Kettlebell Exercises – What’s All of the Fuss About

August 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Georgette Adanas

Kettlebell Exercises – What’s All of the Fuss About – Health

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You’ve probably heard an awesome deal about kettlebell exercises in recent months if you’re spending any attention at all to the most up-to-date fitness trends. As the popularity of kettlebell instruction and workouts are growing across the country so is interest between those who had previously never heard of this completely new kind of exercise method . If you are amongst those who’re just now hearing about it, kettlebell workouts range in intensity and style and give a different kind of strengthening and toning exercise to supplement or improve those you’re already doing. The more individuals try this workout intensifying device, the more individuals who become hooked on it.

Kettlebell exercises are often traditional exercises with an added dimension. They have been used in fitness clubs across the country and can certainly be quite intense like those which are used in SWAT fitness gyms or a little less bone jarring and used with a Pilates workout. Kettlebells are becoming a whole new favorite as they are less bulky than traditional barbells. Some people prefer to use adjustable kettlebells so that the weight could possibly be adjusted up or down to raise or lessen the intensity of the workout.

You can find examples of kettlebell exercises online but it’s very best if you find either an instructor or workout video that makes employ of kettlebells in the variety of exercise and style of workout that most beneficial matches your demands and interests. Some people prefer kettlebell training to be used entirely for strengthening while others are more interesting in definition and toning rather than building muscle bulk or enhancing strength. It is a great idea to match your workout and instruction according to those interests and wants . When you find the suitable exercises to utilize with kettlebells you’ll not only get a very good workout yet you will also get more visible results for your exercise efforts.

Are kettlebell exercises better or guys or women? Simply because there is so much diversity in what could possibly be accomplished by exercising with kettlebells, all of these exercises are a superb option for both ladies and men . Women normally begin with kettlebells that weigh less than a newbie man’s kettlebell (26.four pounds for beginning women compared with thirty five.two pounds for guys who are new to kettlebell training). But the intensity of the exercises, style, and duration of exercises are your decision as an individual. When you’re ready to kick your fitness routine up a notch, kettlebells are an excellent method of getting the job done.

About the Author

Georgette Adanas has been writing articles on buy kettlebell core exercises since 2001.

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Georgette Adanas has been writing articles on buy kettlebell core exercises since 2001.

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Aerobic vs Anaerobic: What’s All the Controversy About?

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Eddie Lomax

Aerobic vs Anaerobic: What’s All the Controversy About? – Health – Fitness

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There seems to be a great deal of debate as to which type of metabolic training is the best… Aerobic vs Anaerobic.

Ok, what is metabolic training?

What is all this aerobic vs anaerobic talk?

Metabolic training is conditioning exercises performed with the intention of increasing the capacity and efficiency of the energy pathways to store and deliver energy for activity.

Most people commonly refer to this as… cardio.

There are three energy pathways used to provide energy for activity… one aerobic and two anaerobic.

Which of these energy pathways you should train is the source of much controversy… Thus the Aerobic vs Anaerobic dilemma.

Aerobic Activity

Aerobic means in the presence of oxygen… and any activity that is performed at a low to moderate intensity for more than 90 seconds, allowing oxygen to release energy through metabolism, is usually called an aerobic activity.

The benefits of aerobic activity are…

Increased Cardiovascular FunctionDecrease in Body Fat

The negatives of aerobic activity are…

Decreased Muscle MassDecreased StrengthDecreased PowerDecreased SpeedDecreased Anaerobic Capacity

Most people in favor of aerobics in the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy rely heavily on the ability of aerobic activity to reduce body fat… but fail to mention that you are also losing muscle, strength, power, speed and anaerobic capacity along with fat reduction.

And here is the really shocking news… Low Intensity Exercise = Greater Fat Loss is a myth!

OK… let me clarify.

Low Intensity Exercise burns about 50% fat for fuel while High Intensity Exercise burns about 40% fat for fuel… so you could say that Low Intensity Exercise burns more fat for fuel than High Intensity Exercise.

But, let’s say you burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of Low Intensity Exercise (50 fat calories), and you burn 160 calories in 10 minutes of High Intensity Exercise (64 fat calories)… you still burn more over-all fat with high intensity exercise than with low intensity exercise.

There is also another advantage of High Intensity Exercise… it increases your metabolism long after the exercise is completed.

More fat burned in less time and an increased metabolism for hours after the workout… sounds pretty good to me.

Anaerobic Activity

Anaerobic means in the absence of oxygen… and any activity that is performed at a medium to high intensity for less than 2 minutes, where energy is derived without oxygen, is usually called an anaerobic activity.

There are two anaerobic energy pathways…

The Anaerobic System (ATP-CP) is where energy is derived from the re-synthesis of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP) from Creatine/Phosphate (CP) until the stores are depleted… about 5-7 seconds.

The Anaerobic Lactate System (Glycolytic) happens after the (CP) stores have been depleted where the body resorts to the breakdown of glucose for energy.

This results in the production of lactate and hydrogen ions… ultimately leading to fatigue.

The benefits of anaerobic activity are…

Increased Cardiovascular FunctionDecrease in Body FatIncreased Muscle MassImproved StrengthImproved PowerImproved SpeedIncreased Aerobic Capacity

The negatives of anaerobic activity are…

Anaerobic activity requires an aerobic foundation

When I look at the differences between the benefits of Aerobic and Anaerobic metabolic training I often wonder why there is a Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy… the choice seems obvious.

What’s all the aerobic vs anaerobic controversy about?

I think the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy comes about due to an improper understanding of fitness and the use of a bad fitness definition.

Physical fitness is a compromise of cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy and toughness.

To pursue fitness excellence you must physically train to “optimize” your performance in all of the physical abilities… and not “maximize” your performance in one ability at the expense of all others.

For people that do not understand that fitness is a compromise, the idea that more, longer aerobic training is indicative of a higher level of fitness is predominate.

However, what they fail to realize is that by focusing on extended aerobic training they are doing little or nothing to improve the other physical abilities needed for fitness excellence… and are actually decreasing their over-all fitness level.

And no, mixing extended aerobic training with body building “isolation” exercises is not the answer.

So what is the answer?

Simple… train ALL of the energy pathways by varying low intensity, long duration – medium intensity, medium duration and – high intensity, short duration metabolic training.

End the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy by making a compromise between the two.

Let’s be honest… unless you are training to be an endurance athlete, there is no need to train like one.

The truth is, most activities encountered in sport, work and life are a combination of all the energy pathways seamlessly flowing from one to another.

Instead of aerobic vs anaerobic it should be aerobic and anaerobic!

To exclude the training of any one energy pathway will greatly diminish the performance improvements from your metabolic training.

My advice… Put an end to the Aerobic vs Anaerobic Controversy!

Add high intensity, short duration metabolic training to your fitness workout plan and vary the intensities by changing methods of training and periodically switching from high intensity, short duration to medium intensity, medium duration and low intensity, long duration.

About the Author

Coach Lomax is a strength, conditioning and fitness coach dedicated to building better humans for sport, work and life. Learn more at Workout Without Weights or take his FREE Tabata Calisthenics Workout Mini Course.

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Eddie Lomax

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Coach Lomax is a strength, conditioning and fitness coach dedicated to building better humans for sport, work and life. Learn more at Workout Without Weights or take his FREE Tabata Calisthenics Workout Mini Course.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Kettlebell Weights ? What?s So Good About Kettlebell Workouts?

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell workout routines are short and intense. They are easy to modify into even the most hectic of schedules and provide great results.You can use kettlebell weights anywhere, therefore you can work out at home and don’t need to go to the gym three times a week! If you journey a lot kettlebells are great because they can easily fit in your motorcar. Having this kind of flexibility with your workout routine will assist you achieve greater results, more quickly.

Kettlebell workouts are fun and . If you are performing a full kettlebell workout or kettlebells are just a part of your workout, they will be an exhilarating and an incredibly real addition to your workout routine. Kettlebell weights require your full attention and are a very interesting way to exercise, it is nothing like 20 minutes on the treadmill. The exercises you do will demand lots of secondary muscles that you wouldn’t normally use with most workouts.

Kettlebells are one of the most simplistic pieces of exercise equipment.

Since they are essentially just a ball and a handle they are really dynamic, you are unlimited in the bunch of different exercises you can do. You can use the apprehensive kettlebell to target any muscle in the human body. This also means that easy variations of exercises can target dissimilar muscles or amplify resistance, giving you a tougher workout.

A kettlebell basically looks like a cannonball with a handle on it. They usually weight anything from two to forty five kilograms or between 5 and 1 hundred lbs. The variations in weight mean kettlebell workouts are appropriate for essentially any age or fitness level.

The problem with most people’s workout routines is that they are boring and repetitious. If you want to accomplish long term fitness goals a lot of people need a workout routine that is adrenalizing and enjoyable, one that they can look forward to. The lively actions used in kettlebell workouts requires you to concentrate on balancing the kettlebell and controlling your movements. You do not need the alike kind of focus when you are simply counting reps.

It is possible to do a full workout with just one kettlebell, however kettlebells of different weights can be used to target specific muscles. Exercising with a kettlebell will give you a full body workout as all the primary muscles will be used, your core muscles will get the best workout. When swinging the kettlebell simply altering the direction of motion or the movement will target a different muscle.

Kettlbell workouts are so effective because you need to use your entire body, not confined muscle groups. They integrate cardio, strength training and are superior for fat loss. Since you are not just targeting isolated muscles you will benefit from a lot more functional strength. Functional strength means day to day activities will become easier.

If you are tired of going to the gym then kettlebells offer a fun and appropriate solution. Wether you are young or old, beginner or expert, kettlebell weights can be encorporated in to your workout routine.

Kettlebells can be bought online or at a sporting goods store.

And now I would like to invite you to visit Kettlebell Weights where you can find a lot more intriguing information about kettlebells.

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What’s So Fantastic About Kettlebell Workouts?

May 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by jan marie

What’s So Fantastic About Kettlebell Workouts? – Health

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Kettlebell workout routines are short and intense. They’re easy to fit into even the busiest of schedules and offer fantastic outcomes. You are able to use kettlebells anywhere, meaning you are able to workout at house and do not need to go to the gym three times a week! In the event you travel a lot kettlebells are great simply because they can easily fit inside your car. Having this kind of flexibility together with your workout routine will assist you to accomplish much better outcomes, quicker.

kettlebell workouts are fun and difficult. If you are doing a full kettlebell workout or kettlebells are just a part of your workout, they will be an exciting and an incredibly efficient addition to your workout routine. Kettlebells require your full attention and are a very engaging way to physical exercise, it is nothing like half an hour on the treadmill. The exercises you do will require plenty of secondary muscles that you wouldn’t normally use with most exercises.

Kettlebells are one of the most simplistic pieces of exercise equipment. Because they’re essentially just a ball along with a deal with they’re extremely dynamic, you’re unlimited in the number of various exercises you are able to do. You are able to use the humble kettlebell to target any muscle within the body. This also means that easy variations of exercises can target various muscles or increase resistance, giving you a tougher workout.

A kettlebell essentially looks like a cannonball with a handle on it. They generally weight anything from two to forty five kilograms or between five and 1 hundred pounds. The variations in weight mean kettlebell workouts are suitable for basically any age or fitness level.

The issue with most people’s workout routines is that they’re boring and repetitive. If you want to achieve lengthy term fitness objectives many people need a workout routine that’s stimulating and enjoyable, one that they can look forward to. The swinging movements used in kettlebell workouts demands you to concentrate on balancing the kettlebell and controlling your movements. You don’t require the exact same type of focus when you are merely counting reps.

It’s feasible to do a full workout with just one kettlebell, however kettlebells of various weights could be used to target specific muscles. Exercising with a kettlebell will give you a full body workout as all of the primary muscles will be used, your core muscles will get the best workout. When swinging the kettlebell merely altering the direction of motion or the movement will target a various muscle.

Kettlbell workouts are so effective because you need to use your whole body, not isolated muscle groups. They combine cardio, strength training and are excellent for fat loss. Because you are not just targeting isolated muscles you will gain a lot more functional strength. Functional strength means day to day tasks will become easier.

If you’re tired of going to the gym then kettlebells provide a fun and convenient answer. Wether you’re young or old, beginner or professional, kettlebells can be encorporated in to your workout routine.

About the Author

Try this excellent website regarding rocking planks and cheat days on diets for the best physical fitness advice you will find anywhere.

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jan marie

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Try this excellent website regarding rocking planks and cheat days on diets for the best physical fitness advice you will find anywhere.

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Carbohydrates Are Bad Right, So What’s With Weight Lifting Diets?

February 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Dan Gonzalez

Carbohydrates are not evil. There seems to be a very big trend that seems to suggest that carbs are not good for you unless your a marathon runner or something. Or that they just make you fat. Your weight lifting diet actually benefits from carbs when consumed sensibly. Any weight lifting diet that attempts to cancel them out completely should be questioned. (No, I’m not talking about Atkins, it has it’s place)

Question: What is one of the key factors when you need to bulk up while following you weight lifting diet.

Answer: Energy.

If your body lacks the fuel that it needs to burn energy and repair itself, you will have a serious lag in your ability to build muscle. Carbohydrates are a source of this fuel. Carb intake for a “weight loss” is very different for carb intake for a weight lifting diet.

There are other factors but for now lets look at Carbohydrates.

Come good sources of carbohydrates are pasta, rice, potatoes, fruit and veggies. Carbs should be consumed with the future in mind. What I mean is just as they say your decisions today shape your success tomorrow, the carbs you eat to day help your workout tomorrow.

It takes time for you body to process a meal and convert carbs into usable energy. There are some forms that are in drinks that take effect faster but in our weight lifting diet we need to plan ahead.

I’m not gonna try to confuse you by talking about good carbs and bad carbs and all that scientific stuff. I bet you that if you asked Arnold if he cared about good and bad carbs he’d probably laugh at you and might say, in his notable accent, “I would just workout and then go get a healthy meal, I could care less about how it works, it just does”.

You should make sure that you have a carb packed meal after a good workout and something to hydrate you and replenish your electrolytes. Do not consume things with refined sugar or even any of those “just like sugar” products.

Your weight lifting diet should be carb enriched but not over done because when you finally get to the burning stages to chisel and burn excess weight to give you that statuesque look you don’t want to have to join “The Biggest Loser” just to do it.

As a matter of fact when you see a bodybuilder during the building phases when his carb intake is high, many times they appear to overweight. They know what they’re doing and will come to a time when they shed all of that and that’s when all that you see is muscle and veins.

By the way you need carbs in a weight lifting diet because they help in the production of blood and clotting, your immune system, As a matter of fact when you’re over training your body with bad workout practices your body goes into a specific survival state that switches to burning any source of carbs available and burns minimal fat.

This is one reason why some people say I work out like crazy but I don’t seem to really be losing fat. It’s all about survival and when we put stress on our physiological system, intentionally our bodies have a very cool emergency back up plan. Your weight lifting diet plan should utilize this to your advantage.

Remember a weight lifting diet should not be unbalanced. To find out more about Carbs and optimum weight lifting diet plan, make sure that you find a reliable source and do not take any thing that’s thrown at you until you’ve researched it. It’s your body and anything you put into it is up to you.

Weight lifting diet plans are meant to make your bodies muscular gains excel to aid in bigger, faster gains. Make sure you have just that. Click here for a complete weight lifting program.

Dan Gonzalez

Dan Gonzalez Recommends: Finally Discover Secrets Of The Shortest Route To Amazing Muscle Gains, Spend Less Time In The Gym While You Grow Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible. Every Muscle Counts

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