The trick of how to increase metabolism is using the body’s natural defense mechanisms

August 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Mark Jagger

The trick of how to increase metabolism is by using the body’s natural defense mechanisms – Health

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The trick (if that is the right word) to increase metabolism is to manipulate the body’s natural defense and self preservation mechanisms. When an individual decides enough is enough and their weight needs reducing, the chances are they immediately undertake a diet and instigate a new exercise regime. Over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, the defense mechanisms understand this behavior in the following way.

An increase in expended energy combined with a reduced lack of food intake means only one thing – famine. The increase in expended energy is assumed by the defense mechanisms of the body that more energy is being used to search and forage for less available and increasingly scant resources. At this point the body rapidly goes in to ‘fat storage’ mode, making it more difficult to lose weight and in turn maintain and sustain any weight loss which ensues.

To effectively lose weight and maintain the balance increased exercise patterns need to be gradual, while at the same time maintaining normal eating patterns. This method is far more effective for healthy weight loss and of course sustained weight loss and plays to the natural processes of the body. By gradually increasing exercise time and intensity over a period of a month or so, while at the same time following the same eating patterns, will have the desired effect.

After about a month or so once the body has got used to the new routines one can then change eating habits, although not changing in the way one might assume. One has to maintain normal eating patterns but effectively change lifestyle by eating the ‘right’ food at the ‘right’ time of the day. In addition, one also has to maintain exercise routines and carry out certain exercise types at certain times of the day. Getting the pattern right and setting the pace, combined with a gradual change in lifestyle is the ONLY effective method of losing weight healthily, and maintaining that weight loss at a healthy level.

Many people lose heart because they are not losing weight fast enough and their exercise regime appears to be achieving very little by way of positive results. That is because they are going about it in a way which causes the body to fight back and defend itself against perceived threat and danger. Because the fight can only ever be won by the body’s defense mechanisms, many people give up and end up putting on more weight than they carried prior to starting an exercise and diet regime.

For detailed information about how to trick the body and increase metabolism, successfully lose weight and keep it off, log on to the website of How To increase metabolism today for a complete program which actually works.For more information click here

About the Author

For detailed information about how to trick the body and increase metabolism, successfully lose weight and keep it off, log on to the website of How To increase metabolism today for a complete program which actually works.

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Mark Jagger

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For detailed information about how to trick the body and increase metabolism, successfully lose weight and keep it off, log on to the website of How To increase metabolism today for a complete program which actually works.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Eat These Specific Foods to Raise Your Metabolism and Help Burn Body Fat Here’s a list of specific foods that raise your metabolism and help burn body fat. Cayenne Pepper – Oxford Polytechnic Institute proved that cayenne pepper stimulates the metabolism approximately 20%. It not only stimulates the body’s metabolic rate, but also cleans fat out of the arteries. Cayenne pepper also adds great zip to foods such as spaghetti sauce and soups. Salsa – Salsa was proven at the Oxford Institute to stimulate the metabolism approximately 15 to 20%. It’s also America’s number 1 condiment now. You can throw it on anything from baked potatoes and scrambled eggs to beans and even veggies. It’s going to help because it is a natural thermogenic food that increases your metabolism. Of course, the hotter the better, but only choose what best suits your taste buds. Hot Peppers – Dr. Henry at Oxford University proved that hot peppers were very effective at stimulating the metabolism by adding just 3 grams of chili peppers to a meal consisting of 766 calories. The peppers led to what Dr. Henry calls “a diet-induced thermo effect”. “It doesn’t take much”, he says, “but I caution that you must listen to your taste buds.” Chili Sauce / Mustard – British investigators added about 3/5 of a teaspoon of hot chili sauce or ordinary mustard to a meal, and the hot stuff caused average metabolism in 12 subjects to shoot up 25%! The subjects burned off an extra 45 calories in the next 3 hours. Mustard and hot sauces such as Tabasco

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