Weight Training Program For Women – Use These Ideas To Improve Your Base Levels Of Fitness

April 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Philip Roberts

If you have been looking for a weight training program for women, you may not have realised that by following a few ‘basics’ you can go a long way towards achieving your goals, as well as those of your family.

If you have let your fitness go a bit, you can rest assured you are not alone! Particularly as people become older, they find themselves putting fitness on the back burner. Other, more pressing matters, such as family and work duties, are put before health and fitness. These simple tips can help show you the way to regaining your fitness. You can regain some of the body tone that you had when you were younger by following these tips. When people age, they sometimes neglect their fitness. Working out may lose out to the demands of work and family as we age. If you are in this situation yourself, then make use of the tips in this article to turn things around. Just like the last time you were slender, when you use this advice you will get into great shape.

Do not wear tight uncomfortable clothes when you exercise. If you wear clothes that do not let you breath, it will be more difficult for you to exercise. Make sure that your workout clothing is flexible, comfortable, and well ventilated, so it allows your skin to breathe. Make sure to put on some fresh clothes after your workout. Make it a point to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing during your exercise routine. You need to wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe, otherwise you will not sweat which causes you to feel uncomfortable. Comfortable, natural materials, such as a cotton jersey, are very good exercise clothes. Be sure to keep a change of fresh clothing to change into when you are finished exercising.

If you are interested in working out in a climbing gym, you should take the time to purchase proper climbing shoes. Buy shoes that are particularly flexible if you want to successfully climb. You need different shoes for running and walking then you do for climbing, because the requirements for traction and balance are different. Buy special shoes for climbing. Flexibility and traction are important features to have in a pair of shoes while climbing. Get a pair of shoes made for climbing rather than using regular training shoes.

Exercise can help reduce menstrual cramps. A woman’s hormone levels increase during this time, which can lead to feelings of stress. Exercise can help eliminate stress and anxiety. This can also help the body deal with bloating due to the retention of water. Exercise can help women relieve their pain and discomfort around their period. Hormonal changes during a woman’s monthly cycle can bring on emotional fluctuations, including stress or depression. An effective antidote to high levels of stress and anxiety is exercise. It can also relieve bloating and other stress-related water retention.

Educate yourself about your child’s physical education program at school and make sure they are getting the proper education and information they need. You may find it necessary to volunteer part of your time to ensure your child gets proper physical education. This may lead to your child gaining a larger interest in physical fitness. Perhaps your child has not been properly educated at school. Find out more about the physical education courses your child has taken. You can volunteer your time at the school during special fitness programs to show your child how important it is to you, and it should be important to them, too. This could lead to them being more involved.

If you pay for your training sessions ahead of time, you are more likely to be motivated to attend them regularly. You will be more likely to attend your workout sessions because not attending them will result in lost money. Once way to increase training compliance is to pay your personal trainer up front. This way, you are much more apt to keep your appointments because if you don’t, you’ll be wasting money.

Even when you are seated at your desk, you can still do some stretching exercises that will help prepare you for any weight training program for women. When you are at work, you should not be sitting for too long without getting up from time to time. You should attempt to move around and stretch for a few minutes out of every hour to 90 minutes; this can improve blood flow and prevent painful cramping. Instead of sitting idly in your chair at work, use that time to do some stretching exercises. Sitting for hours at a time without getting up and moving around is unhealthy. Get up every hour or so and spend five minutes stretching; this will keep your circulation going and help prevent cramps in your muscles.

If you are someone who wants to be in shape, read these tips and find out how easy it can be. Spend some time working on yourself and do the work it takes to get into shape. These are not only virtues on the training floor, but in life in general. If you can do this in your exeryday life, you can do it in a work out. Get up and go do it. As you can see, getting in shape doesn’t have to be tough. You just need to work hard and stay motivated to reach your goals. These characteristics are inherent in all sorts of things in life. When you are successful with all other aspects of your life, your fitness goals will be a breeze. Just get up and go for it!

To get your Free Report on ‘The ABCs of Bodybuilding, Diet and Fitness’ including essential facts on weight training program for women, visit http://www.buildingmuscleforwomen.com/weight-training-program-for-women

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What Stops Penis Growth Hot Lower Body Exercises For Men And Women

April 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Lower Back Exercises

Article by Earl Wishum

It is natural to want a bigger penis. Not only because it makes you feel confident but because it can also make you confident in bed. The best method on how to naturally make your penis bigger is to perform manual exercises on your penis.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further – It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size.

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Do you want a 9 inch erection? Do you want to increase the size of your penis? All of us want a bigger penis.

There are many penis pills but few are effective while being safe at the same time. Most effective penis pills use the power of all herbal and natural ingredients to ensure powerful erections and an increase in your penis size.

With the massive amounts of junk mail we receive weekly making ridiculous claims like increasing the length of your penis by as much as 4 inches in two weeks! No wonder a lot of individuals wonder if natural penis male enlargement really works. Find out more!

This article answers FAQ’s about rapidly increasing the length and girth of your erect penis. I went from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around using specific yet very simple techniques that any man can duplicate.

You need to stick around if you want to learn how to give women fast orgasms. I am sure that some of you are wondering why a man would EVER want to give a woman a fast orgasm. Do they want to get the sex over with? Is this for the busy professional who needs to satisfy his woman fast so he can get back to work? Not at all! There are two main benefits to making your woman orgasm fast. Read on.

Penis exercises are the safest and cheapest method of real and permanent penis male enlargement. A good exercise program helps you perform exercises with the help of photos and videos and describes each movement in detail so that you do not go wrong. Moreover natural pills can enhance the effect of these exercises and some good ones include complementary access to highly specialized exercise programs.

Is Bigger Penis Better Satin Panty Fetish – Tips For Finding Women With A Panty Fetish

Super exercise for lower back: BodySpex fitness w/ Jai

Trainer Jai demonstrates proper form and technique for variations of the super flying man exercise. This exercise works the lower back and glutes and is great for addressing lower back pain.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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7 Easy Upper Body Exercises For Women

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

A women’s body has an entirely different orientation than a man’s body. The center of balance is lower, the sense of balance is different and the ways women walk, sit and stand are all different because of the entirely different shape each gender is supporting. And as such, the exercises for women are also different.

Basic Upper Body Exercises:

There are several very easy exercises you can perform to tone your upper body. Let’s look at some of these in more detail below:

Push Ups: – Pushups are an old standby for toning the arms and shoulders. You must perform at least 10 to 20 push ups daily. You may increase the number once you have built some stamina. Most of the women’s face difficulties in performing a standard push up. To perform a modified push up, simply push up from your knees to your arms instead of placing your weight on your hands and feet.

Most women can do a push up in this position.

Triceps Dips: – Triceps push downs is the another exercise you can perform for improving the size & shape of your arms. To perform this exercise, you would need to sit on a strong chair or bench. Place your hands on the edge of the chair and point the fingers forward. Now start lifting your back and bend down towards the ground and then get back to the original position. This is an excellent exercise for toning the arms.

Bicep Curls: –
Bicep Curls is one of the best exercises which you can perform safely and easily from the comfort of your own home. In case you do not have a set of barbells, you may work out with the milk jug by filling them with water.  Lowering down is as important as lifting weight. By doing so you would evenly spread the weight bearing exercise to your arms.

Chest Exercises: – Hands wide pushups & Hand pushes in front of your body are the 2 great exercises for women’s if you want to uplift your breasts and enhance cleavage… so give them a try for a couple weeks.

Back Exercises: – This upper body workout for women helps them get rid of the back pain. Even if you are healthy, it would help you prevent it.

Shoulder Workout: – Biceps and triceps exercises would help you gain strength for your shoulders.

Cardio and Stretching Exercises: –
These would help you lose the extra flab and also helps in boosting the metabolism.

So these are some upper body exercises that can help you to shape your chest, back, shoulders and arms. In order to tone your body completely, you must do exercises that shape the upper as well as the lower body. Workout for women is slightly different from men. This is because women have different reasons for their weight gain; they have different problems associated to extra fat. They must focus on exercising for their upper body. This would help you get rid of flabby arms & weak chest muscles.

The author is health & fitness fanatic. He thinks that exercise must be done regularly to maintain healthy life because healthy mind stays in healthy body. Exercise done in the morning keeps you fresh & energetic throughout the day.

Strength Training: Great For Women

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Sarah Elena Elliott

So many women who are looking to lose weight and get in shape avoid strength training out of fear of bulking up. They don’t want the masculine appearance of muscles and assume that their bodies will look just like that of a man’s if they participate in strength training on a regular basis. This is a myth!

In fact, not only will you not bulk up you will actually increase your metabolism, look slimmer, feel better and even lose weight much quicker than you would without it. The common fear is that gaining muscles will cause you to gain weight, but the opposite is true. The more muscle you gain the more calories your body burns even while resting. Adding just 5 lbs. a muscle is an extra 250 calories a day that your body will burn.

Muscle replaces fat and takes up less room in your body. Two women can weigh exactly the same, but one woman can be dramatically thinner even if they are the same height. The difference is, the more muscles a woman has in place of fat the smaller and tighter her body is. Extra muscle is the path to truly changing the way your body works in a positive way.

What should you be working on? Specifically your body is broken into three regions for strength training. Your upper body, core and lower body all need to be worked in order to gain overall muscle with maximum benefits.

Your upper body is made up of your arms, shoulders, upper back, neck and chest. You can work with free weights or machines to target these specific body parts. The bench press is one obvious method for targeting your chest muscle.

Your lower body is made up of your hamstrings, quads, calves and tibialis and these parts can be worked with lunges, squats, the leg press machine, and leg raises. The more muscle you have in your legs the easier it will be to accomplish rigorous aerobic exercises.

And finally, your core is made up of your lower back, obliques, hips and groin. These areas can be worked with crunches, back extensions and other machines that target these regions. Core strength is essential for preventing injury.

Always remember to give your body time to rest in between strength training sessions so that you can build new muscles. New muscles cannot grow if you continue to break them down, the healing process and the aches you have after a workout are actually good things!

Your body is building new muscle and growing! Each time that you do strength training try to push yourself using weights that actually challenge your body. It’s a big mistake to lift light weights many times instead of heavy weights a few times. A higher weight lifted combined with fewer reps will ensure muscle growth. Make sure that you always increase the amount of weight you are lifting to challenge your body and always separate your regional workouts. Never do two upper body workouts in a row, it is important to mix them up.

Sarah Elena Elliott reads http://www.myallnaturalweightloss.com each and every day. It’s her favorite weight loss blog.

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Fitness For Women – Strength Training Takes 10 Years Off

April 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Rebecca Prescott

Strength training has a lot of advantages for women, and particularly for women aged 35 to 40 and older. By the age of 40, women generally begin to lose bone density and muscle mass. One study at Tufts University, designed by the author of ‘Strong Women Stay Young’, Miriam Nelson PH.D, found that instead of losing bone density and muscle mass, the women were 15 to 20 years younger after one year of weight training. They gained bone density, and their strength tests matched women who were in their 30’s and 40’s.

These women didn’t diet, but they did end up looking slimmer. Some lost 1 or 2 dress sizes, and they all replaced fat with muscle. Because muscle weighs more than fat, this is the reason they looked slimmer, though the scales may not have changed much.

The women in this study were all post menopausal, and some of their ages were in the 50’s and 60’s. They made some remarkable changes in their lives as they got stronger. One woman described going rollerblading with her children. Another went canoeing with her husband. More than any pills or potions, strength training gave these women back a youthfulness some didn’t even have to that degree in the first place.

The women in this study used leg weights and free hand weights that were adjustible in their strength training program. They started at a level they were able to – even if this was the lightest weights available. They didn’t buy lots of expensive equipment or home gyms, and many of these can be bought second hand with a little research locally. As they developed their strength, they invested in heavier weights.

For the strap on ankle weights, they started with 1 to 3 kilograms in each cuff. The suggested ankle cuffs hold up to 10 kilograms each. The dumbells they used for their arms were adjustable, and they started with 1 or 2 kilograms. The only other equipment they needed was a chair, somewhere to store the weights, and a towel. Because you’re working out in your own home you don’t need to buy expensive or flashy gym clothes, or worry about feeling the odd one out.

The workout itself is in the book, Stong Women Stay Young. It covers a range of basic exercises that don’t take up too much time, which is suggested you do twice a week. Each session takes about 40 minutes including warming up and cooling down.

Tips for women working out with weights at home

* Make sure the area you’re working in doesn’t have rugs, electrical cords, toys and other items that you can trip over* Keep your pets and young children away from this area whilst you’re working out* If you’re using a chair when you do exercises, make sure it’s on a carpet that won’t slide around. If you don’t have carpet, put the chair against the wall so it stays stable* If you have problems with your back, you’ll need to be careful when you’re carrying your free weights around. Take a few trips to carry things if you have to move them in or out of a storage area. And make sure you lift them properly by bending your knees and moving slowly.* It helps to keep the weights you’re not currently using in their container. That way they can’t be knocked off by curious children.* If you’re using leg weights, don’t walk around with them on. It could affect your balance. And if you trip on something, you are more likely to injure yourself than normal* Keep the telephone off the hook, and the cellphone off. That way if someone rings you won’t be interrupted* Make sure you have some drinking water nearby in case you get thirsty.* Don’t drink any alcohol, even a little bit, less than a couple of hours before you exercise* Try and make sure you haven’t just eaten a meal before you work out. But by the same token, make sure you’re not starving! If you’re really hungry, you could become light headed or dizzy when you work out.* Don’t forget to warm up!* If you’re using weights, try doing them in front of a mirror so you can check your posture. You’ll get more out of the exercise, and work the right muscles. Sometimes our posture becomes so habitual we don’t realize it’s not quite right until we see it* If you’re using weights, a good posture means you’re chin is down slightly, so that it’s aligned with your neck. Your neck is in line with your spine, shoulders are straight and not stiff, back is straight, and your knees are not locked or bent. Your pelvis should be tucked under a little* When using weights, do the lifts slowly. This really works the muscles instead of letting the motion do the work for you.* Make sure you pause for a count between lifting the weight up, and lowering it* Don’t hold your breath whilst you’re lifting wights. Given that we’re contracting muscles, sometimes we unconsciously hold our breaths at the same time. Remember to breath, but don’t go the other extreme and hyperventilate!

References: Miriam Nelson and Sarah Wernick, Strong Women Stay Young (Lothian)

For more articles on fitness, and activities like running and walking, click here.

Learn the best weight training tips in this fitness for women video. Expert: Erin Sharoni (follow Erin on Twitter at twitter.com You can also follow Erin on Facebook, at www.facebook.com Thanks for watching Fitness for Women: Weight Training Tips! Ifyou enjoyed this video, subscribe to the Howcast YouTube channel! www.youtube.com Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from howcast and more videos in the Howto category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide (at www.howcast.com ), learn about producing Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmaker Program (at info.howcast.com ), or showcase your expertise in a Howcast video series (at info.howcast.com ).

Visual Impact For Women Review

April 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Nicole Springs

This post is a Visual Impact for Women review. Rusty Moore can be described as a Health and fitness authority as well as the creator of Visual Impact for Women: A Workout for The Slim Feminine Physique. Rusty actually published the top selling Visual Impact For Muscle Building Training course. This training manual appeared to be directed at guys and Rusty was basically bombarded with demands for the same exercise program for females. Rusty is known for a talent with regard to searching through most of the junk within the weight loss community along with supplying time productive, final result producing and functional information. Yet it is my opinion what precisely definitely sets apart Rusty from many other weight loss professionals is he’s extremely dedicated to aiding men and women acquire a toned, beautiful and athletic looking shape. This specific objective is a thing that’s not genuinely presented in numerous courses.

This Visual Impact for Women review gives you a quick comprehension of the particular training course as well as what you could expect from using it. You will find there’s a loaded eighty two page primary manual that accompanies three additional bonus products. The manual commences with education and also dispelling many of the major exercise myths that are usually perpetuated to females. You’ll find detailed, yet easy to understand recommendations regarding how to best employ weight training exercise to assist you as part of your body goals. Detailed sections on eating plans targeted at women are additionally included. A fantastic part on dieting for an function is an essential read for everyone with a function coming up. And finally the manual wraps up with routines that come with a powerful cardio exercise routine and various varieties of schedules such as a two or three day gym schedule. There is actually also a fantastic part on basic home gym set up with a workout included.

Visual Impact for Women kicks off where lots of workout or physique transformation solutions do not even go, education. Nearly all programs simply chuck tons of tips at you, without actually outlining or even justifying the grounds behind them. This specific deficit of education generally contributes to disappointment and frustration. Together with education will come understanding and with comprehension comes greater compliance and a greater probability of reaching your physique goals. Dispelling exercise myths is a superb place to begin as there are numerous. Rusty has never been someone to take any statement and never look at the research promoting the idea. The points you’ll learn inside the beginning sections are precious exercise truths that you can certainly utilize for the remainder of your lifetime. Once and for all the frequent questions regarding testosterone, muscle development and females are laid to rest. In spite of the mainstream saying ‘cardio is dead’, Rusty is going to detail just how to utilize cardiovascular exercise in your body transformation efforts and exactly why Hollywood performers utilize cardiovascular exercise to get in shape for films.

The Visual Impact For Women manual then moves on to discuss weight training. This includes the proper role of weight training for women and has chapters on high and low rep training and how and why each of them should be used in your routines. And a great analysis of free weights, machines and body weight training with the pros and cons of each is laid out plus how to put together an effective routine using all three. There is also a chapter on Yoga and without giving too much away, this chapter and viewpoint on Yoga really changed the way I look at it.

My personal favorite section of doing The Visual Impact For Women review has been the diet methods. You will find a trio of chapters about dieting. Dieting mythology as well as poor diet information is just one of my personal pet peeves. Rusty is definitely an expert at intelligent and useful dieting ways to get in slim shape. To declare I was pleased that he was eventually writing thoroughly about diet advice for females was an understatement. The actual dieting problems for females is included first of all with the reason why the standard diet methods shown aren’t effective after which he provides one which will. The following section goes in a little bit deeper, with calorie per day suggestions, carbs, proteins and fats breakdown as well as meal frequency.

The next 4 chapters of Visual Impact For Women are about the routines. Rusty is a master of effective cardio and he shares with you a 30 minute super effective fat burning cardio workout and the best way to integrate this with your resistance training for maximum results. I love that Visual Impact For Women is all about customizing things to fit the user and the workout routines are no different. So you will learn how to customize your routine into a twice a week or 3 time a week schedule. The last two chapters are a real bonus. Want to save on gym membership? Rusty shows some creative ways to set up a home gym and a great program to go along with it.

==>Click here for the conclusions and a more detailed Visual Impact for Women review. Be sure to check out author Nicole Springs website which is full of great health and fitness information like the Visual Impact for Women review.

Nicole Springs is a health and fitness expert. She is a personal trainer who specializes in body transformation.

The Importance of Strength Training For Women!

March 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

I find that women today are hung up on doing the “aerobic” workout rather than engaging in something that really gets them results. Now before you get angry with me I pick on the guys too, its just that I am specifically focusing in on you for this particular article. I believe in tough love. Now hopefully I have not angered you to the point that you have stopped reading this article. Now, that we are over the insensitivity lets focus on the matter at hand.

To begin, you have to have a strength training program in place in order to get the results you desire. Not only do you need a strength program, but your strength and conditioning program should be one in the same. If you want top-notch results you have to have an effective and well planned strength program that you can implement in order to get the benefits of building lean muscle mass. This in turn will kick your metabolism into high gear! This is where you shed the inches like crazy in get a super fit body.

Its all about total-body fitness and not an entire 30 minute class devoted to abs! Workout to make yourself sweat, to breathe hard, and do it while handling some sort of resistance. This is where your strength training comes in. Strength training can come in many forms. It doesn’t necessarily just mean weightlifting. Although weightlifting is a form of strength training. It can be a highly effective program designed around utilizing nothing more than your own body-weight. Women that are getting the killer body are getting the killer strength training programs! This is a fact. Don’t shortchange yourself.

The bottom line is that you have to step up your program. There is a bit of a learning curve involved in anything with value.

Take the time to learn and implement an effective strength training program. Like I said this can be an awesome program with just your body-weight, it can be done with weights, or other very dynamic devices like the kettlebell.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html
I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Find More Strength Training Women Articles

Strength Training Exercises For Women – Get Lean Program

March 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Claire Adams

Strength training exercises for women doesn’t mean that doing the workout will help you gain big muscles and ripped body figure, it’s not all about that, this kind of training benefits a women in their overall physique and also to their health as well. Add to the fact that it can also give you the advantage among others like an enhanced stamina, endurance and flexibility.

If you are really decided to do your strength training workouts, you must organize your schedule first especially if you are just a beginner into this exercise. For women who want to incorporate lifting light weights, you can do this at least three times a week, this can be a perfect schedule for you, to get used to the program, and adapt to your new time frame. In addition to that, you will be able to avoid injury for giving your body the enough rest it needs.

Do not focus on one muscle group only. Combine workout with your small and large body groups. If you will train your muscle both at the same time, you will be able to prevent injuries. The good thing is, you are not only developing one part of your body, but your whole body as well, which will give you the best result and good physique.

Performing abdominal exercise will also give you amazing outcome in doing your workout procedures. Abs workout like sit-ups, basic crunches and curls will give a huge effect on your body. It doesn’t only help you to flatten your tummies but at the same time, give a much improve midsection.

Performing these techniques properly will definitely help you to achieve your goal. Maintaining a healthy body and well shape physique is much attainable. Through this, strength training exercises for women is really helpful to gain the advantage of losing weight correctly.

This author writes about Get Lean Program and Weight Training Exercises For Women.

More Strength Training Program For Women Articles

There are several core workouts for women that can be found online But are they helpful?

March 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Sandra Sue

There are several core workouts for women that can be found online, and these exercises are effective and easy to follow. But in order for you to properly develop your core muscle groups, you need to find the right information and resources.Core workouts for women should not immediately performed by any woman who is suffering from lower back pain. If a certain woman who wish to try these exercises is experiencing back pain from time to time she needs to consult it with her doctor first, as such exercises requires body movements that could worsen her condition.

The core muscles of women are different from men as it involves all of the abdomen’s muscular structure, and involves all the muscles that are found in the trunk area. These core muscles could be enhanced through proper exercises for the back, hips and as well as the pelvic muscles.Our body’s core muscle groups are the main focus of the different core workouts for women. These workouts are designed to target the muscles within the center of our mobility and flexibility. This group of muscles is often used in our daily activities, which normally includes walking, driving, and lifting different heavy objects. If a woman enhances her muscles through several core workouts for women, she will be able to have strong core muscles that will help her become more active, healthier and leads her to accomplish more tasks every day.

Performing good core workouts for women depends on the design of the exercises as it should follow the proper form. If a certain women are not following the correct exercise pattern she will not be successful in achieving her goal, which is to have a strong core muscles. In some cases, wrong designs of core workouts for women can also damage the core muscles.

One of the examples of core workouts for women is performing regular crunches. But the same as other exercises for women, these workouts must be carried out correctly. A woman doing crunches must not pull on her neck as this can pull a neck muscle and lead her to develop a stiff neck.

Good core workouts for women must be gentle on spine and neck, and a woman should feel most of the pressure on their stomachs. Performing the correct exercises for core muscles will help a woman have a good posture and balance. These exercises are also helpful in maintaining good health.

Sandra sue is a fitness Enthusiast. Check out toningworkoutsforwomen.org for more tips about core workouts for women

Toning Your Arms With Hand Weights For Women

March 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you are tired of that flabby extra skin and fat which hangs from underneath your arms, now is the time to take care of it. One of the most simple ways to do this is through the use of simple hand weight exercises.

First, you need to understand that in order to tone your muscles, you need to first lose fat. This is the big essential tip that you need to learn.

Arm toning is not possible without losing fat. Sadly, it is not possible to lose fat off of only your arms.

This means that if you want to tone your arms, you need to start a weight loss program that will help you lose weight off of your whole body. Only when your body has a low fat percentage that your muscles will start to shine through as defined and firm.

So, weight loss is just as important as muscle gain when it comes to arm toning. Next, you need to work with actual weights in order to make an impact.

On the other side of the equation is it the muscle that you build, shows through whatever fat you have on your arm. The bigger they are, the better they will show through.

Many women worry about getting bulky but this isn’t really a concern, as women do not have the necessary testosterone to get big. However, if you do want to get big, there are many ways to do it.

You cannot achieve these results with two pound lifts at a time-you need some real pounds to work with. If anyone at your gym tells you to use light weights with high reps to tone your arms, you can recognize they are wrong!

Working out with lighter ones, and higher reps is a bad rumor that we should all ignore. The reason is simple.

When you train, you break your muscles slightly-when they rebuilt, this is where growth occurs. Heavy pounds obviously stresses them more, and will amount to more muscles being torn and rebuilt.

Heavier will also speed up your metabolism, which in turn will burn more fat, helping you to tone your arms. To start with your biceps, go with a bar bell curl.

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, grab a bar bell about shoulder width apart. With your elbows locked firmly to a position by your side, lift the pounds up using your biceps, to the top of your chest.

Lower it slowly down without moving your elbows and repeat. Next, try to alternate dumb bell curl.

Standing with feet shoulder width apart, and grab two dumb bells and let them rest at your side. Tensing your bicep, curl one up and twist it so that when the dumb bell reaches its top position near your shoulder, your palm is facing your shoulder.

As you lower this dumb bell down to its starting position, repeat with the opposite arm. Laying on a bench, take a medium heavy bar bell, a bit narrower than shoulder width grip, and bring it down to your lower ribs.

Push it up using your triceps, and lower it to the same position. Just before it reaches your chest, fire it up in the pushing direction again before it gets a chance to rest on your body.

This prevents your chest from taking over with the lifting. Take a light dumb bell in your right hand.

Place your left hand and left knee on a low flat bench. Keeping your back straight, lift your elbow so that your upper arm is in line with your torso.

Slowly tense your tricep, and lift the dumb bell to a position where you arm is almost locked out straight. Lower and repeat.

These are the basic four exercises that you will use to build your foundation of strength and technique. Remember, without perfect technique, you will not make any progress, so exert yourself in making sure that your posture and lifting method is perfect.

Warm up with some cardio, stretching, and light weights. Then do your bar bell curls, your narrow grip bench press, your alternate dumb bell curls, and tricep kickbacks.

Remember, when a rep number says 8-10 it means that you should pick a weight that causes you to ‘fail’ in that rep range. It does not mean that you pick a light weight and only do 8 reps.

It means you should be struggling to get to 8. Perform each exercise with care and slowly.

You will love your arms! Today is the day to start.

Jack R. Landry has been writing about the exercise and health industry for years. He recommends using fitness equipment to stay healthy and fit.

Contact Info:

Jack R. Landry

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