The Quickest Way to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Revealed!

May 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

One of the larger obstacles to success, when striving to get fit, is having to wait a long time to see any results, especially after enduring a severely restrictive diet and undergoing a grueling exercise program, when trying to lose weight and build muscle. It is much easier to follow through on a regimented diet and exercise program if a bit of progress is seen, as early as possible.

The best way to see early results, in the quest to lose fat and build muscle, is to successfully jump-start metabolism. The easiest way to do this is by commencing upon a program that requires participation in exercises that focus, initially and primarily, on correct weight training techniques to put on muscle. The muscle that is added, in the beginning, will make it easy to remove additional fat later, during the aerobic portion of the exercise program, when it is combined with a low calorie, high protein, low glycemic index diet.

The recommendation is to start the weight training portion of this process, by working the upper body one day, with exercises for the triceps, biceps, shoulders and chest and alternately concentrating on the lower body the next day, with some glute, thigh, hip and calf exercises.

Use five to 10 pound weights to perform at least three sets of 20 on each body part and follow each session of weight training with 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. After a couple of weeks, when the exercises are starting to be less difficult, the routine should be mixed up a bit to keep the intensity going. Vary the weight training routine, by including more body parts and adding a bit more weight, or put high intensity strength training into the mix, to keep metabolism at a high level, while continuing to alternate between the upper and lower halves of the body. Don’t ever worry about what the scale says during the body transformation process, while losing fat and gaining muscle, because muscle weighs more than fat.

Make sure to continue to weight train daily, as the most important part of the exercise program, even if some days the aerobic portion of the routine is neglected. Continue eating the healthy high protein diet, gradually adding calories, as the fat is lost and the body transformation continues. Soon, the results will be noticeable with clothes that fit better and a sleeker body with less fat.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics


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