Tips for Running Faster

March 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Anthony Sanza

3 Tips for Running Faster That Don’t Require Weights

When searching for ways to get faster, you’ve probably come across dozens of exercises and methods, but most of those involve weights. Everywhere you turn, people are telling you to do squats and leg extensions and all kinds of other workouts that are mostly done in a weight room. But what if you don’t have access to a weight room and you want to get faster? The following three tips for running faster don’t require weights, but they’re very effective at making you ultra-fast in record time.

Stair Running

This is a cheap and easy solution for helping you run faster and, unlike other tips for running faster, you don’t need the resistance of physical weights to keep your body under stress. You only need your own body weight. When you run stairs, you are forcing your legs to drive your body upwards, which is building the muscles in your legs that are responsible for increasing your speed and power. Then, when you run back down the stairs you should try to go as fast as you safely can to increase your foot speed. Do this for 10-20 minutes a few days per week and you’ll become faster in no time.


When you get into the lunge position, you are isolating the hip flexors and the hamstrings, which are essential when it comes to the pull and return phases of the running process. Simply step forward as much as you can and make sure your front knee stays over your ankle. Then, with your other leg outstretched behind you, dip down as far as you can and slowly come back up. Do ten reps and then repeat with the other leg.Sprints

Nothing builds speed more than running for speed as much as you can. You should practice sprinting at short distances and at long distances to mix it up. Most athletes will use a combination of short and long distance sprints to prepare them for all scenarios where quick or long-lasting speed may come into play. It’s recommended that you do the same. Some of the best tips for running faster include sprints at 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 yards. By mixing it up, you’ll be ready to push your speed to the limit no matter how long or hard you have to run.

There you have it: a simple and effective way to help you get to the finish line before everyone else. Speed isn’t something you’re born with and you certainly don’t have to have a certain type of body to be fast. And now you also see that you don’t need weights to increase your speed. You only need to use stair running, lunges and sprints at various distances in order to run faster, longer and harder than anyone on the court or field. Simply incorporate these three tips for running faster into your current training regimen and soon you’ll achieve the speed you’ve always wanted.

To learn more about speed training drills, visit, where you’ll find the secrets to speed and so much more, including [Mind Blowing Speed Training].

Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed
 EPS brings you instruction from current Division 1 Army Football player, Rob Wright, who demonstrates speed training drills and proper running form to improve your speed and help you run faster. Explosive Power & Speed offers speed training products such as parachutes, speed ladders, resistance sleds, hurdles, lateral side steppers, resistance harnesses, cones, balance wobble boards, reaction balls, and much more. We also offer a variety of speed, power, and agility equipment along with instructional videos, workout manuals, and workout plans. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality and most effective tools to fully develop your God-given athletic potential. By using our products and programs, athletes can increase their speed, agility, explosiveness, power, reaction, quickness, balance, and core strength. All athletes can benefit from our products and programs, regardless of their sports.
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