Which Upper Body Workout for Women Works Best?

June 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Kate Trent

Which Upper Body Workout for Women Works Best? – Health – Fitness

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When you go online, you will see that there are a lot of new products to help women with their upper body weaknesses. Whether it is their abs or their triceps, this is one area of a woman’s body that is very important yet often ignored. Finding a high-quality upper body workout for women can be difficult.

In general, women have much less upper body strength than men do, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By working out, lifting weights, and finding a good upper body workout for women, she can balance her frame better, burn more calories, and look better in short sleeve shirts!

What Do You Need to Work Out?

When you are doing any upper body workout for women, there are a few areas that you definitely have to target. The most obvious area on most women, especially older women, is their upper arms. As women grow older, for some reason the skin in this area becomes slack and you get “teacher’s arms,” which are prone to waving back and forth when the arm is lifted.

No woman wants to wear a tank top or a sleeveless dress when her arms look like that, so doing an upper body workout for women is very important.

Should You Lift Weights?

A lot of women don’t think that they should lift weights because it will make them too big, but nothing could be further from the truth. Unless you are in the gym for hours every day and lifting like the big boys, you will not put on any massive muscle. The best that you can hope for is a little bit of muscle mass that will simply make you look good.

Toning vs. Building Muscle

Many personal trainers will tell you that you should lift light weights and do lots of reps to “tone” your muscles. This really has little value at all. It doesn’t help to build stronger bones, it won’t burn any more calories, and your muscles will pretty much ignore all that you are doing. In order to gain muscle, you need to increase the load and do fewer reps.

Nutrition Is Vital

Whether you are working out for the first time or you are just ramping up your workout, it is important that you get proper nutrition. This means getting all of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs, not to mention proper amounts of protein, carbs, and liquids, too.

About the Author

Kate Trent is a writer and researcher on products for households such as a comprehensive guide on the most effective upper body workout for women. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog: BuildingMuscleforWomen.com

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Kate Trent

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Kate Trent is a writer and researcher on products for households such as a comprehensive guide on the most effective upper body workout for women. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog: BuildingMuscleforWomen.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
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Anaerobic Waste – How Anaerobic Digestion Works in Wastewater Treatment

May 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic waste digestion happens in a closed reactor. Bacteria act upon the organic waste and release plenty of carbon dioxide and methane. The microbial community has only obligate anaerobic and facultative bacteria. As in aerobic chemohetrotrophic metabolism, initially the macromolecules are hydrolyzed. These products are then converted to volatile fatty acids (mainly acetic acid), and alcohols. The organisms responsible for these anaerobic waste reactions are popularly called acid formers.

They obtain energy through oxidation of organic compounds, but do not use oxygen as electron acceptor. Instead, another fragment of the substrate is reduced to anaerobic acids and alcohols through anaerobic processes. These are then metabolized by a second group of obligate anaerobic biomass (the methane formers), and converted to methane gas.

It is estimated that 60 to 70% of methane production in an anaerobic waste reaction is through conversion of acetic acid and the rest through carbon dioxide reduction by hydrogen.

The activities of the methane and acid producing groups of bacteria must be balanced as the former is sensitive to pH changes and works best in pH range 6.8 to 7.5.

Stabilization Ponds

Anaerobic waste stabilization ponds are large and shallow basins with residence times of 12 to 25 days. A variety of microorganisms inhabit such ponds participating in the anaerobic digestion of waste. In addition to the aerobic and anaerobic chemoheterotrophic organisms, a pond has a large variety of photoautotrophic life forms also. Green and blue-green algae are found in abundance in the top layers, maintaining a symbiotic relationship (I am ok, you are ok!) with the bacteria. At times the pond may also have a significant population of sulfur photosynthetic anaerobic waste water organisms.

For a FREE eBook on a great new technology that includes anaerobic waste treatment, click http://www.all-about-wastewater-treatment.com

Bodylastics Exercise Resistance Bands – Why It Works!

May 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Resistance Training

Article by Robert Deangelo

Bodylastics Exercise Resistance Bands – Why It Works! – Health – Fitness

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The Bodylastics exercise resistance bands have become extremely popular gym tool. Since it has been recently been promoted on a larger scale and advertised online. Many individuals after having seen a commercial of the product have been tempted to buy Bodylastics, instead of other exercise resistance bands on the market. The major advantage of this home gym is that it offers the opportunity for more exercises than any other exercise gizmo available in a gymnasium.

There are other major advantages to the Bodylastics exercise resistance bands, the first one is it’s low-cost, however it offers many other benefits besides low-cost. The fact that it offers up to 140 health club type exercises is one of them. The lifetime warranty on the resistance bands is another.

Another great benefit is that they give you a complete training manual that explains how to perform all the exercises. In addition to that, you also receive access to their online video membership site. Here you will find hundreds of videos that explain in step-by-step detail how to perform each and every movement. There is no need for guesswork it’s all laid out. That means that anyone, from a brand-new beginner to a more experienced exerciser can use the system.

One other benefit I almost forgot to mention is that the handles allow you to attach up to 7 exercise bands to each one. So in essence what you have is comparable to a set of adjustable dumbbells. You don’t need to own hundreds of different bands of different resistance levels, this system allows you to add a 10 pound resistance band or a 50 pound resistance band… to the same handle, at the same time.

Most of the fitness exercises are easy to perform and take very little time. If you will put forth a little effort you can reshape your body after only a few sessions of using the Bodylastics exercise resistance bands. The secret to determining the most effective exercises for your body is in the position that you put your body into. Do not use too much swing in your your exercise movement, use a strict form to get the maximum benefit from the movement.

One of the great things about the Bodylastics resistance bands is that they can work out your entire body. In fact, in certain exercises you can work out your arms and legs together at the same time. The results are fantastic! That is one of the best benefits about the Bodylastics system that some simple exercises can work out your entire body at the same time. This ensures that you will spend less time working out and more time showing off that new “fitness model body” that you have created using you are Bodylastics exercise resistance bands.

About the Author

Want to turn yourself into a muscle building, fat burning machine like I am? Then check out my http://www.build-muscle-guide.com/bodylastics-home-gym.html“> Bodylastics Home Gym CLICK HERE >>> Bodylastics Reviews and get started today!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Robert Deangelo

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Want to turn yourself into a muscle building, fat burning machine like I am? Then check out my http://www.build-muscle-guide.com/bodylastics-home-gym.html“> Bodylastics Home Gym CLICK HERE >>> Bodylastics Reviews and get started today!

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

2 Day Slim Down – Emergency Weight Loss Plan That Works

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Article by Trevor Dalley

Have you left it a little late to lose those pounds?

Try this 2 day slim down but please remember that this is an emergency weight loss plan and not one that should be continued for any length of time.

Your health is far too important and you should respect it.

Long term weight loss is a great plan but gradual and slow should be the name of the game.

However for those last minute panics, these tricks will work.

The first day of your plan should be a juice only day.

This means either pure water with a squeeze of lemon or some home-made unsweetened fruit or vegetable juices.

The latter will help to give you some key nutrients to keep you going.

A day drinking just juices will not cause most people any health issues but it is definitely not suitable for those who are pregnant, already underweight or have any existing health problems such as diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems.

When making vegetable and fruit juices try to use organic produce where possible.

Always wash the items carefully before preparation.

This is particularly important if you cannot afford organic as you want to get rid of as much of the preservatives as possible.

When using celery and other root vegetables include the stalks and leaves in the juice as a lot of the nutrients are contained here.

If not using organic, it is best to remove the roots, stalks and leaves and dispose of them.

Try combining carrots and apples or raspberry and peach.

Just juice enough for one serving and drink immediately as the nutrients start to disappear very quickly.

You can drink as much as you would like but aim to consume at least 1.5 liters of water so you do not dehydrate.

Water should be filtered and not carbonated or flavored.

On day two you can add some fruit to your diet.

Fruit has a laxative effect so will help you to continue to lose weight by making your bowels move.

It will stimulate your colon and so will increase the amount of waste eliminated by your system.

Watermelon is a diuretic so will speed the passage of fluids through your system.

Pineapple and Mango will help to stimulate the growth of good bacteria in your gut while grapes will help to counter the production of mucus which can clog your tissues.

Be sure to get plenty of rest and relaxation following this plan and you will probably want to stay close to home in case the laxative effect comes on rather suddenly.

Following this 2 day slim down diet will help you to lose water weight and bloating, both of which will make you look slimmer.

The next stage it to cheat on the day in question.

Dress for success and use whatever tricks you can find to make yourself look slimmer.

This includes standing straight as correct posture makes us all look less weighty.

Wear the right size clothes in colors that flatter your shape and draw attention to the good bits rather than the bad.

Do not be fooled into thinking that being thin means you are healthy. Thin people have high blood pressure problems, strokes, cancer etc as well. In fact being severely underweight in your twenties and thirties, especially for women, can lead to brittle bone disease meaning you are at an increased risk of fractures when you get older.


Easy methods to help you Lose Weight – 3 Tips you must learn! http://www.benefitsofweightloss.co.uk

Each of these routines are tailored to the Benefits Of Weight Loss and will basically blow you away because of their usefulness. I couldn’t believe it after I discovered how fast my Weight Problems improved.

Even More Straightforward Help In Your new Struggle Against Losing Weight Benefits Of Weight Loss www.diabetestype2-diet.com

Anaerobic Waste – How Anaerobic Digestion Works in Wastewater Treatment

March 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic waste digestion happens in a closed reactor. Bacteria act upon the organic waste and release plenty of carbon dioxide and methane. The microbial community has only obligate anaerobic and facultative bacteria. As in aerobic chemohetrotrophic metabolism, initially the macromolecules are hydrolyzed. These products are then converted to volatile fatty acids (mainly acetic acid), and alcohols. The organisms responsible for these anaerobic waste reactions are popularly called acid formers.

They obtain energy through oxidation of organic compounds, but do not use oxygen as electron acceptor. Instead, another fragment of the substrate is reduced to anaerobic acids and alcohols through anaerobic processes. These are then metabolized by a second group of obligate anaerobic biomass (the methane formers), and converted to methane gas.

It is estimated that 60 to 70% of methane production in an anaerobic waste reaction is through conversion of acetic acid and the rest through carbon dioxide reduction by hydrogen.

The activities of the methane and acid producing groups of bacteria must be balanced as the former is sensitive to pH changes and works best in pH range 6.8 to 7.5.

Stabilization Ponds

Anaerobic waste stabilization ponds are large and shallow basins with residence times of 12 to 25 days. A variety of microorganisms inhabit such ponds participating in the anaerobic digestion of waste. In addition to the aerobic and anaerobic chemoheterotrophic organisms, a pond has a large variety of photoautotrophic life forms also. Green and blue-green algae are found in abundance in the top layers, maintaining a symbiotic relationship (I am ok, you are ok!) with the bacteria.

At times the pond may also have a significant population of sulfur photosynthetic anaerobic waste water organisms.

For a FREE eBook on a great new technology that includes anaerobic waste treatment, click http://www.all-about-wastewater-treatment.com

Where To Look For A Home Gym Workout Routine That Works For You

December 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Gym Workouts

Article by Gene B. Pineda

Jim wants to start working out on a regular basis. He’s really excited about it, and has got the equipment that he needs – he’s chosen a barbell, dumbbells, and a stability ball. Now, where can he find a home gym workout routine that will use the equipment he has?

Magazines up the Wazoo!

Maybe you haven’t noticed – there are so many magazines available, about almost every topic you can imagine. Fitness magazines are no exception. There are magazines for hard core fitness buffs, and for those just starting out on the road to fitness. There are ones designed for women, and others geared for men. Whatever your niche – whether you want to become a competitor in the weight lifting arena, or the new Lance Armstrong, or any other specialty, there’s a magazine for you.

And these magazines have workout routines – usable in home gyms. If the magazine has a specific focus, it will specialize in the exercises that will increase the muscles primarily used in that sport – but all of them will also have just general, good, all around muscle fitness types of routines. Just take a look.

At the Gym

If you have been going to a gym in your neighborhood, you can look around. Some gyms will have available information about workout routines. Home gym equipment also works for these routines. If your gym doesn’t make routines available, ask around. Others may have a source for their routine that they’d be willing to share, especially if they are using equipment you like using.

Internet Sources – The Motherlode

There are many sites on the internet that have workout routines suitable for home gyms. Just use a search engine, type in “workout routine” and possibly “home gym” and they’ll come up by the pageful. Take a look around and you’ll probably find at least one that uses the equipment you want to use in your home gym workout routine.

You can also include in your search the specific piece of equipment you have – for example, include the search term “stability ball” and more specific results will show up on your screen. Many sites also have charts for home gym workout accountability. You can keep track of how you do in their online or printable chart.

You can also check the web site for any of the fitness magazines. Most – if not all – of them archive information from their magazines on a regular basis. If what you wanted wasn’t in this month’s printed magazine, but you liked the tone of the magazine, check their web archives. There’s a good chance they have a routine that you’d like right there on their website.

If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article’s author on exercise bicycles and exercise bike workout.

More Gym Workout Routine Articles

Full Body Muscle Building Workout that Works

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscle Building

Full body muscle building workout is used by a great majority of bodybuilders and models on fitness magazines. And there is a good reason why the full body muscle building workout is so famous because you actually work on some core exercises that targets different muscles groups at once. The focus in this article will be on gaining a lot of muscle mass.

Before you even start your workout, you need to have a nutrition plan. You won’t get anywhere in your muscle mass journey if you don’t have a nutrition plan as it is even more important than the actual building muscle workouts.

Full body muscle building workout nutrition guideline

Some simple guidelines for your nutrition are:

– Eat at least 6 meals a day.

– Eat a big breakfast with a good amount of proteins as your body has been in starving mode for many hours during your sleep.

– Each meal should contain a good portion of proteins.

– You need protein with carbs right after you have been working out.

– You need some healthy fat during your day, this can be through fish, fish oil pills, mixed nuts etc.

When you got your nutrition covered in your muscle building workout, you can move on to the actual exercises. The exercises we will focus on are some core exercises and not isolation exercises as we want to build a lot of mass.

Full body muscle building workout exercises

In these building muscle workouts you train every other day as your body needs rest after such a heavy workout. Between each sets you rest maximum for 90 seconds, ideally 75 seconds. This is between every set in your full body building muscle workouts.

You will be doing the following exercises in the full body muscle building workouts:

– Bent over row – 4 sets – 6-10 repetitions.- Bench press – 4 sets – 6- 10 repetitions.- Dead lift – 3-4 sets – 6-10 repetitions.- Squat – 5 sets – 8-12 repetitions.- Shoulder press – 4 sets – 6 – 10 repetitions.- Dips – 4 sets – 6-10 repetitions.

When you do the dip, you can strap yourself with a weight belt and put weight on when you feel it is time to progress.

You can change the above building muscle workout order as you want. Full body muscle building workout routines hits your core and can be tough to start out with. But if you want to get the most out of it, you need progression.

With progression in this building muscle workout I mean, every time you can take the maximum amount of repetitions, for example 10 repetitions on the bench press with ease every time, you know that it is time to put some more weight on, progression.

It is important that you are honest with yourself with this building muscle workout and don’t get comfortable in working with the same weights repeatedly.

If you follow the above guidelines for your full body muscle building workout, you are guaranteed to see positive changes in your physique. Have a nice full body muscle building workout!