If You Want to Start Using Gym Workouts to Lose Weight then This is What You Need to Do

July 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

I know what comes to mind when you think about gym workouts to lose weight because the same thing came to my mind too. At first I used to think that to do gym workouts you would of course have to pay for an expensive gym membership, and you would be spending day and long nights at the gym with a personal trainer who was going to be yelling at you as their way of motivating you to lose weight.

Instead of picturing that when you think about going to the gym for the first time, what you need to keep in your mind is what you want to look like when you don’t need the gym anymore. A lot of us just don’t have a good amount of time and hours when it comes to staying at the gym, but there are still some exercises that can be used even when you don’t have a lot time.

The fact of the matter is that a lot of gyms that we have today are just becoming so high tech that when you see one of those new machines you have no idea what to do with it.

Treadmills just aren’t what they used to back in the old days.

When you are at the gym, what you need to be doing is following a good exercise routine that is helping you lose weight quickly. So you mainly need to be using machines that are cardiovascular exercises like treadmills and elliptical machines.

All of these workouts are apart of the HIIT exercise regimen which stands for High Intensity Interval Training, and they all have been designed to be extreme workouts that burn calories in the shortest time frame that is possible.

When you focus on HIIT regimen people are going to find that they are losing weight faster than they though was possible.

Losing weight and burning calories is all based on how well one can speed up their metabolism, and the best exercises that help to increase a person’s metabolic is cardiovascular exercises.

2 great exercise machines that help get the heart pumping is the rowing machine and the treadmill. Now you know some good gym workouts to lose weight. 


Bicep Workouts – 3 Key Exercises to Get Shredded Arms!

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Mike Balone

Bicep Workouts – 3 Key Exercises to Get Shredded Arms! – Health – Fitness

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Here are a few great bicep workouts that many beginners seem to over look when starting out at the gym. First, your bicep is broken up into 3 different parts, and different exercises work different sides of the muscle. I see so many guys at the college gym come in and go straight for the 2 armed cable curls then after 5 sets they are done, all because they got that “pump” that they were looking for. Don’t get me wrong, I love the feeling of a rock hard pumped muscle after a good workout, however, this really is not getting you great results.Try adding these exercises into your weekly bicep workout and I guarantee you will notice the difference in strength and size.

1. Seated 2 Arm Dumbbell CurlThis is definitely one of the staple bicep workouts, however it seems to be neglected by so many people. Seated on a bench, grab 2 moderate weight dumbbells, with your arms at your side, elbows at your side, and hands forward, simply raise both dumbbells up to your chest. Try to count 1-2-3 on the way back down to ensure a good negative. You want to do 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Remember the key things to focus on is to sit up straight, and never swing your elbows around, don’t cheat your muscles, it will not get you any results. Also, try this exercise while sitting on a large yoga ball. This technique will help with working you core and stability muscles. Result, toned abs the ladies will love.

2. 1 Arm Cable CurlsFor these bicep workouts, focus on keeping your arm nice and close to your body with your elbow at your side. This exercise specifically gives a great contraction at the top of your bicep. The key to this exercise over barbell curls is that each bicep has to pull its weight. Do 8-10 reps and then switch arms. Beginners only go max 2 sets and advanced go 3 sets.

3. Seated Concentrated CurlsThis exercise will focus the muscle groups. Put your elbow so that it rests just below your inner thigh. Use full extension of the bicep and nice slow negatives on the way down. Remember just like any exercise, if you cheat yourself on your bicep workouts, you wont get the results. This exercise is a great way to finish your arms off for the day. Do 8-10 reps, and 3 sets.

Another thing to remember is that you can alternate between regular bicep curls and hammer curls. In case you don’t know a hammer curl is used in all of the same workouts as stated above, but instead of having your hands facing forward with the dumbbells in them, face your hands to your sides. A great advantage of doing hammer curls as well is that it works more specifically on the outside of the bicep, as well as your forearms.

I hope that this has been insightful to many of you beginners.Thanks.

For more Free tips and tricks to get the best bicep workouts ever by the biggest body building and nutrition experts around. Also, Simply Click Here! for your Free Copy of “Insider Secret of a Lean Body”

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Abs Workouts for Men: 6 Excercises That Work

July 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Chris Hardenbrook

Abs Workouts for Men: 6 Excercises That Work – Health

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Everybody has muscles in their abdomen. Some of us, those who desire awesome abdominals with that chiseled alppearance, who go through a great deal of physical exercise enduring those rock hard abs routines striving to get them. And that’s not a bad thing, because that is certainly what it will take to acquire those rippling bands of muscle beginning at your sternum and continue right on down to the abdomen. There are workouts that cover both the lower and upper sections of your abdominal muscles, which are mainly made up of horizonal of muscle married by connective tissue. When flexed, this muscle group present that ‘washboard’ or ‘6 pack’ appearance. The best abs workouts for men are described below.

Exercising the upper group is chiefly done by exercising the torso exclusively, while the lower group is exercised more properly through pelvic action. It might be simpler, for some of the exercises, to keep one foot in front of the other to ensure that your legs keep aligned. Let’s look at some of the routines for the lower muscle group for starters:

Prone Leg Lifts – Lie on your back. Position your hands under the buttocks, with palms facing down. Lift your legs approximately a foot, and hold them there for a count of five. Make sure your knees are slightly bent, then attempt to lift your legs another six inches through rolling your hips.

Reverse Crunch – Lie on your back. Place your hands facedown on the floor aside of your legs, alternately, lace them behind your head. Keeping your knees slightly bent, pull them up above your chest, then returning back to the beginning position.

Leg Thrusts – Lie on your back. Position your fists under your buttocks, forming a cradle. Deliberately lift your legs until your feet are vertically above your hips. Thrust your feet up toward the ceiling, employing your fists to aid in raising the pelvis. Deliberately return your pelvis on to the floor, and then slowly return your feet back to the starting point. These are excellent lower abs workouts.

To work the upper group of muscles, these torso workouts will make you long for band camp:

Abdominal Crunches – Starting from your back, raise your knees to be perpendicular to your body. Resting them on a stool or chair is acceptable. Position your hands alongside or behind your head. Using only your spine, carefully raise your shoulders high as possible. Your hips should not move. You can intensify the workout by extending your arms.

¼ Crunches – Done similarly to an abdominal crunch, except for that in the place of elevating your shoulders together, try to elevate alternating shoulders.

Cross Knee Crunches – Again, in the abdominal crunch arrangement, attempt to touch, alternating, your shoulder to the opposing hip. (Obviously impossible to really touch; this is simply to give you direction!).

If you have worked out faithfully and can recognize little advancement in your abs, remember same as a pilot may discover the ground covered by low clouds, even an apparently insignificant layer of adipose can cloud the show of the definition that you do have. This is where the blend of diet with exercise can pay big. A few straightforward switches in eating habits will assist you trim that layer of subcutaneous fat that may be preventing your abs from being shown in their full glory.

About the Author

Chris Hardenbrook is a health and fitness expert based on the Big Island of Hawai’i. You will find more information on abs workouts for men and women, plus other healthy diet and exercise programs at his web site, http://www.SuperiorMuscles.com where you can also instantly download a free 29-page health and fitness eBook for yourself.

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Chris Hardenbrook is a health and fitness expert based on the Big Island of Hawai’i. You will find more information on abs workouts for men and women, plus other healthy diet and exercise programs at his web site, http://www.SuperiorMuscles.com where you can also instantly download a free 29-page health and fitness eBook for yourself.

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Best Ab Workouts For ladies

July 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Eloy Short

Best Ab Workouts For ladies – Health

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Women crave flat abs, a ripped core and a sexy six-pack. This was confirmed via a survey that was held at biomechanics laboratory at a well-known university. For some women, the disbelief of actually addressing a place where they are able to show off their mid sections is usually overwhelming. To get extra specific, it’s flawed to assume that girls are unable to do weight training and carry heavy weights.

Because fats tends to leave the low abdomen last, it may seem like progress in terms of getting a six pack is slower than developing other areas of the body. They can dish it out pretty much pretty much men any morning! I think most girls shrink back from doing pounds coaching is they will worry they’ll come to be too muscular and appear masculine. The first thing it’s greatest to know is that simply working the decrease abs don’t result in shedding fats in the area. A good way to start out is doing low intensity cardio training session like speed wandering. Gym exercises require repetitions that will become tiresome and boring before too long. Certain ab exercises have included in the success of women achieving the ab they want.

It’s quite unsexy to walk around using a potbelly, so losing stomach fat tops the checklist for gym goers everywhere. You can perform repeatedly each movement with regard to 30 seconds. Because unwanted fat tends to leave the lower abdomen last, it may feel like progress with regard to getting a 6-pack is slower than developing other areas of the body. There are lower ab exercises however that put much more stress on that will area: air-pedaling although on one’s back, vertical and horizontally leg raises, and different versions of like. With lower ab exercises for ladies, it’s tougher to remain motivated because their unwanted fat is usually within the lower part of the belly, hips together with thighs. As these, a lot of folks try to do lower ab exercises more.

Lift your knees slowly towards ones elbows and maintain them there for a short while. Rest and repeat this exercise. Place you buttox on as well the pillow and also the Swiss ball, place both feet and distance your toes one foot apart. These are just some of the many terrific Ab Workouts for women which are useful in trimming and toning the abdomen for a flatter, more toned mid-section. Muscle tissue stops growing when it adapts for a specific type involving movement.

About the Author

Also, be sure give other lower ab workouts now and again. Looking to find a very good lower ab workouts for women, then visit abworkouts. Changing your lower ab training session once you sense that you’ve hit a plateau will help you reach your goal of getting a six-pack slightly faster. Muscle tissue stops growing when it adapts to your specific type involving movement. Including sprints in your fitness regimen can certainly assist you get sexy abs since sprinting has a really high intensity stage that burns up a lot of calories.

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Also, be sure give other lower ab workouts now and again. Looking to find a very good lower ab workouts for women, then visit abworkouts. Changing your lower ab training session once you sense that you’ve hit a plateau will help you reach your goal of getting a six-pack slightly faster. Muscle tissue stops growing when it adapts to your specific type involving movement. Including sprints in your fitness regimen can certainly assist you get sexy abs since sprinting has a really high intensity stage that burns up a lot of calories.

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Four Effective Resistance Training Workouts

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Resistance training includes all exercises devoted towards increasing size of skeletal muscles and improving physical strength. It is a form of strength training that uses free weights, elastic bands, exercise machines or one’s own body weight to increase strength and endurance. Resistance training exercises help you burn excessive fats accumulated around body parts especially belly, hips, buttocks, thighs and arms. Moreover, they also increase your stamina and boost energy levels.

There are numerous resistance training exercises that you should perform on a regular basis to strengthen your whole body and build your muscles. Among those exercises, Squat is a magnificent resistance training workout that targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves all at once.

Push-Up, like Squat, is another compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

You can also perform this exercise in the comfort of your home or even room. This exercise targets abs, back, chest, shoulders and triceps.

Lat Pulldown is one of the best exercises you can do to work the major muscles of your back, known as latissmus dorsi. Not only does this exercise help strengthen your back, but it also burn fat from abdomen and lower back.

Lunges make an excellent exercise to resistance train your lower limbs. Like squats, it targets muscles in your legs including calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes.

Make sure that you incorporate these 4 exercises 2 to 3 times a week into your regular resistance training sessions. In order to reap the maximum weight-loss results from resistance training workouts, you need to perform some aerobic exercises as well. You should do brisk walking, jogging, running or swimming half an hour before starting a resistance training session.

After performing Squats, Lunges, Deadlifts or other resistance training exercises, make sure that you nourish your body with protein and carbohydrate.

Protein contains amino acids that are known as the building blocks. They are metabolized directly in muscles and help cellular growth to take place. Consumption of protein-rich diets before and after resistance training exercises helps in increased nitrogen retention, which plays an important role in repair and building of muscle tissue.

Protein rich diets include lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, and fish oil, dairy products such as cheese, butter, and milk, cereals such as millet, barley, oat, and wheat, pulses such as red beans, and chickpeas, eggs, nuts, whole grains etc.

If you are new to gym or are not sure about how to perform above mentioned resistance training workouts, then hire the services of a qualified gym trainer in your vicinity. Not only will he or she suggest you a right combination of resistance training exercises keeping in view your health, age group and training needs, but will also guide you on how to execute them safely. Another benefit of hiring a professional fitness trainer is that he or she will guide you on performing workouts with a perfect technique and right angle. This will allow you to get maximum benefits from hard resistance training exercises in a quick span of time.

Guy Long is a Fitness Trainer in Caulfield and provides Personal Training in St.Kilda where he specializes in resistance training, body transformation, weight control, fat loss and overall muscular strength for local residents.

www.thestrongtriathlete.com Ben Greenfield, the 2008 National Strength and Conditioning Association Personal Trainer of the Year, presents “Dry Land Strength Training for Swimmers.” This free online instructional weight training video accompanies the e-book “Top 12 Resistance Training Routines for Triathletes” which can be found at http Visit www.thestrongtriathlete.com for more information.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Static Contraction Delivers Maximum Muscle From 1 Minute Strength Training Workouts

July 4, 2012 by  
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Article by Jim O’Connor

Static Contraction Delivers Maximum Muscle From 1 Minute Strength Training Workouts – Health – Fitness

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For those who spend more than 1 minute on strengthtraining workouts, you are wasting your valuable time!Wouldn’t you want to strength train in the most effective, scientifically feasible way, and increaseyour muscle and strength by 400 plus percent?

One (1) minute muscle developing workouts are doneONCE per week or less. That calculates to maximally 4 minutes of strength training exercises per month! I am sure many people are saying that I havegone mad. The famous words, “he’s got to be kidding” are ringing vigorously in my ears. Dear reader, I amNOT kidding! Thousands of people are now exercisingless while getting tremendously better results. It is not just me stating this; the scientific documentation by far speakslouder than our conversation.

I would like to tell you about a client of mine named Todd.Todd, a relatively lean 46 year old, wanted to improve hisstrength and muscle tone. Prior to consulting with me, he followed the typical 3 days per week, 3 sets per exercise,and 3-4 exercises per body part routine. Todd was following the program John, his neighbor, told him about. Neighbor John received all his information from typical “bodybuilding magazines.”

Yes, Todd did get results in the beginning due to the initialadaptation of physical activity, but after three months, gains keptcoming slower, and slower until there was no progressionat all in his strength and muscle size. As a result of limitedprogress, Todd told me he hated to workout. He said he was tired all the time, and workouts were taking up too much time in his life. This is precisely the point in which he contacted me for help.

I quickly diagnosed the reasons for his challenges, andenthusiastically told him to take three, yes THREE weeksoff where he would not lift one single weight. After the three weeks, I explained to him his program was not effective, efficient, nor based on rational, sound exercisescience principles.

Todd’s initial program took him 4 hours per week; therefore, I condensed it down to 1 minute per week. He was hesitant, and thought I was joking. However, I reasoned with him, andhe started to see significant strength, and muscle gains not monthly, but after each workout. My rational approachto his new effective, efficient, result producing program is attributed to hi intensity, Static Contraction Training.

The majority of driven bodybuilders are not thinkinglogically, or scientifically about what they are doing. They justdo what the next person does. This current non-rational bodybuildingapproach, that has been around for decades, leads to wastingvaluable time, overtraining, and lack of long term progress. Hi intensity, Static Contraction Training does neither of these!

First of all, Static Contraction Training is based on the principle of activating the absolute maximum number of muscle fibers possible in their greatest strength range, therefore, triggering the muscle fibers to adapt by getting stronger and larger in size.

Please be aware, strength training is not aerobic (low intensity,high volume work. ) It is a high intensity, all out maximum effort for an extremely short duration. Muscle growth can be broken down into two main principles which I have practice for years, intensity and rest/recovery. In order to stimulate muscle growth, you need to provide a greater intensity or apply a greater stimulus than you generated in the previous workout, thus, activating the growth mechanism. Once this highly complicated growth mechanism is triggered, you MUST let the body replenish its limited reserves, compensate for the stimulus, and overcompensate to adapt for another training session. The precise amount of rest is mandatory in order to complete the muscle growth process. In the event you fail to allow sufficient recovery time to occur, you most definitely will short circuit the growth process, significantly compromising results.

Another crucial aspect of progressive results is tracking progress, and rest days between workouts. If you are not progressing each workout, you need more recovery time. If you areprogressing each workout, you have optimized your rest days. There is no fixed program for all. It is specifically individual. Some will need 4 days rest between workouts, while others need 12. Your specific numbers will dictate your rest days.

When performing Static Contraction Training, your objective is to statically (without motion) hold the maximum amount of weight you can in your strongest range of motionfor 5-10 seconds. Record that weight, and move onto the next exercise. If your intensity is high enough, and your rest is optimal, your numbers willskyrocket! This translates into significant strength, and muscle gains.

I could go on forever regarding the science, andstudies to back Static Contraction Training, but for the scope of this article I want to cover the basic, core principles.

For a detailed, tell all, guide to Static Contraction Training, I highly recommend the Train Smart ebook in whichI have provided a link below for your convenience.


For those who prefer working out in their homes, a brilliant friend of mine designed an amazing home gym that is built only for Static ContractionTraining. It is truly a cutting edge scientificbreakthrough. Check it out at, meter and all, it is likenothing you have ever seen.


The information above will get you started on your way to investing the absolute minimal exercise time while gettingbetter results than any other bodybuilding protocol available today.Enjoy your muscles in minutes while training intelligently!

* Please Note: Consult your physician prior to starting any exercise program.


For additional health and fitness tips like the one mentioned above,visit Wellness Word “Multimedia” Newsletter at


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Jim O’Connor – Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Copyright (c) – Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967


About the Author

Jim O’Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other w

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Jim O’Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other w

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Interval Training Workouts

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Cardio exercise is widely accepted to be the best way to burn calories and lose those extra pounds. But what if there was a way to speed up the process, shortening your cardio workout, while making those calories burn quicker all day long. Thanks to interval training, there is. 

What is interval training? 

Unlike cardio exercise, which is sometimes referred to as “long slow distance” and is best performed with a steady pace over a long period of time, interval-training workouts add bursts of high-intensity exercise between periods of slower, steadier exercise. The pattern of slow-to-fast is repeated several times, increasing heart rate and pushing you to your limits while giving you time to recover in between. 

What are the benefits of interval training? 

The benefits of interval training are many. For those who have a limited amount of time at the gym, it can be a great way to minimise the time spent working out and maximising the number of calories left behind when you walk out the door. Interval training workouts are generally between 10 and 20 minutes, as compared to traditional cardio workouts that are designed for long lengths — up to 60 minutes at a time. Interval training allows you to burn the same number of calories — or more — in far less time. 

Additionally, interval training has been shown to elevate the body’s metabolism far more than traditional cardio exercise. And it keeps your metabolism at highly elevated levels for the rest of the day, allowing you to lose more weight over the same period of time as compared to those practising traditional cardio exercise methods. 

If you’re looking for endurance and stamina, interval training should be your preferred cardiovascular exercise option. Participants have shown dramatically increased cardio endurance in relatively short periods of time. 

What should I do? 

Alternate your time on the treadmill between a brisk walk and an all-out sprint. Sprint for between 60 and 90 seconds, and walk for up to three minutes in between sprints. Repeat this cycle for 10 minutes at first, gradually increasing as your endurance increases, and watch the pounds melt away quicker than before


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Best Biceps Workouts and Exercises

June 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

I see a lot of people in GYM working daily on their arms. That means doing biceps and triceps exercises without any concentration on the muscle they are doing. Lifting to much weight that their muscle can handle. Doing exercises the way they should not and that leads slower progress on muscle raising and strength gaining. Are you one of them? Then read on to see what things you need to be careful on and which biceps workouts and exercises are the best to go for at the beginning!

First when deciding that you want a bigger biceps you need to follow some tips, no mater if you are a women or men, or if you do not even go to GYM, you do home based workouts. The first part to follow is the nutrition. You should have an ideal nutrition that means enough proteins and not to many carbs and fat food. Your muscles need proteins to grow (I recommend a lot of meet and whey supplement).

Second you need to work on your biceps 1-2 times per week, it is enough trust me! Third is that you work on other muscles of your body. The ones I recommend the most are chest, legs and back. The best exercises to help you gaining faster biceps muscle are squats and dead lift!

As I said you should work 1-2 times per week in GYM or at home to get stronger, bigger biceps. Here are the best biceps workouts and exercises that you should follow first week. Second week you need to change the workouts to get faster results, that is important!

Barbell Curl or Dumbbell Curl – The very basic exercise for your biceps. Sometimes is best to put on lower weights and more concentrate on your muscle, also do more lifts than usual. Try to lower your shoulders when doing it and not trying to help your lifting with swinging your body forward and back!
Chip-Up – You need to have the strength to lift your body up to 10 times. If you can not, that means you are not strong enough for your body weight. Practice it!
Incline Dumbbell Curl – The exercise that makes wonders, trust me! Usually I add in each routine an half routine that means I do 12 lifts, then I have a 8 seconds brake and I do another 6 lifts. I do 3 routines in that exercise, try it!
Concentration Curl – I do that exercise every time on the end of the day. That means putting on really low weight and trying to concentrate only on biceps when lifting dumbbell. Do lifts slowly and concentrated!

Check out our blog for the best Biceps Workouts and build up bigger arms thanks to our help. More Biceps Exercises inside!

Weight Lifting Workouts That Work

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

If you are serious into weight lifting, then you would not want to waste your time, doing workouts that are not beneficial for your body. Often times people waste a lot of time in the gym, doing some unnecessary exercises and routines that have little or no effect to their body. That is why it is important to find weight lifting workouts that work.

In this article I will not be giving you an exact template of what exercises to do, but rather some tips and advice I usually give my other clients. These would involve some techniques and a little science.

The first advice I would give is to not stick to one particular workout. Just like farmers who do crop rotation to avoid their crops and their soil to get used to each other, the same principle applies to our body as well. Our body might get used to a certain routine and therefore adjust to it fully.

When your body has adjusted then you will see minimal gains to your muscles. It is important to shock your muscles from time to time, giving it that extra boost that will surely increase its mass and power.

Secondly, for beginners up to some more advance lifters, choosing a weight lifting workouts that work for them often involves a number of exercises with compound movements. These include some bench press, squats and dead lifts. Since these exercises target several part of your body, you are being more efficient. Some isolation exercises like the bicep curl only target your biceps and your forearms while doing the bench press targets your chest, arms, triceps, and even your biceps.

For more advanced lifters, this might not apply as some of them develop highly advanced workouts.

Finally, the most important concept for any weight lifting workout is to increase the resistance every time.

You must not lift the same weight or the same number of reps on each workout. Even if you just increase by 2.5 pounds or increase the number of reps by one, is beneficial for you. This is also related to what I said above about shocking your muscles. You must not make your muscles get used to the weight you are lifting.

There you go, if you adhere to the three tips I mentioned above then you will be able to design any weight lifting workout that you want and it will surely work for you one way or another.

Check out other Weight Lifting Workouts That Work. If you want a straight to the point yet very effective guide on how to get those huge muscles you’ve always wanted, CLICK HERE to get this once in a lifetime offer. 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!

Fitness Resistance Bands – 2 Easy Fitness Band Workouts to Strengthen Your Lower Body

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by JP Davis

Fitness Resistance Bands – 2 Easy Fitness Band Workouts to Strengthen Your Lower Body – Health

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Are you looking for new exercise routines using fitness resistance bands? The one thing I love about latex bands is their amazing versatility. You can virtually create hundreds of new routines for any muscle you can think of.

Here are 2 easy workout routines which can be done using fitness resistance bands.

The butt stretch – It is an interesting routine for your buttock muscles.

This one is performed in a position a bit similar to the traditional horizontal push-up, except that here your body is supported by your knees and hands posed on the floor.

Step 1 – Position yourself with your body supported by both your hands and knees on a mat. At the same time, you are holding in each hand the handles of an elastic band, while the middle of the tube passes around the sole of your left foot.

Step 2 – Slowly stretch your left foot backwards so as to extend the band and stretch your buttocks muscles. Do it until your leg is horizontal to the floor. Now return to initial position, without releasing the pressure.

You can do 10 to 20 repeats then switch legs.

The calf workout – This exercise is best done either with a loop or the figure 8 band (a short elastic loop joined in the middle so as to form a “8”). It’s done in the upright position. Make sure that you do not use any support for your body. Pass the band around your ankles.

The exercise consists of working out your calf muscles by stretching your 2 legs apart. 20 to 30 repeats should be enough.

You can use your fitness resistance bands for many more lower-body routines. Remember to continue exploring, experimenting every day. It will make your daily workouts more enriching and so much more fun.

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Discover how easy it is to get fit from home with the Slim in Six home fitness program at http://www.SlimWorkoutProgram.com today.

Also, be sure to read these great Slim in Six reviews.

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JP Davis

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Discover how easy it is to get fit from home with the Slim in Six home fitness program at http://www.SlimWorkoutProgram.com today.

Also, be sure to read these great Slim in Six reviews.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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