Why You Need an Upper Body Workout for Women

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Kate Trent

So many women today love to work out. Many love kicking their heart rate up into high gear with an intense cardio workout to release the stress of the day and to burn fat and calories. The most popular workouts for women today including jogging, group fitness classes, and biking, and largely these are cardio-based fitness options. If you scan the weight section at the local gym, you may see a few women working out, but largely it is the men who hit the weights. The bottom line, however, is that an upper body workout for women is something that every woman needs to be doing on a regular basis.

Burning Fat

Many women do focus their efforts on cardio workouts to burn fat and calories. The female body does generally have a higher level of body fat than our male counterparts, so it makes sense that women would want to burn that fat away and portray a healthy, slender body. Many, however, often think the best way to burn calories and fat is through a cardio workout, but the truth is that a strength-training session can burn just as many calories, and the results can be longer-lasting, too. It has been proven that muscle mass burns more calories when your body is at rest than body fat does, so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of a strength training upper body workout for women long after your workout is done.

Avoiding That Mannish Shape

Many women love to look at a muscular male physique, but they largely do not want that mannish shape on their own bodies. This is one of the reasons why women do avoid doing an upper body workout for women with weights at the gym and instead stick to a cardio workout. However, a cardio workout that isn’t combined with regular stretching and toning exercises can result in compact, dense muscles, so women may just end up with a more muscular shape than they had intended when they avoid the weights. When you do hit the weights and do several reps with lower levels of weights, you will tone and shape your muscles without adding muscle mass.

Health Benefits

There is one more reason to be sure to include an upper body workout for women in your regular fitness regimen, and that is for your overall health and well-being. You can run 20 miles each and every day and think you are in tip-top shape. However, unless you also work your upper body muscles with a regular workout, these muscles will grow weaker. These muscles include your abs, back, shoulders, neck, and arms. Over time, this can result in chronic pains in these areas, decreased mobility, posture and balance problems, and more.

Kate Trent is a writer and researcher on products for households such as a comprehensive guide on the most effective upper body workout for women. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog: BuildingMuscleforWomen.com

Get Rid Of Flab Arms For Women Fast

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Wendy Jane

Females feel it move whenever they shake hands, they feel it jiggle when they wave hello and they feel it wiggle when they brush their teeth and good bye-it’s their unwanted, unsightly, flabby arms. Flabby arms are usually caused by extra fat build up in the upper back of women’s arms, also known as the location of the triceps muscles. You can get rid of these sagging arms by doing some workouts for your triceps muscle.

When doing most of these exercises, you require a great pair of dumbbells. In order to determine what weight would be best to use, keep in mind that lighter weights are much better for toning when paired with lots of reps whereas heavier weights are better for bulking up when paired with several repetitions. The right light weight dumbbells weight 2 to 3 pounds, while the heavy ones weigh 6 to 7 lbs. And, you are ready to begin when you’ve decided your aim and selected the right type of dumbbell.

Listed here are some simple yet efficient workouts to aid you work out your triceps and get rid of your flabby arms forever:

Workout 1: While standing, grab a pair of dumbbells and raise your arms straight above your shoulders. Keep your arms facing to the front and gradually bend the forearms backward with the elbows acting as the hinge. You should keep your shoulders and upper arms steady and your back straight. The forearms are lowered until they become parallel to the floor. When you reach this position, take a single breath, and then gradually straighten out your arms, taking them to your initial position.

Exercise 2: Holding a pair of dumbbells, lie face up on a flat surface. Keep your arms straight above your head, the palms facing towards each other and then slowly the elbows are bent. Keep your upper arms in exactly the same position while lowering your hands and arms. The forearms are lowered until they are horizontal to the floor at around 45 degree. After a single breath in this position, gradually straighten your arms and again bring them back to their initial position.

Exercise 3: Get a set of dumbbells, keep the palms facing inwards and keep your arms hanging at the sides. Slightly arch your torso forward, until you are a comfortable bend, and then raise your elbows upwards towards the ceiling until your arms are at a 90 degree angle. Keeping the back strong and the upper part of the arm steady, straighten up your forearms so that your whole arm forms a straight-line until your shoulder. After a single breath in this position, slowly straighten up your arms and again bring them back to their initial position. When doing this exercise, you can raise the level of difficulty by trying to reach back as far and as high as you can with your arms while still maintaining exactly the same position throughout the rest of your body.

Get results starting today – Get Rid of Flabby Arms

Is it really this fast!

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Weight training for women – If you want to lose fat and be lean, then start weight training

February 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Randy Robinson

Women generally care more about their health and their weight, than men do. Most women would like to be lean and have the sexy curves. Very few women actually achieve the look you see in fitness magazines, not because women don`t work hard, but becuase they avoid weight training.

Very few women step inside a weight room, because they believe they will look bulky and muscular, by doing weight training exercises. This certainly not true! Women just don`t have enough testosterone to build much muscle mass. Even if you want to build muscle, then you will not gain much muscle mass naturally.

If you want to be healthy, lose excess fat and develop sexy curves to your body, then training with weights will help you mold that physic. A lot of the women who do exercise with weights, do not exercise with enough intensity to have much benefits. If you want to get great results, you should train like men do and use the same type of exercise. The women you see on magazines train the same way most men do. With the exception that women put more emphasis on their thighs and glutes.

A lot of people have the misconception that if you want to lose fat, you should do cardio and when you want to build muscle, you should lift weights. And that is not really true. Research shows that weight training is actually more beneficial for fat loss than cardio training. Not only do you burn tons of calories when lifting weights, put you also speed up your metabolic rate much more than with simple cardio. Not only will you burn calories during your workout, but many hours after your workout as well.

There are many benefits of weight training: burn calories, lose fat, become stronger, have more energy, feel better, look better, tone muscles, strengthen joint and bones. There are many different workouts you can use and if you are a beginner then it is important to get help. You can get a personal trainer to help you. It is very important to perform exercises correctly. Or if you do not have the money to hire a personal trainer, you can watch videos online and read articles to help you.

To get the most out of your workouts, and also get a cardiovascular workout as well, you can decrease your rest between sets. If you are doing leg presses, then rest 1.5 minutes max during sets. That way you will get a cardio workout as well. And you should also focus on exercise that work large muscle groups like squats, leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, bent over row, lat pulldown and so on.

So weight training for women is certainly beneficial, no matter what your goal is. The main thing is not to be afraid of using heavier weights and working hard. You can and should be using the same exercises and workouts that men are using, with some modifications. After a while you will certainly see a big difference and feel much better.

Find out how you can easily burn thigh fat and how to get rid of inner thigh fat

Navy SEAL Workout Series (3 of 3): Strength Training

There’s three simple exercises that when combined, will give you total body strength. While you may not need it on the battlefield, it will definitely come in handy on the ball field. So no matter if you are an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, Take your work out to the next level. www.navy.com/seals
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Fitness Tips For Women – Finding Time For P90X

February 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Chan

The Best Ab Exercises For Women – And Why They Work

February 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

Article by Alex Greene

Want To Know The Best Ab Exercises For Women?

Eek! Petrified! – I can still remember the look on my friends face when I said I could help her by giving her exercises to develop her abs… in fact – it will probably haunt me for a while yet.

The first words she managed to get out were “ABS?! But I don’t want abs. I just want a toned, flat, nice looking stomach!” Does this sound similar to what you think about when people talk about ab exercises? Lots of women ask me about the best ab exercises for women, because the first thing that comes to mind when ‘abs’ are mentioned are 6-pack abs – defined muscles that would ruin their feminine figures… and so they (rightly I should add) run for the hills.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – you instead want to know the specific exercises that will strengthen your mid-section and at the same time flatten your stomach to reveal a toned, flat tummy. But…

Your Body Is A Genius!

When it comes to exercise, your body is actually very clever. It already knows what it is doing and it will always work to keep your body shape as it is. This means that if you do sit-ups, crunches or any other exercise, your body won’t develop large 6-pack abs – because it is just not designed to do that. Instead your body will work to tone your abdominal muscles and strengthen them when you exercise your abs, which will lead to a firmer, flatter stomach!

Now I already know that women are very sharp when it comes to exercise, so you won’t fall for those gimmicks that get shown on late night TV, or pills offering inches off your stomach in a week, right? Instead, I know you’ll be able to focus on what your body is looking for when it comes to getting a great mid-section. So it’s a good thing that the correct steps which will develop your abs without getting any undesired, muscular side effects are easy to follow.

A Little Secret…

So here’s your first little secret that I hope will encourage you to start getting those results – you don’t need to perform hundreds of crunches or any other exercise to get great abs, and I can’t stress this point enough. Developing a great mid-section does not take an hour a day – if you manage to train smart. Yes, your abs are endurance muscles that respond to high reps – but to muscles ‘high volume’ means around 20 reps! The key tip here is to work on the intensity of the exercise, not the amount.

So What Are The Best Ab Exercises For Women?

I want you to get the greatest benefit possible when developing your abs, so this is a topic that needs to be explained in more detail for you to get the best results. To help you, I’ve put together a report, “Get The Abs You Deserve”, and you can pick it up for free to learn about the best ab exercises for women and how you can use them to develop your abs. Get started with the free report at http://www.bodybuildingdefined.com/reports and get those great abs on the way!

Talk to you soon,Alex Greene

At BodybuildingDefined, I aim to provide the best fitness information I have – as well as letting every visitor contribute to the site and add their own tips to the mix. To get started, download my free report, “Get The Abs You Deserve”, and join in the community today.

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Aerobics Trainings – Best Gym Workouts for Women

February 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Gym workouts for women are not the same as the workouts for men because their bodies do not react similarly to these exercises. It is a fact that women find it more difficult to lose weight than men because their metabolism works differently, and this is the reason why it is important for a woman to choose workouts that would focus on affecting their metabolic rate to reach fitness levels.

Men’s testosterone levels and muscle mass leads them to have a higher metabolism, and this is the reason why their workouts are different from the well designed gym workouts for women. The proper workouts for women should make sure that it could build lean muscles to achieve the best results.

The goal of various gym workouts for women should make sure that it will concentrate on body fat loss. Experts say that in achieving the proper weight loss is not necessarily important to lose muscle weight first because it will not fasten the process of metabolism.

Metabolic rate could be affected by many factors that includes age, gender, genetics, weight, muscle mass, body fat, diet and lifestyle.

Among the best gym workouts for women are aerobic trainings because the procedures will burn fat calories and lean muscles through weight lifting and interval training.

This workout’s main goal is to burn a lot of fat calories while the body is at rest. Aerobics should also not be over-trained, like exercising continuously for one to two hours, because it will be counterproductive and could decrease the muscle mass and metabolic rate.

It is also significant to consider that some factors that affect the metabolism are not controllable by any exercise, and so a well created gym workouts for women should focus on the factors that could be controlled such as the weight, the muscle mass and the body fat.

In choosing the right gym workouts for women a woman should make sure that the workout uses large muscle groups and proper intervals during the exercises.

Another great way to speed up metabolism is interval trainings which will burn a lot of calories. While performing gym workouts for women, make sure that you’ll work at about 90 percent for 30 to 60 seconds.

To understand how a proper diet works, it is also very important that you’ll visit a registered dietician because following the right diet will fasten the process of your metabolism. To attain best results you should seek for a doctor and fitness professional’s assistance prior to registering for gym workouts for women.

Sandra sue is a fitness Enthusiast. She’s also a fan of Aerobics and thinks that it is one of the best gym workouts for women

www.LiftingRevolution.com – In this video you will learn a little more about a gym layout and where you should be spending your time so you can burn the most body fat in the shortest amount of time.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Chest Exercises for Women: Know the Important Facts That Can Help You to Choose the Most Appropriate Workouts for You

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Whisner Quidley

You could possibly know your chest exercises for ladies should help your chest muscles to work as really strong. But, what lots of women have no idea of is the fact that the chest muscles are required to be strengthened from a correct way. It’s possible you’ll accomplish by simply selecting the most effective and safe workouts that might literally help you make a balanced and strong chest.

Usually, women are not really interested in working their chest muscles. This kind of is especially as a result of misconception their bust will look much wider assuming they train belly muscles. However, it is false as, by working biceps muscles, a lady is able to only leave her with chest a great all-natural lift. Thus, then you’ll require to make a well-balanced figure, you will need to work your current muscles, such as the chest ones.

The aim of Chest Exercises for female

Referred to as pictorials or pecs, your chest muscles grow weaker when growing older. That is why, if you need to have a very beautiful chest, you will need to defeat the gravity by training parts of your muscles. There’s number of workouts that the majority chest exercises for female include. Obviously, each one of workouts are created for strengthening and lifting different categories of muscles. Many of these work outs are incline and decline chest presses, incline and decline chest fly, press ups, knee press ups and pull over’s.

The chief intent behind these kind of exercises could be to enhance your overall look. Tummy training is competent to assist you achieve:

a great posture

more strength

beautiful curves

lean or bulk muscles

Chest Exercises for Women: Two or three Important Facts You should Know

Before you purchase from either of the available chest exercises for ladies, you have to think about a series of facts that relate to the kinds of workouts. A lot of them are:

the chest exercises build and strengthen the chest area muscles which sit in the bust

by hitting the gym your muscles, the bust look firmer and don’t bigger

the resistance training stands out as the first exercise which will help you accomplish an agency chest

Key thing you must take into account is the fact your extra weight training do not allow you to be too large. Most of the time, getting very big, including bodybuilders, swallows a considerable time, attention, discipline and dedication; more likely than not, steroids. Therefore, you cannot be concerned that the body building program is going to make you too big. Moreover, it is important to understand that the excess weight training is capable of assist you in preparing build lean muscles, which ensure an exceptionally nice, fit and healthy figure.

Before picking out a specific version of chest training, it is essential to take into account that such type of program must contain different exercises, which don’t only train the pectorals, but the biceps. Moreover, a few more complex programs make it easier to also train your back muscles. Show that you need to know is the fact besides adopting the perfect routine, it’s also wise to choose the perfect training facility. This means that you have got to select a location, that provides the data that is equipment to help you to ultimately complete any one of the chest exercises for female that you choose to prefer.

Chest Exercises For WomenCore Exercises For Women

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Women Weight Training: Why Women Should Not Be Afraid Of Dumbbells

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Cornell Dayne

The image of women weight training—for many people, these two things should never, ever go together—reminds us of those orange tanned, masculine-looking ladies wearing shoestring bikinis that barely cover their bulky chest area—and who wants to look like that?Those women are professional bodybuilders. And they didn’t develop 21-inch arms by following a beginner’s guide to weight training for women. Those women worked really hard, employing advanced training techniques that many a time were developed by the very best trainers in their industry. Knowing and understanding this proves that the fear of bodily overdevelopment is unfounded—and silly. Women weight training is a good thing, and if done in moderation it can yield some spectacular results.The truth is, any good healthy diet plan should include a bit of weight training, especially if your weight loss goal is more than 25 pounds. The Biggest Loser show is a great example of that. If you want to keep your body toned and in shape, then working out with weights is the way to do it.But first, there are a few lies about women weight training that need to be discussed here. First, weight lifting will not turn fat into muscle, nor will any muscle tone you’ve built turn back into fat should you stop weight training. It’s like saying apples can turn into oranges. Fat and muscle are completely different. Always remember that.The way that muscle and fat are alike, however, is that you will lose both if you only do cardio workout. Sure, cardiovascular exercises are critical to raising your metabolism and burning calories, but they can cause a reduction in muscle tissue.Another popular myth is that weight training is a non-factor when it comes to weight loss. This, again, is wrong. While you’re not jumping around with dumbbells in your hands, the resistance of it and the work your body needs to do in order to accomplish it only serves to strengthen your heart, and it gets those endorphins revved up, too.Weight lifting for women has been shown to help improve the health of cancer patients, diabetics, and those suffering from hypertension. It also helps to prevent osteoporosis and muscle atrophy in older folks. You must combine your cardio with weight training. You’ve got to feel a good amount of resistance—feel the burn—in order to get the most out of your weight training routine.However, the key is to start out slowly, and increase the weight gradually. If you start out with too much weight, you can tear and damage your muscles—and that’s unhealthy, as well as painful.Just like you shouldn’t do cardio work seven days a week, nor should you weight train every day. Start out with just two days a week, on your off days from your cardio workout, and 45 minutes of activity for each session should be perfect.While it’s not necessary to go to a gym to weight train, it is highly recommended that you have someone teach you the correct way to do it so that you don’t get into bad habits. This is why you see mirrors in gyms. It’s not because people are vain. It’s because the correct position of your arms, legs, and other body parts is crucial in building and maintaining your muscles.

What Makes A Healthy Diet? This is the question of the ages. Sign-up now for our free newsletter to get the answer to this question along with answers on Women Strength Training Workout.

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3 simple and effective Tricep Exercises For Women

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by John Adam

Today, there is a lot of health awareness among women which was lacking a few years ago. Women have come out of their cocoon, shedding out reservations and are trying to sturdy themselves by way of regular exercises.

Exercises reminds the fact that many of the women, though aware about the need to keep healthy and exercise regularly what they are not aware of is the fact that the arms too have a greater role to play in the beauty race. Though we do many general exercises they have little impact on the arms and the muscles are under toned which can gradually start loosing its elasticity and begins to droop pathetically. To avoid this, one needs to take up special arms exercises.

Be informed that arm is a broader word used and involves multiple muscles with a single connecting point. Based on this, we can categorize the arms portion into three parts namely the Biceps, Triceps and the Shoulder. While biceps have two muscles joined together, the triceps and shoulders have 3 muscles each connected to a single point and each of them needs to be exercised, either solely or in combination.

The Tricep Exercises For Women aren’t much difficult and yet they give out good muscle toning but it is for you to choose the right one that suits you best. There are some such very good Tricep Exercises For Women that can be done easily even at the comforts of your home and doesn’t require much of an investment on expensive exercise equipments.

Lower Dumbbell Tricep Exercises – This is a simple yet effective exercise to tone not only your triceps but the shoulders too. Sit or stand holding a dumbbell above your head. Slowly come down to the back of your head, hold for a couple of minutes and then go back to the start position.

Upper Dumbbell Tricep Exercises – This again is an effective Tricep Exercises For Women. Get seated comfortably on a chair and place your arms on the table and elbows placed on a soft padding. Take the dumbbell and start lifting it towards your shoulders, keep on to the position when close to the shoulders, for a few seconds and then come back down. While doing so ensure that your back is steady and your body doesn’t move along thereby putting that needed force on the triceps.

Push Ups – These are excellent ones for toning up not only the bicep muscles but also various other parts of the body like the chest and the back. While doing these push ups you need to ensure that you are keeping your hands closer and the elbows on the sides to get the maximum benefit.

Though it is not necessary that Tricep Exercises For Women need to be done only at gyms but it would be preferred to be done at gyms as you get a professional trainer who would supervise you well and can help you in doing the right exercises in the right manner.

More information on the same can be viewed on the following site: Tricep Exercises For Women.

www.LiftingRevolution.com – Grab your free lose stomach fat report here. In this video, you are going to learn some great exercises to shape up your triceps and arms. These are very easy to do and you don’t need much equipment either.

Gym Workouts- Approved Gym Workouts For Women And Men

February 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Guadalupe Lee

Approved Gym Workouts For Both Men And Women!<img src=”http://www.killerworkoutprograms.com/images/ebooksmall.png”align=”left”width=”25%”height=”25%”> Looking into for the best gym workouts online can be a irritating task. If you’ve in the past started the course of action you may have noticed the bulk of garbage out there. What I mean by debris is you’ve most likely run into so called gurus claiming they fathom the leading way to conditioning and diet. This feature is written to show you the in’s and out’s of finding abundant excellence gym workouts online. So if you’re looking to get into shape and produce killer beef let’s get started.I have been working out and weight training for about 22 years and I have done and seen it all. You have top experts telling you to take this supplement And to try these many sets and those many reps. yada, yada, yada.. 99% of all the stuff online is old rehashed debris. They take old workout techniques and just put a turn on them and then peddle the course to the masses online. The hitch is most of these online workout courses are not individualized to your specific needs. Most of these so called gurus are not even certified trainers! In my weigh training journey I stumbled upon an online muscle building workout plan that blows all of the contender online away! After doing the gym workouts course for 90 days put on 17 pounds of muscle mass and expelled my body fat down to 8.5%. I have never been able to do this with any other weight lifting program ever! And the fact is, I out less now then I invariably have done and the gymworkouts are so effortless to do.So by now you are no doubt asking yourself what is this course you are talking about? The physique gym workouts training course I am talking about is “No Nonsense Muscle Building” for men and women. The No Nonsense Muscle Building program will tell you what supplements you will need and what supplements you don’t need. It will tell you exactly how to manage your carbs, protein and fat input on anatural daily basis. The No Nonsense Muscle Building program will as well show you what exercises to do that multiply the incomparable results. The diet plans they recommend you to go on are very incomplex to stick with as they allow for most of the foods you would eat on a bona fide day to day basis. In this weight lifting plan it’s all about when to eat more than what to eat.The No Nonsense Muscle Building Program will break in you on the basics of diet, nutrition and exercise. The cool thing is they have dozens of real life videos that come with the muscle building program that will teach you everything you need to know about lifting techniques, dieting and so much more.. And get this. This killer workout program is for both men and women.program 22 years ago, it would have saved me SO much time, energy and wasted money in gym memberships. They have literally thousands of real life testimonials to show you real world results that have been achieved with their No Nonsense Muscle Building ebook program. They’ve been the #1 rated gym work outs program online since 2006! For your comfort I have posted a report of the No Nonsense Muscle Building guide at: http://www.killerworkoutprograms.com. The No Nonsense Muscle Building ebook goes over just about all you can think of. I have even posted info about the “FREE 15 Gift Bonus” they give away with their course for a defined time only. So if you ever wanted to get the hang of how to get into killerappearance briskly, Then I advise you stopover our review site to see what all of the The No Nonsense Muscle Building Gym Workouts ebook clatteras all about!

Guadalupe Lee writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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