This Aerobic Exercise Program Could Change Your Life!

October 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Gene Millen

This Aerobic Exercise Program Could Change Your Life! – Computers

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It was about 100 years ago that I was first introduced to my first aerobic exercise program.

Coach Miller would “suggest” that we jog around the track for a while, suddenly break into a sprint for about 40 yards, and then slow down to a walk as our lungs cried out “Please don’t do that again.” In the beginning we looked upon this activity as an extreme form of punishment but we later learned that these alternating intensity workouts dramatically improved our energy and performance. Of the three key exercise variables…how often you exercise, how hard you work and how long you last, intensity has the most powerful effect.Your body responds to short bursts of intensity by releasing a cascade of fat-mobilizing hormones and anti-aging growth hormones that supercharge your metabolism and burn extra calories for 24 hours or longer.Here’s a good example of the powerful effect of exercise intensity on heart health. A new study by British researchers tracked 1,975 healthy men over ten years.

The men who exercised the hardest had a 47% percent lower risk of death from all causes and a whopping 62% lower risk of death from heart disease, compared with those who reported very little or no intense exercise. The best part however is that the benefits of this aerobic exercise program were achieved with as little as nine minutes per day of vigorous activity.

I’m Gene Millen. Fifteen years ago a heart surgeon, sawed open my chest and stitched in bypasses to six of my favorite heart arteries. It wasn’t as much fun as you might think…and started me on a journey to helping others avoid my mistakes.

My experience in aerobic exercise programs includes working with hundreds of people in the Vital Life Center, a health and wellness club for the “over 50 crowd. I thought I knew all the right aerobic exercise programs, but after trying Dr. Sears’ new PACE

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