Pamper Yourself To Excess At A Spa In The East Midlands

June 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Scott A Wells

Pamper Yourself To Excess At A Spa In The East Midlands – Spirituality

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When you are invited to any sort of special occasion or are due to get married, you always want to look and feel your best. The preparation in some cases can start weeks in advance as when you feel good, it tends to make the occasion that little bit more special. Some people will choose to go to a health farm in order to get themselves in shape and ready for the party, but one of the best ways to relax and get your body feeling in tip top shape is by visiting a spa.Spas in the East Midlands are a place were you can switch off from the outside world and be treated to massages, saunas and Jacuzzis. The purpose of them being to make your body feel amazing, which in turn will make you feel amazing inside and outside. The process of arranging a wedding can be a stressful occasion and visiting a spa can help ease the pressure of it all.Once the pampering is over and done with then you need to start thinking about where you are going to hold your wedding. East Midlands Marquee Hire is the perfect place to start as when guests spot a marquee on a piece of land as they arrive they will be truly impressed. The advantage of them is that they can accommodate a substantial amount of guests, especially useful if you are worrying about fitting everyone in one room.East Midlands wedding car hire should also be called upon if you want to arrive in the best possible way. You could choose a horse and cart, limousine or vintage car, all of which would look suitably impressive as it pulls up outside your wedding venue. There are so many ways of making it an unforgettable day.

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Visit Whatruwearing. Take a look into East Midlands wedding car hire East Midlands marquee hire and Spas in the East Midlands .

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Visit Whatruwearing. Take a look into East Midlands wedding car hire East Midlands marquee hire and Spas in the East Midlands .

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Healthy Eating – Choose Healthy Eating and Eat Yourself Slender Effortlessly

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Celia Westberry

Healthy Eating – Choose Healthy Eating and Eat Yourself Slender Effortlessly – Health – Weight Loss

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Whenever people find out that I wrote a wellness cookbook, instantly the conversation turns to weight loss. At first I used to be annoyed…Since my book is about a certain way to eat that keeps you extremely healthy as it slows aging. Now I am beginning to understand why. Here are some of my ‘Eat Yourself Younger’ ideas that you can easily adopt to kiss your weight problem goodbye permanently.

The word diet is associated with deprivation, eating less and joylessness. People can usually experience this for 30 days. Then they expect a big reward like being able to brag – I lost 30 pounds in and 30 days. Every weight loss advertisement keeps people in this cycle of short lived success. After 30 days you are back on the roller coaster going up, up!!!

Why not change your mind about dieting and try to eat more! At least eat more nutrient dense food. For breakfast you can shift from eating one super size muffin to eating one egg and one slice of multigrain bread. Commercial muffins have as much as 500 calories, body unfriendly sugars, trans fats and white flour. These are documented ‘not good for you’ food that keeps sugar cravings high. You have heard this over and over from the media. An egg with about 76 calories, has complete proteins, and the brain sustaining fat, lecithin. One slice of multigrain bread gives whole grain fiber, no trans- fats or high fructose corn sugar and about 150 calories even with a pat of butter. It satisfies longer and the fiber keeps your colon healthy. 3 cheers for healthy eating!

Make an effort to be more aware of the nutrient content of food. The easiest way to do this is to read labels and cook fresh food. Almost all commercial food has extensive mandatory labels. This is a good thing! It helps you to control the food market and avoid buying foods with fluff ingredients and little benefit that can also cause weight gain and health problems.

Resolve to change your mind about the dieting game. Try not to change all of your food habits at once. However, become conscious of healthy eating and pick one food habit that you know to be the culprit. Decide to reward yourself by eliminating one bad food habit that’s been giving you guilty joy for years.

I successfully did this with Coke. I used to have a can of Coke for breakfast. ‘Cringe’ my doctor convinced me that 9 teaspoons of sugar and the acidity in coke was just too much for me. So here is a food that I was getting comfort from that was ruining my stomach. Once I linked my food choices to discomfort, it was easy to overcome the food craving. Now I associate food with feeling great. And that is very comfortable! I now cringe when I see 2 and 3 year old kids being given Coke by their parents. Because it is difficult to change your mind about the unhealthy foods you innocently craved as a child.

Seriously consider the kinds of sugar in your diet. Natural sugars from fruit keeps your weight more balanced than concentrated sugar in juice and sweetened drinks.Eat 80% less prepared and commercial foods. They have additives and substances to improve shelf life, and even ingredients that cause you to eat more and still get fewer nutrients. Eating healthy fresh food to get slender brings permanent success… You might even get surprised at all you can eat to get slender and healthy. So, find some time and a fresh food cookbook. Where is the pain and deprivation in that? Go slowly; you can’t undo a lifetime of poor eating habits in 30 days. But you can eat yourself slender or eat yourself younger for the rest of your life.

About the Author

Celia Westberry M.S is the author of Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly- The easy way to slow aging, feel great, and look good. She helps people to eat their best every day to be healthier, happier and more fulfilled. To get her free eBook: Secrets of Healthy Eating Revealed click: HereTo get her book with healthy eating recipes for one or two click here: EYYECopyright Celia Westberry 2007. All rights reserved.

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Celia Westberry

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Celia Westberry M.S is the author of Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly- The easy way to slow aging, feel great, and look good. She helps people to eat their best every day to be healthier, happier and more fulfilled. To get her free eBook: Secrets of Healthy Eating Revealed click: HereTo get her book with healthy eating recipes for one or two click here: EYYECopyright Celia Westberry 2007. All rights reserved.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Featuring the Hip Hop MD, Artie Green, Easy AD of the Cold Crush Bros., and the students of Brooklyn’s PS 131!!!

Body Building Supplements – Ask Yourself If You Have To Make Use Of Them?

May 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Thomas Pattersonon

These supplements are more common than you might think. You can buy them at the grocery store in the forms of powders, pills and even bars. You can eat them plain or mix them with foods or drinks or even swallowed whole. There are many varieties of these supplements to be aware of. All of these are meant to assist your body in the production of naturally occurring substances like proteins. How can you know which ones might work for you? We will attempt to educate you in this article about some of the popular supplements on the market today and tell you whether or not they might be right for you.

You can find a wide variety of protein supplements, and it comes in so many forms that is sometimes highly specific. Protein is taken to add to the body’s available protein to make a muscle larger and stronger during the repair phase. All people need protein to stay healthy and strong, so you can imagine that a body builder would need it even moreso. Heavy lifting, or slightly less depending on your goals, and repeated stress on muscles induces muscle tears, microscopic, and then the body has to repair that damage. This is why protein supplements are a must for many body builders. There are a lot of different types of protein supplements you can take: soy and whey are the most popular.

Amino acid supplements are very popular. There are supplements in this class of all shapes and sizes, and some are synthesized amino acids. If you want, you can find supplements that are only one special kind of amino acid.

It’s recommended in the beginning, if you’re not experienced, to take a broader approach to amino acid supplementation rather than jumping to a specific kind. However, don’t rush out and buy stuff – make an appointment with your doctor and get checked out and have a talk about everything. It’s probably not good to get an overdose of some kind of supplement if your doctor feels it is not needed. At the same time, a general amino acid supplement, taken sparingly, could really help your body heal after a workout.

For a little more lively debate, there is the supplement class of anti-estrogens. Men and womn both have estrogen and testosterone, although the amount is different depending on the gender. The pituitary’s secretion of testosterone is determined by estrogen, although very many other things are involved. Ok, now testosterone is needed for strength and the ability to keep it. Therefore, to be stronger, there’s a need for more testosterone, and that can happen if you get estrogen out of the picture. We think any doctor may recommend against this, but still – to be safe, see your doctor. Women weight lifters should absolutely talk to their family doctors about this supplement approach, and the reasons are obvious, we feel.

There have been so many body builders who have benefited in a positive way from using supplements. The primary areas of support include building muscles (muscle mass), and helping to recover faster than usually possible.

There’s no question that body building puts the body under intense strain and stress. That is why so many lifting athletes prefer supplementing. Other additional positive benefits from using supplements is to supply your body with everything it needs to maintain health.

These particular fitness tips are normally extremely practical to develop muscle mass and to lose weight safely. Should you one of those folks that are trying to find natural ways to shed weight and develop lean muscle mass quicker, in that case take a look at the following page on Vince DelMonte No-Nonsense Muscle Building and discover more about a well-known program to lose weight and build muscle without any drugs.

There’s also more on how to build body muscle here.

On this article are some recommended recommendations that can aid you to develop muscle mass and also to shed pounds.

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Reward Yourself With The Benefits Of Physical Fitness

April 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Tips

Article by Jim O’Connor

Do you realize how powerful the benefit of physical fitness is? If scientists could bottle it up it would be the most sought after medication on the planet.

Most individuals are unclear of how powerful exercise really is. Too many people concentrate on all the work that goes into being physically active, and fail to pay attention to the benefits of exercise.

The benefit you reap from physical fitness programs far out weighs any investment of exercise time. As a matter of fact, the benefit of physical fitness can be realized with only a few short minutes each day of physical activity. It really does not take much time before you witness fitness results.

After realizing what a small amount of exercise can actually do for you, I am sure you will quickly put on your workout gear and become active.

So how exactly can you benefit from a regular, consistent, time efficient physical fitness program?

The benefit of physical fitness shows up in both mind, and body. It is like getting two for the price of one. On the mental side of benefits are increased self esteem, and a general feeling of wellness. On the physical side of things include increased muscle strength, endurance, heart, decrease of blood pressure, decrease cholesterol, and a drop in body fat, to name a few. The list could go on for some time. If you are not physically active, you are making a huge mistake.

As mentioned, increasing self esteem is another reason why physical fitness programs are so crucial. Want to improve how you feel about yourself? Become more active, and reward yourself with the benefits of physical fitness.

As you can see, the benefit of physical fitness is surely powerful.

You are probably wondering if it is necessary to spend 5 hours a week on physical exercise. The answer is absolutely no. Even small amounts of exercise each day will enable your to see physical benefits. In other words, no hanging around all day in gyms is necessary for maintaining a physical fitness routine.

In order to reap the benefits of physical fitness all you really need to do is spend less than 1 hour a week being active. Break it down into 10-15 doable minutes each day. You can even break it down into 5 minutes in the morning, and 5 at lunch. Now 10 minutes out of your day for the benefit of physical fitness is worth is, isn’t it?

The key is to stay consistent. Some activities that will keep you physically active are housework, walking, gardening, biking, weight training, playing ball with the kids, and even parking at the furthest part of the parking lot.

You can always start easy, and stay consistent. Consistency delivers results!

For those who do not realize the benefit of physical fitness, read closely. For as little as 60 minutes a week, you will do your health, fitness, and quality of life tremendous benefit.

There is overwhelming evidence to support the benefit of physical fitness. Do not be afraid of spending a lot of time exercising. You do not have to in order to see maximum results. Get on the best fitness program for you today, and stay consistent. Your body will thank you.

To protect your fitness results register for a FREE membership to my fitness newsletter that is delievered in multimedia format right to your inbox. You can also visit our blog to get the latest fitness tips to help you shatter your workout goals.

Discover why they call physical activity the best prevention pill you can ever take.

Getting Yourself In Shape For Ski Season

March 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Aaron Jochum

Skiing is one of the best fun winter sports around. But, if you are totally out of shape from having spent the summer and fall in front of your television set, it is probably not a good idea to hit the slopes for the first time before you get into shape a bit. So, if you are at all in earnest about skiing this winter season, the time is now, before the ski season actually begins, to start to get yourself back into shape.

Before you do anything else, get the ok from your physician that it is all right for you to start a fitness program. If he gives you his approval, then you can begin to set your fitness plan into action. Otherwise, follow his directions.

You will do best to ease into your exercise routine slowly and progress from there. Because, if you have been pretty much inactive for the majority of the year, your cardiovascular system is probably at an extreme sub-par level. So, first you to get that up to par. An excellent way is to simply start a walking program. Start by slow walking and then, gradually increase your speed until you are basically power walking.

On nice days, set aside a part of the day to go outside and just walk. Nothing fancy. Just walk around your neighborhood parks. Don’t worry if you get winded. Simply, slow down the pace of your walking. For about a half hour each day, do this and before you know it, you will have built up your stamina and leg strength.

When your reach this point in your exercise schedule, you can begin to add more difficult exercises to your routine. One perfect choice of exercises is cycling which has a number of advantages. Cycling will help you to build and strengthen the muscles in your legs. In addition, cycling can give you a great cardiovascular workout. As you get into the more strenuous exercises, you can start to cut back on the number of days that you are training from 7 or 6, to 4 or 5 times a week, preferably on alternate days. This gives your muscles a chance to rest and become renewed.

If you want to be serious and prepare yourself for skiing the right way, in addition, you have to focus on getting your abs and lower back muscles into shape. There are a number of popular portable fitness machines on the market that can help you to work out these muscles properly.

However, not having a fitness machine is no excuse for not exercising. If you don’t have a portable fitness machine, you can still get your abdominal and back muscles into good shape by doing sit ups, leg raises, body twists, and the like. In addition, there are a number of isometric tension exercises that can help strengthen these muscle groups.

If you are willing to start slow and gradually build up your body to an appropriate fitness state, you can look forward to starting the ski season in shape with much less fear of harm.

Aaron Jochum is a freelance writer who writes ski related articles such as Breckenridge skiing, ski travel, skiing packages, and so on. Please visit his website for more articles and information.

Aerobic Fitness: Keeping Yourself In Top Condition

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Andrew Green

So what does mean “fitness” and what stands for “aerobic” after all? Under the word fitness we should understand the state of wellbeing of a person. Your physical fitness is formed by a set of many different body capabilities like endurance, strength, flexibility, and coordination. Fitness is not only the physical health, but also mental health of a person along with self awareness and emotional satisfaction. So now we see that in general fitness is a state when mind, body and soul are in touch one with each other and what is more – souls do fit the bodies and live in harmony.

The term aerobic along with the exercise was invented by K. Copper from the U.S. Air Force in 1969. All his thoughts were documented in his book called “Aerobics”. All the data from the book became the baseline for all aerobic fitness programs that are based on oxygen consumption equivalency.

Talking about the term “aerobic” I can say that it is the most important factor of physical fitness. The origin of this word is Latin and the meaning is following: “aero” means oxygen (air), and “bic” is for bio (life). So any physical activity that requires the intake of oxygen could be called aerobic exercise. All aerobic fitness exercises must maintain increased heart rate and that is why such activity is almost the same as cardio exercises. There are also obvious reasons for this: exercises strengthen lungs and heart, increase cardiac capacity and use body fat and carbohydrates and the fuel (energy source).

Of course there are a lot of types of aerobic fitness exercise. All of them build up your endurance and stamina. Forms of exercise include the following: running, swimming, cycling, long distance skiing, power walking, rowing, use of different exercise machines (bikes, treadmills, and others). Actually all aerobic fitness exercises must be performed at high level of intensity and for a long time period. That is why running is considered as aerobic fitness exercise, but sprinting is not. Regular aerobic fitness exercise gives you a lot of health benefits. They are united in a group called “aerobic training effect” and give your body the following: strengthen muscles that are involved in respiration, strengthen heart muscle (that improves blood pumping efficiency), increase the number of red blood cells in the organism. In addition jogging or rope jumping may stimulate bone growth and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The digestive system is fed more regularly and is cleaned more effectively.

Because of the very close connection between the mind and the body, mental fitness may now be seen to be in many ways equivalent to physical aerobic fitness. People that are in good aerobic condition tend to be more optimistic, more self-confident; more determined and, generally, have a higher energy level and of course a greater lust for life.

The group of aerobic fitness exercise may be divided into two major sub-groups – pre-choreographed aerobics and freestyle aerobics (exercise is linked to dance and choreography).

Andy Green is a successful webmaster and publisher of Free Fitness and Exercise Tips – lots of information to keep you fit, healthy, gain aerboic fitness and help you to get regular exercise.

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Make Yourself Healthy-N-Fit

February 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Swetha

Being healthy is shown exactly by person’s weight. Weight management is the one basic need for every person on this earth as it makes one’s life better. Over-weight or under-weight leads to various problems, consulting a doctor or a dietitian is good for an under-weight person but if one is over-weight then there are various methods to become fit by reducing weight. People who lose weight just with a little amount of dieting have more chances of gaining it back, hence exercising is a must for them on daily basis. Walking would be the best suitable exercise as it keeps the person fresh, fit & healthy.

Primarily, kids or teens can get major help from parents who can bring in certain dietary or life style changes which would be beneficial for the whole family.

Secondly, try to reduce the portions of food you eat, its better to have less food but more number of times a day. Eating less food allows it to get digested easily and more number of times one has it wouldn’t effect the weight.

Thirdly, have lots of juices, fruit juices is really good for health, have fruits would be the best part as it doesn’t increase the fat in the body, when one feels hungry in odd times ( like evenings or late nights) better to have fruits to maintain your body weight. Avoid sugary items mostly, having sugar free drinks or low fat milk is far more helpful. Drinking lots of water is infact a very good idea, it removes all the waste from the body.

Fourthly, Exercising the best way to get rid of the fat and to build in muscle which involves in reducing or burning off the fat from your body. One should not think that exercising at a stretch would lead to immediate reduction of weight, I would say a straight NO to this coz’ weight reduction needs to be done gradually which wouldn’t effect your health. Have a walk daily morning, join some aerobics classes, or a gym. Joining gym is helpful but immediately taking up some exercises which are tough wouldn’t be of any use. Start slowly and pick up gradually, making exercise a part of your daily schedule, once the body muscles feel the relaxation and stretch then slowly move on with a little difficult one, ex: if one does cycling at home or gym don’t think of burning off 1000 calories the first day itself, instead 200-300 one first day and then increasing to 400-500 after 2-3 days would make the muscles relaxed and stretched. If person is not habituated of regular exercise and starts off on very first day with tough ones it might lead to muscle getting caught. Be careful while working out on them.

Lastly, don’t ever let yourself low or get depressed checking out yourself being fat or if someone else has to pass out a comment. What you are to do just go ahead and work it out and try to make yourself one healthy-n-fit person. All the best.

Swetha a sciences & management fields person, basic interest is in -Genetics, Microbiology. Continuous Learner wishes to putforth some things which are of her interest.

Muscle & Fitness – Chest and shoulders – Part 2
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Want To Get Fit? Get Yourself Into an Exercise Routine

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Protica Research

How often have you heard someone – maybe even you – complain that they have gone on a diet, and even lost a bit of weight, but don’t think that they look any better and still don’t have a lot of energy? This is probably because even though they’ve stuck to their diet, they haven’t been exercising as well, which is extremely important if one really wants to lose weight.

If you’ve been on diets that didn’t work very well, maybe you weren’t getting enough exercise. So maybe you should try it just one more time? And this time, put a bit more effort into it and get some exercise. Create a special exercise routine for yourself, especially if you have particular areas of your body that you would like to work on.

Setting Up an Exercise Routine

If you aren’t used to exercising at all, you should start off with relatively simple exercises. Set aside a certain time period every day to do stationary exercises at home. And if you have an exercise bike or a treadmill, add it to your routine for a better cardiovascular workout, not to mention for strengthening and shaping up your legs and buttocks. You might even want to add in a few weight training exercises as well, to really get your muscles toned.

When creating your exercise routine, remember to include exercises that work all your muscles, and make sure that you’re able to do the movements properly. Don’t be too physically demanding at first, especially if you have physical limitations. You might want to find a trainer or other fitness professional to help you create your routine, especially if you are a beginner. This way, you’ll be certain that the exercises you are doing are going to benefit you and help tone up those problem areas on your body.

Make Your Exercise Routine a Part of Your Work Day

You may think that you don’t have enough time to exercise, but once you set up a routine that works for you, you should have no problem finding half an hour to an hour a day for exercising. And you can even create a routine that works around your schedule. If you’re a morning person, you can always get up an hour early to exercise. Or you can go to the gym on your lunch hour or even after work for an hour or two. If you work in an office building, instead of using the elevator, use the stairs for a great cardiovascular workout, especially if you have many flights to climb. Find ways to build exercise into your day.

One important part of your exercise routine should be stretching. You can even do this at your desk while you are at work. In fact, it’s often recommended that you take a few minutes every hour or so to do some stretches in order to avoid the risk of repetitive injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. You can do arm and back stretches while sitting in your chair, and if you have a little bit of space you can stand up and stretch out those legs.

If you’re a stay-at-home parent, there are plenty of ways to build an exercise routine into your daily activities. You can take your young children to the park in the morning and play tag and other games that involve running. Or, take your baby out for a stroll around the neighborhood. When your older kids get home from school, go out and play some basketball or soccer with them.

These are all great ways to get exercise, and because they are so much fun it won’t even seem like you’re exercising at all. You can even turn your housework into an exercise routine. Do deep knee bends and stretches while vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping. Reach high to clean windows and high shelves. Run up and down the stairs. Be creative and you will find all kinds of ways to exercise while doing housework, making it a lot more fun.

Make Good Nutrition a Part of Your Exercise Routine

But it’s not enough to exercise to lose weight. You need to follow a healthy diet too. You need to learn about nutrition, and why you need certain nutrients in your diet. For example, did you know that protein is necessary for the health, growth, and recovery of our muscles and other soft tissues, and that it provides a natural source of energy?

If you’re going to be dieting and exercising, you’ll need to make sure that you are getting plenty of low calorie, protein-rich foods in your diet to make sure your muscles are healthy and that you have enough energy to get through your day. You might even consider using protein supplements.

Do a little research and you’ll find that there are a number of different types of protein supplements available. Which one is best for you? If you’re trying to lose weight, try a low calorie liquid protein shot such as Profect, by Protica. It provides 25 grams of protein in every serving, but only has 100 calories as well as no carbohydrates, fats, or cholesterol. And Profect also provides many other vitamins and nutrients. For more information, visit the website at

About Protica Research ( Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of dense nutrition in compact forms. Protica manufactures Profect (, IsoMetric (, Pediagro (, Fruitasia ( and many other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility. Copyright – Protica