The Greatest Arm Exercises Without Weight

July 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Woonsik

The Greatest Arm Exercises Without Weight – Health – Weight Loss

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You may find yourself on the road without their typical training equipment or is injured and can not work out with weights for a period of time. Rest assured, you do not have to give up your exercise just because you’re weightless. Here are some of the best arm exercises without weights.

Pushups are one of the best exercises that benefit not only arms but his chest, shoulders and back. They are excellent exercises for men and women. The standard pushup position is with hands shoulder width of the track as well and in line with the chest. Slowly lower toward the floor until the arms form an angle of 90 degrees. Slowly raise your body back up keeping your abs tight to protect your back. Care must be taken when doing push-ups, especially if you have wrist problems or back.

If you are looking to increase mobility and get a good stretch in the process, the rotation of the arms are the perfect exercise requiring no weights. These are mostly good for the front of the arm near the shoulder and shoulder themselves. Stand up straight with good posture and feet shoulder width apart. Be sure to bend your knees slightly and dipping slightly in the legs. Two arms to straighten the sides and beginning to move both in a circular motion at the same time. If you have limited mobility in their shoulders or find that this exercise hurts the shoulder region, you can start with small rotations and work your way to complete rotations.

Crab Falls are one of the best exercises for triceps, or back of your arm. Think of this exercise as an impetus to reverse or crab walk. Start by sitting on the floor with legs out in front of you and your torso upright. With your arms, push yourself up to your buttocks off the floor. Lower your arms until your buttocks are just a few inches off the floor and return to the starting position. This exercise can be done using a chair, and you can have your legs bent at the knee instead of straight.

If you want to build muscle, maintain muscle mass, or to develop strength and endurance, you can do without using weights. So the next time you find yourself without a gym, remember that you do not have to skip your workout.

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I am an engineer. but interest in various area. fitness, health, fresh food, and etc. I want to share my likes with you. This is my favorite site: The Truth about ABS

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I am an engineer. but interest in various area. fitness, health, fresh food, and etc. I want to share my likes with you. This is my favorite site: The Truth about ABS

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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