Thigh Exercises For Women Who Want To Slim Down

January 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Many women struggle to keep weight of their thighs and bum and this is because we are simply genetically disposed to store fat in these areas. When it comes to the size of your thighs, factors such as genetics, metabolism and your level of physical activity will all play an integral role. It can be quite hard to tone such a specific part of your body but there are some very effective exercises that you can do and combined with a healthy plan you will be well on your way to slimmer, toned thighs!


To achieve thighs to be proud of then you first need to know how your thighs work. The thigh muscles are divided into four main groups- the quadriceps, biceps femoris, leg adductors and leg abductors. If you want to make a difference to the size and shape of your thighs then you need to work on these key muscles. In general, aerobic exercise such as walking or swimming works the best on thighs.

If you walk at a brisk pace for 20-50 minutes on a regular basis then you are sure to start to notice a difference to the shape of your thighs. Swimming tones the whole body but can be great for toning the thighs.


Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to tone flabby thighs fast. Using the bike machine and treadmill can really zap flab and slim-line thighs so make sure you are including these exercises in your gym regime. Try and keep the resistance low however, otherwise you could run the risk of building up muscle and your legs becoming bulky. Weights are also great to incorporate into your regime as you can target problem areas.


The best way to lose weight and fat in general is to burn more calories that you have consumed. If you do this and combine it with thigh-specific exercises then you are sure to notice a difference in the shape of your thighs after a few weeks of work.

Cycling and skipping are great exercises for toning up thighs and don’t forget about gym equipment that has been specifically tailored to thigh muscle toning. Make the most of the leg curl and leg press machines on a regular basis and you will be well on your way to toned thighs. Anaerobic exercises such as squats and lunges can be done in the comfort of your own home without any special equipment and are really effective for toning up problem areas. Make sure you are performing all your exercises correctly to avoid injury and always consult a doctor before embarking on a new fitness regime.


Inner thighs are a real problem for many women and it can be hard to know how to target this area. A simple exercise to help tone up flabby inner thighs is to sit on the floor with a chair in front of you and put your feet either side of it and squeeze as hard as you can. Then release and repeat. This really works the inner thighs and tones the muscles.


If you follow these simple guidelines you will soon be well on your way to sleek, sexy thighs that you won’t be able to resist showing off in short skirts and fitted trousers!


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Chest Exercises For Women

January 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Jared DiCarmine

Chest exercises for women will truthfully be the same thing for men; however the big and major difference between a man and a woman that I have seen when it comes to working out and developing upper body strength is that women lag behind by a lot. This is normal though as men have more upper body mass than a woman, but a woman generally has an increased amount of lower body muscles than a man. However, don’t fret because they are plenty of awesome chest exercises for women to do to bring up their upper body strength and today we are going to focus on only one exercise with many variations. This exercise does not receive enough credit when it comes to training the upper body muscles especially the chest. It’s often overlooked in most training programs because of its simplicity. And the exercise that I’m talking about is the pushup. Women PushupsI really hate using the term women pushups because I feel like it is slightly degrading because an exercise should never be classified as a woman or a man’s exercise. But a lot of people refer to the picture below as a women pushup so for now, that is what we are going to call it. There are many variations that you can do for this exercise with the first one having your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees, legs and feet on the ground. From there, slowly lower yourself keeping your elbows at 45 degrees or tuck into your sides and press back. If you are weak, you will want to flare your elbows out which will allow you to get a better stretch reflex at the bottom of the movement so you can come up a lot faster and easier. You want to avoid this at all costs by keeping your elbows tucked into your sides or by pointing them out at a 45 degree angle. The next variation you can do for them is to just simply pick your feet up off the floor and keep them there for the entire set. By picking your feet up off the floor, you will be lifting more total body weight for the duration of the entire set as opposed to having them on the floor. Once you get good at those, then you keep your feet up but space your knees further back. This will increase your center of gravity which will force you to move more of your body weight. Again just slowly lower yourself, keep your arms at 45 degrees, and keep your feet up in the air. Your body will be naturally flatter like a plank and lower to the ground during the duration of the set. Now after you get good at this variation, you can change things up by starting at the bottom position of the pushup. This is much harder for you to do because you are starting without a stretch reflex. All a stretch reflex is, is the elastic bounce you get at the bottom portion of any exercise. This is because your muscles are elastic in nature as well as your tendons. There is a lot of built up force and elastic energy so when you start from a stretch position without that elastic component, it forces the muscle to work that much harder since there is no built up kinetic energy. Now once these becomes a piece of cake for you, then you can move on to doing pushups off the floor and on a bench. All you’re going to do is place your hands on the bench and bring your body directly over your arms so everything is in line. Push your feet back and slowly lower yourself all the way down and press back up. To make this exercise easier, just simply keep your feet closer to the bench. To make it much harder, push your feet back further so that you’re lifting more of your body weight. When you do this, you will feel more of a stretch in your hamstrings. Also don’t worry about if you come up on your toes when you lower yourself all the way down. This is natural for some people, especially if you don’t have the flexibility in your calves to keep your heel on the ground for the duration of the set. Okay, so once you get good at these, now you can try and move on to a regular pushup. I’m going to warn you that it might not be that easy at first. In the beginning, you might only be able to get a couple of repetitions which is okay. That’s normal. The easiest and fastest way to get stronger at these is to do multiple sets throughout the day never going to failure. What I mean by this is for each set of pushups that you do, don’t go to exhaustion, to the point where you couldn’t physically get another rep and you would fall straight to the floor if you tried. Leave a rep or two in the tank per set. This will ensure your nervous system does not get burnt out. Also for each rep that you do, make sure to push as hard and as fast as you can. This again will engage your central nervous system and condition it to fire your motor units much faster which will increase your strength over time at a much faster rate. All in all, the pushup and its many variations is an awesome chest exercise for women. It’s very over rated and rarely used anymore I feel because of its simplicity. But it truly is one of the safest and most beneficial exercises for women to do. Once you master these, then you can move on to other more technical exercises.

I hope you like this article. Check out my other site here that’s all about how tolose love handles. Just click this link now,

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Four of the Best Stomach Exercises For Women

January 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Jeremy Thomas

Although men often battle with saggy guts, women are many times met with the challenge of losing belly fat after pregnancy.

In order to take care of this problem the following are a number of the best stomach exercises for women. A very favored one of the best stomach exercises for women is something labeled the bicycle. What this very exercise tends to target is that area that regularly is coined a six pack.

The process for this includes having your hands resting behind your head, and the knees bent with feet up off the ground.Then, begin to twist your right arm in the way of your left knee, having extended the right leg outwards.

Move from twisting to one arm and knee to the other then stretch out the other leg. Rather than moving the elbow, twist the waist and at the same time try to keep the back straight on the ground.

Or else what happens is that the abs won’t receive much of a workout.Another one of the best stomach exercises for women is the twisting crunch. This involves having your back remain flat on the floor and the feet flat with the knees bent.

Get your hands behind your head and start to crunch up where the right shoulder should move towards the left knee. And then move to the other side of your shoulder and knee. Make sure that you continue to breath properly while doing so for instance – while coming up breath out, and begin to while you lie back but do not come back entirely. As with any other stomach exercise, there should be constant tension experienced around the abs with doing this.

A standing crunch exercise maybe the best stomach exercise for women for any pregnant woman to do to help exercise those abs.This requires you to stand upright and bend slightly forward to where you feel the tightening of your abs and breath out. Hold steady for a number of seconds and gradually see yourself right back up and take a deep breath in.

One more thing that can be done is resting your hands behind your head for support as you lean forward. The V-knee is one of the best stomach exercises for women, although is seen to be a little more of an advanced exercise to engage in.

This begins perched on the floor with arms bent placed behind you, legs straight out, and palms flat on the floor.Start to lean back a little and bring your chest forward once you bring your knees to your chest.

Also have your chest come forward. While keeping your legs in the air, allow them to return to the first position, and do several more repetitions. These exercises can really prove to be amazing for burning belly fat once tried out.

Jeremy Thomas prides himself in keeping his body fit and healthy. To view the full article on this, you can check out: Best Stomach Exercises for Women Aside from that, here’s a review of a great product worth taking a look at: The Truth About Abs Review

More Best Arm Exercises For Women Articles

Seven Best At Home Exercises For Women

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Flavia Del Monte

Don’t have time to go to the gym? The busy lives of women just became easier with these 7 best at home exercises for women. Who says you need all the fancy equipment in the gym?

What you do need is the foundation behind weight loss and muscle building so you will begin to see inches falling off in record speeds. There is a right and wrong way to exercise. You can spend hours doing the wrong form of exercise and never see a difference in your body.

Cardio Vs. CardioEver see a heavyset marathon runner? Here’s why. Our body is a master at adapting. Our body will regulate to almost any condition we throw ourselves into. If we do steady state cardio, such as the treadmill at the same speed, elliptical at the same level, walking, or even jogging, without changing any factor; our body will adapt and our heart rate will regulate. Start sprinting or running up stairs and BAMM! Bye bye adaptation and fat. When we change the state our body is experiencing, our body will not be able to adapt to the constant change.

Aerobic Vs. AnaerobicAerobic exercise is what most people refer to as ‘cardio’. This type of exercise is done at a low to moderate pace where your heart rate is approximately 50-70 percent of your maximum heart rate. At this pace, and with reasonable conditioning, you should be able to supply the muscles with sufficient oxygen to keep them contracting and performingfor some time. Aerobic means with oxygen.

Anaerobic exercise, in contrast, is done at an intensity in which your muscle requirements for oxygen succeed the amount you can supply. Anaerobic meaning without oxygen. You will be forced to stop this type of exercise sooner because your muscles will cease to function. At this intensity, your heart rate will be at 90-100 percent of your maximal heart rate.

Here is why anaerobic exercise is much better for weight loss: When we are using the aerobic system, the body will regulate itself, creating enough energy to carry out the exercise. With anaerobic exercise, you will create a huge deficit of oxygen that will stimulate the body to continue to use energy to replace this deficit for hours after your workout. Our body uses macronutrients for energy and if we are eating just enough to cover the amount of energy needed to supply the body in normal conditions, anything above this will cause our body to look for energy elsewhere; fat tissue.

Foundation of Weight LossThe key to weight loss is calories out > calories in. This does not mean you need to go on a low calorie diet. Our body needs nutrients in forms of protein, fats and if we are exercising, carbohydrates. Our body uses carbohydrates for energy. There isn’t a place to store excess carbohydrates in the body. All extra carbs that are not used for energywill be stored in fat cells. Too bad our body wouldn’t just get rid of them instead.If you are very active, you need carbohydrates for energy and recovery.The key is using carbohydrates for those two purposes and those two alone; exercise and recovery. Now that you know the basics of exercise and nutrition, let’s look at how using the right exercises will help to create the body of your dreams, give you energy long into your later years of life, and will create a positive self image.

Foundation of Muscle BuildingMuscle can do one of two things:1. Grow larger and/or stronger2. Shrink and/or get weaker

The only way to create muscle tissue is by breaking down the muscle tissue and rebuilding stronger and bigger cells. The most effective way of doing this is through resistance training.

With proper training your muscles grow stronger and larger. Benefits of muscle include:• performing daily activities more easily,• burning more calories daily,• building stronger bones, preventing osteoporosis,• improves your flexibility, stability and balance,• improves strength and posture• improves body composition• reduces loss of muscle mass due to inactivity.

Muscle BalanceEarlier I stated that there is a right and wrong way to exercise. One key aspect of a workout program is the focus of creating balance throughout every muscle. Each muscle has an opposing muscle, the antagonist. Let’s use squats and lunges as examples. Here, the quadriceps is the agonist (dominant muscle being used), while the hip flexors are theantagonist (opposing muscle) and hamstrings become the synergist (stabilizer or helper) muscles. When you are performing more quadriceps dominant exercises as opposed to hamstrings or hip dominant exercises, your pelvis will tilt, causing pain in the lower back, and knees that are prone to injuries.

We can fix this by adding hip and hamstring dominant exercises to balance out all muscle groups. As a rule, you should never do more quadricep dominant exercises than hip movements. Always keep the volume balance between each muscle.

Large Muscle GroupsAny exercise plan needs to involve large muscle groups, focusing on working the antagonist in the same amount as stated earlier. Knowing the proper exercises can ensure you will also target the smaller muscle groups, creating harmony throughout the entire body by incorporating stability muscles as well. And in doing so, you will also cut the amount of time needed in the gym by leaving out certain body parts that were already targeted in other exercises.

You also need to be aware of the muscles being worked with each exercise to ensure you keep balance throughout all muscles. A simple chest press targets your pectoalis major, but also uses pec minor, deltoids, trapezius muscles, and your rotator cuff for example.Importance of the CoreThe core encompasses more than two dozen abdominal muscles, lower back muscles, and hip muscles that stabilize your spine to keep your torso upright. Your core allows you to bend forward, back, side to side, and rotate. Your core plays a major role in movement. Working your core (stability muscle) is crucial to optimal performance.

7 Best At Home Exercises For WomenBy now you understand the importance of exercise. You don’t need fancy equipment for you to benefit from exercise. Here are just 7 at home exercises, especially for women, that will not only better your appearance, they will better your health.

Chin-up/Pull-up-These exercises target your lats but also hit your tere major (stabilizer muscle) and biceps (more so with chin-ups). Your core and middle back are also involved in assisting in the movement or acting as stabilizers.

Pushup-This exercise targets your pectoralis major but also involves your front deltoids and triceps. As for stability muscles, your rotator, traps, serratus anterior, and abdominals all assist with this movement.

Inverted Shoulder Press-The shoulder press targets your front deltoids, middle deltoids, and the triceps. They also activate your upper traps, rotator cuff, and serratus anterior which act as stabilizer muscles.

Squat-These exercises target your quadriceps, but also activate your core, and every muscle in your legs including your glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This exercise burns a ton of calories and is a must-have home exercise for women.

Stability Ball or Towel Leg Curl-This exercise is great for targeting your hamstrings and glutes, and also activates your lower back muscles and core. Because the glutes are the largest muscle in the body, any exercise involving your glutes will burn a lot of calories.

Single-Leg Toe Hops off Bench or Chair-This exercise targets your calves, but also incorporates your quads, hamstrings, glutes and gets your heart rate up to the fat-burning zone.

Side-plank-This exercise improves the strength in your back and will help with performance. Planks target the entire core, making this exercise a must-do for health and appearance sake.

Your At Home Workout

The workouts are split into different combos with 3-4 exercises in each combo. Each exercise is preformed 3 times before moving onto the next combo. Do the different exercises back to back, then repeat for a total of three sets. You must always warm up for 10 minutes and cool down for 10 minutes.

After you are able to do these workouts in 45 minutes or less, add 20-30 minutes of cardio following your workout on three of the five days. Two days of cardio should be HIIT and the other day should be steady cardio for endurance training. Stretching is also vital following the workouts.

Use these 7 at home exercises for women for 6-8 weeks to improve strength, build muscle and burn fat.

Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and workouts for women on her female fitness blog.

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Discover the Top Ab exercises for women

January 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Guru

your five of the best Ab Exercises For Women – Shed That Excessive fat Right now!As difficult as it could be to believe, the very best Ab Exercises For Women, at the least if the purpose should be to get rid of fat, tend not to emphasise the actual ab muscles. You drop other unwanted fat first and then reveal your own abs muscles later-you can do sit ups for a long time and never pick up flatter abs. Here i will discuss the straightforward steps.1. Do aerobic exercise to get rid of fat.Aerobic exercise, often known as cardiovascular exercise, is soft to strenuous exercise available as walking, running, riding a bi-cycle, snowboarding, or even going swimming. There is a means to carry out a lesser amount of physical exercise and burn off much more calories.The right way to turn a fairly easy cardio workout in to a fat-burning exercise routine would be to vary the actual toughness of exercise. For instance, let’s pretend you are doing your cardiovascular exercise using a stationary bicycle.Use five to seven min’s to ride your bicycle at any kind of effortless pace. You’re just simply getting warmed up, nonetheless it is critical to increase circulation steadily to protect your own heart and blood vessels.Next, once you have invested a while to warm up, pedal just as hard as you can-for 15 seconds. By the end of fifteen seconds, go back to that original, effortless tempo for 45 seconds-and next pedal as fast as you can for fifteen additional secs. After that simply continue performing exercises at a simple rate for another 5 minutes, whenever you perform another 2 sprints.You will basically burn more excessive fat by means of changing your rate compared to if you ever had pedaled as quick as possible for the entire 30 or forty five minutes of your own routine.2. Perform Situps to tone your ab muscles.Sit ups usually are an important part of just about any program of Ab Exercises For Women. They just are not something you will need to do each day. As much as twenty five sit ups, approximately 3 times per week, helps tone your abdomen. Anything more simply creates really, genuinely well-toned abs no one is ever going to be able to notice until excess fat is lost all around the body.three. Tone up the muscles that assist your abdominal muscles, not only the actual abs by themselves.Exercise your core. The core exercises are certainly not something unique. They are squats, side bridges, rowing, pull-downs, as well as push-ups. They are not a lot of fun, nevertheless you don’t need to try and do them over two times in 1 week. In fact, you mustn’t perform all of them in excess of twice a week, to provide your own muscle groups a chance to recuperate.4. Never do exercises on a Swiss ball or even a wobble board.Quite a few coaches place plenty of investment in performing exercises on unstable areas, and, the truth is, they may be very good for growing stability and also co-ordination. However they really don’t assist you to grow muscle groups. In reality, they could help make muscles weaker.That’s simply because you can not work out as hard when you’re having to pay attention to remaining balanced. Doing exercise on a wobble panel essentially can make a person much better at standing up on a wobble board.5. Think about a Power Wheel exercise session.A wide range of fitness gyms offer a Power Wheel. This kind of device exercises the top rectus abdominis, the muscle that stretches from the stomach to your ribs towards your hips. The “six pack” you see in well-toned bellies is actually the effect of bands of connective tissue that hold the muscle in position. When the muscle grows, it is constrained by these bands.A Power Wheel is by far the easiest way to workout this muscle mass. After getting free of your stomach, it’s the best Ab Exercises For Women in search of tonedas well as well-defined ab muscles.

.I love writing about losing weight!

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Kettlebell Workouts – Kettlebell Exercises For Women

January 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Chris Jensen

Kettlebell exercises for women have been found to be good for developing superior strength and developing lean muscle. Not only that, it also conditions your cardiovascular system. It works well, without any bias for both sexes. It just would depend on how you work out and what type of gender you are in order to find the exercise that is customized for you. Click Here For Kettlebell Workouts Instant Access Now!If you girls are out to have a serious work out in order to get the desired results in no time, then the Kettlebell exercises for women is the program you should follow on. In reality, you do not really need a very expensive machine at an exclusive health club to help you build up on a superior body. You only need discipline, hard word and living a life that you love.There are several Kettlebell exercises for women that would help you start on your drills. This would assure you of getting the results that you are hoping for. All you need to do is to have the patience to learn the new techniques that would test both your strength and skill. The first set of Kettlebell exercises for women is the clean and walk out push up combo. You will have to have a single kettlebell available for use. Place this between your feet and squat down until the body is extended to an upright push up position. Once done, you can walk back on your hands to the beginning position. You can do this 10 times on each side. Clean, press and walk is the next exercise that has been popular among fitness centers. Have a single bell ready and a flat space to walk on. Walk to about 25 yards while clinging the bell to your chest then pressing it about your head. While doing this, your elbow should be locked in place and your shoulder should be sucked into its socket. Once you have reached your 25 yard mark, lower the kettlebell and start pressing it with the other arm. Do this again with the other arm. These Kettlebell exercises for women is great for building a lady’s stability, strength and losing that weight!Click Here For Kettlebell Workouts Instant Access Now!

This author writes about Kettlebell Workout Routines at Kettlebell Workouts

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Exercises For Pregnant Women

December 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

One of the biggest misconceptions about exercising during pregnancy is that it is not safe. Actually, it’s quite the opposite. Obviously, some concessions must be made in light of the unique physical demands of pregnancy. Heavy exercise is not recommended, nor is exercise for a prolonged amount of time. Generally, no more than 30 minutes a day is all you need to increase your energy level, improve health and reduce painful or uncomfortable side effects of pregnancy.

Go onto your hands and knees and make sure your back is flat. Lift your right knee forward and then extend your right leg backwards until it is straight. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg, always making sure you keep your back straight.

Ball Squats: Place the ball on the wall behind your lower back. Step forward, standing with your feet shoulder width apart. The next step is to sit down to your knee height very slowly and then push back up again.Do this workout for 12-15 times.

Wear the right shoes for walking especially that now you are pregnant always wear shoes that are comfortable to you so you wouldn’t injure yourself. So buy good shoes.Wear the right clothes for walking don’t wear anything too tight on you, you want freedom not tight clothes to make you feel constricted.

Swimming is a great pain reliever when it comes to strained joints and a stressed out back. So for a pregnant woman like you, swimming is one of the first options there are for you to exercise and trim up. So to get the exercising going and get a sexier body, swimming 20 to 30 minutes a week will do that pretty well for you. It will keep you in shape during your pregnancy and help you regain your naturally slimmer body with ease.

Just place your hands against the wall. Then bring your body to the wall until your nose almost makes contact with the wall. Then push your body off. Try to do for as many reps as you can. Shoot for doing 3 sets.This will work your upper body, chest, arms, and shoulders. If you can, try to do these pushups 3 or 4 times a week.

This is a nice, smooth exercise. The bouncing is pretty minimal actually. It’s not like you’re going to be jumping 5 inches up off the mini-trampoline. Instead, you sway your feet back and forth while your toes never leave contact with the mini-trampoline. Only your heels lift off it. Do this for a total of 15-20 minutes a day. It’s a great exercise for diminishing cellulite as well. Do this everyday.

Judicious combination of healthy diet and easy workouts could be extremely beneficial for your health during pregnancy. At the same time it will be good for the child in the womb as well. Most pregnant woman suffers from one major health hazard. They accumulate fat that destroys their body shapes. If you stick to good diet and healthy workout such things will not happen and you will not loose your attractive body structure during pregnancy.

During pregnancy you should try and maintain your exercise intensity between a 5-7, the fitter you were prior to pregnancy and the more exercise you have done during then the safer and more appropriate it is to stay closer to a 7. If you didn’t exercise prior to pregnancy then it would be better for you stay closer to a 5 and build it up slowly. When you are exercising this method is more appropriate to see if you can push yourself that little bit more, for example if you did 15 reps of a dumbbell squat using two 4kg dumbbells and found it relatively easy but wasn’t sure if you could push yourself think about this scale.

The reason why it is believed to be the best exercise is because it exercises not only their cardio but also their arms and legs. They will also feel lighter even though they are heavier than their usual weight when they are not pregnant. Another enjoyable exercise for pregnant women is dancing. Here they can do it at home, they just need to play their favorite music and start pumping their body.

Read about bodybuilding supplements. Also read about neck strengthening exercises and how to reduce weight.

Workout Plans For Women, Why They Are Important To Reach Your Goals

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Sue Alvez

Why are workout plans for women so important to get results? The truth is that you can get results from just getting up and moving. However, to obtain the goals most women have, you need to change the way you have been doing things. Most women set the goal of losing weight and improving their body shape. But these goals are a little misplaced and we should replace ‘lose weight’ with ‘lose body fat’. This is because we want to make sure that these workout plans are targeting the right things.

Effective workout plans for women need to make sure that women are maintaining muscle mass, while loosing weight. What we need as women is to find a workout that will build lean muscle and improve strength. This is not only important to maintain health and have that hot body but also for everyday functionality. Good workouts will not have you doing the long, slow and boring cardiovascular training most of us are doing now. Instead it will have you doing high intensity cardio work which is far more effective in burning body fat.

Nutrition is a large part of any workout plan, and you cannot do one without the other. But with so many diet plans out there how can you find the right one. The truth is that quality workout plans for women will come with an effective nutrition plan. A workout plan without a nutrition plan is an incomplete program. You see, when a nutrition plan is made in tandem with a workout program it ensures that the proper levels of calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrates are in your daily diet for that particular workout. Allowing you to not only perform properly through out that workout but now all the work you are doing is attacking the body fat instead of attacking the food you ate. As the old computer saying goes, Garbage in Garbage out. This is very true when it comes to fitness nutrition, if you are fueling your body with bad fuel it can not perform properly and you can never attain your goals!

The great thing about most workout plans for women is that they can be done right from the comfort of your own home. The benefits of working out at home are endless, but here are some of the best. No monthly feesNo busy gymsNo waiting for equipmentNo prying eyesNo commuteNo schedules

With all these benefits, why wouldn’t you want to workout at home. In most cases , with the right plan you can warm-up, workout, cool down, all in the time it would take to watch your favorite television program.

In the abyss of the internet there are all kinds of workouts floating around. But you have to ask this question, is it the complete package? If it is not a workout and nutrition plan together then the answer is no. Find the right workout plan for women to get that dream body and take control of your health and wellbeing. Take a look at this great source of information on Workout Plans for Women that I discovered during my multiple searches for the right workout.

I am just a busy mom of two beautiful girls that wants to get back to the good old days when I wasn’t afraid of the word Bikini! I am well on my way to making that a reality and you can be too. Take control of your health, happiness and get into that super body you want.

Go to my FREE workout plan Build Muscle and Burn Fat FAST AS HELL! When you Download the FREE workout plan it will contain WORKOUT VIDEOS (that you can put on you iPod!) and the FREE fitness and nutrition ebook The Ultimate Fitness…

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Strength Training For Women – Improve Your Muscle Tone

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Julia Mahler

The biggest mistakes are often made when it comes to strength training women. Even though the 1950’s are fifty plus years ago now, it seems like there are still a lot of hang ups when it comes to women and weight training. Women are able to do intense muscle building workouts just like men are – although, contrary to popular belief, working out is unlikely to cause a lot of muscle buildup unless you are taking a muscle building supplement. In fact, the sport of weight lifting will have the largest effect on your muscle tone, over any other workout activity.

Use Larger Weights To Improve Your Muscle Tone.

First of all, when it comes to strength training for women, you should throw away those tiny dumbbells that are sold in stores. These dumbbells might be marketed toward women, but the small 1-2 pound dumbbells will have very little effect on your actual muscle tone. This does not mean that you need to lift huge weights – but you should be able to feel the resistance in your arms when you pick up the dumbbells that you’re going to work out with.

In order to tone your muscles, you’re also going to have to do a lot of regular exercise. Toned muscles are not all that difficult to get, as long as you are able to stick to a regular and consistent workout routine. A good routine to get into is to work on your arm muscles one day, legs the next, abdominal muscles on the third day, and then take a break on the fourth and then repeat. This will give you enough time to heal in between workouts, but it is regular enough that you should end up with well-toned muscles in no time.

Studies have shown that people who are just beginning a workout program gain strength the fastest when they train each muscle group three times per week. It is also important to fit some cardio workouts into your week too. We recommend fitting three 30 minute workouts into your week. Cardio will help you to burn extra calories and also helps you with muscle recovery as it helps muscles to get rid of lactic acid build up that occurs from weight training. Muscles cannot properly rebuild themselves unless all lactic acid has been removed.

Julia Mahler is a successful author and the publisher of She has studied and participated in fitness & natural nutrition for over 22 yrs. Her specialty is women’s fitness and teaching them strength training.

Best Dumbbell Exercises For Women At Home

December 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Wendy Jane

Here comes the best dumbbell exercises for girls at home- Weight training is a vital component of any fitness training program. In case of girls, weight lifting may get them bigger muscles which most of them do not appreciate much. Weight training is helpful for female bodybuilders but for the majority of the females, its just about getting toned muscles and prepare for some rigorous activities like sports. Therefore, dumbbell exercises for girls are recommended to tone those muscles.

You may use dumbbells to tone muscles from various areas, if you are using the proper exercise using dumbbells, as well as the right weight for you. If you are only starting up exercising then weight ranging from 2-3 pounds is good for you. It’s best to have dumbbell with adjustable weights so that you can change them afterwards when you progress to next level.

Here are a few dumbbell exercises that girls should try:

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