The Science and Practice of Strength Training

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by James Andy

The Science and Practice of Strength Training – Health

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What is practical programming for strength training? Firstly, you need to know there are two types of strength training, defined by two totally different classes of athletes. Absolute strength training, which bodybuilders and weightlifters use and relative strength training, which you will find rock climbers and gymnasts doing.

Weight lifters need to gain muscle mass to get strong by using heavy weights and eating a high calorie diet, gymnasts and rock climbers gain strength, but don’t want to put on weight because they would have to lift this extra weight whilst rock climbing or doing gymnastics. So they have to control their calorie intake so they do not to put on extra weight.

Something I have noticed over the many years of training with weights and working in different professions, is that the guys who have very physically demanding jobs always come out on top when it comes to their strength level, compared to to someone who works in an office worker (Both working out with weights).

If you intend to build strength, the first thing you need to know is that it takes time to build. And you must start off using weights that your body can handle, then build up slowly to heavier weights. If you try and lift heavy weights right off the bat, you put yourself at risk of injury. But this is temptation most people have; they think they can push harder and harder all the time.

But what really happens is that by pushing weights which are too heavy too soon, all the stress is placed on your joints and not your muscles. This will lead to many problems later on in life. And I am speaking from personal experiences. When I was twenty one, I trained with someone who pushed me too hard and I put too much stress on my shoulders and my knees. So much so, that I haven’t trained my quads properly since I was twenty five. That is fifteen years ago! And boy do I miss squatting.

I do train around these problems, but the heaviest I can do is a front squat usually holding a 20kg plate against my chest. And shoulder exercise, I rely on side laterals a lot.

Here are some strength training methods

Barbell workouts – Exercises involving the barbell are the simplest and most effective way to build strength.

Machine workouts – The advantage that machine exercises have over free weights, is that the machines do all the balancing for you. However, the disadvantage of using machines is that because they have a fixed motion (and you are using heavy weight), you are at risk of injury if you position yourself wrong.

Body-weight workouts – This type of strength training forces you to use your own body weight as the main resistance. Exercises include the press up, the chin up and dips.

How can strength training help you?

Health benefits – Long term strength training will increase your stamina, your testosterone levels and also increase your bone density.

Builds muscle – Bigger muscles naturally come with strength training with heavy weights (so you need to think of buying new clothes in a few months!). The stronger you are, the more muscular you will be.

Burns fat – Strength training keeps your metabolic rate high and usually helps you stick to a healthier, nutrient rich diet.

About the Author

Pill dispensers is a site which helps people choose the right type of alarmed pill dispenser. Rachelle has been writing and submitting web content for over four years, visit the latest website at which details many types of medication dispensers and reminders.

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James Andy

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Pill dispensers is a site which helps people choose the right type of alarmed pill dispenser. Rachelle has been writing and submitting web content for over four years, visit the latest website at which details many types of medication dispensers and reminders.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Types of resistance training include anything where a force or tension is applied to the muscle, in such forms as cable resistance, dumbbells, barbells, kettle balls, medicine balls and resistance bands. Use body weight and free weights to do resistance training with exercise advice from an experienced personal trainer in this free video on fitness. Expert: Daniel Johnson Bio: Daniel Johnson’s passion for fitness began in his early 20s, and it started with the pursuit of perfecting his push-ups and sit-ups and performing agility drills to become a better athlete. Filmmaker: Dean Jones

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