These Are The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods To Lose Fat Quickly!

June 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Jim M. Smith

These Are The Best Metabolism Boosting Foods To Lose Fat Quickly! – Health – Nutrition

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What would you say if I told you that losing weight can be one of the easiest things in the world? By eating the right foods you can increase your metabolic rate and burn a lot of fat in just a few months.

Here are a few foods that boost metabolism:

* Ginger: the favorite food of the Chinese can help you speed up your metabolism. In fact, researchers from the Netherlands believe that ginger activates the mechanism of thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat to produce heat. What is more, ginger improves blood circulation.

* Water with lemon: according to research women who have replaced soft drinks with water lost an extra 1.5 kg in a year compared to those who did not change their habits. Those who drank even more than four glasses of water a day, lost 2 additional pounds. The naturally carbonated mineral water is preferable, because it contains more minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium). It also contains sodium phosphate that protects against osteoporosis and reduces the amount of acid in the blood. If you add a slice of lemon to your water then you can have a wonderful antioxidant drink.

* Olive Oil: the good fats it contains can help to eliminate the fat around the abdomen. Research shows that a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil and nuts are the best sources) may prevent the accumulation of pounds in the abdomen and increase fat burning, promoting weight loss. Indeed, studies have shown that women who consumed monounsaturated fat (from nuts) were thinner than the others. Moreover, another survey showed that people who eat olive oil before a meal consume fewer calories during the meal. One reason may be that fat causes satiety for longer compared to foods that contain only carbohydrates, such as bread. However, do not forget that olive oil contains a lot of calories and for this reason it would be a good idea to limit its consumption to 1-2 tbsp at each meal.

* Oats: they contain complex carbohydrates and fiber that increase metabolism after a meal, while keeping insulin at low levels. When you have high insulin levels your body gets the message that it is time to store fat. Oats are a particularly useful food, because they take more time to get absorbed and thus do not raise insulin levels abruptly – unlike white bread, for example. What is more, oats may increase the number of calories you burn every day, especially if you eat them at breakfast. A recent study has shown that eating oats for breakfast can help you increase your metabolism by up to 10%. On the contrary, skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism and encourages your body to store fat.

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About the Author

John M. Smith writes for Tips For Healthy Life, a blog dedicated on helping you improve your health. and treat various health problems.

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Jim M. Smith

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John M. Smith writes for Tips For Healthy Life, a blog dedicated on helping you improve your health. and treat various health problems.

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