leg exercises that is crucial to burning fat and toning your lower body are squats. By performing leg squats, you will be working your quadriceps along with your hamstring and glutes. This will not only increase muscle gain in your lower body but will also improve your cardiovascular workout regime which is crucial to getting a ripped lower body.

Your cardiovascular workouts should include both cardio and interval training exercises and by developing strong leg muscles you will find that you can run or cycle faster for short periods of time making it through each interval training circuit with ease. Remember that you want the ripped legs of a ripped sprinters body, not a marathon runner’s body.

Diet And Why It’s Important To Getting Ripped Without Weights or Gym Machines

If you truly want to learn how to get ripped without weights, you must have a healthy diet. Though many people will suggest that you should count your calories and make sure you eat a certain amount of proteins and carbs, people simply do not have the time and patience to do so.

As long as you are sure that you are eating a diet that contains lean, high-protein meats like tuna and chicken, healthy carbs like oats, and healthy fats like nuts, you will have an easy time losing body fat during your weight-free workouts. However remember that there is no substitute for focus and hard work but you will have to eat strict in order to have a rock hard body.

Focus on long term results and you will definitely see short term results come faster. People tend to overestimate what they can do in one month and under estimate what they are capable to do in one year. Stay focused and you will definitely reach your goals of getting ripped in no time. For more tips on how to get ripped visit

About the Author

Mark McMannus, a long time health freak and lover of body building, has dedicated his life to learning about nutrition and creating the perfect body. With the help of his team of fitness training team, he has created How To Get Ripped Quickly, a friendly, free online guide to bodybuilding and muscle gain.

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Mark McMannus

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Mark McMannus, a long time health freak and lover of body building, has dedicated his life to learning about nutrition and creating the perfect body. With the help of his team of fitness training team, he has created How To Get Ripped Quickly, a friendly, free online guide to bodybuilding and muscle gain.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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