Discovering A Primary Resource Of Kettlebell Weights Knowledge
January 19, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Article by Connor Quinn
When you check out exercise equipment that is quickly growing in popularity, few products can match the success of kettlebell weights. Kettlebell weights are a radical form of free weights which assist to develop an individual’s exercise and maximize their exercise results.
Best of all the success that kettlebell weights have hasn’t been the result of celebrity endorsement but due to the success which so many people have found making use of kettlebell weights. Matter of fact several large gyms dedicated to the pursuit of improving the public’s health have abandoned the conventional free weights usually seen lining the walls to be replaced by many racks of workout friendly kettlebell weights.
The best means to understand the benefits of kettlebell weights is to take a look at the one of a kind design which is provided by this product. Traditional free weights are rather limited in range of motion, requiring that you workout one muscle at a time. This style of exercise makes an individual’s workout incredibly time consuming and overall boring. With the use of kettlebell exercises you open a new world of workout potential with their unique design. Rather than having a handle that is center in the middle of the weight, kettlebell weights have a handle design which will assist with a fluid motion in your kettlebell exercises. That fluid motion that is found in kettlebell workouts allows the person to use more muscles during one set and dramatically increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the workout experience.
Though, even with the great success the kettlebell weights provide their customers and the fast transition that is being made towards their use, its nevertheless difficult for the person to find a location that uses these useful tools. This is why many have taken steps to creating home gyms which are then properly equipped when they buy kettlebells. When you buy kettlebells for your home gym you unlock the opportunity to get the greatest workout available from the comfort of your own environment.
One of the best reasons to purchase kettlebells for the home is found with the opportunity to increase your exercise opportunity. When you have kettlebell weights at home you can exercise when its suitable for you and not be restricted by gym times or trainer convenience. Furthermore, you’ll discover the privacy which many prefer when exercising hard to lose fat, build muscle, and improve their general health.
Kettlebell weights provide the health conscious person a way to maximize their workout and improve workout results. Whether you’re looking to get into shape, trying to build muscle or trying to maintain your current health, kettlebell exercises offer you with the greatest opportunity.
If you have decided that you are ready to buy kettlebells then visit for a detailed instruction on kettlebells for sale, kettlebell workouts and more…
In this video, speaks to certified Kettlebell instructor Mike Pellegrini about using kettlebell weights while you train.
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Understanding The Several Opportunities That Are Related To Kettlebell Weights
January 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Article by Connor Quinn
For the individual that is knowledgeable of workout regiments, it is common knowledge to see how exercises breakdown to cardio and weight lifting. While cardio exercises are usually easy to achieve, many people come to the assumption that current weight lifting tools are rather lacking. Stationary machines assist to target a single muscle but that is also limited to a single motion which could be unnatural and hinder muscle growth. Free weights provide more motion with the person’s workout; though it still is restricted in motion as a result of the poor design of traditional free weights. This weakness in design has created a demand for an efficient and effective weight lifting device and kettlebell weights have answered the call.
When a person utilizes kettlebell weights they are using kettlebell workouts which have revealed to provide individuals with an improved workout experience. This improved workout experience assists increase the building of muscle and works out multiple muscles with each rep rather than the focus on a single muscle.
Kettlebell workouts might include many of the conventional motions that are found with present free weights and the increase in results is found in the one of a kind design associated with kettlebell weights. Rather than having the handle centered in the center of the weight like with conventional free weights, kettlebell weights have a handle raised over the weight. This large raised handle features a curved handle and a comfort grip which would allow an increased choice of motion directly impacting the number of muscles you utilize in your kettlebell workouts.
For the person who recognizes the benefits which are linked with kettlebell weights they would discover a unique opportunity linked to finding kettlebells for sale. Many gyms have recognized the advantages of kettlebell weights but the transition and cash found with filling gyms is time consuming. Though this high demand for kettlebells for sale have inspired several businesses to invest in this one of a kind chance as a business venture. For the buyer of kettlebell weights this quick boost in kettlebell weights resources has aided to create a wide selection of rates and pricing options. As competition for kettlebells for sale grows, the cost on the product decreases, creating a one of a kind possibility for the individual that is trying to take advantage of the kettlebell weights opportunity.
So how could an individual interested in kettlebell workouts tap into these advantageous opportunities. The first step is to identify a reliable resource which can aid you in increasing your knowledge of the good and the possibilities. The resources ought to educate you on the several kettlebell weights available to the person and the kettlebell workouts available with those goods. In addition, finding a resource that helps in finding kettlebells for sale is also essential.
Want to lose weight quickly? Kettlebells for sale offer tips and tricks to use kettlebells, specializing in traditional strength training and techniques. Know more about kettlebell weights by logging in to NOW. One of the most frequently asked kettlebell training questions is “What weight do I start with?” i hope this guide helps.
How To Build Muscle With Free Weights and Machine Weights
January 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Arm Exercises
Article by Niz Rambo aka Nizam Shapie
Something you need to keep in mind and by no means put behind you is with the intention of while you do exercises, you are training for life. You still may well consume an hour a day in the fitness center, although that will still leave an additional 23 hours or so on behalf of your muscles to function exclusive of using any fancy equipment.
Whenever you do any type of drill, the movement of your body in the course of the work out is established as the range of motion. The more difficult the range of motion is, the more efficient the work out will be, because your body has to work twice as hard to perform the movement.Take on behalf of the instance the classic dumbbell bicep curl.
If you aren’t familiar with the drill, it is performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forwards, and a pair of dumbbells held down by your sides. You’ll contract your biceps to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder height, then repeat the work out as many times as you want.Using that same movement in favor of exercise on a bicep curl machine, you ought to sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, followed by perform the same movement like above to move the handles in an upward movement.
At this point, looking on the muscle contractions in this work out, you are contracting effectively your biceps if you are using the curl machine, and that is pretty much all you are doing. While you use the machine you are sitting down, which will limit just how much your shoulders perform. The machine has several muscles used during this drill limited to the biceps, as well as the muscles within your forearms and fingers.
For the most part of the time, while using machine weights, you will always be restricted as to what type of drill you can do. You must always follow a strict procedure, which is pretty much the same with free weights. Unlike free weights, machine weights offer a certain degree of resistance.One of the most excellent thing about free weights is the fact that you move a slight chuck around to choose the weight you want to work out. Instead of dragging it over to your work out area, you simply choose it on the machine.
When you are tired during a workout, this can be a blessing.A lot of people argue in the reality that free weights are the most excellent for your body. While this is normally factual, many people out there feel that machine weights are the most excellent.
There are pros and cons with both equipments, although free weights have been around a lot longer and have been proven time after time to reach dramatic results.Body builders for example, have used free weights over the years to build very impressive bodies. If you ask the majority of them regarding machine weights, they would probably laugh at you and tell you that you need to stop joking around.Inside a nutshell, free weights will operate more of your muscles than the machines do, which makes them more efficient overall. This doesn’t mean that the machines are a waste of use, as they offer various significant advantages.
In some cases, it is most excellent to stabilize the muscles that are being used during a movement, which is where machines are the best to use. The decision on which to work out for you must be based on what you expect to accomplish with lifting weights and where you intend to operate the equipment, such as residence or at a gymnasium. Both systems are significant for your body, although the free weights are best to use if you wish for the most excellent possible workout, and always ensure that your muscles are getting the proper workouts they need.
Nizam Shapie is an expert on fitness consultation and losing fat for man (gynecomastia). For more information about weight training and supplementation, please visit You also can get FREE Fat Killer Report at
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Free weights or bands – which ones give the best results?
January 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Tom Kalka
With so much conflicting information out there about fitness and exercise, it’s no wonder that clients often want advice about whether or not to use machines for exercise as opposed to free weights and bands.
But as a professional trainer, my answer is simple – I say, “Machines, free weights and cables”.
Confused? Don’t be. The fact is that each of these types of equipment has benefits and drawbacks that the others do not. Ultimately a good workout regimen will use a variety of exercises and equipment in order to produce “muscle confusion” which is a core element of fitness boot camps. So let’s take a closer look at each one of these and when you would use them.
We’ve covered this area before – machines are great mostly for safety reasons because they limit your range of motion. But this same limit is also why we’re not crazy about them, as limited range of motion means you cannot work each side of your body independently. Therefore you wind up with one side stronger than the other and your weaker side never catches up. So if you work out from home this might be a good thing, but you will eventually find yourself needing to change up your exercise routine.
Free Weights
In my experience, guys love free weights, ladies, generally are much more intimated by them. Hopefully, this explanation will bring everyone back down to earth and realize the benefits and limitations to free weights. When using free weights you are going to need to recruit the more muscle fibers in the muscle you are working because of the need to stabilize the weight though-out the ROM. Not to mention, that when using dumbbells you will also have to exert the same force on both sides of your body to move the same weight. Another benefit to free weights is the fact that you can change the angle in which you hold the weight, or the angle in which you push or pull the weight, all of which allow you to target different muscle fibers and more fully develop the muscle.
The limitations with free weights are that they are much more dangerous to use if you don’t know what you are doing, or you think you know what you are doing but are wrong! Without a spotter, it can be very difficult to increase the amount of weight you use because of the dangers of dropping the weight or not being able to lift the weight into the proper starting position.
Bands or Cables
The invention of cables machines was an attempt to find a balance between both free weights and machines. You will see many different types of cable machines in your local fitness facility but you can also find them in many homes as well. The famous Bowflex is a great tool to use as well as the Crossbow and other variations as well. The problem with these tools include: most clients have no clue how to perform the exercise properly not to mention that they cannot figure out the correct configuration with the machine to hit the muscle they want to target. While being safer than free weights, you still have to maintain stability using cables which is a great benefit, not to mention that you can hit the muscle at many more angles with cables.
In conclusion, the best answer I could provide is that a proper exercise routine should incorporate all three types of tools, not to mention the numerous other tools available to you including: video tapes, treadmills, elliptical trainers, walking, jogging, and running, swimming, kickboxing, etc. The real secret is to constantly shock your body and never allow it to get use to doing one thing. This way, your body has to continually grow to keep up with the demands you are putting on it.
Tom Kalka is the President of Custom Fitness Concepts, a fitness boot camp company with locations in Maryland and Washington, DC. Visit their website or blog to learn more about the best ways to exercise including outdoor training and the techniques discussed in this article.
Strength Training Exercise – The Benefits of Lifting Weights
January 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Endurance Training
Article by Protica Research
It’s amazing to walk into gyms and fitness centers these days. There are so many new types of machines and gadgets that people can use to stay healthy. The really amazing thing about these places, however, is not the machines and technology – it’s the people who are using them. People from every age group and walk of life are enjoying the benefits that can be derived from resistance training. Strength exercise programs aren’t just for the huge bodybuilder or football player any more. People young and old, fat and thin, are learning how to lift weights in an effort to live healthier, more enjoyable lives.
The demographics of an average gym member today are a lot different than they were 20 or 30 years ago. Gyms used to be the dwelling place of the physically elite. Only huge, strong, full time athletes roamed the weight rooms back in those days. It was a good bet that people who were on a strength training exercise program back then were hardcore about their strength exercise and took their training very seriously. Over time, though, word got out that strength training exercise wasn’t just for bodybuilders. In fact, if you go to the average weight room today, you will see just as many beginners as you will seasoned athletes. We simply know more about the overall health benefits of exercise now than we did a generation ago.
Strength Training Exercise Routines for the Rest of Us
One of the great things that you see in gyms today is the number of women who are adopting strength training exercise into their fitness plans. There have always been women who lifted weights, but there was a myth that women who got on strength exercise programs would become ‘masculine’ and ‘muscle-bound’. For many years this myth continued to circulate and some women avoided touching weights for fear of becoming manly or getting too big. Fortunately, it has been proven that doing a strength training exercise routine alone will not result in women becoming huge and muscular. Even professional women bodybuilders are not likely to get very big or overly muscular without hardcore strength exercise programs, the right genetics and other variables being present. Simply put, women now know that they can, and should include resistance training in their exercise programs.
Women can enjoy some fantastic benefits by incorporating strength training exercise into their fitness routines. The first benefit is increased lean body mass, which results in increased fat loss. Women can also fight off degenerative bone loss later in life by becoming stronger and more fit. Strength training exercise is a true health benefit for women of every age.
Strength Training Exercise Routines for the Elderly
One thing that might surprise you, if you haven’t been to a gym in a while, is the number of older people who are pumping iron. Doctors are recommending that elderly people take up strength exercise routines as a way to combat the effects of aging. One of the first things that happens as we get older is that we naturally begin to lose muscle mass. As lean body mass decreases our bodies become weaker. Over time this weakness contributes to many other health risks that can be easily avoided by simply maintaining muscle mass. Doctors have seen the plethora of benefits that people get from doing strength training exercise and are prescribing it to more and more of their patients every year.
Strength training exercise acts as a preventative health measure for older people. Many middle aged and elderly people aren’t all that concerned about getting huge, ripped or buff, they simply want to stay strong and active well into their golden years. Adding muscle mass, by way of strength exercise, is one of the most potent ways for these people to stay strong, healthy and vibrant for years to come. It’s likely that even more elderly people will begin to adopt strength training exercise regimens, as doctors continue to see the massive health improvements that these types of exercise programs provide.
Strength Training Exercise and Nutrition
Even the best strength exercise routine in the world won’t increase lean muscle mass without the right nutrition. People who are trying to add muscle mass – whether they are professional athletes, work at home mothers or older folks – need increased levels of protein intake in order to sustain and increase lean body mass. The only nutrient the body can use to build muscle tissue is protein. It’s important for people to pay close attention to their diets when they adopt a strength training exercise program. Failure to take in enough protein will result in no gains, and perhaps increased chances of injury, when lifting weights. For your body to get the most from a strength training routine, you need to give it the raw materials it needs to increase muscle mass. Protein is that raw ingredient that your body needs, so make sure that you are getting enough protein to sustain muscle growth.
Nutritional supplements are available that can help people get optimum levels of protein to fuel their workouts. Profect is one of the more popular protein drinks. It provides a whopping 25 grams of top quality protein to help your muscles recover from any strength exercise session. Adding a protein supplement, like Profect to your diet can help you to make sure that you are getting adequate levels of protein to get all the healthy benefits possible from your diet and exercise program. Resistance exercise is for everyone and it goes hand-in-hand with good nutritional practices. Make sure that you are getting the right amount of protein to get the most from your workouts.
About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica present Free Coaching Videos and drills, training Videos and fitness club in, fitness club gym, the gym fitness center, training work out, weight training lifting, training for basketball, training in basketball, strength training exercises, muscle training workout, weight lifting exercises, athletic fitness club, training strength
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No Weights Needed to Get Great Arm Exercises
January 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Arm Exercises
Article by Jack Bush
Any time you perform arm exercises, the muscles that are influenced the most are of course your biceps, triceps, and all the muscles that are located in your hands and in your wrist. The only arm exercises that work do not have to always be curling dumbbells or other weight related activities. Because weights are not always available when you want to work on your arms, there are alternatives. There are some arm strengthening exercises out there that do not require weights that you can do. The most effective of these weightless exercises are pushups and pull ups. These are effective for either gender. When using these exercises on a regular basis, women find that their arm flab begins to disappear.
Time and money are required to be a member of a fitness center. This sometimes can be the reason that we don’t attend. In developing your arms you do not have to have a fitness center. Exercising at home without the use of weights can give you just as good of results in your arms. Worried that you need to go by some exercise equipment? No need to worry. All you need is your body.
Pull Ups and Push Ups
Pushups: What exercise routine across the country does not include pushups? They are so easy. The very issues they can be done with them are innumerable. What to stay at the bottom position of a push up for longer? It can be done. Add resistance and increase the level of difficulty just by elevating your feet as you perform the exercise. Yes, these are arm muscles, but they are also great for the chest and shoulders.
Pull Ups: It is only pulling your body up with your arms. Look around for horizontal bar to performed the pull ups on. Grab on to the horizontal bar as you’re lying under it within overhand grip. Pull yourself up and you will then be performing a supine pull up. The biceps really get targeted if you pull up as you are sitting under the bar.
Develop Stronger Hands and Wrists
Chinese Hand Balls: Just place the Chinese balls in your hand and hold them parallel to the ground. The number of balls used in the beginning will be two. Over time it can increase up to six. Keep the balls constantly moving with using your fingers well at the same time not bumping them together. It stretches your hands and even your arm muscles. Arthritis patients can find is beneficial.
Massage Rings: Squeezing the rings in a rhythmic pattern is the key. Made out of rubber they possess nodules that help in the exercise. Plan on two to three sets of twenty squeezes a day.
The thought of many people is that no weights used in arm exercises are more natural. They actually simulate the motions the arms encounter each day. Faster muscle development can be found when using weights in the exercise regimen. Your results will last longer when you develop your muscles using natural exercises. Give it some time. You get lifelong benefits when you perform arm exercises with no weights.
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Tricep Exercises Without Weights
January 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Bicep Exercises
Article by Arlen Arron
Your biceps, triceps, muscles in the wrist, and muscles in the hands are the muscle groups that are strengthened with arm exercises. Most people, when they think of arm exercises, imagine curling dumbbells, but arm exercises without weights can be performed effectively.
Biceps is one of the most important parts of the body which are to be build to increase the strength and most importantly for many people as a popularity symbol. People think of increasing the size of the biceps as a status symbol. Apart from all of these they are a very good part to increase the overall strength of the body and the ability to do work or lift weights.
Cardio workouts such as running, swimming, hiking, walking and bicycling can be extremely beneficial for sculpting your body. These workouts are capable to boost metabolism in your body, which consequently burn lots of fats. Your exercise session should start with cardio workouts.
Using the same technique as described above this biceps exercise will be done as a hammer curl with the elbow on the inside of the thigh but instead of holding the wrist just below the palm of the hand hold the wrist just below the back of the thumb.
This is perhaps the best upper body exercise one can do without equipment. While push-ups heavily focus on chest and triceps muscles, to a lesser extent they also work out nearly every other major muscle group above the waist. These include shoulders, arms, back, neck, and abs.
This adds a new muscle building dimension to this classic exercise for your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Put your feet up on a bed or on a chair. Do your Push Ups. This Push Up variation should provide enough resistance for most people to stimulate a little muscle growth.
Lunges Begin the lunge by taking a large step forward, keeping your head up and torso erect. Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to drop to a point just before it touches the floor – never let the knee touch the floor.
While some people may be going back to elementary school with this simple exercise, it certainly does strengthen the arms. Place your hands on the floor, a bit wider than shoulder width apart, feet stretched out. Slowly lower your body towards the ground, and then push all the way back up.
This is also one of the best tricep exercises. You’ll most likely need a spotter to help you get the barbell off the rack. It may feel awkward at first but after a couple sets, you’ll get used to it and it’ll feel natural. Keep in mind that for this version, you should bring the barbell down towards your sternum rather then the middle to upper portion of your chest as you would with the regular bench press exercise.
Push Ups The push up works the chest, the front part of the shoulder, and the triceps. Often times athletes and body builders will use this exercise to warm up before a workout and for cooling down after a high intensity workout. As you do this exercise consistently, you can really build muscle and develop a higher level of physical strength without having to use weights.
One of the most important parts of overall health is regular exercise. The Surgeon General advises at least 150 hours per week of exercise to improve cardiovascular health. Often times, people fail to exercise because of the large expense to join a gym. There are many workouts, however that can be done without weights. In fact a workout without weights can often times be the most effective.
The first exercise that we will discuss is the pushup. The pushup is very much equivalent to the bench press for weight training. The pushup exercises all of the arm muscles (bicep, tricep, forearm), chest muscles such as the pectoral muscles, as well as stimulating muscle growth in the upper back.
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Wrist Weights – Improve Musculation While Avoiding Injury
December 30, 2011 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Concerning wrist weights, you may have seen many bodybuilders whose wrists are wrapped around heavy duty straps. Those are known as weight lifting wrist straps. Wrist straps are usually applied to help bodybuilder in extending their grip on certain workouts such as heavy barbell shrugs and shoulder side rises.
There are many names for these weight lifting equipments. Here are few names that you might have heard about the wrist weights as lifting straps, weight lifting straps, power straps, power lifting straps, dead lifting straps, deadlift straps, hand straps, training straps, weight straps and etc.
Wrist weights have non stretching material that is “noosed” around your wrists and the rest of the material is wrapped around the lifting bar to help you in handling the weight. Their main function is to keep the bar in your hands when lifting heavy weights.
You might use wrist straps when your grip can’t handle heavy amount of weight you are lifting, weak grip, sweaty hands, hurt hands etc.
These long lasting, durable and cotton bearing weight lifting wrist straps are the best way to take strain off forearms and wrists while doing exercises such as lat pull downs, deadlifts, rows, one arm row, shrugs and so on.
These straps are mainly used to build bigger back/lats, traps, legs and many more. It helps to improve your grip so you can easily handle heavy weights during various exercises. It has different sizes from teenagers to younger.
Weight lifting straps are applied to improve grip on heavy workouts such as shrugs, deadlifts, cable rows etc. They are basically used on trap and back exercises but may also applied on exercises such as heavy dumbbell curls and presses.
Using a strap is not an easy job. It needs some practice to get them hang but it is worth the effort.
Straps can radically strengthen your grip, which will help you to better hit the traps and back. Many people lift more weight than their grip will allow. Wrist weights are a long strip of fabric with a loop at one end. Place the one end through the hole at the other end; both straps should mirror each other.
First of all place your hand through the circle made by strap. Then snug the strap tightly around the wrist. Put your hands on the bar with the help of strap lynching towards the floor. Drag the strap under the bar and rear over the top. At the end twist the bar towards your direction to tighten the straps. Wrist weights can be very useful for your training, but be cautious not to over use them.
No site but gives you all the tips and info on wrist weights and related subjects. Whether you are a newbie or an expert, make sure to check out weight lifting straps by following the links above! Rex’s Weight Lifting Strap is one of the newest straps in the industry. Rex’s weight lifting strap is easy to use and is for all skill sets. Try his weight lifting strap today!
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Chest Muscle Without Weights – Challenging Exercises
December 21, 2011 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Jefferie Wilkenson
In this article we will look at some powerful chest exercises without weights as well as some other very effective bodyweight workout exercises.
Decline Push-Ups. To do a declined push-up place your feet on an elevated object such as a box or a chair. Your arms should be on the ground as usual. You will then lower your upper body towards the ground at a steeper angle than a normal push-up. This puts more of a focus on the lower part of the chest. It is always a good idea to mix up the widths of the push-up grips so that all areas of the chest muscles get in a decent workout.
Walk Up Planks. Walk up planks are when you get in the basic plank position, which is the push-up position but with your forearms resting on the ground (and your back flat). With a basic plank you will just hold this position for 90 seconds, but for a walk up plank you slowly walk your forearms towards your midsection arm by arm. Almost squriming along the floor like a snake. The slowly raise your arms off the floor, arm by arm, so that your palms are on the ground and your hands are outstretched in the end position which looks like the top position of a push-up. Then repeat this exercise and carry on going for at least 90 seconds. It is a killer!
Seated Dumbell Curls for Biceps. By sitting down when doing a bicep curl as opposed to standing up you will focus on working out the biceps. It is harder to cheat when sitting down as you wont be able to put your back or leg muscles into it to help you out. It will be the biceps all the way. So sit at the end of a workout bench and hold a dumbell in each of your hands with them down by your side. Start with your palms facing towards your body. Then, one arm at a time, lift the weights up whilst turning your palms up to the ceiling. At the moment of full muscle contraction give the biceps a nice big squeeze for a second or two and then slowly lower the weights down to the ground.
Abdominal Alternative Oblique Twists. This exercise is similar to the basic ab crunch exercises. Lay in a cruch position, but instead of having our arms behind your head have them raised out in front of you touching your knees…almost like a zombie. And then do the crunch exercise by raising your shoulder blades a few inches off the floor. As you raise your body from the floor do it on one side and at an angle to work the oblique muscles. Alternate the side that you lean to each rep. With this abdominal bodyweight exercise, keep going until you reach muscle failure. That is the point at which you cannot physically do another rep because your muscles are exhausted.
For more information on building muscle with bodyweight exercises check out our chest exercises without weights blog post and the official chest exercises page on
Subscribe and follow along with certified personal trainer Mike Roulston, from Mode Athletics, as he demonstrates how to perform effective fat-burning workouts at home with minimal equipment. Visit Mode Athletics at:
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How to Gain Muscle Without Weights
December 7, 2011 by admin
Filed under Gain Muscle
The trouble with body weight only exercises is that nobody takes them seriously, by this I mean, they feel that they are not a real workout, so what happens, people goof around and then get hurt.Believe me if you crank out sets of chins and combine them with either push-ups or handstand push-ups you are going to be sore the next day.
These kinds of exercises includes push ups and pull ups. These two are very common exercise and you do not require any machine for these exercises. You can do them yourself without any help.While you are doing push ups both your chest and arms are pushing weights and while you are doing the pull ups your whole body is used as a resistance.
Yes, the above routines are very hard, but the real point I was trying to make is this, it does not matter how much weight you use-your muscles do not care they just know how hard they are working.
When bulking up, most folks quite rightly start taking on additional calories.
However, they don’t always think about how to spread these calories out throughout the day. It is best to split your meals into 6 per day instead of the usual 3. This gives the body a consistent supply of energy and calories, and avoids bunching large meals together.
When looking at these photos, you have to remember that most of these people do not have your body type. The majority of them are overweight and want to lose fat, not gain muscle. ‘Well’, you say, ‘What about those people who transformed their bodies? They lost fat and gained muscle’. Yes, but almost all of these people were overweight, or had high levels of body fat. In other words, their metabolisms were, for the most part, slow. They simply dieted and trained for fat loss.
A lot of people are eating too many bad fat or simple carbs and not following a weight gain diet strictly. If you want to gain muscle weight the right and healthy way, stay away from eating junk food or fatty foods. Chips, candies, sweets, fast food, fried foods are all unhealthy and what you are gaining is fats and not muscle weight. Junk food contains a lot of trans fats or saturated fats which are a big No No to your weight gain diet.
Next you should take into consideration your exercise and how many days you train, so if you weight train for 25 minutes, 4 days per week you would expect to lose a further 500 calories per day x 4 = 2,000 calories. This means you are burning 17,050 calories per week. To eat your 2,100 calories per week over what you are burning, you would need to take in 19,150 calories per week, or 2,735 calories per day.
Because the body can only uptake so much protein in one shot, Normally 35 grams is max. The time frame to take protein is ideal, once in the morning after your body has burned muscle while sleeping, and again after your workout to replenish lost nutrients. Always take casein at night before bed, otherwise your workout for that day could be lost, your body will burn muscle as energy while you sleep.
The main source of you building muscle will be the number of repetitions that you do every time that you work out. This means that if you do more repetitions you will gain more muscle. When you build muscle in the absence of weights you want to increase the speed at which you do the exercises.
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