The Best Exercises and Sports to Increase Endurance.

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Marina Robinson

The Best Exercises and Sports to Increase Endurance. – Health – Weight Loss

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Resistance means the ability to sustain an effort psychophysical without compromising performance. Mentally is the ability to sustain the effort as long as possible and physically is the ability of the organism to adapt and delay the onset of fatigue. For athletes is essential to have good endurance, a greater or lesser extent, is what is always looking, as this depends on the proper response of the body in the sport working hours. The main goals of resistance training are to achieve an increase in the amount of blood reaching the muscles that do the main work and improve energy systems. The resistance has a strong bond with the circulatory and respiratory systems, and the metabolism, particularly cell phones.

There are two types of resistance: the aerobic and anaerobic. The first seeks to realize low-stress exercises but long life. This type of resistance depends on the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles to produce energy efficiently. Its development involves improving the overall physical resistance and decreased blood pressure, the amount of fat in the body and the possibility of occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

Anaerobic endurance turn develops exercises that involve a high effort but for a short space of time. With the development of anaerobic resistance is achieved by improving the reaction rate. To put the aerobic training is important to include activities that can raise heart rate above a point and maintain that level of activity over 15 minutes session.

One of the best ways to train aerobic endurance is to practice running, which should be conducted at a slow pace, while paying more attention to the distance traveled. Similarly, although this is not the main objective, to get continuous training run more miles in the same time. swimming or cycling exercises are also considered optimal for the development of resistance.

The rhythms, as in the case of the running, will go rising gradually as the body adapts to the effort required. The dance is also recommended to increase endurance.

For the correct development of aerobic endurance, it should establish a training plan, which must be customized, always taking into account the physical characteristics and condition of each. Proper aerobic work developed for about 20 or 30 minutes a day is more than enough to make adequate progress and ensure proper endurance sports.

For the practice of these exercises and achieve win an optimal resistance level is very important to note not have to exercise and sudden breathing correctly is very important because in this way keeps the body relaxed, which is necessary because if the body tension note there will be no proper blood circulation and oxygen will not correct (the which means more fatigue in less time).

Nor should we forget that it is very important that the end will make a good session of stretching, to avoid further complications.

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we review the best fat burners like slim weight patch review or unique hoodia,capsiplex etc.

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Marina Robinson

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we review the best fat burners like slim weight patch review or unique hoodia,capsiplex etc.

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