The Kettle Bell A Revelation In Health And Fitness.

September 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Steve Wright

The Kettle Bell A Revelation In Health And Fitness. – Health – Weight Loss

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By now many health and fitness enthusiasts will have heard of or seen the latest fitness crazy to take the industry by storm The Kettle Bell.

The Kettle Bell as we recognise it today has its origins in Russia around the 1900’s, a basic description would be a cannon ball with a handle and are available in different weights.

By now many health and fitness enthusiasts will have heard of or seen the latest fitness crazy to take the industry by storm on a global basis is The Kettle Bell.

The Kettle Bell as we recognise it today is believed to have its origins in Russia around the 1900’s, a basic description would be a cannon ball with a handle and are available in different weights and sizes.

However evidence suggests this piece of predominately strength training equipment can be found in many countries in one shape or another dating back thousands of years, being utilised for strength training in the conditioning of warriors and gladiators alike.

In the 1900’s the kettle bell was associated with strong men however as time and equipment progressed the kettle bell fell away being reshaped and modernised forming what we now recognise as the traditional dumbbell.

The fitness industry in its current form today is very fast past and always evolving with a multitude of fitness methods and classes available at gyms and fitness centres,

This has caused the re-birth of kettle bell training and has resulted in the method becoming very popular very quickly for a number of reasons, The Kettle bell workout are very intense and not for the faint hearted, with the main emphasis or purpose is to increase strength, endurance, agility and balance, the kettle bell provides the opportunity to do this very effectively challenging both the muscular and cardiovascular system with dynamic, total-body movements.

Should you wish to train with kettle bells it’s advisable to seek a suitably qualified facility for this purpose as the method of training can be hazardous if not instructed and managed correctly, the main reason being that the very essence of the program involves swinging a dead weight incorrect posture or movement could result in injury to ones self or others nearby should the weight be let go of,

Train regularly possibly in the regions of 2-3 times a week in this very controlled discipline and the results will be astonishing, you could expect to experience enhanced cardiovascular performance and an increase in core strength along with flexibility to name but a few.

As your confidence grows and workouts become more intense the physical transformation will begin with the reduction of body fat, this should be apparent around your mid rift as the core of our bodies play a significant role in the work out you will start to see the development of your abdominal muscles.

About the Author

As an avid health, fitness enthusiast its paramount to have the correct equipment or knowledge for maximum enjoyment in your preferred activity whether it be indoor or outdoor, please look at my new website which is family orientated Baby Bouncer Seat where you will find information and resources on Baby Bjorn Bouncer

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Steve Wright

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As an avid health, fitness enthusiast its paramount to have the correct equipment or knowledge for maximum enjoyment in your preferred activity whether it be indoor or outdoor, please look at my new website which is family orientated Baby Bouncer Seat where you will find information and resources on Baby Bjorn Bouncer

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

The Kettlebell Snatch remains one of the most difficult movements for kettlebell athletes to master. It’s often a timing issue, these 2 tips will help. For more tips visit:
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