Strength Training Without Weights: Ways To Get Set Up

April 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Thomas Christopher

The common image of strength training is a sweaty heavyweight hoisting massive barbells, nevertheless if you aren’t attracted to pumping iron, you don’t have to. You don’t need any iron whatsoever in your home workout equipment. At minimum, you need your own body mass. Beyond that, a few items of plastic will help.

The human body offers significant variety with its variously weighted limbs and its joints which give a near boundless number of movement options. Directed and repeated movements of simply your body can supply all the strength training you want. But to move your body with comfort and safety, you should purchase a good workout mat. Padding makes most of the prone and seated activity a lot more comfortable. Try to find a mat that’s at least 3/8 inch thick. The thin yoga mats may be convenient to roll up and stick under your arm for transport, but they are not thick enough to pad your body properly.

You can find many video clips and write-ups on body-only strength workouts on the web, but be careful about the certifications of the instructor. You can find as many online videos as you want from certified physical trainers and physical therapists. If something hurts–you know the contrast between working muscles and real pain–stop! Strength training should not cause pain.

You’re likely to get bored just using your own body, and boredom might lead you to stop working out. So this is where simple resistance bands or tubes come in. These rainbow-colored bands add resistance between limbs, or can be attached to a door knob or a grip bar. They give variety and increase the strength needed to perform a movement. The bands gain in strength as the color gets darker. This means you can go a very long way in getting to your strength training aspirations with only these light, economical, easily stored bands. You can find them at any decent sporting goods shop or on the web. Hang them on light plastic hooks to avoid tangles.

One more rubbery enhancement to your home exercise equipment should be a fitness ball. Pick one that enables you sit on it with flat feet. A fitness ball magnifies your body-only exercises. You will be amazed at the increased difficulty of a push-up started with your feet on an unsteady round surface. Your core stability and your balance will both be dramatically challenged, and improved.

A buying tip: get the ball with a pump, spare plugs (in case you damage one trying to re-inflate a flat ball) and the training booklet or DVD. These extras will make life with your fitness ball a challenge–not an irritation. (Note: a bicycle pump even with a “ball needle” will not work.)

Don’t pump iron, pump plastic! It will save your space and your money and is just as effective.

For additional advice on strength training, visit site. Get more tips for your home exercise equipment. Thomas Christopher is a Colorado-based public speaker.

Free Weights VS Machine exercise

March 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Rodney Stokes

Something you need to keep in mind and never forget is that when you exercise, you are training for life. You still may spend an hour a day in the gym, although that will still leave another 23 hoursor so for your muscles to function without using any fancy equipment.

Whenever you do any type of exercise, the movement of your body during the exercise is known as the range of motion. The more difficult the range of motion is, the more effective the exercise will be, because your body has to work twice as hard to perform the movement.

Take for the instance the classic dumbbell bicep curl. If you aren’t familiar with the exercise, it is performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forward, and a pair of dumbbells held down by your sides. You’ll contract your biceps to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder height, then repeat the exercise as many times as you wish.

Using that same movement for exercise on a bicep curl machine, you should sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, then perform the same movement as above to move the handles in an upward motion.

Now, looking at the muscle contractions in this exercise, you are contracting essentially your biceps if you are using the curl machine, and that is pretty much all you are doing. When you use the machine you are sitting down, which will limit just how much your shoulders give. The machine has several muscles used in this exercise limited to the biceps, as well as the muscles in your forearms and fingers.

Most of the time, when using machine weights, you will always be limited as to what type of exercise you can perform. You must always follow a strict procedure, which is pretty much the same with free weights. Unlike free weights, machine weights offer a certain degree of resistance.

One of the best thing about free weights is the fact that you move a little chuck around to select the weight you want to use. Instead of dragging it over to your exercise area, you simply select it on the machine. When you are tired during a workout, this can be a blessing.

A lot of people argue in the fact that free weights are the best for your body. While this is normally true, many people out there feel that machine weights are the best. There are pros and cons with both machines, although free weights have been around a lot longer and have been proven time after time to achieve dramatic results.

Body builders for example, have used free weights over the years to build very impressive bodies. If you ask most of them about machine weights, they would probably laugh at you and tell you that you need to quit joking around.

In a nutshell, free weights will use more of your muscles than the machines do, which makes them more effective overall. This doesn’t mean that the machines are a waste of use, as they offer some great advantages. In some cases, it is best to stabilize the muscles that are being used in a movement, which is where machines are the best to use.

The decision on which to use for you should be based on what you hope to achieve with lifting weights and where you plan to use the equipment,such as home or at a gym. Both systems are great for your body, although the free weights are best to use if you want the best possible workout, and always ensure that your muscles are getting the right workouts they need.

My Fitness Forever is the Number 1 Directory for everything Fitness. We cover it all from Sports, Health, Weight Training, Vitamins & Supplements.

Keeping your arms straight, move weights up and down in front of you. Learn how to do this exercise with free weights in this fitness video from a Pilates instructor. Expert: Jeri Ryan Bio: Jeri Ryan is the owner of Pilates Pure N Simple. She was certified as a Pilates instructor through Core Conditioning Physical Therapy in Studio City, California. Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

Toning Your Arms With Hand Weights For Women

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you are tired of that flabby extra skin and fat which hangs from underneath your arms, now is the time to take care of it. One of the most simple ways to do this is through the use of simple hand weight exercises.

First, you need to understand that in order to tone your muscles, you need to first lose fat. This is the big essential tip that you need to learn.

Arm toning is not possible without losing fat. Sadly, it is not possible to lose fat off of only your arms.

This means that if you want to tone your arms, you need to start a weight loss program that will help you lose weight off of your whole body. Only when your body has a low fat percentage that your muscles will start to shine through as defined and firm.

So, weight loss is just as important as muscle gain when it comes to arm toning. Next, you need to work with actual weights in order to make an impact.

On the other side of the equation is it the muscle that you build, shows through whatever fat you have on your arm. The bigger they are, the better they will show through.

Many women worry about getting bulky but this isn’t really a concern, as women do not have the necessary testosterone to get big. However, if you do want to get big, there are many ways to do it.

You cannot achieve these results with two pound lifts at a time-you need some real pounds to work with. If anyone at your gym tells you to use light weights with high reps to tone your arms, you can recognize they are wrong!

Working out with lighter ones, and higher reps is a bad rumor that we should all ignore. The reason is simple.

When you train, you break your muscles slightly-when they rebuilt, this is where growth occurs. Heavy pounds obviously stresses them more, and will amount to more muscles being torn and rebuilt.

Heavier will also speed up your metabolism, which in turn will burn more fat, helping you to tone your arms. To start with your biceps, go with a bar bell curl.

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, grab a bar bell about shoulder width apart. With your elbows locked firmly to a position by your side, lift the pounds up using your biceps, to the top of your chest.

Lower it slowly down without moving your elbows and repeat. Next, try to alternate dumb bell curl.

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, and grab two dumb bells and let them rest at your side. Tensing your bicep, curl one up and twist it so that when the dumb bell reaches its top position near your shoulder, your palm is facing your shoulder.

As you lower this dumb bell down to its starting position, repeat with the opposite arm. Laying on a bench, take a medium heavy bar bell, a bit narrower than shoulder width grip, and bring it down to your lower ribs.

Push it up using your triceps, and lower it to the same position. Just before it reaches your chest, fire it up in the pushing direction again before it gets a chance to rest on your body.

This prevents your chest from taking over with the lifting. Take a light dumb bell in your right hand.

Place your left hand and left knee on a low flat bench. Keeping your back straight, lift your elbow so that your upper arm is in line with your torso.

Slowly tense your tricep, and lift the dumb bell to a position where you arm is almost locked out straight. Lower and repeat.

These are the basic four exercises that you will use to build your foundation of strength and technique. Remember, without perfect technique, you will not make any progress, so exert yourself in making sure that your posture and lifting method is perfect.

Warm up with some cardio, stretching, and light weights. Then do your bar bell curls, your narrow grip bench press, your alternate dumb bell curls, and tricep kickbacks.

Remember, when a rep number says 8-10 it means that you should pick a weight that causes you to ‘fail’ in that rep range. It does not mean that you pick a light weight and only do 8 reps.

It means you should be struggling to get to 8. Perform each exercise with care and slowly.

You will love your arms! Today is the day to start.

Jack R. Landry has been writing about the exercise and health industry for years. He recommends using fitness equipment to stay healthy and fit.

Contact Info:

Jack R. Landry

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Dumbbell Weights Exercise Tips

March 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Dumbbells have been used by personal trainers for years as a way to build strength and endurance in both elite athletes and those regular individuals looking to get more physically fit. You can use dumbbells to build up muscle in various areas of the body, and such training will lead to a disciplined body and mind.

There are other products on the market like resistance machines and for some people these can be helpful but they are very limited and adustment to a persons height and body weight is poor.

When you first get your dumbbell weights you will know doubt experiement with different exercises and there is no harm in doing this, it will get you use to the feel and design of the weights. When it comes to dumbbell exercises they are really divided into a number of varying groups. Let’s expand on a few of these groups.

Lets first take a look at the standard Chest Exercises

These exercises are very popular with people who are want to build muscle in the upper part of the body. The best way to do these exercises is by lying flat on your work bench whilst holding your dumbbell weights above your chest. Before you do this make sure you are familiar with the weights as dropping them from this position will hurt!. Now push the weights upwards and return to the chest position and repeat the process.

Sit on your flattened exercise bench exactly as you would if you were sitting in a chair. Lift your dumbbells up over your head, keeping your back as flat as possible. The dumbbells should then be lowered so they are in line with your shoulders. Hold briefly in this position (arms at 90 degrees) and then lift the dumbbells back up again for a repeat. Lateral raises are another shoulder exercise that is great for someone who has been lifting for a short while. Standing up, bend your knees slightly and have the dumbbells down at your sides. Bend your elbows just enough to raise the dumbbells out to your sides until your arms are raised to shoulder’s length. Continue back down until your arms are parallel to the floor, and then repeat.

Steve is a fanatical keep fit and body builder who has many years experience in the body building field. For more information on Dumbbell Weights and video reviews go to Dumbbell Weights

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weights strength training-workout routine for women

March 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by romeo burke

Unless you’re a sports professional or actively participate in sorts activities, fitness fun for men is non-existent. Heath professionals everywhere see the results of the average man’s lack of concern for fitness.

Both men and women understand daily exercise is important for everyone. The not so fitness fun facts for men are the epidemic of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic illnesses are rising due to inactivity and poor fitness habits. Every man should be concerned about staying fit. How does a man turn fitness into fun?

One common rebuttal when a male is told he needs to increase is,?I get lots of activity at work. That should be enough. I don’t feel like exercising when I come home from work.? The truth is that when a man does include a regular fitness routine into his daily life, his energy level improves, his physical fitness improves, his mental state improves, and he’s more able to handle the daily stress of life. He’s ready and more able to handle whatever comes his way. Another fun fitness fact is that being physically fit delays the aging process and decreases the health problems that normally occur with aging.

Three main fitness categories important for everyone are strength, flexibility and aerobic training. These three areas will guarantee each individual a great workout to keep your entire body in better shape.

Fitness routines can become something every man wants. As he beings to see the results of regular training, fitness fun occurs. Although fitness can be fun, it can also be dangerous. If you do not already practice some sort of physical activity in your every day life, you should begin slowly and gradually increase the intensity.

Getting Back In Shape with Fun Fitness

With all the new technologies available, working out has become more fun than ever before! Whether you need to lose weight, a more convenient way to add muscle mass, or to improve your endurance check out your specialty retail stores for great fitness tools to get you moving in the right direction.

Becoming fit doesn’t have to be really strenuous work like in the older days. Fitness tools and equipment designs have improved greatly. You may decide that you like treadmills, elliptical machines, exercise bikes or other fitness equipment to receive the workout your body desires.

While working out another part of fun fitness is to keep track of blood pressure, distances achieved, and even your body composition. Keeping track of your progress will also help boost your motivation. Fun fitness accessories comes in hand held, watch forms, and even clip-on for convenience.

Strength Training and Relaxation Techniques

Every man likes to feel strong so what can make fun fitness techniques even better than having your own personal Multi-Function Flex Gym or exercise bench with free weights? Strength training is performed in several different ways but it is something that men cannot seem to get enough of once they begin to see and fell the results.

After a great workout, the best way to finish out the day is by getting rid of all your extra tension. In pure relaxation, an Infrared Sauna will ease aching muscle and joints with heat penetration fit for a king.

Make fun fitness an every day event in your life and you will truly feel a difference in body and health.

Romeo Burke:Musician songwriter Music producer Video clip -ProducerLoan Debt Advisor38 Years Single living in The Netherlands Europe\ Florida USAborn in Suriname South America;


Weight Training Devices Choices – The way to Make a decision Between Totally free Weights And Fat Teaching Devices

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Gary Vinski

As soon as you might have created the selection to make investments in bodyweight teaching gear to your home gymnasium, another action is to determine which sort of devices to purchase. Most fitness enthusiasts who need to consist of a bodyweight instruction routine as component of their general fitness efforts will choose possibly free of charge weights or perhaps a bodyweight teaching machine.Free WeightsFree weights consist of numerous separate elements that you could combine in a number of ways to differ your fat teaching schedule. A full set of no cost weights will generally include:o One barbell (sometimes two)o Weight plates and security collarso Fat bench and racko DumbbellsWith these simple pieces of weight training gear, you can easily alter the sort, intensity and frequency of physical exercises performed. Because the parts are separate and never connected to one another, many fitness enthusiasts uncover free weights to get the easiest form of weight training equipment to fit into numerous sized spaces within their house.Should you are into really major lifting, you may want to invest in a very energy rack. It is a heavy duty rack that adjusts to fit your height, enabling you to squat and place the barbell across your back. Then you definitely basically stand up, do your distinct workout, and return the barbell towards the energy rack. This is actually the safest way to suit your needs to do heavy lifting with your fat training equipment.Weight Coaching MachinesSome fitness enthusiasts go for a bodyweight coaching machine that supplies several workout stations and alternatives, all attached to a single steel frame. A normal excess weight coaching machine allows you to perform the following:o Bench presso Lat pull downo Leg extensiono Leg curlo Bicep curlo Very low rowThe type of weight instruction resistance will vary from machine to machine. Some use adjustable fat plates although other individuals use versatile rods of a variety of stiffness to modify resistance. There’s also some teaching equipment available on the market that utilizes the fat of one’s individual entire body blended with gravity to build resistance, but be cautious about deciding on this type of house health club. They aren’t constantly of the highest high quality, and lots of are constrained with regards to the forms of exercises they can handle.Which one particular is proper to suit your needs?Choosing which form of bodyweight coaching gear is proper in your case – totally free weights or perhaps a bodyweight instruction machine – will rely on numerous components. Prior to making your choice, feel concerning the subsequent:Space – Simply how much room do you might have to accommodate the devices? Bear in mind which you require sufficient place for the equipment alone, and also plenty of space to stroll all around it and securely execute workouts.Experience – In case you really are a seasoned weight teaching enthusiast then you can be equally well-served by both form of bodyweight training equipment. In the event you really are a novice, although, just remember to comprehend and use suitable techniques for whichever kind you purchase.Budget – Great good quality fat teaching devices generally expense a lot more than excellent high quality no cost weights, but both variety can drop in a very array from inexpensive to top rated with the line. Be especially cautious of machines which can be extremely cheap, because they are likely make of inferior high quality components.

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Bicep Exercises Without Weights – An Interesting Few To Try Out

March 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Jefferie Wilkenson

In this article we will look at a number of bodyweight exercises that work out the biceps. Sometimes the biceps are not the primary muscle group worked, but they still get a good workout.

Wide grip push-up. With a normal push-up your arms are approximately shoulder width apart and the focus is placed on working the chest muscles and arms. However, if you adopt a wider stance with your arms more than shoulder width apart you take the focus off the arm and shoulder muscles and place it back on the chest muscles. Wide grip push-ups tend to work the outer chest muscles more and are good for shaping and toning.

Seated Dumbell Curls for Biceps. By sitting down when doing a bicep curl as opposed to standing up you will focus on working out the biceps. It is harder to cheat when sitting down as you wont be able to put your back or leg muscles into it to help you out. It will be the biceps all the way. So sit at the end of a workout bench and hold a dumbell in each of your hands with them down by your side. Start with your palms facing towards your body. Then, one arm at a time, lift the weights up whilst turning your palms up to the ceiling. At the moment of full muscle contraction give the biceps a nice big squeeze for a second or two and then slowly lower the weights down to the ground.

Bicep Dumbell Concentration Curls. Sit down on the edge of a workout bench and while holding a dumbell in one hand rest the elbow of that hand against your inner knee. Your free arm will be placed down against your other knee for support. Then slowly bring the dumbell upwards whilst ensuring that your elbow remains in place against the inside of your knee at all times. At the top squeeze for a second and then slowly lower. Do 4-6 reps of this exercise for one arm, have a rest, and then do the same for the other arm. This is a very powerful home bicep workout exercise because your are completely zoning in on working the bicep muscles and all other muscles are taken out of the equation on this one.

Decline Push-Ups. To do a declined push-up place your feet on an elevated object such as a box or a chair. Your arms should be on the ground as usual. You will then lower your upper body towards the ground at a steeper angle than a normal push-up. This puts more of a focus on the lower part of the chest. It is always a good idea to mix up the widths of the push-up grips so that all areas of the chest muscles get in a decent workout.

Incline Push Ups. Push-ups on an incline involve you raising your arms onto a platform such as a chair or a box. Your feet will be on the floor. Do the press up as usual but at this new angle. You will find that you will feel the exercise working your upper chest area with an incline push up. Upper chest muscles often get neglected so incline push ups are a great addition to your arsenal of bodyweight exercises.

T Stretch (Chest). This is a stretching exercise for the chest and should be done before and after workouts. It is very simple to do. Stand in an upright position and raise your hands to either side so that you form a T shape. Your palms should be facing the sky. And then gently stretch you arms backwards as far as you can go so that you start to feel a stretch in your chest. Only go as far back as is comfortable to give a nice mild stretch across your pectorial muscles. Hold the stretch for approximately 20 seconds. Another good way to use this chest stretching exercise is to do it just before a major chest exercise such as push ups or a bench press. This will mean that you will be pre-exhausting your chest muscles (tiring them out a bit before hand) to make the major chest exercise even more challenging.

For more information please see the bicep exercises without weights blog post and the bicep exercises without weights article.

Training Without Weights

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Luke Wilson

Working out without weights can be just as effective and sometimes more so then working out with weights, it all depend on what it is that you are trying to accomplish. I hope that this article will help to show you how to build and maintain muscle.

Before you begin any workout you should be sure to stretch, and warm up, you want to be sure to get the heart rate up for a more effective workout. If you are not really sure where you are on the health meter, you should check with your doctor before starting any new workout program. With all that aside it is time to get fit.

Just remember what you put into getting fit is what you are going to get out of it. Changing your diet is a big part of getting fit; anyone who suggests that it is not is not beginning straight with you. You do not have to up root you life to an extreme, but there will need to be a few sacrifices made.

The junk food for the most part will have to go. There are many options for those who chose to for go weight trying. The first exercise that comes to mind would be jogging or walking if you are not much of a runner.

Think about it, you have the benefit of being outside and getting fresh air, and you are also getting a good cardio workout. If the weather does not permit, you can always walk on the trend mill. If you do not have a trend mill walking or running in place can be just as effective.

If you have access to a pool or the beach, swimming is another great way to get a cardio workout. Swimming also tones and strengthens muscles. Push-ups are another great way to get some strength training without weights, as wells as sit-ups, crunches, squats, leg lunges, etc

Top 10 Exercises Without Weights

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Nitin Chhoda

If you hate to go to the gym, you are not alone. The good news is – you can get results in the comfort of your own home with some simple home exercises.

Bodyweight training CAN be effective. It CAN be a substitute for weights, if necessary. Training using your own body weight as a source of resistance is a time tested technique to get results fast.

Here are the ten best bodyweight training exercises that give you great workouts and great results – without the gym.

1. Supine Pull-Ups (works major muscles in back, shoulders, and biceps) Use two chairs and a pole – a heavy broom handle works well. WARNING: make sure the chairs are stable and that the broom handle is strong enough to take your weight. You could be SEVERELY injured if the pole were to break or the chairs to slip. Lie on your back underneath a low bar. Grab the bar with a wide overhand grip. Pull up. Lower and repeat for 6-8 reps.

2. Supine Biceps Pull-Ups (biceps, some back) Use the same chairs-and-pole arrangement from #1. Sit underneath a low bar. Grab the bar with a reverse grip (palms facing you), hands about shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body upright, pull up until your chin just clears the bar. Focus on the tension in your biceps, trying to relax the rest of your body. 6-8 reps.

3. Push-Ups (chest, triceps, shoulders) The key when targeting the chest with Push-Ups is the direction in which your elbows travel. As with bench presses, the elbows must move AWAY FROM THE BODY to target your chest, and be kept CLOSE TO THE BODY to target the triceps. Place each hand just outside your shoulders, slightly behind the line of your shoulders. Hands pointing straight ahead, upper body rigid as a board. 6-15 reps.

4. Tent Push-Ups (primarily upper chest) Assume the position in #3, but walk your feet forward so your body is bent at the waist, and your hips are up high in the air. Bending at the elbows, lower yourself until your nose touches the floor. Push up. Repeat. 6-8 reps.

5. Push-Ups, Triceps Position (you guessed it – triceps, and some chest) Begin with fingers facing forward in position from #3, hands slightly LESS than shoulder width apart. Lower your body to the floor keeping arms in against your body. Push up. 6-8 reps.

6. Triceps Dips With Chairs With your hands behind your back, support yourself on your palms at the edge of a chair. Your hands should be touching; your elbows should angle outward. Dipping in this position relieves a lot of stress on the elbow and shoulder joints. Lower yourself, keeping your back close to the chair. Bend your elbows back and slightly to the sides. Keep your body angled slightly forward throughout the motion. Press yourself up until your arms are straight. 6-15 reps.

7. One-Legged Squats (front thighs, glutes, hamstrings) Stand perpendicular to a wall, about arm’s length away from it. Extend your arm out to the side and place your palm against the wall at just under shoulder-height. Angle the foot farthest from the wall at 45 degrees. Bend the other leg back. Keeping your body upright, lower yourself until the non-weight-bearing knee is close to (but not touching) the ground. Support yourself by leaning against the wall. Press yourself back up to starting position. Repeat 6-8 reps.

8. One-Legged Hamstring Bridges Lie on your back with one leg extended, heel on the ground. Hold the other leg up off the floor. Pushing through your heel, flex your hamstrings to lift your body. Lower and repeat for 8-10 reps. Repeat with other leg. You can control the resistance and the degree to which the glutes contribute by changing the distance you place your heel relative to your butt.

9. Lunges Begin the lunge by taking a large step forward, keeping your head up and torso erect. Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to drop to a point just before it touches the floor – never let the knee touch the floor. To return to the start, push off with your forward leg and then step back when the knee is completely straight. Repeat with other leg, 10-15 reps each leg.

10. Stair Running Stair running isn’t usually considered a resistance exercise, and in fact, it makes hefty demands on your cardiovascular system. However, it also does an incredible job of conditioning the lower body. If your knees are in good shape, try doing 10-20 one-story sprints, preferably two stairs at a time. As you get stronger, work up the number slowly, keep one hand on the stair rail to catch yourself if you lose your balance. Give yourself a bigger challenge by wearing a backpack filled with nice and heavy books.

To read reviews on home exercise equipment and learn how to choose the best exercise gadgets for your needs, visit Nitin Chhoda’s new site

Tricep Exercises Without Weights

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Your biceps, triceps, muscles in the wrist, and muscles in the hands are the muscle groups that are strengthened with arm exercises. Most people, when they think of arm exercises, imagine curling dumbbells, but arm exercises without weights can be performed effectively.

Biceps is one of the most important parts of the body which are to be build to increase the strength and most importantly for many people as a popularity symbol. People think of increasing the size of the biceps as a status symbol. Apart from all of these they are a very good part to increase the overall strength of the body and the ability to do work or lift weights.

Cardio workouts such as running, swimming, hiking, walking and bicycling can be extremely beneficial for sculpting your body. These workouts are capable to boost metabolism in your body, which consequently burn lots of fats. Your exercise session should start with cardio workouts.

Using the same technique as described above this biceps exercise will be done as a hammer curl with the elbow on the inside of the thigh but instead of holding the wrist just below the palm of the hand hold the wrist just below the back of the thumb.

This is perhaps the best upper body exercise one can do without equipment. While push-ups heavily focus on chest and triceps muscles, to a lesser extent they also work out nearly every other major muscle group above the waist. These include shoulders, arms, back, neck, and abs.

This adds a new muscle building dimension to this classic exercise for your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Put your feet up on a bed or on a chair. Do your Push Ups. This Push Up variation should provide enough resistance for most people to stimulate a little muscle growth.

Lunges Begin the lunge by taking a large step forward, keeping your head up and torso erect. Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to drop to a point just before it touches the floor – never let the knee touch the floor.

While some people may be going back to elementary school with this simple exercise, it certainly does strengthen the arms. Place your hands on the floor, a bit wider than shoulder width apart, feet stretched out. Slowly lower your body towards the ground, and then push all the way back up.

This is also one of the best tricep exercises. You’ll most likely need a spotter to help you get the barbell off the rack. It may feel awkward at first but after a couple sets, you’ll get used to it and it’ll feel natural. Keep in mind that for this version, you should bring the barbell down towards your sternum rather then the middle to upper portion of your chest as you would with the regular bench press exercise.

Push Ups The push up works the chest, the front part of the shoulder, and the triceps. Often times athletes and body builders will use this exercise to warm up before a workout and for cooling down after a high intensity workout. As you do this exercise consistently, you can really build muscle and develop a higher level of physical strength without having to use weights.

One of the most important parts of overall health is regular exercise. The Surgeon General advises at least 150 hours per week of exercise to improve cardiovascular health. Often times, people fail to exercise because of the large expense to join a gym. There are many workouts, however that can be done without weights. In fact a workout without weights can often times be the most effective.

The first exercise that we will discuss is the pushup. The pushup is very much equivalent to the bench press for weight training. The pushup exercises all of the arm muscles (bicep, tricep, forearm), chest muscles such as the pectoral muscles, as well as stimulating muscle growth in the upper back.

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