The Top 5 Best Back Exercises that will help you Lose Weight and Build Muscle

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Zero

One of the basic and obvious ways of losing weight and building muscles is exercising. Exercising helps us in burning more calories, thus enabling us to lose weight in the process. It is also important to note that not all exercises are meant for losing weight and building muscle. There are certain exercises that are meant for building and strengthening muscles. There are some that are meant only for losing weight.

What exercise would best suite us then? Well it really depends on what your goal is and what part of the body you want to work on. Do you want to work on your chest muscles, your abs, triceps, biceps, and so on.

Whatever muscle in your body that you want to work on, exercising will be one of the key factors to get it done. Here’s a list of the 5 best exercises that will work on your back muscles.

1. Barbell Bent Over Rows – The barbell bent over row is considered as the best exercise to develop and strengthen your back muscles. It’s a compound exercise that works everything from traps to lats to lower back to hamstring.2. Pull Ups – The pull ups is one of the most basic back exercise that is very effective in strengthening your lats and biceps. 3. Lat Pull Downs – The lat pull down is a good alternative to the pull ups. It works on the same muscles as the pull ups but it’s easier to do because you don’t need to pull your entire weight to do the exercise.4. Barbell Shrugs – The barbell shrug is also an effective back exercise that works only the upper back and the traps. You’ll be able to do heavy lifting on shrugs without worrying too much about straining your muscles.bac5. One Arm Dumbbell Rows – Dumbbell rows are considered as the best back exercise because they can show you if your arms are equal in strength. They are a great functional exercise that can isolate each side of your back in turn.

These are considered the five best exercises for working the back muscles. These five exercises won’t necessarily help you lose weight, but it will help you build and strengthen your back muscles.

So it’s important to have a goal when exercising. Is your goal to lose weight, build muscle or both? This is a question that you must yourself ask first before you choose what exercise you want to do.

My name Zero is I’m an internet marketer who enjoys doing research online.

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