The Best Exercise to Lose Weight

February 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

The best exercise to lose weight is the exercise that you stick with. Weight loss takes time and dedication. To ensure success, create an exercise program that you enjoy.

It doesn’t matter if running averages 100 calories per mile if you don’t like to run (and therefore not likely to stick it out). Instead focus on exercises that are both challenging and enjoyable.

From a technical standpoint, aerobic exercises burn the most calories per workout. It is therefore important to incorporate some form of aerobic exercise into your workout plan.

cardiovascular workouts – The base of your workout program should consist mainly of cardio exercises. If you are new to exercise, begin with walking. While simple, walking at a brisk pace is a good way to build up your fitness level. Set your goal for at least 10,000 steps a day.

Other forms of cardio workouts include: basketball, soccer, swimming and running.

Interval training – as your fitness level improves, try implementing intervals into your workouts.

An interval is the combination of both high intensity and low intensity training in one workout. For example a thirty second sprint followed by a minute jog. Not only is this challenging, but it is also an effective calorie burner. Your body is constantly being pushed and in effect forced to expend more energy. Intervals are only recommended for individuals that already have an exercise program in place (beginners should not attempt)

cross training – another excellent way to burn calories while keeping workouts interesting, is through cross training. The involvement of 2 or more activities in one workout/exercise program is referred to as cross training.

For example: A runner swims on his off days.

conclusion: The most effective calorie burning exercises are cardio exercises. While some exercise burn more calories than others, they are of no value if they are of no interest to you. Choose a workout program that works for you. Your program should be challenging but also be something that you look forward to. As with everything, weight loss takes time.  Remember that exercise is only a fraction of the journey. The other part revolves around your diet.

For more information on healthy weight loss please visit . Don’t forget to set goals and stay motivated. Avoid exaggerated claims, they will only side track you from the finish line which is a healthier looking and functioning body!

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