The 9 Best Exercises for Building Muscle and Burning Fat!

May 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Chip Douglas

1) Squat

If you exercise, and you don’t squat, then you don’t exercise. They are definitely the single most essential exercise for all athletes these days. Master the squat, and you’re going to improve every lift which you do in the gym.

2) Deadlift

Could there really be anything simpler than grabbing a weight off the ground and standing upright? It is amazing that this most basic movement will provide such incredible results. You may an ass like Vida Guerra, but doing heavy deadlifts is an excellent starting place.

3) Clean

Cleans are the most exciting workout of all, in my humble opinion. They force you to be explosive unlike any other. Master the clean and you will take your vertical jump to another level.

4) Dumbbell Bench

This can even be listed as being the push-up or regular bench press, however the dumbbell option just is my favorite of the 3. It fuses the mobility of the pushup while using the heavy force with the bench press. This could be the most overrated exercise listed, nevertheless it’s far too solid to leave off.

5) Pull Up

The Pull Up certainly is the king of bodyweight movements. When people focus on strength-to-bodyweight ratio, the Pull Up is the superhuman test. Even some of the greatest athletes around the world can only perform a couple of Pull Ups. Become an expert at this to get the ideal V-shape.

6) Dips

The optimal exercise for developing arms and shoulders. The individual that masters the bench press can get more awareness in the gym. But the one that masters dips will benefit from getting a lot more attention out of the opposite sex.

7) Sprints

The closest exercise I am going to ever recommend to doing “cardio”. The strength, stability, and explosiveness is unrivaled. This is what makes sprinters amongst most of the fittest athletes on the planet.

8) Kettlebell Swings

Another great blend of speed and strength. They may well be more aerobic by nature in comparison to the most of this list, but they will kick your ass in a very short time. Kettlebells are the best tool you will own in your home.

9) Planks

It’s a total body exercise disguised Ab workout. Planks place the finishing touches onto the 8-pack you want for Summer time.

It isn’t really the most complicated list, yet these exercises provide gains! If the greater part of your workout program does not mimic this list, it could be time re-evaluate what you’re doing in the gym.

author and subject of health and fitness blog

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