Weight Exercises for Women
March 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Article by Broderick Bell
Body weight exercises for women can be as effective as using external weights, like dumbbells, resistance bands and tubes, kettlebells, barbells, and machine weights.
However, many women are under the impression of having a real workout think it is by only using external weights. That is not completely true, and I will explain briefly to you why this is not the case.
If you want fast results then the best body weight exercises for women are those that target large muscle groups. It is very important that you know how to set up a good workout. A good workout should include exercises that target the large muscle groups such as legs, back, and chest. Also, when combining your exercises make sure to alternate between upper and lower body exercises so that you get a total body workout.
The squat thrust is a calisthenic exercise that gives you the benefit of obtaining both strength and cardiovascular fitness wrapped up into one package. This body weight exercise is very effective in training your body to become fit, mobile, strong, and more resilient than any treadmill workout will ever do for you. To execute the squat thrust you will want to stand with your feet at about a shoulder width distance in length. From here you are going to execute 3 movements.
For some women the thought of adding weights into their fitness routine brings images of the Incredible Hulk to their minds. If you are worried about using weights exercises for women then please don’t – women have great difficulty putting on significant amounts of muscle mass even when using drugs so when you are on a calorie restricted weight loss routine you have absolutely no chance. Using weight will simply tone and shape your figure and may even help you burn more fat!
As we get older and life gets increasingly busier we can begin struggling with trying to fit in weight training exercises with all the other demands we face. Some of this is because certain weight training routines are quite time consuming.
The best way to achieve your weight loss target is to have a plan, without one you can end up getting bored or risk becoming un-motivated. If your target is to get into a new item of clothing, then as part of your plan have a picture of the clothing in your plan, it will give you a reminder every time you exercise why you are doing it.
Choose the type of exercise that works best for you. There are different types of exercises suited to different types of people. Go to the gym first and check what weight training options they offer specifically for women. Choose the one that you are comfortable doing. Remember exercising to a good physique takes time and you need to know which one works for you. You should ask for a consultation with a trainer to help you get started.
Women need to keep checking their body condition from time to time and see if there are changes. Some women can be very sensitive and they develop muscle and joint aches. In that case, they need to stop the bodyweight exercises immediately and try another alternative. If women are losing their weight and getting into the right shape, then they can continue doing them and pave their way towards fitness.
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Basic Routine Triceps Exercises for Women in Fitness
March 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Tricep Exercises
Article by Mohamad Alodah
There have been constant dilemmas among women when it talks about getting trimming fatty arms. As a result, this give them negative consequences such as not able to wear sleeveless and spaghetti straps. Being able to achieve proportional, sexy arms like Jennifer Aniston or much preferred, Madonna, it won’t require you to go to fitness gyms or any assistance from fitness trainers! There are efficient exercises in which you can easily perform it anywhere, that could be possibly done at your home or outdoors if you feel comfortable with it. This fitness schedule that is good for three occurrences in a week shall lead you to be even sexier. Actually, this can improve your wellness and let you build confidence to wear daring clothes. Well, prepare yourself for a full blast fitness series of triceps exercises for women. Here is how most women jump start on fitness.Engaging the Basic Triceps ExercisesGetting Ready for the ExerciseBefore you start the exercise, have 5 -10 minute stationary jogging until you can feel your body is pumped with energy. You should perform required arm stretches first which would avoid you to suffer from muscle pains. Learn to take full inhales to your nose and slow exhales to your mouth as you walk in place.Starting at Low Intensity to High IntensityTo begin this exercise division, you would be needing resistance tubes to accustom your muscles for peak work. This means, aiming to tone and condition the triceps muscle. First, let’s perform the triceps exercises with the resistance tube.1. Fast Triceps Contraction with Resistance TubesAmong the various, yet, effective means in developing your triceps that affects almost all muscles on the arms. One is the triceps exercises with resistance bands or tubes which came to be commonly done by women in fitness. Here is the procedure:· It’s either you sit or stand in preparation for the exercise.· Place your grip on the middle of the tube.· Stretch your arms straight out in front of you while keeping them few inches away from each other.· Contract your shoulder blades together as you pull the tube so that arms are out to the sides forming a wing. It’s highly recommended by fitness experts to keep the exercise in a fast pace. This includes three sets of 16 repetitions per set. You should always keep the tension of the tubes in the whole routine.· As you finish the first phase, extend your triceps and hold the tube’s end using separate hands level to your shoulders, having bent the right arm.· This is done so that it’s in front of your chest as you straighten out your left arm. Have your left arm stabled to create tension, contract the triceps to straighten the right arm. Go back to the starting position and execute it again before you change arm positions.· Finally, curl the tube around a sturdy object (ex. Pole, anchor) behind you leveled to your chest. Start by having bent your elbows at 90 degrees. Forearms must be parallel to the floor. Keep your right arm stationary and press your left arm out. Bring your left arm back and then press forward with your right arm. Continue alternating arms for a total of 16 reps on each side2. Slow Triceps Contraction with DumbbellsAfter you have done the resistance tube routine, you can proceed with the high intensity exercise. Adjustable dumbbells are able to provide ease in doing your routines. They feature with easy to adjust weights. This equipment is practically cheap instead of buying fixed weight dumbbells. Triceps exercises with dumbbells provide women the process of developing their triceps muscle.· Start with a standing position. Hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your head.· You should keep your upper arms pointing straight up.· Lift the dumbbell up by bending your elbows and slowly lower it back. You keep your upper arms stable in the entire phase. Do 2 sets of 12 repetitions per set.· After that, you proceed to the next phase by positioning your knee and hand on top of a bench. Hold a dumbbell with the other hand. Place your palm faced at your body. Maintain upper arm at parallel to your body. Push the dumbbell back through stretching out your elbows until you slowly return to the first position. Stable your upper arm throughout the exercise. Have 12 – 16 repetitions for each arm.
For more fitness info you can visit our fitness and wellness for women site .
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Feeling Healthy – Abdominal Exercise Routines For Women
March 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gym Workouts
How you look has a lot to do with how you feel. Millions of dollars are spent each year on exercise routines and gimmicks, make- up, and reconditioned new body parts. There seem to be no limits to what people will do to get a certain look.
Putting all of the artificial means to the side for a moment let’s consider possibly the best and most effective way to change your look and your body. Choosing one of the abdominal exercise routines for women that can work for you can be your best solution to finding your healthy fitness Fountain of Youth
So why so much talk about the abs? The abdominal muscles are among the large muscles in the core section of the body. They belong to the group of muscles in the body that makes movement effective, graceful, and effortless. Taking care of the abs affects back health and gives a person the energy to move through each day with minimal effort.
A slender, strong looking abdominal section also makes a person feel comfortable with their appearance.
How we look certainly affects how we feel. Feeling that your abs are strong and tight helps you to be and feel healthier.
Sometimes we are directed off of the path. We see many tools, some effective and some just gimmicks, that you can be used to give us an effective abdominal workout. Tools can certainly help us in our quest for better health but what would we do to sustain our workouts if we didn’t have any machines to sit and twist on.
Some of the most effective abdominal exercise routines for women include those programs that do not require any special equipment and can be done anywhere. Choosing an exercise program that you can use that will tone, condition, add strength and stamina, improve cardiovascular fitness, and improve flexibility is important for women.
Some of the programs that will do the aforementioned things are Pilates, yoga, and hill sprinting and walking, and boxing and martial arts.
All of these routines work the entire body without isolating any body parts. Effective abdominal training which emphasizes total body movement gives the added benefits mentioned earlier in addition to strengthening and sculpting the abdominals.
Another program for you to consider that works with total body, body weight exercise routines is the Combat Endurance Training program.
Developed by a Special Forces captain for his group of men this exercise routine employs total body movement by implementing exercises that give tone and power to all muscles of the body. Some of the additional reasons for success of the program include short breaks between exercises to build stamina along with an assortment of fast, explosive movements that help burn fat and tone and condition all body parts.
Strengthening the abdominal area is important as long as you don’t sacrifice the strength of the rest of your body. Taking your time to choose and then begin a program that strengthens and gives non stop energy to the entire body is a good idea for your overall health.
Choosing one of the abdominal exercise routines for women that gets your whole body moving is a choice that will bring you many happy returns.
Fred Nicklaus is a National Champion martial artist who has also trained other National and World Champions in his martial arts schools. After total hip replacement surgery in 2005 he found the Combat Endurance Training program and it has helped him maintain his health and fitness. He teaches local Combat Endurance Training classes to adults and children in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Visit http://www.combatendurancetraining.com/j09 to find out more about Abdominal Exercise Routines For Women and Combat Endurance Training.
Here is the perfect workout that woman can do at home. This can also be done by men. These workouts help the entire body and can be done in 30 min. If done properly you will see results within a few weeks. more strength, energy etc.
weights strength training-workout routine for women
March 11, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Workouts
Article by romeo burke
Unless you’re a sports professional or actively participate in sorts activities, fitness fun for men is non-existent. Heath professionals everywhere see the results of the average man’s lack of concern for fitness.
Both men and women understand daily exercise is important for everyone. The not so fitness fun facts for men are the epidemic of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic illnesses are rising due to inactivity and poor fitness habits. Every man should be concerned about staying fit. How does a man turn fitness into fun?
One common rebuttal when a male is told he needs to increase is,?I get lots of activity at work. That should be enough. I don’t feel like exercising when I come home from work.? The truth is that when a man does include a regular fitness routine into his daily life, his energy level improves, his physical fitness improves, his mental state improves, and he’s more able to handle the daily stress of life. He’s ready and more able to handle whatever comes his way. Another fun fitness fact is that being physically fit delays the aging process and decreases the health problems that normally occur with aging.
Three main fitness categories important for everyone are strength, flexibility and aerobic training. These three areas will guarantee each individual a great workout to keep your entire body in better shape.
Fitness routines can become something every man wants. As he beings to see the results of regular training, fitness fun occurs. Although fitness can be fun, it can also be dangerous. If you do not already practice some sort of physical activity in your every day life, you should begin slowly and gradually increase the intensity.
Getting Back In Shape with Fun Fitness
With all the new technologies available, working out has become more fun than ever before! Whether you need to lose weight, a more convenient way to add muscle mass, or to improve your endurance check out your specialty retail stores for great fitness tools to get you moving in the right direction.
Becoming fit doesn’t have to be really strenuous work like in the older days. Fitness tools and equipment designs have improved greatly. You may decide that you like treadmills, elliptical machines, exercise bikes or other fitness equipment to receive the workout your body desires.
While working out another part of fun fitness is to keep track of blood pressure, distances achieved, and even your body composition. Keeping track of your progress will also help boost your motivation. Fun fitness accessories comes in hand held, watch forms, and even clip-on for convenience.
Strength Training and Relaxation Techniques
Every man likes to feel strong so what can make fun fitness techniques even better than having your own personal Multi-Function Flex Gym or exercise bench with free weights? Strength training is performed in several different ways but it is something that men cannot seem to get enough of once they begin to see and fell the results.
After a great workout, the best way to finish out the day is by getting rid of all your extra tension. In pure relaxation, an Infrared Sauna will ease aching muscle and joints with heat penetration fit for a king.
Make fun fitness an every day event in your life and you will truly feel a difference in body and health.
Romeo Burke:Musician songwriter Music producer Video clip -ProducerLoan Debt Advisor38 Years Single living in The Netherlands Europe\ Florida USAborn in Suriname South America;
How Can Women Lose Fat Easily and Get in Shape Quickly?
March 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
There is so much confusion when it comes to losing fat, so the average person gets really confused very quickly. Women make many mistakes when it comes to fat loss and one of the biggest mistake that women do, is ignore weight training. For some reason women think that lifting weights is some kind of a monster but really it is your best friend.
Cardio or aerobic activity alone will not make you lose fat, in fact weight training is sometimes a much better option. Of course it would be a lot better to combine both. I am sure after you finish this short article, you will understand why it is good for you.
First of all weight training speeds up your metabolism because the speed of your metabolism is dependent on the amount of toned muscle tissue on your body. So the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn.
It also gives you a metabolic boost for many days. Cardio training benefits only last as long as you exercise. But weight training is a lot different. You burn more calories while you sleep and rest during the next few days.
You can only have a toned, firm, tight and strong body with both cardio and weight training. Muscle gives you the nice tight and curve body, while cardio helps you burn the fat.
A lot of women, who think that weight training is some kind of a monster, have never even tried it. But once you try it and continue to train for several months then you feel your body change. It is also important to learn the right exercise techniques, so you can get a personal trainer in any gym to show you the ropes. Do not be afraid it and also if you start lifting weights then you can easily use heavier weights, you don´t have to use the lightest dumbbells or barbells in the gym.
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
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Kettlebell Fat-Blaster – 2 Exercises For Women to Execute With Kettlebells to Blast Away the Fat!
March 9, 2012 by admin
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises
Ladies you know by now that kettlebells are a serious workout. I am going to include 2 more excellent drills to help you to further boost your metabolism and get it burning like a jet engine! Take the time to read and implement the following drills into your own program and your fat-loss and weight-loss campaign will continue to be a success!
1. Kettlebell Clean and Squat: For this drill you certainly have to have a proper knowledge of how to clean the kettlebell to your chest. To do this simply stand with your feet shoulder width apart with the kettlebell directly between your feet. For the purpose of this article I am referring to cleaning and squatting a single bell. Next, squat down and grab the bell with one hand. Stand up and simultaneously pull the weight up and perform a smooth quick corkscrew motion with your arm allowing the bell to rotate around the outside of your wrist.
As you do this you should finish with your arm resting up against your body just off-center of the midline of your body. Now you have lifted the bell from the ground to your chest in one clean motion! From here simply execute a proper squat or series of squats.
2. Staggered Kettlebell Push-Ups: To begin this drill you will simply just need a single kettlebell. Get into an upright push-up position with one hand on the ground and one hand on the kettlebell. You should be in a normal push-up position here with the height of your hands obviously being staggered with the kettlebell. Next, just execute a series of about 10 push-ups on each side. If you don’t think this is difficult then just try it and you’ll see how much this simple drill will help you to get in shape. Take your kettlebell training serious ladies.
Keep pushing and you will see your results continue to grow!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html
I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!
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Circuit Training Workouts for Women
March 6, 2012 by admin
Filed under Circuit Training
Article by Mike Miller
More Circuit Routines For Every Woman
Because of the sometimes amazing results, circuit training has become very popular indeed. Besides halving the progress time (as compared with steady state cardio) and placing your body into a fat-burning stage for as long as forty-eight hours, the fact that they can be performed anywhere with very little equipment, makes them a very attractive form of fat-burning routine. Your circuit training workout will not only be able to provide ultimate results with less than twenty minutes of routine, you can complete them anywhere you feel comfortable, including the office.
This means they are ideal for:
1. Moms who are at home with children 2. The aspiring business executive who has little spare time3. Travelers who live out of a suitcase4. Those women who can’t manage to afford a gym membership
Circuit training workouts for women, mean there is no longer any reasonable excuse not to exercise.
Home with your children?
You can do this with very little space in your home.
Short of time?
You can perform these circuit training workouts for women, in less than twenty minutes.
Do you struggle with the budget, to afford a gym membership?
There is no money needed to perform circuit training workouts for women.
What is a circuit training workout?
A high intensity workout is one with high intensity and very little rest between exercises. Typically there are six light weight or bodyweight exercises, that are all performed in a circuit style.
Take a look at these circuit training workouts for women:
Beginning with the first exercise, make sure you perform it with high level of intensity for no more than fifteen seconds. When you have completed this, take a break for fifteen seconds, and then move onto exercise two. Work this exercise for a further fifteen seconds, rest for fifteen seconds when it is completed, and move to the next exercise. Carry on with this format for all six of the exercises in your circuit workout. After you have finished your six exercises, you can rest for a minute or two, and then start the workout again from the top. Completing the circuit more times, should be your goal for each session.
For Beginners1. Running in one place2. Squats3. Jumping Jacks4. Mountain Climbers5. Push Ups6. Laying leg lifts or crunches
Intermediate level1. Squats2. Mountain Climbers3. Half Burpees4. High Knees5. Push Ups6. Lunges
Advanced level1. Lunges2. High Knees3. Burpees4. Mountain Climbers5. Push ups6. Jump Squats
One Step Further With Circuit Training Workouts for Women
Increasing the intensity of the workout is made possible adding a twist, getting a jump rope and some light dumbbells. You can incorporate these pieces of equipment into your circuit. All you need to do is replace one of the listed exercises with one that uses your jump rope. Another simple but fantastic piece of equipment you can add is a pair of ankle weights. The increase in intensity is amazing with just a little extra weight added to your legs.
In Closing
When you perform these circuit training workouts for women, three or four times a week, at the same time as adhering to a good diet, fat will be burned at quite an incredible rate. Not only will you drop inches off your waistline, your physique will be transformed into a more toned, and sexy body. It is extremely important to allow twenty-four hours between workouts, so your body has plenty of time to rest and recover.
Mike Miller is a CPT from Orlando , fl. He is interested in helping everyone with fitness goals meet them.
Workouts For Women – Reconciling with the Attitude to Exercise
February 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Article by qamar mushtaq
There are many girls who prefer to exercise but are unclear about how to get in it again. By again, Come on, man they’ve already often tried to figure out, but have either stopped given that they were unmotivated, or they weren’t seeing final results how they wished to see. So what on earth are some good workouts for females that could both show significant results together with maintain the person motivated? That’s a very vague question, because women will be able to enter the workouts they try, it’s just to do with finding ways to ensure that is stays fresh and exciting.
Personally, a lot of women appear to get along better when they’re hanging out with their friends together. It’s a wise idea for any workout party started, because it could be something that you begin to look toward. Many people just don’t’ prefer to exercise given that they do not like doing it on their own. This is a valid reasons, it could possibly get sort of depressing seeking to conserve a workout once the body’s unmotivated.
Nearly all women choose to shop together, so it’s only natural that they can would enjoy working out together too. Like I’ve stated, a good work out is often a commitment, of course, if you break that commitment, providing begin to see the results you try and see, or you do avoid seeing results at all. Therefore it is vital to be committed, no matter how you stay committed, just as long as you choose to do. A good method to maintain the commitment alive is actually by hitting the gym by using a list of friends. The majority of females love to gossip, so this may provide group a good way or perhaps a good excuse to exercise. I would recommend whenever you’re using a problem exercising, that you just start-up a fitness party.
We certainly have talked a great deal about workouts for women, and the ways to go back to the attitude of exercising. If women prefer to really see accomplishment coming from a workout, they’re going to ought to stay motivated about their workout. They could stay motivated by doing exercises in groups of friends. They can also motivate themselves by doing exercises that has a group at the Y.M.C.A, or at the local gym. This is expensive, however you should do whatever needs doing to take care of your regular workout, which is essential to live healthy, and now we try this by maintaining exercise in your daily lives.
Look over a great web-site on how to do more pullups and fat loss workouts for women to lose weight and even feel great.
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Weight Training For Women – Proven Methods For a Sexy Body
February 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Arnold Vessigny
Most women who take up exercise or workout programs tend to dismiss the idea of weight training for women. A lot women find weight training as a very light and non-engaging program that does not really lead to good or noteworthy results. However, these preconceptions about the program are misleading since many women have benefited from following the basics of strength training for women.. If you’re in doubt, and are a woman, try to find time and consider this program as it may work for you-nothing to lose but fat and a sluggish lifestyle.
A common misconception about women weight training is that weight training would make a woman’s body so muscular to the point that they would look like petite bodybuilders. This, friends, is not true. A woman’s body is just as good as a man’s, as both bodies are, by convention, a work in progress. Unless a person really starts taking working out seriously, nothing good will ever come out of a workout program except for good appearance and a good excuse to burn money.
Modern women who consider the option of weight training usually do so after work or during weekends. Weekdays are still just as jam-packed though, since a lot of gyms now have huge female followings regardless of age and life status.
For those interested in strength training, it is essential to have enough of a budget and an open mind. Although working out won’t be cheap, availing the assistance of a professional gym trainer may cost you depending on the plan or program you intend to sign-up for, and the gym where you’d be doing your workouts.
Also, consider your diet before going on weight training. Women’s bodies respond to things quite differently, and having an irregular diet while engaging in extreme activities might lead to unwanted injuries in the future. In order to prevent these things, it is important for women to rethink their diet by going for less calories and more protein. Depending on the age, other food groups may be added in order to make your diet work for you.
Women’s weight training routines differ greatly from men’s in such a way that women’s routines are less rigorous but still efficient in delivering results. It is important to note that women’s bodies are more fragile than men’s, but are just as equal in terms of potential. It is also important to note that working out in gyms may be more ideal, but sometimes, workout programs may be carried out within the comforts of one’s home. So consider having your own workout set in your spare room and ask for help from friends who are in the know.
Weight training is just like any other training; just make sure you’re ready for it – physically, mentally and financially. Before you know it, you’ll be in great shape in no time! Brace yourself for a rigorous but very rewarding experience.
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Find More Weight Training Women Articles
Unique Abdominal Exercises For Women
February 25, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Medicine balls, crunches, exercise balls.just name any! Many of these things are regarded as a requirement, by a lot of individuals, when the concern is on abdominal exercises for women.
However, what so many people fail to mention is the fact that you must shred all the fat surrounding your abs region in order for you to get a flat stomach or even visible abs. Abdominal exercises for women helps strengthen a woman’s core but it can never be enough, on its own, to burn belly fat.
Instead of just telling you of a number of decent abdominal exercises for women, I’ll fill you in on how it is that you can eliminate the fat faster around your abdominal region. So let us kick off with a number of proven core workouts. Here they are:
Upper Abs:
Crunches using an exercise ball to lean your legs on
Fingers to toes Ab Crunches
Lower Abs (Note that lower ab exercises are critical for acquiring a fully developed core):
Decline Ab Crunches
Abdominal Leg Pull-ins using a bench
Hanging Ab Leg Raises
Medicine Ball Leg Raises
Reverse ab Crunches
Oblique/Side Abs:
Fingers to heel touchers
Oblique/Side Crunches
Lying Oblique Leg Raises
Oblique Decline Crunches
Please take into account that these are great abdominal exercises for women and should be done after cardio workouts such as jogging. But I’ll discuss that later on. These core workouts have proven to work when strengthening your abs.
Burning the Fat
Simple! How does someone get fat in the first place? Lack of exercise, Over eating, etc. you just got to do the opposite procedure of getting fat. Your diet is the main factor in burning or acquiring body fat. There are other, more physically active alternatives, like cardio exercises pointed out above.
Here are some that really burn the fat:
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
Interval Training
Circuit Training
Running/Jogging/Rowing Machine/Elliptical Trainer/Exercise Bike
I would recommend you to perform these cardio exercises before doing your ab workouts. Add in a healthy diet plan to your exercises and you will be noticing changes in no time! Be certain to exercise at least 3 days a week making sure that you manage to finish each abdominal exercise within the week.
But if you don’t think you are able to put in a good diet plan then all your physical training would be a waste because you wouldn’t be getting the results you really desire. You will be in the best shape (not in appearance) within a couple of months but you can not out exercise a bad diet.
If you are interested in more abdominal exercises for women along with other fitness advice, visit our resource page at “exerciseforlowerabs-naomi.com” and don’t forget to grab your free gift!