Tips for Running in the Winter

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Running and Jogging

Article by Jeff Anderson

Tips for Running in the Winter

Running in the winter presents a different set of challenges from running in warmer weather. Here is a short list is things to do when doing winter training to help keep you comfortable and safe.

1. The first aspect to keep in mind when running in the winter is dressing properly and being sure to dress in layers. How you dress can be the difference between a successful run, and a tedious and uncomfortable one. One aspect to keep in mind as well is the color of what you wear. Bright (but not white) colors will contrast very well against snow, as will black colors during the daytime. Wearing white clothing in a snowy environment or dark clothing at night can make it so cars will not be able to see or avoid you.

2. Proper footwear is crucial. Your shoes should not only have large tread on them, but should feature an anti-slip device to help keep you from slipping on snow or ice. Some folks actually put screws directly into the soles of their shoes when running in the winter. Another product of use is something called

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