Tennis Strength and Conditioning – Some Key Ideas

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

In any sport, a targetted exercise regime will bring benefits. A tennis strength and conditioning programme should help bring greater energy to your shots and extra stamina, but without compromising your speed round the court or making you sluggishly muscle laden.

Your tennis strength and conditioning work needs to be designed so you can deliver power quickly and with force – and be able to maintain that over a long period of time. This means that once you have a good basic level of fitness any work with weights should be done with vigour – less weight and more dramatic repetitions will mirror what you do when you strike the ball.

There are two areas which will need special attention thanks to the unique demands of tennis. They are the forearm and the wrist, plus the rotator cuff. Work on strengthening these areas will definitely bring benefits and cut down the chances of pain and injury.

This doesn’t have to be expensive either, you could use some hand weights – or even save money and use some baked bean cans or something similar.

It can be difficult when doing tennis strength and conditioning exercises to make sure your body is balanced though, focusing on one area too much can lead to a rather lopsided feel. So make sure you incorporate some other general exercises into your routine.

The good news is that even one ninety minute session a week will bring benefits, especially for recreational players. If you use that time constructively your tennis strength and conditioning efforts will bear fruit.

For the best in time efficient tennis exercise programmes strength training and conditioning offers you some great secrets, while it is well worth finding out how the two for two rule can transform your strength and conditioning workouts for the better!

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