Seven Easy And Quick Work Out Tips
June 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Fitness Tips
There are numerous several articles in addition to publications in physical exercise it’s all to easy to acquire mixed up for the best one for you. There is however something you should keep in mind. Work out doesn’t need to be a challenging program. You ought to simply just try to go a bit every day. Learn what you want to do the most effective and also integrate in to your day. There’s no need to accomplish extravagant exercises or become a member of some sort of health and fitness center. This article will offer you Seven simple exercise ideas to keep.
A single) Set a goal. It’s advocated that you simply do no less than 30 minutes associated with exercising each day within the normal of five days per week. Established an objective for doing that Half an hour. If you fail to perform A half-hour at the same time, try and do it within five second durations at all hours. Since your action degree enhances the timeframe that one could invest doing exercises will increase in addition. Wait and see as it could take time to acquire there.
Two) Find available what sort of physical exercises you like to accomplish. If you like to bounce, get some physical exercise audio tapes or even Videos that incorporate party directly into an exercise routine. If you appreciate just to walk, have a fitness treadmill machine to enable you to go walking all year round. There are several exercise sessions around to suit just about any individuality. Obtain the one that is best for your needs so that you can take pleasure in and check forward to the exercise.
Three) Drink drinking water pre and post you workout. This is extremely important to keep yourself watered also to make the most gain from necessary exercise.
4) Schedule time directly into your time with regard to work out. Transform it into a concern. If you think that you’re also hectic, test getting out of bed Half an hour beginning every day. How to get started could be the most difficult, nevertheless, you should find that you anticipate your favorite time in your mornings.
5) Challenge oneself. Try to do a different small regarding work out or perhaps one more set or maybe physical exercises every day. Raise the intensity of your training session with regard to greater benefits.
Some) If you might have difficulties adhering to plans, get yourself a good friend to join you actually. A good work out buddy can help help you stay responsible but not allow you to let up. Additionally it is more pleasant for you to workout with another man than to take action by yourself.
6) Reward your self to get a job well done. You could obtain who you are a completely new ensemble or even receive a therapeutic massage every week. Good encouragement is paramount to help determination. If you set a training objective a week that has a compensate with regard to assembly the aim, you are more prone to stick to the system to have your pay back.
Starting an exercise routine is hard. Nevertheless getting started will be the most difficult step. Once you see precisely how great it’ll make you are feeling, you might grow to be dependent on physical exercise!
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Hip Flexibility – How Hip Stretches Work
June 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Dianne M. Buxton
Hip Flexibility – How Hip Stretches Work – Health – Fitness
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There are many good reasons to be concerned about the flexibility of your hip muscles as you get older. Strength is also a factor, as the pressure on bone from muscle use helps promote bone density. While all your muscles must be kept healthy, your hip muscles are key for retaining balance and an even gait as you get older.
Even if you exercise regularly, and you have strength in those muscles, preventing falls or over-exertion injuries involves knowing how to stretch your hip muscles routinely, and effectively.
Hip flexibility is important. Hip stretches will help balance the tension in the hips, and prevent strength training from resulting in spasms or soreness. Muscle relaxation increases muscle tone, as tense muscles cannot function with the same strength as relaxed, stretched muscles.
A stretching routine that includes the whole body is the runner’s lunge, used by athletes and dancers every day.
Another advantage to proper stretching is that circulation is increased in the muscles, and overall.
Begin new stretches with care and ease. Forcing a new stretch may cause tiny muscle tears that will become inflamed. A mild soreness after stretching is to be expected, but not real pain.
To become more flexible at the front of the hip you will stretch:***the quadriceps muscles at the front of the thighs***the psoas muscle that runs from the top of the front of the thigh over the hip bone and up into the front of your spine.
To become more flexible at the side and back of the hips you will stretch:***the ballet turnout muscles. Your lateral rotator muscles are your prime turnout muscles, specifically: Piriformis;Obturator Internus;Obturator Externus;Quadratus Femoris; Gemellus Superior; Gemellus Inferior. These muscles lie underneath your gluts, or “butt muscles’ which can retain much tension from weakness and overuse.
Understanding myofascial release and how that helps you become more flexible is something you can benefit greatly from.
If you are not particularly athletic, the sooner you learn about hip stretches the better. As you age, you can preserve hip strength and balance, preventing falls and hip fractures.
A stretching routine that includes the whole body is the best, starting with the neck muscles and working down. For chronic muscle pain in any area, a full body approach to stretching exercises will serve you best. Balancing the tension in all the muscles supporting your skeleton contributes to easier movement, and a sense of well being. This also helps prevent sports and dance injuries.
About the Author
Get your DVD that includes the details of hip flexibility, all the important body stretches, as well as myofascial release instruction. “Effective Stretching The Ultimate Stretching Guide will show you HOW HIP STRETCHES WORK.
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Get your DVD that includes the details of hip flexibility, all the important body stretches, as well as myofascial release instruction. “Effective Stretching The Ultimate Stretching Guide will show you HOW HIP STRETCHES WORK.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. join the global yoga challenge http join us in Bali for yoga teacher training retreats. Watch this short yoga session about opening your hips. Vinyasa Yoga is one of the most preferred forms of Yoga. If you’re looking for a good Yoga workout and connect with your mind, body and soul, I suggest you give Vinyasa Yoga a try. http http transform your life with yoga
Triceps Exercises for Women that Work
May 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Tricep Exercises
It seems as a woman gets older the more issues she has with her arms. When there is weight loss along with aging you end up with a lot of upper arm flab. This flab is unsightly and difficult to get rid of. With a few of the right exercises you will be able to get the well-toned arms of your youth. People who lose a lot of weight will also have a problem with upper arm flabbiness. Just like you exercise the rest of your body to get a toned body you must also do tricep exercises for women.
Some of the best exercises for the triceps are done using small weights called dumbbells. Usually a woman will use 5 to 10 pound weights to work their arms. You can exercise both arms at a time or one at a time. When you exercise one arm at a time always remember to do the same amount of repetitions for each arm. You don’t want to have one well worked arm and not the other.
Dumbbell use is important for building your triceps. You can build your triceps without ending up with too much muscle. Some women worry about working their arms too much. They are afraid they will end up with the look of a man’s toned and muscular arms. You can work your arms without an overabundance of muscle. It is actually a lot of work to get a man’s look on a woman.
Some of the best exercises include skull crusher, hanging dips, dumbbell triceps extensions and close grip push-ups. With some you will need dumbbells. The skull crusher is done by lying on a bench. You will use a small weight and will lift it over your head. You then will lower it towards your forehead. This is an exercise where you work out slowly. You will want to work on going as slow as possible.
The dumbbell tricepsextensions are done while sitting straight. It can also be done while standing. Hold the dumbbell over your head and slowly lower it behind your head. You will be bending your elbows for this one. Work slowly to get the most benefit out of it. You will grip the dumbbell with both hands and work both arms at the same time. It is also possible to work one arm at a time if you prefer.
Using these exercises you will be able to get the toned arms of your youth. You will no longer be ashamed of flabby arms. While working your arms you should consider working the rest of your body. You can lose weight and get toned all over with the right type of exercises. An exercise that will improve your circulation as well as burn calories is a cardio exercise and tricep exercises for women. There are many types of cardio that you can do to burn calories and help you to lose weight. Remember to work your arms as well to fight the flab. You can have arms you will be proud of with a little work with weights.
If you would like to know more about this, you can visit the site at the following URL provided: Tricep Exercises for Women.
Work Out Plans to Exercise at Home
May 5, 2012 by admin
Filed under Back Exercises
Article by Jason Green
How to exercise at home for better results than a gym, sample work out plan included!
So a large part of my life is about simplification. And when it comes to health and fitness, I don’t always have 2-3 hours a day to allocate to attending the health club. That’s just ridiculously inefficient when you begin contemplating travel time and shower time, etc. So what I’ve been doing (and have observed GREAT results with) is searching for ways to make fitness part of my day to day regimen. So let me tell you what I do, and how you can do the same.
And no, you’re not likely to get immediate results, but the collective effect of making these small changes over time is MUCH easier to sustain than your $ 99 a month gym membership to Bally’s, Golds, or that 24 hour fitness center. I don’t know about you, but I love saving money and even more importantly: time.
Please keep an open-mind and don’t be concerned so much about what other people believe, because this is very unique and you may get some funny looks, but you’ll get the last laugh with your new rock hard body! Honestly, most people are too self conscious to try something like this. If that’s the case for you, then that’s your loss.
Here is just how it works (these workouts can be done at home or even in your office):
As an alternative to doing your standard workouts of visiting the gym 3-4 times a week and doing your normal weight training and cardio routines for 45-60 minutes at a shot… with this method, you will be training for just a couple minutes at a time, many times throughout each day, 5-7 days/week.
The method will be composed of only bodyweight exercises done for about 2-3 minutes, 5-7 times per day, throughout each day. Now obviously if you work a typical office job, you are going to have to not be shy about carrying out a few exercises in your office and having your cube-mates watch you. Truly, I’ve found that some folks that have tried this have actually gotten their colleagues to join up with them!
Of course if you have a private office, then you don’t have to stress about anybody seeing you. If you work from home, or are a stay at home mom, then there’s no legitimate reason you can’t fit these in through the day while at home. If you end up having a busy day with meetings and so forth, and can only fit a couple of these 2-minute workouts in, then it will be worth it, but try to get as many done each day as you can.
If you’re on a normal 9-5 office schedule, I advise doing your 2-minute workouts every hour, on the hour, with the exception of lunch. As an example, you could try 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, and 4 pm.
Some of the bodyweight exercises that are the best to focus on are:
bodyweight squats (and variations)pushups (and variations)forward, reverse, or walking lungesup & down a staircase if one is availablefloor planks (holding the plank position from forearms and feet)floor abs exercises such as lying leg thrusts, ab bicycles, etc.This checklist is not absolutely extensive, but I wished to keep it fairly simple. If you understand other good bodyweight exercises, you can insert those to your program also. If you want to keep it easy and don’t like to get down on the floor for anything, you can stick to squats, lunges, and pushups and still get great results. The advantage here is that these are ‘real world’ exercises, and use your whole body.
The wonderful thing about these workouts is that you do enough in 2-3 minutes to get your blood pumping, heart rate up a bit, a big portion of your body’s muscles worked, and body temperature raised. Nevertheless, it’s normally not enough to break a sweat in only 2 or 3 minutes, so you don’t have to be concerned about sweating in the office or where ever you may be. For the most part, you could possibly just get a little moist on the skin.
One more advantage of this type of exercise is that now you don’t have to dedicate any time before or after work to going to the gym since you previously got your workouts little by little during the day. You’ve now got some additional free time (and money) on your hands!
Attempt this type of time-efficient workout routine out for 3-4 weeks and then go back to your typical gym routines. I think you’ll find that it was a fantastic way to break out of a plateau and stimulate new results in your body. You can easily try infusing in a cycle of these “mini” workouts every couple of months to keep things fresh.
Remember that this is only one method of exercise and doesn’t mean that you ought to only stick to this method without end. You will hit a plateau on any given training method, so I’d advise just rotating it into your System of various training methods. And by all means, don’t give much consideration to what other people think…get the willpower to try something a little different. In the end, you’ll be the one laughing back at all of the “negative people” at work that are giving you unusual looks while they eat their donuts!
If you really want more ideas like this and embrace the ‘get fit slowly’ lifestyle, then you’ll definitely want to sign up for the newsletter. I’ll put tips, hacks, recipes, and otherwise awesome stuff directly in your inbox. Also check out the tools page to see what I use at home to get better results than a gym.
Jason is a Navy Veteran and former personal trainer who has helped a lot of people get back in to shape NOT with diets and routines, but with making lifestyle changes. Diets don’t work – you probably already know that – but what does work is changing the way you live your life. Jason’s method is to make small changes, over time, to get results that last a lifetime. Visit his site to learn more.
Muscle and Fitness Training – How to Work Out Effectively
March 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Muscle Fitness
If you are looking to do gym or exercise workouts that involve muscle and fitness training, there are a range of different exercises you’ll have to focus on, and the order you do them in will also make a difference as to how effective your workouts will be.
Building muscle and getting generally fitter or trying to burn fat require two different forms of exercise.
Muscle and fitness training will involve work with weights for muscle building. If you are going to do both muscle and fitness training then its best to do the muscle work first after an initial warm up. It will mean the body is already up and running when you move on to the more fitness/stamina based aspects of exercise.
What you do with weights again depends on your objectives – if your are looking for a “body building” kind of work out it will focus very much on specific muscle groups, while more general strength work will look at building up core stability, i.e.
the abs, the lower back muscles which help support the spine and hips. A lot of problems can stem from weakness in this area.
The fitness training exercises will have the most impact at the end of your workout. They might be running, cycling, or cross country ski-ing, or machines that mimic those. The best way to improve general fitness is to alternate between high and low intensity. If this was running, then jogging mixed with brief periods of sprinting would be a good example. It all helps get your heart rate up to the levels where the body will start to burn fat.
So good muscle and fitness training will see a careful choice of balance and exercise.
For professionally designed muscle and fitness training head to this site which offers the best in strength and conditioning workouts.
Compensation for Slipped Discs ? Lifting at work can lead to Slipped Discs in a Worker’s Back
March 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Lower Back Exercises
Discs in the spine are made of cartilage, flexible connective tissue with a tough outer shell. They sit between and stabilise the 24 vertebral bones in the back, acting as a cushion and allowing the spine to twist and bend. A slipped disc (also known as a prolapsed or herniated disc) occurs when these discs are subjected to intense pressure, causing them to rupture. The soft gel the discs contain then leaks out through the crack, and may press against the spinal cord and surrounding nerves, causing shooting pain and muscle spasms both in the back, and often in other areas of the body, such as the arms and legs, which receive messages from nerves in the spine. Spinal discs may rupture in the neck and upper back, though the vast majority of slipped disc injuries affect the lumbar region of the lower back.
Slipped disc injuries normally require 6-8 weeks to heal fully, though in around 10% of cases problems endure for over 6 months.
Back injuries can recur and escalate in severity. A person may develop a permanent degenerative back condition in the long-term, such as arthritis or scoliosis, where the natural curvature of the spine becomes deformed. Most slipped disc injuries at work are caused by heavy or repetitive lifting, and back problems can become chronic if a person continues to carry out the same physical tasks that caused their original injury after returning to work. Twice as many men suffer slipped discs at work than women, though certain professions such as nursing have a particularly high incidence rate of slipped disc injuries among female workers.
Manual handling, including lifting, pulling and pushing tasks, cause the majority of slipped disc injuries at work, as well as repetitive movements, including twisting, bending and stretching, which can progressively weaken discs in the spine. Injuries often occur when workers are operating in confined spaces, where they are forced to adopt unnatural postures when lifting and handling weights. Workers may slip, trip and fall in the workplace, or may fall from height. Sudden physical trauma, such as a heavy or awkward landing from a fall, may cause a disc to crack. Alternatively the condition of the back may deteriorate over time due to working conditions, leading to cumulative wear-and-tear and a greater likelihood of a disc in the back rupturing. Road traffic accidents also regularly cause slipped disc injuries, as the spine is often wrenched during an impact, known as whiplash.
The vast majority of work related slipped disc injuries affect those working in physically demanding professions, and many are the result of employers failing to follow the detailed legislation that governs lifting weight by hand in the workplace. There are strict limits imposed on the amount of weight a worker should be expected to lift and carry during a shift, and where possible mechanised lifting equipment should be employed as an alternative to lifting by hand. Both working practices and individual manual handling tasks must be comprehensively risk assessed to protect workers from the risk of injury. Training in safe lifting techniques must also be provided by the employer, and work should be effectively supervised to ensure employees take sufficient breaks from physically demanding or repetitive tasks.
Harry Marldon says that workers can claim compensation slipped disc if the injury was caused by their work roles. Specialist personal injury solicitors are able to inform clients how much compensation is available for a slipped disc at work.
Finding Effective Arm Exercises that Work
March 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Arm Exercises
Article by Protica Research
There are some parts of the body that simply defy toning, no matter what you do to them. Some people are blessed with arms that stay slender even when they gain a little bit of extra weight while others may have toneless, flabby arms even at their thinnest. No matter which one you are, if you are interested in arm exercises, there are several things that you should know.
First, you should know the mechanics of bulking up. There are a number of myths that still keep women from picking up a dumbbell. Second, you should know where to go to learn not only exercises but to learn proper and safe form as well. If you are not going to do your arm exercises correctly, you would be better off not doing them at all. Third, you should also understand how good nutrition is as important as the right exercises at toning your body because no matter how much weight you pick up or how many times you lift it up and down, it won’t be effective if your muscles are hidden by a layer of fat and flab.
The Truth About Bulky Arms and More
Women have often refused to pick up more than a two or three pound dumbbell, curling it once or twice and then putting them down, aghast that they are suddenly going to turn into the Terminator. It is important to note that women do not automatically bulk up and that genetically, they are not predisposed to being big and beefy.
The women who compete in the body building competitions are rare- they have worked very hard, often for hours at a time, putting particular effort into each and every muscle group in their body to look the way they do. In addition to all of the hard work that they do in the gym, they also know how to flex and pose their muscles to make them appear even bigger and more toned. A man may do a few reps with a dumbbell and get some pretty solid definition because genetically he is meant to have more upper body strength than a woman does.
Even when a man does a lot of repetitions with a dumbbell, he may only see so much progression because he is not challenging his arm muscles. Once they learn the arm exercises that are being used they use muscle memory and work more efficiently. While you want that with your heart and with your car’s engine, you don’t want your muscles to be so efficient that they do not have to work to accomplish what they need to do.
The key to finding the right arm exercises is to find one that exhausts your arm muscles within twelve reps. If you can safely and effectively do more than fifteen reps, you are either using improper form or you have been using a weight that is too light. If you cannot complete ten reps, your weight is too heavy.
Proper Form and Safety
There are several different types of arm exercises that can be used effectively including those that use weights and those that do not. Exercises that do not rely on weights may instead use body weight as the resistance and can include pushups, chin ups, arm dips, and others. Exercises that use various types of weights or others should be designed to hit all of the muscle groups in the arms. Regardless of the type of arm exercises that you are doing, you need to be sure that you are using proper form. If you are lifting too high or not high enough, you are not going to see any results and are far more likely to cause injuries which can lead you to slacking off on upcoming workouts and then not managing to accomplish you goals.
The Tools You Need for Arm Exercises
You can use a solid bar with several pounds on each end (called a barbell) or a small hand weight called a dumbbell. These are not the only tools that can be beneficial for arm exercises however. There are stretchy bands that can also give you fast, effective and very portable exercise no matter where you are going.
In addition, there is the kettle bell which delivers more fat fighting and body toning benefits than both 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of traditional weight lifting. The kettle bell uses full body motions that rev your heart rate faster and causes more calorie burn with an estimated 400 calories in 20 minutes. Just as with other types of arm exercises and tools, the kettle bell has a number of guidelines including: standing tall, keeping the shoulders down and the chest lifted. Contract your core to both stabilize yourself as you lift and to provide a secondary ab workout at the same time. And finally, whether you are using the kettle bell or doing the same movements with a dumbbell, you should make sure that you are using controlled movements throughout each repetition. Do not let momentum make the move for you.
Why Good Nutrition Matters to Your Arm Exercises too
As previously mentioned, the arm exercises will have no impact on the look of your arms if you are buried under the flab and fat of being overweight. Muscle burns more calories than fat does so once you start building solid and lean mass, you will be able to eat a little more without gaining weight, however you have to kick your metabolism into gear before that can happen.
A good diet is one that has the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, and the right number of calories per day. As you get active, your hunger will pick up- you have to work to find the right number of calories that keep you satisfied but do not pack on more weight. You may also find that you need to boost the amount of protein that you are consuming as well. For some, protein supplements are a good idea and can include Profect from Protica which has 25 grams of protein per 110 calorie serving.
About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica
Build triceps and arms with exercise bands; learn resistance band exercises for upper body muscles in this free video. Expert: Jeanette Stojcevski Bio: Jeannette Stojcevski has been an avid runner for over 15 years. Her track career started in middle school and spans through college. Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
Ab Exercise Belts-Do They Really Work?
March 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Article by Ken Branson
You have seen them on TV, seen them on the internet, you’ve heard all the commercials and claims. Electronic ab stimulators work by providing electrical impulses to the muscles in your core. They can help you melt away the fat, even while you are at rest. The question is; do they really work? The most direct and honest answer is no.
There are two types of ab exercise belts available. The original version is basically a black, usually rubber belt that looks something like a weightlifting belt used to support your back when working out. These belts are meant to be worn either while you are working out or at rest. The main idea behind these belts is the fact that they heat up your core, by making you sweat more than you would without the use of the belt. This truly is the only use for this type of belt. It will indeed make you sweat, but it will not help to develop muscle nor will it burn fat from your midsection.
The second type is the more modern style, for which we see constant advertisements on the TV and internet. These belts also provide an electrical stimulation to the core muscles in the abdomen. Manufacturers claim that these electrical impulses provide fat burning activity to the abdominal muscles, thus developing them and burning fat nearly simultaneously. These claims have are not made with any medical research to support them. The simple fact is, people think they work because they “feel it.” You can certainly feel the electrical impulses, feel them tingle and stimulate the muscles; but this is a very low intensity stimulation at best.
To help you understand all the hype and why some people insist that these items perform “miracles,” you need to know a bit of history and medical background as it relates to electronic muscle stimulation. This technology was originally developed and is still used today in the medical field to ensure that muscles which are unable to be used for a period of time or have been otherwise adversely affected do not develop atrophy. For example, if you were bed ridden for an extended period of time and did not use certain muscles, they would begin to “waste away.” A regime of physical therapy (PT) and electrical impulse therapy may be prescribed to ensure future muscle use.
Further misconceptions around the use of an ab exercise belt are promulgated by the myth of “spot reduction.” This is the myth that you can burn fat in a specific area of your body. For example, you want to develop great abs, but you are 50 pounds overweight. So you do nothing but abdominal exercises and use an ab exercise belt to reduce the size of your midsection. Without proper diet and exercise for the entire body as well as your abs, you will not lose any weight or waist size. As a matter of fact your waist size may increase! This is because your body is not designed to spot reduce the fat that is built up in your midsection and you are doing nothing other than ab exercises. So these exercises are likely developing muscle, but the muscle is building under the layers of fat; thus you appear and feel fatter.
The bottom line regarding ab exercise belts is, don’t waste your money! The best way to lose weight in your stomach and build your core is to follow a diet and exercise routine. Once you have begun this regime, you can further focus your exercises to those which are designed to safely develop a six pack anyone would be proud to show off at the beach!
Abs Workout Plan reveals how experts help you to obtain and maintain dramatic results when sculpting your abs. To learn more about ab exercise belts visit us at
Find More Electronic Abdominal Exercise Belts Articles
Use Push Up Variations For The Best Push Up Work Out
Push ups are, without question, the best upper body exercise. They strengthen the triceps, chest, shoulders and even the core when performed properly. They are an essential element to any bodyweight circuit routine. But what if you have mastered the to the point that you have to do dozens to make it challenging. On the contrary, what if you are a “newbie” to strength training or you are a woman who does not have the upper body strength to perform standard push ups. With push up variations, you can customize the push ups in your circuit to match you fitness level as your strength improves. You can even bundle them together in sequence to make a challenging superset that would challenge the veteran bodybuilder.
Elevated Push Ups
To increase difficulty just change the angle by raising the feet. This is easily done by putting the your feet on a chair. Stairs are ideal because as you become stronger, you can move your feet up the steps. A wall can also be used. Brick and stucco work a little better than smoother walls because of the friction factor, and like steps, you can easily increase difficulty by moving your feet up the wall. Still another aspect of wall push ups is the necessity to push your feet into the wall as you push up. Remember, that as you increase the angle the shoulder muscles are engaged more andthe chest muscled are worked less .
Declined Push Ups
These are elevated push ups in reverse, with the hands on the chair instead of the feet. These work equally well on stairs because you can progressively lower your hands as you get stronger. Wall push ups will work also but only at the steeper angles. The angle of the wrist becomes uncomfortable and the friction becomes inadequate to keep you on the wall as you approach being parallel.
Kneeling Push Ups
Though they may be called “girl push ups” by some, performing push ups on your knees is highly effective for building upperbody strength for novice exercisers or those who simply lack the body strength to perform a standard push up. They are also handy to throw in if you want to perform a push up superset or the triple superset that I will explain in the next paragraph.
The Push Up Triple Superset
The push up triple superset is excellent to use as a component of a circuit, in between non-opposing leg exercises, or as a chest workout alone with a brief rest period between each set. It is for advanced exercisers who have developed significant upper body strength. Start with your feet elevated against a wall and perform push ups until failure. When failure is reached, lower your feet to the ground and perform standard push ups until you reach failure again. Now lower your knees to the ground and perform kneeling push ups until failure.
Your workouts are like anything else in your life; your clothes, your food choices, your choice of friends are all specific to you. Why not make your workouts personal, tailored to you, designed to stimulate growth without overtraining. Push up variations will help you do that.
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Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.
You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.
Related 100 Push Ups Articles
Chest Stretches – Breaking the Monotony of Work With Chest Stretches
February 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Chest stretches are one of the most effective ways to break the monotony at work. In this day and age, many individuals work seated behind a desk for the greater part of the day. This position over long periods of time cramps up many muscles of the body. This leaves you weak and sluggish during the day and this affects your productivity in the workplace. Not only do you have low energy, you also become irritable and impatient with the work and your co-workers.
The Good in Chest Stretches
Chest stretches provides many good effects for the working individual. By stretching at given periods of the day, you can help circulate the blood more effectively throughout your muscles and thus relieve tension built up in your body. These stretches also help refresh your senses and break the monotony of the daily grind. By this activity, your body releases endorphins in your body that are helpful to your overall health.
The Kinds of Chest Stretches
There are many kinds of chest related stretches that you can do while you are behind your desk.
Doing them at given periods surely helps you become better while at work.
* Simply trying to reach out to the ceiling while seated behind your desk is one kind of stretches you can do. By doing this, the arms and chest muscles stretch, letting your blood circulate through your chest muscles and making yourself healthy at the same time.
* Pushing your palms together and letting your chest muscles stretch while counting to ten helps in relieving tension in your body.
* Doing several breathing exercises are also good types of stretches for the chest. You need to breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth clears many cobwebs in your head and chest.
You also clean the airways and exhale toxins from your lungs.
* Try stretching your arms parallel to your shoulders and then folding your arms to your chest, you let blood circulate. Do this repeatedly and push your chest and then pulling your chest back helps your chest muscles become active and ready for the work at hand.
Reminders when doing Chest Stretches
Do remember always that you are in the workplace and not in the fitness center. Keeping your exercises simple and low key surely helps from calling attention to yourself. You don’t need your boss all over your back if you disturb the relative peace of the workplace. Another simple guideline in doing chest related stretches is the reason for the exercises. These chest area stretches should serve to break the monotony and recharge your flagging energy. The exercises are not supposed to be all out exercise programs you do while in your office attire in the company pantry.
Chest Stretches and You
Doing chest muscle stretches while at work is but one of the ways to invigorate yourself and keep you alert while at work. They also provide many benefits for you, such as improving circulation, removing stress and tension and ultimately help you become a more productive employee behind your desk.
A lot more information about chest stretches can be found at so going online to the site can yield nuggets of wisdom for use in your daily life.