The Serious Body Builder Diet To Optimize Muscle Built

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Joe Lee Javier

The muscle builders diet should contain one kilogram of protein for every one kilogram of body weight. The protein should be made up about thirty per cent of the muscle builder’s calories intake.

The carbohydrates should make up about twenty per cent of the total amount of calories for the average body builder. This is not the ideal ratio for everyone bust it does give a good idea of what the average body builder should be eating.

Most muscle builders like to start there day with a large fried breakfast something along the lines of ten egg whites, two scrambled yolks mixed with one tablespoon of olive oil, two slices of whole wheat toast with a generous spreading of natural peanut butter, one hundred grams of oats and one banana and this is all washed down with black coffee and water. If you feel like you are putting on too much fat then you could reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you have in your diet. Or on the other hand if you feel that you are not gaining enough weight you can add to your carbohydrates.

Once you have worked out how much protein you need to have in your diet it is important to keep this level. When you are trying to work out the best diet stick to your diet for a couple of weeks and then revise it, this is important because it can take a couple of weeks for any changes to take place.

If you feel that you need to make changes to your diet look at changing the amount of carbohydrates or fats or in some cases even both.

Most body builders also opt for a reasonable sized lunch such s two hundred and fifty grams of tuna in either water or brine with a five hundred jacket potato accompanied with a mixed salad and a large glass of water.

There are a lot of people who are into muscle building to opt for a snack in the middle of the afternoon. This snack is not what most people class and a snack.

For a muscle builder a snack is more likely to be something along the lines of two hundred and fifty grams of chicken breast, one hundred grams of boiled rice and one cup of mixed vegetables.

The muscle builder would also try to include one tablespoon of extra virgin oil olive which would in most cases be washed down by a large glass of water.

The body builders tend to have three meals in the evening as well which are usually only a few hours apart and they all include a lot of carbohydrates, proteins and calories.

It is also very common for muscle builders to use daily supplements. There is a wide range of daily supplements that are available in the market such as carbohydrate powder, cod liver oil, whey isolate protein powder, evening primrose oil, multivitamins and minerals and vitamin C to name a few.

In most cases the proteins and carbohydrates contain about four calories per gram and fat has nine calories.

The above is a suggestion and recommendation, it is always safe advice for you to consult your nutritionist and physician to cater to your unique needs.

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