Aerobics Trainings – Best Gym Workouts for Women

December 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Sandra Sue

Gym workouts for women are not the same as the workouts for men because their bodies do not react similarly to these exercises. It is a fact that women find it more difficult to lose weight than men because their metabolism works differently, and this is the reason why it is important for a woman to choose workouts that would focus on affecting their metabolic rate to reach fitness levels.

Men’s testosterone levels and muscle mass leads them to have a higher metabolism, and this is the reason why their workouts are different from the well designed gym workouts for women. The proper workouts for women should make sure that it could build lean muscles to achieve the best results.

The goal of various gym workouts for women should make sure that it will concentrate on body fat loss. Experts say that in achieving the proper weight loss is not necessarily important to lose muscle weight first because it will not fasten the process of metabolism.

Metabolic rate could be affected by many factors that includes age, gender, genetics, weight, muscle mass, body fat, diet and lifestyle.

Among the best gym workouts for women are aerobic trainings because the procedures will burn fat calories and lean muscles through weight lifting and interval training. This workout’s main goal is to burn a lot of fat calories while the body is at rest. Aerobics should also not be over-trained, like exercising continuously for one to two hours, because it will be counterproductive and could decrease the muscle mass and metabolic rate.

It is also significant to consider that some factors that affect the metabolism are not controllable by any exercise, and so a well created gym workouts for women should focus on the factors that could be controlled such as the weight, the muscle mass and the body fat. In choosing the right gym workouts for women a woman should make sure that the workout uses large muscle groups and proper intervals during the exercises.

Another great way to speed up metabolism is interval trainings which will burn a lot of calories. While performing gym workouts for women, make sure that you’ll work at about 90 percent for 30 to 60 seconds.

To understand how a proper diet works, it is also very important that you’ll visit a registered dietician because following the right diet will fasten the process of your metabolism. To attain best results you should seek for a doctor and fitness professional’s assistance prior to registering for gym workouts for women.

Sandra sue is a fitness Enthusiast. She’s also a fan of Aerobics and thinks that it is one of the best gym workouts for women

Strength Training for Women

December 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by James Waltermaine

Strength training for women is a method of improving the condition and strength of the muscles by progressively increasing the capability of resisting force by using exercise machines, free weights, or women’s own body weight. It is part of strength training program for women where sessions are designed to gradually increase the resistance in order to stimulate the development of muscular strength that is beneficial in making women healthy and energetic.

Strength Training for Women over 50

Women start to have changes in their body when they reach age fifty. Usually, after menopause, they gradually lose muscle mass. This losing of muscle masses of at least one pound per year decreases their capability to burn about fifty calories per day that will eventually lead to gaining unwanted weight and decrease in balance. Therefore, training for women is the best option to maintain the muscular strength and body composition they need. Training for women over 50 is an activity that can provide the needed strength by at least lifting weights twice a week.

Benefits for women not only involve the ability to strengthen muscles, it also includes among others:

• Help in stabilizing the blood sugar level in the body• Improves and maintain a good rate of blood pressure• Training for women also decreases cholesterol level• With the stabilization of balance, the training exercises help in the reduction of the risk of injury• Training exercises for women also provide increased confidence that lessens tension, worries, and depression• Regular training exercises for women also reduce the pain of arthritis and back pains.In order to find the appropriate training for women, here are some tips women should know. In strength training exercises for women, the muscles are overloaded to create tiny tears in the muscle tissue that repairs itself during resting periods between workout routines and strengthening happens. Also, women don’t have ample testosterone to create bulky muscles. So, there is no fear of getting too muscular when you undergo a program for strength training for women. Now, you need to check out beginners programs for women that provide appropriate exercises according to your needs. Finding a reliable online personal trainer is beneficial to ensure that you get the specific program that suits you most.

Diet for Women

Online nutritionist is also helpful in learning about strength training diet women should consider in order to make their strength training for women exercises more effective. Women who are doing strength training for women exercises should include enough calories in their diet to support muscle development and added activities. However, caution should also be considered in order not to gain fat. Ideal foods to consider are fish, tofu, egg whites, whey protein powder, yogurt, lean cuts of meat and poultry, brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain breads, quinoa, fresh fruits and vegetables. Fats from unsaturated sources are crucial for the diet. Good sources of healthy fats are avocados, olive oil, mackerel, salmon, almonds and natural peanut butter.

Training for women does not only make women’s body strong, healthy and shapely, but it also reshape their lives. Strength exercises reduces the loss of muscles due to aging and improves balance and mental health. It is also about building healthy habits that improve the function of women’s body and mind. The American Medical Association has declared that strength training for women and other health related exercise programs are beneficial for women who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and most of all obesity. Stay happy, stress-free, and healthy by enrolling in a reliable program.

James Waltermaine is a contributing writer for a strength training program website. For more related articles about strength training, strength training for women, plyometric training, etc., please visit the website.

Free Workout Routines For Women – More to learn

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by Robert Fogarty

Losing weight can be difficult for women. Those few extra pounds can be hard on a woman’s emotional state as well as her physical state. Whether you want a beginner, intermediate, or advanced workout you’ll enjoy these free workout routines for women.

Free Workout Routine for Women to Burn Fat

Monday: Combines Cardio and Toning

o Do a 6 minute warm up on the treadmill

o Do a 15 minute jog on the treadmill or outside

o Do a 5 minute cool down

o Do 2 sets bicep curls

o Do 4 sets Dumbbell front raises (view image)

Tuesday: Your Tuesday free workout routines for women is just a brisk 15 min walk

Wednesday: Combines Cardio and Core

o Do a 6 minute warm up

o Do 4 sets Crunches

o Do 2 sets bent knee hip raises

o Do 15 minutes on treadmill or go for a 15 jog

o 5 minute cool down

Thursday: Your Thursday free workout routines for women is just a 30 minutes brisk walk

Friday: Combines cardio and Lower Body

o Do a 6 minute warm up on the treadmill

o Do 2 sets squats

o do 2 sets forward lunges

o Do a 15 minute jogging on treadmill or outside

o Do a 5 minute cool down

Saturday: Your Saturday free workout routines for women is a 30 minutes brisk walk outside or using a treadmill

Sunday: Off

This is just one free workout routine for women. There are all kinds of them available online so you should have no problem finding one that fits your needs. There are different reasons for doing a workout including:

> Getting fit

> Losing weight

> Toning up

> Reducing stress

Any type of workout is great – a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy and for most part leads to weight gain. As we get a little older those extra pounds are more difficult to lose. Just a simple workout can keep you healthier, younger, and looking your best.

For example, did you know that a 30 minute brisk walk every day can help you shed belly pounds quickly and it can significantly improve your cardio. There’s no memberships, no costs, and all you need is a pair of good runners and the motivation to get off the couch and enjoy the outdoors. Walk around the block, around a park, enjoy some trails, or invest in a treadmill – just walk – it’s all that really matters.

Just as walking is an excellent form of exercise so is jogging. While you may not consider it a workout, it’s really healthy for you. If you alternate jogging with a little bit of strength training you will enjoy the best of both worlds. Free workout routines for women are the best way to get in shape and lose those extra pounds.

Being fit and in shape is important to your overall health. It’s a well-known fact that those who participate in cardio activities and stay in shape have less heart disease, less diabetes, less cancer, and are overall far healthier than those who do not. With free workout routines for women you have no reason not to get healthy!

Looking for more details? Please visit the website given below: workout routines for women

Circuit Training Workouts for Women

December 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

The popularity of circuit training is growing thanks to the amazing results it can achieve. Besides halving the progress time (as compared with steady state cardio) and placing your body into a fat-burning stage for as long as forty-eight hours, the fact that they can be performed anywhere with very little equipment, makes them a very attractive form of fat-burning routine. Aside from the benefit of being able to perform them anywhere, your circuit training workouts can also claim optimum results in less than twenty minutes.

Circuit training workouts are therefore suitable for:

1. Single moms at home with the kids
2. The aspiring business executive who has little spare time
3. Travelers who live out of a suitcase
4. Those women who can’t manage to afford a gym membership

Circuit training workouts for women, mean there is no longer any reasonable excuse not to exercise.

Are you at home with your kids?

You don’t need a lot of space to carry out your routine.

Short of time?

These circuit training workouts for women can be completed in less than half an hour.

Do you struggle with the budget, to afford a gym membership?

There is no money needed to perform circuit training workouts for women.

So what exactly are the circuit training workouts for women?

The typical circuit training workout will be of high intensity, and you will not have a lot of rest time between exercises.

Typically there are six light weight or bodyweight exercises, that are all performed in a circuit style.

The following are a few circuit training workouts for women:

Beginning with the first exercise, make sure you perform it with high level of intensity for no more than fifteen seconds.

As soon as you have completed your fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds and then start exercise two. Work this exercise for a further fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds when it is completed, and move to the next exercise. Continue this pattern until all six exercises have been completed. When all six exercises have been completed, take a break for a couple of minutes, and then start the whole routine again from the top. Your goal is to see how many times this circuit can be completed each time.

Beginners Level
1. Run On The Spot
2. Squats
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Push Ups
6. Laying leg lifts or crunches

Intermediate level
1. Squats
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Half Burpees
4. High Knees
5. Push Ups
6. Lunges

Advanced level
1. Lunges
2. High Knees
3. Burpees
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Push ups
6. Jump Squats

Let’s Take Circuit Training Workouts for Women One Step Further

With some light dumbbells and a jump rope, you can seriously increase the intensity of the workouts. For this you need to integrate the equipment into the circuit you are performing. All you need to do is replace one of the listed exercises with one that uses your jump rope. Another simple but fantastic piece of equipment you can add is a pair of ankle weights. Just a little extra weight on the legs, creates a much more intense workout.


Burning fat at a fast rate will be possible, if you maintain a good healthy diet, and perform the circuit training workouts for women, a few times a week. Not only will you drop inches off your waistline, your physique will be transformed into a more toned, and sexy body. Always allow a full day between workouts so your body can rest and recover from the circuit training.

Mike Miller is a CPT whose goal is to help others like himself to achieve their physical fitness goals.

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Weight Training For Women

December 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Luke Wilson

Let me start by saying rather it’s weight training for women or anyone else, the first thing you should do before starting any new exercise program is check with your doctor. With that, said lets begin.

Up until recently, and by recently I mean maybe five or ten years ago, most women did not train with weights. The reasons I was given varied from everything from being worried about getting bulking up, or appearing to masculine, some even worried about getting veins.

The truth of the matter is none of that depending on your program could be farther from the truth, If you design, a program tailored to what you want. There are lots of benefits for women when it comes to weight training, the first benefit is the obvious you will have a fitter, toner, and more healthy looking body.

And that is just on the outside, on the inside the benefits are a stronger heart and connective tissues. There are a few differences between men and women weight training. Here are some facts before we go on, weight training does not always equal a bulked up body.

Another myth is that cardio training without some sort of weight program is all that is needed to lose weight muscles help burn fat. Now it is true that you will certainly burn calories, but weight training helps to speed up your metabolism.

Here in my opinion is the secret for women that want to workout with weights, but are still worried about bulking up. Start with lighter weights and higher reps. Higher reps with lighter weights tone, while heavier weights with lower weights bulk.

If you remember that you should not have to worry about bulking up like the incredible hulk. You are going to want to work hard; you want to get that heart rate up. The more calories the faster you will be fit and toned.

My name is Luke Wilson and I am an avid consumer writer. I write about everything from the basic day-to-day items to the latest in technology and health.

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Women Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Weight Training and Supplements (Exercise, weight training, weight loss and whey protein)

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Gerald Fitz

What is the best way to burn calories? Does your body burn more calories running on a treadmill for forty minutes or weight training for thirty? The answer may surprise many people. Studies have found that people will burn more calories weight lifting for thirty minutes than running on a treadmill for forty. This is due to the fact that when people weight train the body is breaking down and then rebuilding muscle. Through the proper weight training workout program people will build strong lean muscles. The body burns large amounts of calories when it constructs lean muscles, more than when it is actively working during a cardiovascular exclusive workout.

Now this information is good to know for anyone who is looking to burn more calories and lose more weight; however, many women read about these studies and think,

Advantages Of Strength Training Programs For Women

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Strength Training

A popular myth that has been doing the rounds amongst women who are into fitness is that strength training can make one develop huge muscles. Most women are aware of the importance of exercises but surprisingly they are still under the impression that strength training is only for men. However women can also take advantage of the excellent benefits that strength training fitness programs offer.

1. Women who are planning to lose the excess weight can opt for strength training. It promotes healthy metabolism and helps a person to burn calories faster. It builds the muscle and the body starts burning calories even when it is resting. The more calories the body burns, higher are the chances of losing the extra pounds.

2. Strength training fitness programs can assist a woman in gaining lean muscle mass. This lean muscle mass, in turn, can help in burning calories. Generally speaking, each pound of lean muscle mass can contribute in burning 35 to 50 calories every day. For example a woman has 15 pounds of lean muscle mass. This means that she is able to burn 525-750 calories every day.

3. According to reports by NWHIC, osteoporosis (a disease in which bones become weaker and brittle) is prevalent in 8 million American women. Strength training can help in increasing the bone density of a woman and thus lowers the risk of developing osteoporosis. Research studies by Tufts University have proved that women who are into regular strength training have reduced risk of bone fractures.

4. Strength training can help in the prevention of injury of the body. It makes the muscles and tendons strong and thus lowers the risk of succumbing easily to an injury while one is exercising or performing simple activities like bending or lifting anything. This is particularly beneficial for senior women since the body starts losing the resistance power after one reaches a certain age.

5. Those who are into regular strength training have strong legs and core section. This helps one in achieving balance and body coordination, which is especially important for older women.

6. Doctors agree that chances of developing heart diseases are lower where a person maintains a healthy weight limit. Strength training has been recommended by The American Heart Association as a precaution against development of heart disease since it reduces cholesterol levels as well as blood pressure. In fact women who are undergoing cardiac rehabilitation can also take up strength training after consulting with the doctor.

7. It is a known fact that vigorous exercises help one to get a perfectly shaped body. However not many are aware that regular exercises can also make one feel better. It can be a great mood lifter and provides one with a sense of accomplishment. In addition it increases the confidence level and self esteem. One can also indulge in strength training exercises to get a youthful appearance. According to research studies, the toxins that are flushed out through sweating during exercise help one in getting a glowing skin.

It is wrong to assume that strength training promotes only physical health. It has a positive effect on the mind as well. Women feel strong and accomplished after they are finished with a great round of strength training sessions and these contributes in improving the mental health.

Larry Scott is a health and fitness enthusiast and an aspiring powerlifter. Larry has published articles about powerlifting equipments and various strength training methods; he is a big fan of Louie Simmons and is a member of

Awesome Diet Plans For Women To Get In Shape

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Eating a healthy, balanced diet would be more practical if you prefer to shed pounds easily. In some other way, numerous guys carry out serious exercise routine and on the other way, there might be great diet plans for women designed to improve one’s body shape as well as slim down in healthy means. In actual fact, it is easy to get slimmer much faster by just merely going after a suitable diet and still sustain good stamina and muscle mass.

Now, while talking about nutritious diet and recognizing the optimal way to ingest your meals, it might be a a bit challenging step on your goal to shed weight. You may choose to consider the fruit diet that permits you to clean out toxins that were brought about by a lot of fat intake and it aids in clearing the blood vessels for more efficient blood flow. Somehow, you might consider the mediterranean diet which is made up of fruit, vegetables, grains, poultry and fish, some meat, red wine, and olive oil.

Nevertheless, we couldn’t deny that one of the great means on how to lose weight fast is trying out terific workouts. Eating too much without any form of training is certain to get you gain excess fat. So to have a greater and quick result, you should incorporate your healthy lifestyle with a daily exercise regime.

If you really have an interest to get thinner and far healthier, you must do it in a healthy means without taking your health in peril just over reducing some weight. By means of undertaking exercise program and proper nutrition, many individuals was able to reach their weight loss aims.

Motivation is the real key to success on how to lose weight fast. You just need to adhere to every step of your plan and never permit anything distract you out of your goals if you want to lose weight really fast. Certainly, it is not easy however it is not that hard to do. It will just take adequate endurance as well as perseverance and joy throughout the whole procedure so you wont get bored and definitely succeed in the end.

Sick and tired of typical process on how to lose weight fast? Stress no more! We will tell you extra tips on how to make you have a very fabulous body. Just pay a visit to our website and discover numerous workouts and superb diet plans for women that could develop one’s body shape and shed weight in healthy approach.

Kettlebell Drills For Women – 2 Exercises For the Female Kettlebell Beginner to Get Huge Results!

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

I must say that lately I have been getting lot of questions from the hardcore female fitness enthusiast about kettlebells and this really excites me. It has taken a while, but I guess I am starting to make sense to the ladies that are at least open-minded on different methods of training. Because of this I have included 2 base drills below to help you ladies who are also hungry for more information on kettlebell training and fitness, but may be in the beginning stages of your kettlebell program.

To begin, the base movement or lift of the kettlebell is known as the double-arm swing. This particular exercise incorporates about 75 to 85% of your working muscles and will yield a huge result within the scope of your training program. Because of this you benefit from a huge calorie burn, tremendous cardiovascular conditioning, and a big love affair with this different way of training!

To perform the double-arm swing you will want to make sure that you stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.

Perform a proper squat and pick up the bell. From here you will want to execute a movement known as the hip snap. This is done by you flexing and extending at your hips and knees back and forth in a continuos fluent motion. As you do this your arms should be straight and your shoulders should be retracted. Throughout this movement allow the kettlebell to swing back and forth between your legs creating an arc that brings the bell up to your chest level. For starters, attempt to complete 20 to 30 reps with a moderately heavy bell for each set. You will quickly see how training with kettlebells is a whole new world of fitness!

The next drill I want to talk about is a more intense version of the double-arm swing.

This drill is called a full range double-arm swing and is performed just like the normal swing with the exception that you allow the bell to build enough momentum to elevate all the way up to above your head! This adds immediate intensity to the drill being performed. Take your women’s fitness and kettlebell training to new heights. Give these drills a try and feel free to email me to let me know about your progress. Ladies, train hard and train flawlessly!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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Triceps Exercises for Women that Work

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

It seems as a woman gets older the more issues she has with her arms.  When there is weight loss along with aging you end up with a lot of upper arm flab.  This flab is unsightly and difficult to get rid of.  With a few of the right exercises you will be able to get the well-toned arms of your youth.  People who lose a lot of weight will also have a problem with upper arm flabbiness.  Just like you exercise the rest of your body to get a toned body you must also do tricep exercises for women.

Some of the best exercises for the triceps are done using small weights called dumbbells.  Usually a woman will use 5 to 10 pound weights to work their arms.  You can exercise both arms at a time or one at a time.  When you exercise one arm at a time always remember to do the same amount of repetitions for each arm.  You don’t want to have one well worked arm and not the other. 

Dumbbell use is important for building your triceps.  You can build your triceps without ending up with too much muscle.  Some women worry about working their arms too much.  They are afraid they will end up with the look of a man’s toned and muscular arms.  You can work your arms without an overabundance of muscle.  It is actually a lot of work to get a man’s look on a woman.

Some of the best exercises include skull crusher, hanging dips, dumbbell triceps extensions and close grip push-ups.  With some you will need dumbbells.  The skull crusher is done by lying on a bench.  You will use a small weight and will lift it over your head.  You then will lower it towards your forehead.  This is an exercise where you work out slowly.  You will want to work on going as slow as possible.

The dumbbell tricepsextensions are done while sitting straight.  It can also be done while standing.  Hold the dumbbell over your head and slowly lower it behind your head.  You will be bending your elbows for this one.  Work slowly to get the most benefit out of it.  You will grip the dumbbell with both hands and work both arms at the same time.  It is also possible to work one arm at a time if you prefer.

Using these exercises you will be able to get the toned arms of your youth.  You will no longer be ashamed of flabby arms.  While working your arms you should consider working the rest of your body.  You can lose weight and get toned all over with the right type of exercises.  An exercise that will improve your circulation as well as burn calories is a cardio exercise and tricep exercises for women.  There are many types of cardio that you can do to burn calories and help you to lose weight.  Remember to work your arms as well to fight the flab.  You can have arms you will be proud of with a little work with weights.


If you would like to know more about this, you can visit the site at the following URL provided: Tricep Exercises for Women.

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