Tips For Performing Isometric Exercises

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Isometric exercises can help you achieve any number of fitness goals. It particularly excels at increasing ones strength and improving muscle definition in the least amount of time. If this sounds interesting then isometric training might be for you. However, although isometric exercises LOOK easy to perform, they are not easy to do. What follows are some tips that will help you get the most out of this kind of training.

Actually before I begin I should mention just what exactly isometric training involves. The principle behind it is to exert your muscles WITHOUT letting them contract. So if you press your palms together your are exerting force on your muscles. However your arms never move and therefore the muscle never contracts. This is the essence of an isometric contraction. At any rate here are the tips for performing this kind of exercise.

Always follow proper breathing procedures and NEVER hold your breath – When performing an isometric exercise you will always want to slowly increase the tension in your muscles while breathing in.

Once you’ve reached the point of peak contraction Exhale your breath by clenching your teeth while making a “SSSSSS” sound. After finishing with the contraction breathe in again for 3 to 4 seconds while breathing in.

By never holding in your breath you are ensuring that you are keeping your blood pressure under control. One of the concerns often raised about isometric exercises is that it they can raise the blood pressure to dangerous levels. This is only true if you hold your breath. In addition it should be pointed out that performing any physically demanding activity, including raking leaves or mowing the lawn, will cause your blood pressure to rise.

It always will in response to physical exertion. Do not worry about this. So long as you breathe slowly and calmly you’ll be fine.

Always breathe IN through your nose and OUT through your mouth. When you breathe in through your nose your are ensuring that your body is getting the best air it can at the right temperature. Breathing in through the nose also has a calming effect on the body. Anytime you begin breathing through your mouth your body goes into panic mode. This does not result in optimal workouts.

Always focus on the muscles you are exercising. It is as important to work your mind as it is your muscles in order to achieve maximum results. As you work your body with isometric exercises imagine the blood flowing into the muscle in question. Imagine it getting bigger and stronger. I can’t stress this enough. It is always vital to focus on the muscle you are working with laser like intensity.

The famous old time strong man Maxick had some interesting observations on this point. He was watching some stone masons working one day and came to realize that their muscles were not nearly as large as one would expect considering the physical work they were involved in. Why was this? For the simple reason that they were focusing on the work at hand, not on working their muscles. Performing an exercise will only take you so far. If you want to get the maximum benefit from it, particularly with isometric exercises, you must focus your mind as well.

As any rate so long as you follow the tips above you should do fine. This tips not only work for isometric exercises, but for other forms of exercise as well. Good Luck!

David Nordmark is a Vancouver based fitness consultant as well as the owner and operator of, a fitness site with a unique twist. For more information on bodyweight workouts, yoga and isometric exercises check out his website.

This exercise targets: chest, biceps For this exercise, you will need: no equipment Stand in a relaxed position with the feet in a shoulder-width stance, and your back straight. Place your hands in front of your chest. Press both hands against each other, and hold that position for at least ten seconds. Relax and switch hands. Tips: You can either stand or sit to perform this exercise; just make sure your back is upright. Focus on completely flexing your chest muscles the entire time. Examples of isometric exercises include: push ups, chest press, plank, and calf raises. Variation: Position an exercise ball between your hands and try to squeeze it as much as you can. Breathe naturally. Isometric exercises can cause your blood pressure to rise, because people tend to hold their breath while performing them. Beginners: Perform for at least 30 seconds Intermediate level: Perform for at least 45 seconds Advanced level: Perform for at least 60 seconds
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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