Aerobics Trainings – Best Gym Workouts for Women
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Gym Workouts
Gym workouts for women are not the same as the workouts for men because their bodies do not react similarly to these exercises. It is a fact that women find it more difficult to lose weight than men because their metabolism works differently, and this is the reason why it is important for a woman to choose workouts that would focus on affecting their metabolic rate to reach fitness levels.
Men’s testosterone levels and muscle mass leads them to have a higher metabolism, and this is the reason why their workouts are different from the well designed gym workouts for women. The proper workouts for women should make sure that it could build lean muscles to achieve the best results.
The goal of various gym workouts for women should make sure that it will concentrate on body fat loss. Experts say that in achieving the proper weight loss is not necessarily important to lose muscle weight first because it will not fasten the process of metabolism.
Metabolic rate could be affected by many factors that includes age, gender, genetics, weight, muscle mass, body fat, diet and lifestyle.
Among the best gym workouts for women are aerobic trainings because the procedures will burn fat calories and lean muscles through weight lifting and interval training.
This workout’s main goal is to burn a lot of fat calories while the body is at rest. Aerobics should also not be over-trained, like exercising continuously for one to two hours, because it will be counterproductive and could decrease the muscle mass and metabolic rate.
It is also significant to consider that some factors that affect the metabolism are not controllable by any exercise, and so a well created gym workouts for women should focus on the factors that could be controlled such as the weight, the muscle mass and the body fat. In choosing the right gym workouts for women a woman should make sure that the workout uses large muscle groups and proper intervals during the exercises.
Another great way to speed up metabolism is interval trainings which will burn a lot of calories. While performing gym workouts for women, make sure that you’ll work at about 90 percent for 30 to 60 seconds.
To understand how a proper diet works, it is also very important that you’ll visit a registered dietician because following the right diet will fasten the process of your metabolism. To attain best results you should seek for a doctor and fitness professional’s assistance prior to registering for gym workouts for women.
Sandra sue is a fitness Enthusiast. She’s also a fan of Aerobics and thinks that it is one of the best gym workouts for women is a special website for you where you can find lots of tips and answers to your questions related to gym training
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Benefits of Weight Training For Women
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Paul Yost
Weight training for women is still a fairly non-existent subject. This is because women typically don’t perform much, if any, weight training exercise in comparison to their male counterparts. Almost every gym I’ve ever been to has the same dynamic — women on cardiovascular machines and men on the weights. This is due to a number of factors, but weight training for women should definitely be incorporated into any fitness endeavor.
Why Women Don’t Weight Train
1. Fear of Big Bulky Muscles
This is easily the number one reason why women don’t weight train. I completely understand why. There aren’t all that many men that want a woman with huge legs, a big muscular back and bulging biceps. The main problem with this idea is the fact that most women don’t produce enough testosterone to cause this effect. If you still don’t believe me, just think of all the gyms packed with young males trying to get HYUUUGGGEE with little success. If a hormonally advantaged male can’t get jacked, why do you think you can overnight?
2. The Environment
Let’s face it, most women don’t weight train all that seriously at your typical gym. That means the male to female ratio is largely skewed. This intimidates many women from using the equipment. Some of it could be lack of training knowledge, but I think most of it has to do with the screaming and clatter of weights.
3. Social Aspects
I all ready said it before, but most women don’t weight train so there aren’t any other women to talk to. Not that I think it should be a huge social event, but many women would like a training partner or at least someone to talk to.
4. The Media
Media gimmicks will have you believe all that you need is something simple. It could be a supplement, a piece of cardio equipment, a piece of plastic to squeeze, etc. to reach your fitness goals. I have news for you; Very little of this stuff will get you the results you’re after. In fact, most of it is useless crap!
The Benefits
1. Increased Muscle Mass
Yes, I said it. Most women need to build muscle to reach their goal. Why? Because most women have very little muscle mass to provide much bodily shape. Having more muscle also increases the metabolic rate, increasing the number of calories burned daily. Obviously, this is a desired benefit.
2. Increased Strength
Most women need more strength. Having higher levels of strength will enhance daily productivity and make ADL’s (acitivities of daily living) easier.
3. Maintenance of Muscle Tissue
The bodies main purpose is to remain as efficient as possible. When in a caloric deficit, muscle mass can be sacrificed due to it’s high caloric cost. Muscle tissue is desired because of it’s shaping properties as well as it’s energy consuming effects.
4. Increased Energy
Weight training also stimulates metabolic changes. Metabolically speaking, weight training promotes enhanced energy through increases in muscle oxidative capacity.
5. Decreased Risk of Osteoporosis
Often, this is the last thing women worry about when embarking on any kind of exercise program. Cardiovascular exercise itself is limited in promoting bone growth. Weight training is a highly favorable choice.
If not, you should be. Weight training for women is very important for both short and long-term health. It also provides desirable changes in a woman’s physique which you probably care more about.
Paul Yost is the Owner/Operator of Paramount Fitness Training, a fitness company based in Houston, TX. He also works as a Strength and Conditioning Coach in professional baseball. Find more about his services and information at:
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Strength Training Without Weights for Moms and Busy Women
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Strength Training
Article by Mohamad Al
Performing Strength Training Without Weights for Women is something every busy Mom and woman should think about because the results are as impressive as, and even better in many cases than using weight machines exclusively.The body does not really care if it is receiving work from lifting a dumbbell or a sack of potatoes, as long as the body is being exposed to resistance stimulus; then that is good enough.The other issue is when you are performing body weight exercises, more often than not, you are using multiple muscles/joints which is more functional because all of your muscles are linked together. Therefore, the body is designed to work together.
There are many Strength Training Without Weights Exercises for Moms to use at home or outdoors in the fresh air using minimal fitness tools, and in many instances all you need is your body weight.
I will list some Strength Training Without Weights Exercises, and some will have instructions and others will not because they are either self- explanatory, or it is easy to Google them on the Internet for more instructions.
Strength Training without Weights
Upper Body (Chest, shoulders, triceps)
-Push ups (regular)
-Feet Elevated Push-ups (more challenging)
-Hands Elevated Push-ups (less challenging)
Upper Body (back, biceps, and forearms)
-Parallel Grip Pull-ups
-Mixed Grip Pull-ups
-Pull-ins (similar to rowing movement)
-Skydiving: lie down on the floor facing down and lift your fully extended arms and slightly bent legs off the floor and hold this skydiving pose for 20 to 60 seconds.
-Table Pose
-Crab Walk
Lower Body (thighs, buttocks, and calves)
-Standing Butt Squeeze
-Leg Kicks (hamstring and buttocks) standing on your hands and knees like a horse pose, lift one leg and kick the sky with the bottom of your feet (your leg should be bent 90 degree)
-Heel Raises
Midsection Area
Elbow Bridge (prone position) facing down supported by your elbows and your feet remain the bridge pose for 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
Keep your upper body level, and do not sway the lower back any more than you have to, and don’t bend your legs.
Elbow Side Bridge with the Side Bridge your body will be supported by the right elbow and the outer side of your right foot. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds, and then switch to exercise the left side.Bent Knees CrunchesThese are some of the Strength Training Without Weights Exercises for Women to use at home or anywhere they want to work out, and they will get great results from using them.
Mohamad has been writing articles online for nearly 5 years now. Not only does this author specialize in nutrition and fitness and wellness for women you can also check out his latest website on how succeed working at home by following the basic yet important steps.
Bodybuilding for Women
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Bodybuilding
We feel vindicated that our vision of the strong, liberated woman has been accepted by the main stream media, as well as by the sports world and the medical community. Weight training will pay off for you in the long run. The following are just some of the rewards women enjoy by following the bodybuilding lifestyle.
Body Fat Control
Weight control is the main reason most women work out, but aerobics alone isn’t the best approach. By building some muscle, you increase your metabolism so you can eat more without gaining fat.
Increasing Bone Density
Weight training is the best way to make your bones stronger. This is important in your younger years so you can have more bone density as you age, when osteoporosis could otherwise be a major health problem.
Avoiding Terminal Illness
Bodybuilding exercises for your back and shoulders can help prevent bad posture and back and shoulder pain that comes from spending too much time at your computer.
Everyone likes feeling strong. It’s more important as you grow older.
Body Contouring
Weight training tightens sagging triceps and hardens wobbly thighs which are the main problem areas for women.
Healthy Children
Healthy mothers have healthier babies, and the bodybuilding nutrition and exercise lifestyle can help you before, during and after pregnancy.
Stress Management
A tough session focusing on moving lots of weight can ease the day’s tensions and release calming endorphins. Bodybuilding training is the best tension reducer around.
Easy on the Joints
Knees and ankles may not be able to withstand continued aerobics or running programs, but with smart weight training you can work out without jarring your joints.
Buddies Welcome
Bodybuilding is something you can do with the guys, with the girls, or by yourself.
Healthier Lifestyle
The bodybuilding lifestyle of good nutrition, no smoking, minimal alcohol, adequate rest and sleep will make you healthier and stronger and help you avoid diseases associated with bad habits.
Self Realization
You do something that feels good. You develop your physical potential, not letting sexist stereotypes hold you back.
The Ultimate Guide in Muscle Building For Women – Women Can Build Lean Attractive Muscle Too!
December 2, 2011 by admin
Filed under Muscle Building
Article by Dave Vower
The fitness industry may be more in tune with the male populace, but in reality the females are never left out of the picture. The only big difference is that women tend to be different than men and I mean really different. Not just on the outside, but the most important determining factor for female body building success is what’s on the inside. Yes, every person has a little of everything. Amazingly, men have a little estrogen (the female hormone) in their bodies whereas females have tiny deposits of testosterone (the male hormone) themselves.
It has been known that this testosterone is the ones responsible for the development of the boys’ secondary sex characteristics. And men tend to be more masculine than females because of this. The sad thing is that some women take in hormones just to build their muscles fast. Unfortunately, this strategy leads to many kinds of negative health consequences and adverse effects.
But wait, who said women can’t become fit? They can have a leaner body figure even without having much of the male hormone. Although they may progress a little slow compared to the way men build muscles, women can really bring in some 6 packs on their abdomen and have some amazing firm humps for themselves. If men would claim that women will never catch up to them in terms of how much muscles they are going to build, well they are wrong. Women can have the exact muscles as men do although it will necessitate more strenuous and time consuming activities.
Basically, the types of exercises that are needed to be done for females remain relatively the same as what men usually undergo. The ever popular squats, bench or shoulder presses, chin ups and deadlifts are commonly used. This is best done foremost before the weight lifting sessions. It is also best to have some rest periods between exercises to let go of all undesired chemical by products that were created after a strenuous workout.
Regarding diet, women must never forget to bring in all the necessary caloric requirements. A gram of protein per pound of your weight must be followed during your meals. Eat more frequently, about 5 times or more daily rather than just eating 3 huge meals. Protein shakes are also recommended. Moreover, water is also of the essence. Water therapy helps replenish your system with your lost fluids during times of workout.
Lastly, cook your food before you eat them. But bear in mind not to under or overcook them. This will help reduce the fat and keep your body lean and healthy looking. Once all of these guidelines are followed, in time, the females can build their own set of muscles just as men do.
We can provide you with the most effective body building and weight lifting advice on the net. Find The Best Info About Muscle Building For Women and how to Build your Muscles FAST at Muscle Building Women. Your Success depends on it!
Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness, relationships and Marketing, you can also check out his latest websites here: Yonex Badminton RacketBosch Dishwasher Repair
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