The Fastest Way to Gain Muscle

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by R.T. Bucher

The Fastest Way to Gain Muscle – Health – Fitness

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The fastest way to gain muscle is with an intensive workout routine, coupled with a proper diet and adding some much need supplements. Please also understand we are not including steroids to aid us.

Try to understand first of all what must occur for muscle to grow, when lifting weights the small muscle fibers are shredded. The body immediately looks for a way to repair the damage. But, when it repairs them, it makes them bigger. It is trying to protect itself.

Now in order to find the fastest way to gain muscles we need to find the quickest way to damage the muscle we have. The best way to do this is with short repetitions and heavy weight. We want to put the muscles in duress quickly, so to shred them faster.

It’s important to note, your body will start trying to use muscle as energy if you work out to long. So keep your muscle building routines under an hour. Short reps and longer sets are for sure the fastest way to gain muscle.

You need to also implement a rigorous but much needed diet plan, including supplements like whey protein and creatine. Both of these are highly important when building muscles. They will help aid in the recovery of the small muscle tears and repair the muscle tissue faster.

On another note, immediately after a strenuous workout you need to replenish the liquids and carbohydrates you lost. It would be a futile point to workout and not replenish the most important nutrients your muscles need to grow. I always try to drink 64 ounces of water a day and religiously stick to low glycemic carbs like oatmeal and yams.

Try to avoid sugars and high glycemic carbs like potatoes. They cause your insulin levels to skyrocket. You want to keep your insulin levels maintained evenly throughout the day. Make sure your are eating 6 small meals a day with a focus on high protein. I try to get 20 grams of protein with each meal. Shoot for 1.5 grams of protein or each pound you way, it is very important when trying the fastest way to gain muscle.

Keeping track of what you eat and how hard you work out will help you find the fastest way to gain muscle. Stick to this formula and stay motivated and focused. You should start seeing insane results in two or three weeks.

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R.T. Bucher

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